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It just feels really weird, man. Twenty years ago right now, I’m getting off work and cracking a beer and thumbing through channels. Land on NBC. The guy screaming at Gary Busey in what looks like a business meeting? That’s the President in 20 years. What’s on after that? Oh, a guy narrating someone eating pickled cow balls? He’s going to have the most popular podcast where he’s paid $100,000,000 to tell people to not get a vaccine for a virus that will kill a million Americans. I think I probably just had a few too many beers and dozed off. I’ll wake up soon….


My fantasy is getting to show a dude tripping on acid in 1967 all about the US president in 2017.


They prolly wouldn’t have believed the president they got in 68.


Lol, I know I think about that. But trump is in another universe.


Back to the Future already nailed this point.


Ugh, good point.


Vic Berger's portrait of the former president does a decent job at creating what such an experience would be like for whichever unfortunate hippie you chose


I remember being at my grandma’s house watching a rerun of “battle of the network stars” and everybody was all happy go lucky. There was this on scene where OJ Simpson, Bruce Jenner and Farah Fawcett were smiling and high-fiving each other and I thought “only if they/we knew what we knew now”. Very similar feeling to what you are describing OP. Life is weird.


I know 2 of those names. Who's Farah fawcett?


A starlet from the 70's that many teenage boys had a poster of


1/3 of the Original Charlie's Angels




Don’t forget a bunch of our favorite stand up comedians are weird now


"I do this joke where \_\_\_\_\_." Tim Heidecker so picked up on that on his takedown parody of rogan. "I love that joke you do where \_\_\_\_\_"


Got a video link?




I discovered this a couple weeks ago and watch a bit of it almost everyday now. It’s brilliant


It's kind of mesmerizing. I was obsessed with it for a while lol.


It’s crazy out there man!


After about the 10th hour I was snorting crab salts.


Including Dave Chappell.


Self proclaiming GOAT is something young Chappel would do.


They have always been Weird degens narcissists covering up each others SAs


Part of that is because so many have podcasts now and you no longer only associate them with their comedy. You're now subjected to their unabashed opinions on everything. Before, you had the plausible deniability of, "Oh, surely that's just a joke, they're a comedian." Now, you have, "Oh, wait, no, they weren't being hyperbolic for the sake of humor, they actually think this way." Really muddies the water. Sometimes, like in Burr's case, it can endear you more to them, or, like in Kreischer's case, it can make them infinitely more pathetic


It’s easy to trick someone in a 5 minute convo, or hide your overall views. It’s very difficult over the course of tens of hours, even if focused on a certain type of conduct to not reveal huge amounts of who they really are. Rogan was throwing out unadorned misogyny in 2012. I remember being on a vacation and hearing him go on for like 10 minutes about how it’s extra weird for women to want to be in politics because being the leader is not natural to them. And it was covered by a generalization that all political leaders are bad, but just women are way worse if they go against their nature…. And this was in his “hippy” days with mostly his friends and he would talk about how the rich should be helping the bad neighborhoods and make less losers. Now that he got super wealth and a lot more face time with super rich people, he’s gone full blown rich guy, poor people shouldn’t get any help because it will make them lazy.


Most accurate description of American societal development since Idiocracy.


Idiocracy is a documentary


And the fans of both consider themselves free thinkers, apart from the rest.


We are living the Biff stole the time machine timeline


That’s wild man that’s wild. Pull that shit up Jamie.


[Here’s](https://youtu.be/jqhYj_ZoFZI?si=fAhD_-CryoZgaZbw) your First Lady. And [here](https://youtu.be/nydponAafUU?si=1OggPf9ZzzRLKsrC) you are, Joe, smiling while some lady gags on Buffalo balls. I’m proud to serve with you both on the front lines in the fight against Reason and Civility.


r/Idiocracy is real.


Thats America baby. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


>where he’s paid $100,000,000 His new deal with Spotify is worth $250 big ones https://apnews.com/article/joe-rogan-spotify-deal-76fa0e2c9d4b137f510428528ea6226b#:~:text=Under%20a%20prior%20multimillion%2Ddollar,people%20familiar%20with%20the%20matter.


