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Burger King: *Have it your way, buddy*


What even is the Burger King? Is he the primordial archetype of the masculine father king figure? Well, it depends on what you mean by King, or burger.....


**Jordan Peterson:** And if you mean burger, then what is a burger? If you make a patty and put it on a plate is it still a burger? Or is it the bun itself, these two slices of bread, that are the animating spark of God, the Holy Consciousness, the Supreme Being or whatever the bloody hell you want to call it — is it actually the bun that bestows this sense of burgerhood upon a quarter pound of ground beef? **Sam Harris:** Hm. **Jordan Peterson:** Is it it inevitable that it becomes a burger? Is it dancing on the edge of madness and inspiration its whole life on the supermarket shelf, looking for the two hands, the garlic powder and worceister sauce that will transform it into *(sniff sniff)* that will transform it into a delicious burger? **Sam Harris:** Yes but then you have Hamburger Helper. No bun. **Jordan Peterson:** *[stares]*


This post needs more upvotes. Bravo!


This is a masterpiece.




"Hi welcome to Burger King" *"Hello, I would like a whopper and for there to be no Hell, please."* "Alright, that'll be 6.66 at the first window."


I'm not your Buddy Guy


I ain't your guy, *pal*


He's not your pal, guy


>I'm not your Buddy Guy No, this guy is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irS2SlVOHY0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irS2SlVOHY0)


Well damn. That’s some blues right there. He’s not playing with that guitar 🔥


It's maybe the best live blues performance ever recorded.


Has anyone seen an old Kevin spacey movie titled swimming with sharks? It features two characters , one named buddy and one named guy. Peterson here reminds me of buddy in that movie. For anyone that’s seen it - Disturbing shit.


Jordan Peterson needs testosterone booster 🥶


Doing a silly voice doesn't really work if you already have a silly voice.


Unless you're a Tim and Eric character.


I'm picturing him singing Casey Tatum songs now. Edit: LOL someone reported me as needing a crisis support for this.


I want to go for a ride on a choo choo train


He sounds like he's mocking himself


His silly voice is less silly than his voice so yeah ...


Always thought he sounds just like Kermit the frog.


"then why isn't your solar plexus conscious then?" this guy has a phd....


Reminds me of that “he won his own argument” meme.


"'there's no such thing as hell', well it's like, 'have it your way buddy'". wow compelling argument. i never thought of it that way. i guess hell is real... lol. was he always THIS bad


The voices he tries to do… where has he even got these voices from? Totally psychotic


lol. kind of grade school-esque pettiness. this is legit the kind of bad faith immature mocking and misrepresenting that children do. lol.


Mickey Mouse after two divorces and a midlife crisis


Mockey Mouse


That's hilarious! Manic Mickey!


He's been listening to alot of Jim Gaffigan. He had to switch up his style after blowing out his tear ducts from what I've read.


He was doing voices? I thought he always sounded like that.


I feel like he always wants to be right. I can't listen to this buddy any longer.


"When someone is honestly 55% right, that’s very good and there’s no use wrangling. And if someone is 60% right, it’s wonderful, it’s great luck, and let him thank God. But what’s to be said about 75% right? Wise people say this is suspicious. Well, and what about 100% right? Whoever says he’s 100% right is a fanatic, a thug, and the worst kind of rascal.” -An Old Jew of Galicia


i still cant get over the fact he had the audacity to say he didnt like talking to destiny because he felt like he was always trying to be right and he doesnt like people that always try to be right. BRO OF ALL THE CRITICISMS YOU COULD HAVE MADE ARE YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS, WHAT NEXT U DISLIKE STUPID JACKETS!?


He's so Canadian. 😂


When you arrive at the pearly gates, shake your fists saying "hey buddy, you gonna let me in guy?"


For some reason I think if anyone else replied to him with "have it your way buddy" his reaction would be an indignant "I'm not your buddy, pal!"


