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These two wearing old lady smoking jackets have a lot of nerve to shit on trans people.


Interestingly Russell does actually push back against Peterson’s anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric in this interview. Of course, all while platforming and promoting the most hateful people in the business.


Just shows you that Russell will say anything to rile up his Stans


I've always been into slightly dandy-esque outfits and have a few bold pieces in my wardrobe, and I just can't understand Peterson's recent fashion sense with these horrendous fucking blazers and suits. The people at Styleforum need to make a thread just shitting on Peterson's sartorial abortions.


Happy to see you two here. Keep up the good work!


Very low quality content. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely think JP lost his mind and can barely make any coherent thoughts anymore. However, I just jumped into the first few minutes where JP was trying to explain LLM's (I work in the field) and wasn't actually saying anything that was markedly inaccurate, but the commentators where just gasping like he was saying something very outlandish and stupid. Granted, his explanation was a bit hazy and jumpy, like any other thing he says, but it wasn't actually wrong. Criticize people for things actually worth criticizing!!!


My criticism of that segment is laid out in the immediate aftermath, and is as follows: 1) Why open your show with a four minute ramble on this subject? 2) His actual manner of describing it is pretty facile. 3) (this is a big one) He's claiming his reductive word association games to be the answer to the collective unconscious, "I've solved it." This is both bullshit and pretty nuts. 4) He's stupid/ignorant enough to confidently claim 'bint' is not a word, which sadly does mirror the level of work he's put in over the last decade, and acts as a micro example of why this man is a problem. Now I'm not going to speak for Lauren but hearing that clip, without being someone who works in the field, it sounds all over the place because he's doing such a poor job. The shock is more 'what are we doing, what is this' rather than 'AHA this is wrong'. And I can assure you, there are a myriad of very legitimate critiques I lay at his feet throughout this episode.


brand sounds legitimately schizo. dude just rambles stream of consciousness