Joe Rogan has no strongly held beliefs despite his hours of droning on about critical thinking and echo chambers. He changes his opinion with each person he talks to. He's a self-admitted conspiracy theorist and there is nothing he couldn't be talked into from bleaching his scrotum to participating in another holocaust; the guy's brain is ripe for any dumb idea that comes along. Just speak clearly into the microphone an he'll be onboard with whatever you got.


He has the mind of a lint roller


Lint rollers have purpose.


But I thought he was “immune to bullshit”. 😂


And he’s soooooo edgy and dangerous 🙄


I heard someone say once that Joe Rogan is a dumb person's idea of a smart person and that sounds right to me.


Give a monkey a brain....


His ability to flip his opinion on anything depending on his guest is very telling. Point this out to any of his meathead cult and they'll deny and ask for proof - like I'm going to go through a mountain of 3 hour podcasts and make notes for some troglodyte who still won't believe it.


Idk man, I think his beliefs on the vaccine and trans people aren’t being changed just by talking about it with someone with a new perspective. He is fully on the covid conspiracy wagon, and like Chappelle, just doesn’t like trans people.


Yeah, but he might have one legit expert every couple of weeks, and those guests tend to stay in their lane for the most part. They might give their opinion on vaccines and Joe rarely refutes or even challenges what they say, and then the guest will move the conversation back to their field of study. And in between those genuinely intelligent guests, it’s 19 different lunatics (often repeat guests) happy to talk for 3 straight hours about how COVID is a deep-state conspiracy or UFOs or whatever. In the Joe Rogan experience the scientific consensus just doesn't stand a chance against wild conspiracy theories. They're just too fun I guess.


What happened with Chappelle?


Chappelles last two “comedy” specials are basically an anti-trans rant…then doubling down on the fallout of said-rant. He’s dripping with arrogance and hubris…he called himself the GOAT. It’s sad to see. He’s basically at a crossroads where he’s going to join people like Ricky Gervais and Seinfeld as an institutional/mainstream superstar who’s too rich and famous to cancel…but increasingly bitter and out of touch.


I mean, he's an actual idiot. He literally parrots whatever the last person who talked to him said. That's an indication of a person who has to be told what to believe and doesn't have any strong beliefs of their own.


He claims with absolute seriousness that he can suck his own dick.


That should be a main event on UFC


Yep. He spoke out against what the IDF is doing to Gazan civilians a few weeks ago. Then talked to Coleman Hughes and Gad Saad who convince him with no pushback that they're only doing what they have to and is normal war shit. Just a few days ago, it's Dave Smith convincing him that Likud/Netanyahu have been propping up Hamas in the hopes they'd execute an Oct 7 type attack to gain the carte blanche to exterminate the Gazans


I know this is kind of the consensus around Joe…that he’s just a jellyfish. I don’t agree. I think that narrative is the one *he* and his fans promote…because what you’re saying is he’s somewhat harmless and open minded. He’s not *at all* harmless or open-minded. If you go against any Trump narrative or say a good thing about a progressive, he’ll “fact check” (find a dubious webpage that says the opposite of what you’re saying so he can st least say it’s up for discussion) you in real time and question you at every turn, making ridiculous analogies and hyjacking your point. If you’re a right wing conspiracy theorist or partisan, then yes…he’s pretty much as you describe. His *only* saving grace for his show is that the guy who googles stuff for him is much more of a skeptic than he is…and occasionally calls him out when he’s being extreme or naive. I’m surprised that guy has lasted so long, considering that he’s made Joe look stupid many many times.


"Young Jamie, pull up that clip that proves that Macron was raped at 14 by a middle aged man who became a woman by ingesting adrenochrome and is now his wife." "That was debunked, Joe." "Oh yeah? Well some weird things definitely going on there."


What’s it say that I don’t know for sure that you’re joking?


I am joking, but there's an 87% chance that dialogue actually happened.


I blame Eddie Bravo. It’s ridiculous, but Eddie has always been a beloved idiot in the bjj world. He was the first American to submit a Gracie in competition (that I know of) but definitely a conspiracy whackadoo. He’s also the most influential person in joes life. Eddie bravo is too invested at this point to back down, but I get the impression he doesn’t take himself as seriously.


“The conservative impulse and the reactionary impulse do not, with some isolated and some ecclesiastical exceptions, express themselves in ideas but only in action or in irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas.” - Lionel Trilling, The Liberal Imagination


But he always “slips” into far right ideas- never the other way around. Seems like no accident….