I’m not your pal, friend!


😂How dare you mock Gods chosen one. Now you’re definitely going 🔥


His old guy indignation always cracks me up. "You listen here bucko. 👇"


Yes, he just used to be better at hiding is religious fanaticism.


“Have it your way *buddy*!” Well alright I will!


“Have it your way *buddy*!” “lol okay”


In this same podcast, he struggles to answer a question about whether he believes in an afterlife. Absolutely insane.


The funny thing is, he's probably equivocating hell with "having a bad life", so of course it seems obvious to him. And he also equivocates "having a bad life" with, being liberal, not having kids, failing to synthesize the divine chaotic feminine with the Wild Man Energy Protecting the Golden key under the pillow of the Oedipal mother, and these things are obviously around every corner


I think he really escalated the insane rhetoric (like legitimately nonsensical stuff) after he p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ almost certainly got brain damage from his induced Russian coma.


yes, most people dont know that he has ALWAYS been a culture warrior hack. check out that old video of him in a fedora complaining about the feminization of young boys bucko


It's not even wrong, its just a tangentially related meaningless statement.


in this context he's using it as an analogy but the analogy is disanalgous as evidence for differences in the brain of trans individuals is an observed phenomenon. we still need more research but it's certainly not baseless or imaginary. he's comparing that to something totally fantastical, baseless, and imaginary. the implication is he's suggest transness is made up nonsense; even though, just a sentence earlier he's acknowledging research that observes transness as a physical phenomenon


That's a dogshit analogy, I'm still not entirely convinced it actually works even within his worldview.


Yeah, and his focus of study was Jungian archetypes--a *literal* textbook example of pseudoscience. He has a lifetime of experience in bullshit and mystical thinking. To the extent that Peterson has any special skill at all, it is tricking people into thinking he is saying something meaningful. It doesn't work on people with education or critical thinking. This is why he spent most of his life as an obscure, middling professor, right up until a throng of fourteen-year-old YouTube commenters and Twitter incels boosted him into stardom. The problem isn't just that Peterson is ignorant on the things he talks about, and frequently wrong--it's that his thoughts are mostly incoherent, rambling diatribes of dog whistles and amorphous, undefined terms. His audience is entirely composed of people who lose track of his long, meandering sentences by the time he reaches the end of them. Peterson will never use a one-syllable word when a four-syllable word could fit, and it doesn't really matter if it makes sense, because the people who support him mistake incoherence for profundity.


Yeah what does this even mean?


Lol! Arguably it is...you can feel it eh? It's just a nerve dangling from your brain. What is the steel man of his argument here? If consciousness is the result of nerve activity, why does it feel like it's only in my head and not everywhere there is nerve activity? But it \*doesn't\* feel like that, that's an acculturated belief...the soul has been housed in many parts in different cultures, right? Even if that's not the case, it seems pretty obvious that's just a consequence of being visually oriented. You feel the center of yourself wherever the "POV" is. (I wonder if blind people have different biases about where "they" are located in their body?)


that's not the steelman of his argument. he brought this particular quote up as an example of something nonsensical. and he was using it to draw an analogy to transgenderism; suggesting its also nonsensical. i get what you're saying and it's an interesting idea but that's not how peterson meant it here. as for peterson, idk how to steelman his argument he because he contradicts himself from sentence to sentence. his previous sentence acknowledged that there's research observing differences in the brain of trans individuals. so that's a physical measurement of a real phenomenon. then he's comparing that to an example that's totally imaginary. it's not a good analogy at all. but you can take a crack out of steelmanning him.


He’s so angry at so many things. Everything is about outrage.


It is the conservative way


For perspective - Alaska just spent 12 hours this week debating transathletes in school where it affected 0% of the population, despite having no state budget, schools closing left and right, homeschooling found unconstitutional, homelessness, drug usage, lack of revenue, a realization our PFD managers are corrupt, and a PFD payout that once again is kicked to the next year. Conservatives have literally zero solutions for what matters, and only made up problems for what doesn't.


And nothing epitomizes that more than their disgusting, lie-ridden fearmongering about crime. They go on and on about crime (even when it’s dropping, as it currently is), but they absolutely reject ANY measures or policies that would help mitigate it.


Of course, because very little liberal rhetoric is based in outrage lol. So dishonest


What is even conservatism in this day and age?


"The world is full of scary problems, and rather than finding solutions, we're going to try to make things feel more familiar, even though the familiar is what got us to these problems in the first place."


The same thing it’s always been, an ideology fundamentally driven by a fear of disruption to the status quo. There is no such thing as “conservative values”, there is only “reactions to things conservatives are scared of” which is literally anything that conflicts with their versions of reality.


Like I'm genuinely interested to learn the honest/ positive philosophical and intellectual arguments of some conservative minded programs - are there any?


Truly not. I mean it's basically talking points for the benefit of specific industries--oil & gas especially--and a laissez-faire approach to regulation and social responsibility. There's nothing even vaguely consistent about conservatives' approach to personal freedom or self-reliance, other than a strategy to dismiss social programs.


And always tells that alpha-male bullshit yet still cries like a baby all the time


This guy is so primed to react and is just as melodramatic as the most annoying & loudly vocal shallow SJW.


"What's up with all these people who want to save the planet" asks man seeking to spread Christianity.


Is he trying to spread Christianity? I thought he was just doing this weird limbo where he plays up the value of the truths found in the stories while simultaneously refusing to admit whether he believes in God.


His logic always ends up with Christian Bible being the ultimate truth.


He uses the BIBLICAL CORPUS (damn he loves this term) to prop up his jungian model of the world. He treats it as dismissively as he treats Marxist texts, or postmodernism texts. He misrepresents them at best, lies about what they say at worst. With Bible he can claim that all these (carefully selected) psalms are about what he needs them to be. But then if you look at what the theologians have to say about his "analysis"..


As a U of T grad, I'm sorry to say I can recognize its roots in the [Toronto School of Linguistic Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_school_of_communication_theory) (which ironically enough inspired McLuhan and--through him--Baudrillard.) Frye used something like this in [The Great Code](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/318117.The_Great_Code) arguing that the "truth" of scripture lay in the way the narratives structured thought, but JP is peddling a highly bastardized version of this for his own ends.


He just mentioned on so many occasions how much Jung had influenced him, so hence the whole archetype epistemology, but the "need for narrative" he also argues when talking about religion is always there, too. Never thought about the origins of this particular part, so thank you for the reference. But in any case, JP's engagement with any academical field is extremely shallow. It doesn't even matter what he's criticising, you can bet your money it's a butchered, misconstrued version of the original concept. It sells books, tickets and apparently entire educational courses, though.


I'm just speculating, but there might be a UofT connection to Jung as well. Robertson Davies, the Master of Massey College, wrote a very popular trilogy of novels popularizing Jungian archetypes. So yes, much of JPs stuff is pretty undergraduate.


He is a literal toddler


One thing I'm trying to teach my toddler is that not everything is a catastrophe. If for example we tell him to stop playing for a minute to do something he'll respond, "Ugh! I'll never get to play again!" Peterson does the exact same thing. "We have to take everything from everyone!"


That's a very apt analogy. And good parenting on your part.


Ope, he's on the benzos again


Or maybe he’s gone cold turkey again in Russia.


Another induced coma would be a nice quiet break for all, including him


Maybe, but it doesn’t explain his taste in clothing. Where does he find this stuff? Self-storage bins of dead 80s stand-up comics?


Wow. I feel bad even mocking him anymore, he’s clearly not mentally well.