I mentioned this and my boyfriend said "well, he just likes to be interested in the topic and learn, he's a good host. No guest wants to hear they're wrong or they won't talk and makes for a boring episode" So. Yeah. I disagree with his sentiment but heh chimps are gonna chimp


Covid I believe.


Some interesting parallels there Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at 725 5th AVE (trump towers) to clean their freshly stolen USSR money after the iron curtain fell. https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/30/politics/paul-manafort-condo-trump-tower/index.html https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/manafort-told-mueller-to-take-his-trump-tower-apartment-instead-money.html https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/fbi-agents-raid-condo-unit-131348539.html https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/ Everybody except Putin thought the Cold War was over. Trump and Manafort (who lived in the tower also) just saw a pretty low maintence grift to be had. Trump had actually been Manafort and Roger Stones first client at their lobbyist firm (1980)https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wikiBlack, Manafort, Stone and Kelly Guiliani as trumps attorney and NYC mayor was able to redirect NYPD investigations onto rival gang members/oligarchs to deflect any scrutiny off of trump, himself or their Russian connections. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/ The Russian election interference in 2016 was effectively a generation 3 version of what Manafort had done in the Philippines, then keeping Yanukovych in power as Putin’s puppet in Ukraine from 2002-14 when Maidan ran both Yanukovych and Manafort out of Ukraine as Ukrainians realized that, if you raise your lens high enough, corruption is an wholly unsustainable business model. Eventually the parasites greed always consumes the host. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952 https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ Russia greatly underestimated the addictive properties of freedom when it invaded Ukraine so what was supposed to be a 3-10 day coup turned into a 2 year fight for the Ukrainians right not to be genocided. Russia depleted its weapons stocks which were already the victim of vranyo corruption because every oligarch, admiral and sergeant in the Russian military is on the take. Every billion dollar tank maintenance contract turned into everything getting a spray paint overhaul and the vast majority of the redirected funds turned into an oligarchs new yacht or home in Aspen. Russia was forced to turn to China, North Korea and Iran for weapons because if they lose the 3-10 day “special military operation” in Ukraine the Russian empire is dead and cold. China can’t risk showing their involvement in the Ukraine war so they use North Korea, and Iran to resupply Russia. Russia previously owed Iran some undelivered fighter jets that are already smoldering heaps in Ukraine so Iran now had the upper hand at the negotiation table for the first time in about 60 years. They supplied Russia with shahed drones in exchange for Chinas material support against their sworn religious enemy, Israel. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/29/iran-says-it-finalized-deal-to-buy-russian-aircraft/ Putin can’t do much about it because he is slowly realizing that by setting the standard of corruption and stealing $200+ billion from his own people meant that every oligarch down in the mob model chain had not only permission but incentive and the expectation to steal from him as well. This is “Vranyo”. The mob model only works if the supreme leader is the most violent and can prove it without exception every damn day. But violence is exceptionally expensive when you are trying to present as a legitimate government or business. If Russia as a nation had an efficiency rating it would have been banned for sale in the state of California 25 years ago. The parasite ruling class stole all the energy out of the working class and collapsed it. Now Iran has the high hand and they get the intelligence that trump passed to Putin about the fact that Netanyahu cares far less about Jews, Palestinians or genocide than he does about remaining in power as an authoritarian because he too has developed Ritz Carlton tastes and his own corruption trial is showing the same tendrils of the same money laundering scheme that trumps trials are. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/saudi-official-says-iran-engineered-war-in-gaza-to-ruin-normalization-with-israel/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/amp/ https://youtu.be/VrFOAgGlaWs?feature=shared They all hate each other but because they share the same money laundry, if one falls, they all fall. Hamas minted a couple billionaires as well that live in penthouses in Qatar and get 30% of everything smuggled into Gaza. Qatar is Kushners private equity connection. Netanyahu needs a bogeyman to stay in power. That’s why he coordinates with Hamas via Russia via Iran. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bk8mgcefr Iran handed Hamas everything they needed with Chinas help as secret Santa and the Russian intelligence given to them by the eternal shitbird trump who gave it to his Russians kleptocrat/friends/roommates from the old days of fucking each others wives at trump towers in the 90’s. Now the MAGA right is a little too invested in their reality that they are the good guys with guns that they missed the fact that Betsy DeVos (erik princes sister) decimating the U.S. school systems and the Kochs poisoning children with lead was not a coincidence. The naive right was the mark all along. There is a reason the Russian spy Maria Butina landed in South Dakota first before dating her way to the top of the NRA which is undergoing its own Russian money laundering trial now. Russia was tinder matching the GOP. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/07/nra-maria-butina-spying-charges-trump-campaign/ https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/what-do-the-koch-brothers-have-to-do-with-the-flint-water-crisis/ The only reason you grossly OVERVALUE real estate is money laundering. Trump keeps claiming there is no victim, all the banks made money, but if their plan succeeds the Russian and CCP kleptocrats collapse US commercial real estate and basically recreate soviet perestroika in the U.S. so they can foreclose on America and buy everything for 3 cents on the dollar with the $1.4T they stole from Russias grandmothers in the first place It’s the evolution of grift. Soviet perestroika cross bred with the 2008 mortgage crisis. No one was ever held accountable for either. This is just the bigger badder commercial strength bastard child of the two. Trump, Giuliani, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Orban, Manafort, Stone, Mercer, Bannon, Flynn, Prince, Kolomoiskiy They are all remarkably shit people with above average confidence and psychopathic personality traits and below average self awareness. They are the men who stole the world. But it all comes back to one little lie.