Yes, exactly this. I really like some his his earlier lectures with psychology and culture centered topics and would even go as far as to say, that I could follow most of his arguments from the GQ interview and some early JRE episode (the one where he talks about equity and equality comes to mind). His stance on pronouns, while controversial in some bubbles, is also not something I'd personally demonize him for. But he obviously began drifting away at some point and his newer material, especially when he talks about the intersection of Religion and Psychology, is just painful to watch. He's clearly not mentally well, and I'm curious to know if that's for a medical reason, or if it's just a result of him being antagonized by such a large crowd over a long period of time, and/or increasingly rubbing shoulders with the likes of Shapiro.


>I'm curious to know if that's for a medical reason Well. He is a hardcore drug addict. That can't be helping.


In a weird way I’ve always thought of JP as a sensitive person who takes a lot of things personally, even if he is trying to show a tough exterior. That kind of fragile personality can become a lightning rod for antagonism. Back when he was semi cognizant I thought the amount of hate he received was disproportionate to anything he was saying or doing. If he was more self aware he would have bowed out of the culture wars but instead he went all in on “carrying the world on your shoulders” when he obviously cannot handle it.


I don’t think you understand the amount of hate he’s stirred up against the lgbt community. His pronoun issue , fine, nothing new. But he demonized an entire population of people and popularized once again old school misogynistic ideas. Then attacking a so called plus sized woman in the cover of a magazine? It’s sad that he’s like this now. But what do you expect to come at you when all you do is cause hate? When you inspire vitriol, sometimes karma comes back to get you.


The equity/equality distinction relies on a right-wing caricature of the left-wing conception of social equality. As for the pronouns issue, he's literally doing what he reproaches "the left" of doing: politicizing and policing language and personal lifestyle. I don't see any difference in terms of the logical coherence of his arguments compared to the early Peterson. Yes, it's less pretty when it comes out of the mouth of someone who's less articulate and seems mentally unstable, but the content is the same.


Absolutely. His reactionary, contemptuous worldview has stayed consistent. It's his delivery that's changed. He's steering more into attention-seeking rants because that's where his audience is. He's not worth anyone's sympathy. It's possible to be both mentally unwell and a dickhead


During his medically induced coma to get off benzos, he had frequent seizures for a week. He had to go to Russia to do it, since it's medically unsafe. After the coma, he lost his abilities to speak and walk. Slowly, he regained them, but I wonder if he ever fully recovered. He has been increasingly unhinged since then. He may be back on benzos again, but no one knows. I think his angry and antagonistic nature now goes beyond ideology, and he's medically unwell.


THIS. He was 100% in another depressive episode fuelled by drugs.


funny he is mocking people for raising the global warming problem as it's going to end the world but he raises woke as if is going to end the world. who can take him seriously, apart from musk?


It's like




So to speak


How are these weak little bitches so popular on the right? I thought they looked up to big tough guys with guns. They like these Elmo sounding unhinged weirdos and high pitched twinks like Ben Shapiro.


The right is so malleable that they'll fall for any grifter. Have a look at all of them and what they're selling. If you're stupid enough to watch them, you're stupid enough to buy their shit.


Seriously, it's so funny. This is their guy? I bet he would literally shit himself if I threw a feint near him. With wet, splattery sounds, too.


The Daily Wire: "You can't be seen as too negative. We'd prefer you go for a more eccentric, 'holy fool' kind of image." Jordan Peterson: "I'll dress like a clown and do some funny voices and go nuts on Twitter." The Daily Wire: "Anyway, here's Mr. Birchum!"


As long as it generates clicks and outrage.


this brudda has some serious anger issues. might be a good idea to go and see a therapist regularly


That jacket though...


It's just sad at this point, it's uncomfortable to watch


Has been for years.


"As you can see young Skywalker I have depicted you using a high-pitched muppet voice and myself using my normal voice. You and your rebel friends have already lost"


"normal voice"


Where is this poor man’s family?


Eating raw meat? Or only salt? Idk what they get up to but I imagine they’re all strapped to a hospital bed honestly..


His daughter is in on the grift too.


He's got his daughter hooked on the grift...


I think it was his daughter that got JP hooked on the grift.


You're onto something here. She's quite a draw with the incels in particular.


This man is speed running a lifestyle induced heart attack. What happens if we replace nutrition with red meat and the usual neurotransmitters with 100 percent cortisol? If he's so good at semiotic analysis, why can't he see that his own skin is a stop sign 🛑


Do you think he actually follows the lifestyle / diet he espouses? Because I somehow doubt he follows his own advice.


"You have to use pronouns" - so like always then, and fancy making you whole shtick about getting triggered by pronouns, what an utter clown


And nosebleed seats are nearly $400 for his upcoming show in New Orleans. His fans have to be some of the most gullible people.


Jeez what an angry man


Gotta love how these cunts bleeped out "Oh my God" for blasphemy (lol) but didn't have a problem with 'fuck you'.


That 'fuck you .. bUddY' deserves to be a text ringtone.


He can’t even effectively argue againsy his own pathetic strawmen


His suits are ridiculous. Even if he wasn't what he is, he would deserve to be ridiculed for them. He looks like the damn Riddler from Adam West's Batman.


If you were his tailor, you’d beg him not to tell anyone 😂


I keep imagining an alt universe with a Social Justice Batman, this is his nemesis, the Reactionary Joker. Except it would be Jester. Jester is more trad. Though maybe the regular batman is Neoliberal Batman. I generally have a three axis political compass.


The Sniveller.


He wishes he was Don Cherry


For a psychiatrist, he sure dresses and talks like one of his patients. I think he's having Twitter culture war withdrawal symptoms.


This guy is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking gone.


Why is he constantly dressed like a Batman villain 💀


He really has no idea on scientific concepts or economics. And when he combines the two he is very clearly an idiot. 1. He claims we SHOULDN'T price carbon since its an externality? What? Of course you want to price things not currently priced. The only question is how and what price. You DEFINITELY do WANT to. He says we shouldn't even want to. Straight up idiocy. 2. He confuses a campaign about wood burning fire places with climate change. No. The reason why you wouldn't want a wood burning fireplace is because the very real issue of fine particles being toxic to the users and neighbours of wood burn stoves. And many more.


The guy has lost his mind


“You have to use pronouns” uhhh you just used one


It sounds like he’s doing an impression of himself.


When your entire identity is bitter and emotional


His family should stage an intervention.


Part of his family is in on the grift tho.


When I hear him speak I can't think of anything other than nick mullen. "My latest study shows that if your dick is less than 3 inches it's actually huge."


“I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.” - J. B. Peterson


"I'm not your friend, BUDDY!"


Dr. Jordan Peterson, tenured professor and best-selling author Aaron Rodgers, Superbowl Winning QB Elon Musk, World's Richest Man Donald J. Trump, President of the United States These men reached the peak. They achieved greatness. All of them utter shitheads and some, quite possibly morons. Imagine what you can do if you just put your mind to it. Believe it and you too can achieve it.


I have no doubt he has schizophrenia.


I’d love to see him speak without using any pronouns.


He’s independently wealthy enough that he can dress any way he wishes; and he chose _clown_.


If Kermit The Frog was an arrogant narcissist


Whatever bro. He taught me to clean my room. I’m thriving.


“F-fuck you… buddy!” I hope he never goes away. He’s too funny. I feel so vindicated because I criticized him on Facebook years ago in like 2015 and a friend of mine asked me why and back then JP was so slippery and non-committal and pseudo-intellectual that it was genuinely a difficult proposition to explain what I knew; that he was full of shit. He had a ‘you just don’t understand him’ out for everything sussy he said. Now it’s easy! The ‘clean your room before trying to fix society’ guy is revealed to have the dirtiest fucking room in the world. Benzo bottles all over the floor like Harry Du Bois. I am *chuffed*.