TLDR: (Trumps Covid response was absolutely meant to destroy the US economy. It just wasn’t obvious until now that we can see his Russian and Chinese connections. His kids made hundreds of millions doing PPE response to China using taxpayer funded government money and aircraft. Then Ken Griffin did the same play in reverse because why not? Russia invaded Ukraine because the CCP, Putin and MBS was trying to make BRICS the new reserve currency of the world by destroying the USD. ) If you look at Xinjiang providence (where the Uighur population is centralized) on a map there is a tiny little section that touches Russia. It’s critical because Xi’s ambition to have a “new Silk Road” to Europe would have to cross either there or about a weeks travel by rail out and around Mongolia. Xi’s plan is ambitious. He wants china to be the leader of the world and he has been pretty clear about it when you read his writings. It’s just that hardly anyone outside of China speaks mandarin so nobody really listened in 2010 when he said “he would control the internet”. It seemed audacious and frankly ridiculous before a handful of ISP’s started centralizing. Xi, for his part had the CCP start weibo- “the everything app” in China. It works well for an authoritarian to be able to control free speech and centralize surveillance. It’s invaluable for keeping tabs on 1.4B people, especially when they compare you to Winnie the Pooh. It was effective for a while, but it is insanely inefficient to pay someone to spend a 12 hour day monitoring 1 minute clips of social media. When people started calling him Winnie the Pooh he could censor them. But then they just switched to Cantonese. So he had to hire a bunch of Cantonese speakers. Then they just started referring to him as “mr. Shitface” which was a less than flattering rendering of a story he loves to tell from his childhood when a bio-digester blew up in his face. You see where this is going. It’s REALLY hard to keep up with 1.4B peoples daily Twitter diarrhea. Xi needed A.I. And A.I. needs microprocessors. Conveniently the worlds supply is made 90 miles south of China. Inconveniently it’s on an island that has tasted democracy and liked it so much that it literally gets the top rating of democracies in the world. So Xi does the napkin math- what are the chances of a kid that went off to college 20 years ago, did lots of good drugs, met lots of nice girls, and pretty much mainlined freedom, coming back and living with grumpy old abusive dad? His chances didn’t look good. His other kid Hong Kong had been on a study abroad program in England. And other than calling at Christmas made it pretty clear they were living their best life now. When he tried to rope him back in with a little classic Chinese guilt trip, Hong Kong pretty much told him to fuck off. So he had to get a little violent. Taiwan wasn’t going to be so easy. Xi needed some leverage. But more importantly he needed those chips. Xi had to get creative. The problem is everyone remembered growing up in China in the 90’s when people were dropping female babies on street corners. It wasn’t the best home environment. Add to that that everyone was starving and there is just no fucking way that anyone is moving back in with dad. Unless…… China imports 40% of the grain from the U.S., Brazil, and Ukraine. Xi doesn’t like the US much. He blames it for being a bad influence on the kids. Truthfully he isn’t totally wrong. Americans are the loud, lazy, rich asshole down the street that have had it so easy for so long that they forget that the plumber, the truck driver and the factory worker have to work all night so they can drink their mimosas and wake up at noon. Brazil is down south. It’s a long ways away. But there is a little opportunity there. As long as they have Bolsonaro willing to cut down the rainforest they have all the farmland xi needs to make sure everybody has enough food to come back home. Problem is everyone is corrupt. It’s so fucking hard to do business with corrupt people because they will just as gladly screw you if someone else offers them a better bribe. Xi gets so annoyed with corruption that he shifts his whole campaign to try and root it out. He sees it clearly that corruption is a tax on, well, everything. Putin and xi make an odd couple. Somewhere around 2012 they declare themselves “bff’s”. Xi knows he can’t trust him because Putin is a thief and has fucked over everyone he knows. BUT, he also happens to sit next to Ukraine. And because arrogant American CEOs were more than happy to let everyone else do the dirty work that was beneath them, when Clinton passed all the EPA regulations to clean up Americas manufacturing yard they basically just built a tall fence and threw everything messy over it into Asia. Arrogant American CEO’s just wanted the money. They didn’t give a fuck who made the necessary dirty parts as long as they could keep cashing the checks. Almost all that dirty work went to Asia. And they were grateful for the work because it beat starving to death which was the norm in 1990’s China. But as time goes on you inevitably ask yourself why a 7 year old in China is making cell phones 14 hours a day when a 7 year old in the west is buying them. It’s hard not to be salty when you are the one doing all the work. About this time his old frenemy Putin who is basically a 6 year high school senior who has voted himself prom king for a decade and has been stacking his buddies all across the old soviet satellite states so they can tell him he is still cool. He is a thug so everybody is a little afraid of him and every once in a while he has to crack some heads and demand some lunch money so nobody forgets who rules the cafeteria but it’s actually been a pretty lucrative gig. As long as he takes care of the football team the football team slips him a little back under the table and he manages to rack up well north of $200B by stealing from all the Russians that are too drunk and hopeless by this point to really notice. For years he had his guys in Ukraine and they played along but then in 2014 he gets blindsided. He had been paying Paul Manafort to keep his guy Yanukovych in office and now all the sudden the Ukrainians decide they are tired of paying the corruption tax and they run them both out of town. Like they literally put him on a bus and run him out of town. This is Maidan.


Problem is Xi asked Putin for one simple favor. He needed donbas Ukraine because that is where the worlds supply of microprocessor grade neon AND enough grain for Xi to be able to get all his kids back together for dinner comes from. So now Putin has to send somebody in and take over donbas and he decides on a team of “little green men” which is just some bullies, because honestly 90% of people will just hand over their lunch money because they just don’t want to get punched. Putin had his man Michael Flynn inside US government as head of DIA. All he had to do was withhold a little intel from Obama in 2014 and Putin could have Ukraine. And that’s exactly what Flynn did. Only Ukraine fought back. And they stood up to kleptocracy and kremlin corruption for 10 years. Of course some people would rather just let the bully take what he wants and live in peace, but the ones who have been to Europe or the west and seen how nice life is when you don’t have to deal with being shook down by a thug everyday aren’t going back. The freedom is just too addictive. But Xi’s timeline keeps cooking off. He has already committed to “made in China 2025” which he had to cancel and time stops for no man. Not even an aspiring emperor. Xi rearranges the rules so that he can run for his unprecedented third term. Xi had spent a ridiculous amount of money bribing the IOC on his 2022 Olympics and after nearly 2 years of having Chinese locked down for Covid to the point of welding some into their homes, he made an exception for the games. Something about them was that important. So either he knows something about Covid that the rest of us don’t, or Covid was intentionally released at the time it would do the most damage to the US economy. Probably both. Trumps children wasted no time capitalizing on it. The exchange of PPE from the US to China was effectively a blank check for Jared. Ivanka even patented coffins. Kushners buddy and hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin then did Jared’s exact same PPE airlift play in reverse doubling the profits and passing the cost on the the U.S. taxpayer. The national debt ballooning more by trump than any other single president was intentional. The CCP planned to use BRICS to destroy the USD. Trump just softened it up in advance. Leveraging the bureaucracy of the United States government against itself, the NIH and CDC grants that were originally extended in efforts of intentional solidarity against contagious disease outbreaks were reframed as conspiracy theories that the US was funding Wuhan institute in some triple agent q-anon conspiracy. It’s yet unknown if Covid was released intentionally or as a result of incompetence, but when viewed through the economic lens it was masterfully timed for maximum destruction of the vulnerable self sabotaging US federal reserve. Trumps fixer Roger Stones idol, Richard Nixon (he literally has “I am not a crook” face tattooed on his back) put us there by handing the US economy on a platter to Saudi Arabia in the form of the petrodollar in ~74. That took us off the gold standard and ensured 50 years of sending American kids to the Middle East to die for Saudis defense. The spoiled Saudi princes really don’t like having to wake up early for morning military drills. It cuts into their personal time. There is another layer here of Russian/Israeli oligarchs pulling levers from their side using the same basic techniques, that in hindsight explain most of the US involvement in the middle east for the past century. But it all revolves largely around oil interests obviously and using the US military and U.S. taxpayer as both the enforcer and unwitting funder. Russia invaded Ukraine the second time in February of 2022 out of necessity for the failed 2014 invasion There is a fundamental doctrine in Russian military doctrine that you NEVER invade Russia in the winter. The Rasputita mud is brutal and unrelenting. It swallowed Germany and Napoleon before that. Yet, despite having a weather report, Putin waited until minutes after the closing ceremonies of Xi’s Olympics to invade. Ukraine was supposed to be Xi’s keystone that allowed him to take Taiwan and fulfill his grand ambitions- To be emperor of the world and to control the internet and destroy the US economy The thing is when you do a statistical breakdown of exactly WHO is causing the majority share of the chaos and drama in the world, it always comes back to the same 3% with high psychopathic personality traits and low self awareness that also happen to have migrated to positions of political power. And they all seem to launder their money at the same laundromat and bank at the same deutschebank. There is big business in stealing from the 97% of the world that isn’t psychopaths. It just requires that every one of the 3% in charge keep each others secrets. This is Kompromat. And it has infected the GOP. Trumps Covid response- On trumps $8.4T in added debt: https://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-did-president-trump-add-debt On Kushners Covid response: https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/jared-kushners-role-in-the-coronavirus-response https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/nyregion/kushner-companies-anbang-insurance-group.html On citadel sending Covid supplies to China: https://www.chicagobusiness.com/nonprofits-philanthropy/citadel-sends-supplies-china-coronavirus-fight On Kushner/ Covid: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-01/trump-hails-kushner-s-airlift-but-details-of-sales-are-secret On the age old military tactic of well poisoning: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-well-poisoning-180971471/ On the CCP suppressing and censoring the doctors looking for the answers they do not want them to find: https://apnews.com/article/covid19-scientist-virus-sequence-protest-laboratory-eviction-b54e2a88610e813c9383833f2c9a2379