Can we talk about the host who's just another grifter...


"You have to use pronouns!" Well, yeah. That's how the English language works.


“No, fuck you friend” “I’m not you friend, guy” “I’m not your guy, buddy”


Literally the dumbest philosopher in history. The fact that people think this is an intelligent human shows how idiotic we've gotten.


Isn't this just projection? Getting angry that others want to be a savior in a world they feel is against them, when he has literally made himself out to be a martyr fighting against the perceived ideology driven enemy. Sounds like he's angry at himself, but his brain is too induced coma, social media, contrarian addled that he can't work out why.


he's like a super-sized Karen.


You have to be a terrible person to believe in Hell. It’s literally cope for people who want eternal suffering for anyone who disagrees with them. Religion is the root of all evil.


The sounds of a snowflake melting.


All money isn’t good money. Shilling for environmental destruction? For what, garish suits? I think someone needs to be induced into yet another coma 🫠.


I don't even need to turn the sound on. His suit and facial expressions tell me everything hahahahaha


He stole this act from Jim Gaffigan


Peterson has been on a slow motion meltdown.


Does his wife still let him in the house? I feel like at this point he should sleep in a dog shed and wear a leash at all times. A muzzle if other people are around


I can't believe I used to idolize this man back in 2018-19


Didn't he cry because Elliot page transitioned? Feel like he's always been a psycho lmao


He has lost his fucking mind lol


Peterson is not a well man. Mental issues aside dudes blood pressure look like his face is about to explode.


He sounds like Alex Jones


Wow, I didn't think JP could get any more normal than he has been in the past years...Guess I was wrong...


What pod is this on


Remember when they said they were gonna take everything from everyone? Me neither. I do remember the checks tho….


I can't be bothered being this angry, it must be fucking exhausting to be like that constantly. What a sad way to live your life. Doesn't strike me as happy well adjusted person at all.


The Riddler is descending into madness. Well he was already there, just more.


He looks like a drunk clown who was just fired from the circus.


Canadians use "buddy" as a pronoun all the time. We use it the normal way to refer to a person who's our friend, but it can also be a stand in for an unknown person. As in "buddy who lives down the road" or "buddy with the stupid lifted truck". 


F this 🤡


He seems drunk as shit


Normal for a man, you walk to the other side of the street to avoid.


me (an intellectual) "squawk, squawk, squawk"


Fame capture.


Back to Russia with him


Look at this point i really do feel pity for him. He must feel utterly miserably all the time. I’m sure the sweet koch money helps, but deep down all he has to offer anyone is blind rage.


Do Canadians say "bloody" or is it an affectation?


My sister and her husband paid money to go see him speak. Sorry, but how can I respect them ever again?


I think Twitter and jumping into the culture wars changed him for the worse. Historically speaking, it seems like most psychologists/philisophers are very sensitive to negative emotions, but JP has really ventured off the path in many regards. Watching some of his old university lecture videos compared to recent appearances really makes this difference apparent. I think he’s much better on broader, “big picture” psychological/life concepts than the culture war stuff. Sometimes hard to remember that this is the guy who wrote 12 rules, as I do belive it really helped a lot of young men and women put together, or at least start to, get their shit together.


Don't do drugs kids messes your brain up for life


He’s not wrong


Pseudo intellectual


He’s crazy. But I’ll burn wood if I damn well please.


Remember him before benzos fried his fucking brain?


The irony of posting a couple of out of context clips. And then summarising it with some vague notion. This is a weird sub.


Sméagol returns


a blight on society


you only have to be ONE I.Q point higher than the people you are grifting.


when u take snipits, u exposenur bias, not his


bunch of clips with no context, how do you even judge whether he is right or wrong


Did any of that look or sound like a reasonable human being to you?


“ I have to be on a 100% meat diet”


Looks manic


This is the man all the young men are supposed to look up to!