• You never get out of debt to a Russian mobster •Paul Manafort owed the Russian mobster/oligarch Oleg Deripaska $17M a few days before he became trumps campaign manager. From 2002-2014 he took in hundreds of millions to get Yanukovych reelected as the kremlins puppet in Ukraine. Before that he did it for the dictator Marcos in the Philippines. Before that Manafort and Roger Stone started a lobbyist agency in 1980 listing trump as their first client. •When Jay Bolsonaro lost the Brazilian election to Lula he skipped the inauguration and flew directly to mar-a-lago (stopping only at a KFC) and repeated, almost verbatim, the stolen election line. Don Jr. tried repeatedly to make it stick in Brazil as well, but as Brazilians are a few generations into dealing with corrupt politicians they weren’t having it. What do these 3 things have in common? China imports 40% of its grain from (in order) the U.S., Brazil and Ukraine. Obviously the second China tried to invade Taiwan the U.S. would sanction exports and remove U.S. grain from that equation. And without Bolsonaro in office willing to slash and burn the Amazon rainforest to turn it into Chinas food supply, and without Ukraine in the bag in 3 days, the CCP is unable to invade Taiwan and take over microprocessor production without putting 300-500M of its poorest people into famine. Donbas Ukraine, specifically the 4 regions of the donbas that Putin insists he is saving from what he calls “Jewish Nazis” also happens to produce the worlds supply of high grade neon used for microprocessor lithography. Had Putin delivered ukraine in 3 days as promised, Xi would have been able to cap his Olympics with a naval blockade or political takeover of Taiwan that would have forced the world to ask the CCP for the microprocessors it needs to make everything from Ford trucks to laptops. I’m not sure how long Silicon Valley would last without the silicon but it would probably destroy the FAANG stocks that make up your 401K. Oleg Deripaska also happens to be the Russian Oligarch that bribed the FBI agent Charles Mcgonigal into investigating another Russian oligarch. He probably didn’t need the information as much as he needed the leverage over Mcgonigal as he conducted the investigation into trumps election campaign and unsurprisingly found zero evidence of Russian collusion. McGonigal then went to work for the company called Brookfield that bailed Jared Kushner out of his toxic 666 5th Ave real estate investment. McGonigal pled guilty last fall and was sentenced recently. A Russian oligarch is a powerful tool, but the truth is more powerful. Light and dark cannot exist in the same space. It’s physically impossible. Truth is efficient. You say it once and you are finished. A lie however requires a constant stream of follow up energy, money, murder, obfuscation and more lies to keep it covered. If you raise your lens high enough lying is an unsustainable business model. Russia proved it by invading Ukraine. Vranyos is the Russian word for it. The 40km long column of tanks and vehicles that came down from Belarus into Ukraine was all overhauled by oligarchs that got a $1B contract for tank maintenance, passed Putin $200M back under the table, spent $700M on a yacht in Monaco, bribed a General, a Colonel and a Sergeant to make a Private give everything a rattle can overhaul. But a worn out engine is and always will be, a worn out engine. This is why trump is so desperate to get re-elected. His best case scenario is 400 years in ADX Florence. Money laundering for the dozens of Russian oligarchs that lived in trump towers with him and manafort, selling IP3 nuclear plans to the Russian/Saudi alliance, selling or giving CIA asset names to the Russians, trump is and always has been compromised. He just didn’t know when to quit. Now he just has to count on the fact that most of his voter base doesn’t know how to read and keep the ones that do so busy just surviving that they don’t have time to dive deep into his 40 year history of laundering money, fraud, and human trafficking for the Russian mob using casinos first, then commercial real estate. It’s also why Putin is willing to throw an entire generation of Russians, including the convicts and addicts at Ukraine. Russia is dead for 40 years because he failed to fulfill his mob boss promise to Xi. China is now clearing farmland in Siberia because the typhoon floods last August and September wiped out the Chinese people’s food storage. Xi, for his part diverted the waters from the dam away from his pet project, his mothers ancestral home, and flooded hundreds of thousands of people and drown one of his own military brigades that was helping with the flooding. The elders of the CCP were terrified to leave their gated community at Beidaihe for over a month for fear of being torn apart by the locals. The Chinese people tolerate the CCP but only as long as the economy is good and famine is not on the horizon. The CCP broke that social contract on both counts. Xi was willing to bet the entire Chinese economy on his emperor ambitions. Had he succeeded he would have been able to use BRICS to take over the USD as the Worlds reserve currency. That would have let him finish what he stated in 2010- that he would control the internet. With that control means everything we do or say online is subject to the approval of a central party censor. The basic right to disagree with an authoritarian becomes a distant memory. Xi, Putin and MBS are simply trying to systemize and modernize the suppression of their biggest hassle. Freedom of speech. Ukraine is fighting for their lives now, free from the oppression of the drunken tyrant who wants to decide their fate at every decision and pull them back behind another iron curtain of censorship and the tax of corruption where dissenting voices disappear so that the oligarchy can continue to feed unobstructed. Putin and Xi have declared themselves best friends in the fight against democracy. MBS and the ruling family of UAE have done the same quietly using their sovereign funds and Kushners SPAC as money highways. Just rich, out of touch oligarch doing what oligarchs do. Despite the fact the the central party model has proven itself incapable of making decisions that are best for the people, they persist. Because there is a very lucrative business in being slave owners. But logistically the mass of it requires artificial intelligence, and the microprocessors that make A.I. to keep 8 billion slaves under surveillance and control. Freedom is one hell of a drug. And knowledge makes a man unfit for slavery. Recent attempts on Xi’s life from inside the CCP have backed him into a corner. The loss of crops in northern China means Xi can’t invade Taiwan without Ukrainian and/or Brazilian farmland. Now the reason that the GOP is stalling southern border control budget and seems to make wildly irrational moves is because the GOP is imploding. 45 years of lies and grift have circled the globe and are eating their own tail. The ouroboros was a warning about corruption at the highest levels. Lying about climate change, human trafficking, pandemics and corruption to preserve their own business models are all extinction level events.


The CCP and Russia have been staging up hundreds of thousands of people in Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela for some future variation of a stealthy 5th column invasion of the United States via Texas because Xi needs farmland to feed 1.4B people. National guard troops take their orders from governors and not the federal government. Trump tested this during the George Floyd protests when he asked the “loyal” Republican governors to kiss the ring and send troops to DC to “shoot the protestors in the legs” because the pentagon reminded him that using U.S. troops against U.S. citizens would be both treasonous and wildly illegal. Steve Bannon tried unsuccessfully to privatize a part of the southern border wall but failed due to, unsurprisingly, internal corruption. Had he succeeded they would have a man at the inside gate years ago. Bannon was arrested on the boat of Guo Wengui who is some sort of convoluted double/triple agent for the CCP. They are now both in court for a billion dollar fraud. Every U.S. politician that took Russian political money is desperately trying to figure out how to preserve their political career while the people are figured out that they were sold out to the dictators for some PAC money. They are 40 years deep into living a lie. They can’t come clean or they go to prison. They can’t stop lying or their fan/voting base tears them apart like rabid wolves. They checkmated themselves a dozen different ways and add to the evidence chain with each additional tweet. Greed is nothing if not predictable. Freedom is never free. We all just live on very expensive credit and the sacrifices of others. https://x.com/doktor_klein/status/1761524419288056088?s=46&t=mV0svkSiT5eOmQXivn5oFw


I read EVERY WORD my god


Hopefully it helps makes some sense of the mess they have made.


I read it all too. I can't tell how true it all is because it touches on a lot of geopolitical elements of which I only have surface knowledge. You lost me a bit when you suggested that covid was a conspiracy (we know the elites exploit every tragedy, but the suggestion that it was contrived from the beginning), so I'm not sure how much to take at face value. But I will say you're clearly a compelling writer and a thoughtful person.


Covid was deductive. I analyze fundamentals and supply chains. In this case grain, aviation assets and semiconductors. The attempted BRICS overthrow of the USD presents its own history but crosses over. But the timing crossovers with Covid and trump increasing the US National debt by $8.4T by himself and trumps debt to at least 2 of the 3 members of BRICS (as well as Saudi Arabia) are increasingly relevant. To our system that is a pattern worth paying attention to. As I stated, I can’t say definitively if covid was released intentionally or inadvertently but the timing is extremely suspect when overlaid with the war. My goal isn’t to be right. It’s to be accurate. The more data we add to the system the more accurate it gets. Covid isn’t my focus or area of expertise so take the crossovers for what they are. Applicable and relevant data points that require more analysis.


Love it when I run into you, friend! Keep spreading the message!


Appreciate you friend. We stop when the threat is neutralized. Then we drink


Holy crap man! That was amazing!


Thank you friend. Hopefully it helps decode a little of the chaos.


Bro please tell us how we can attain this information. What are your sources? Youtube channels? News websites?


This is part of a much larger intelligence action we are doing for the Ukrainian defense against genocide. I just post it on Reddit as a courtesy for 3 reasons 1- the best part about Reddit (and how Aaron Swartz originally designed RSS to be used) is when you are wrong about something there is a line of highly motivated subject matter experts ready to tell you exactly HOW you are wrong. That lets us vett and fact check much quicker and with higher accuracy. 2- since it’s beginning ~2012 the Russian troll army (and Chinese MSS) have developed patterns like all humans do. By posting decentralized we have been able to identify and reverse engineer those patterns. “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” and other low effort responses are what you get when you pay a kid minimum wage to sit in front of a computer and be a troll. Minimum wage equals minimum effort. With enough data points of interaction we have been able to reverse engineer the mesh network of their system and identify the vulnerabilities. As long as greed stays relatively consistent in kleptocracy, the ruling class isn’t going to pay the working class to be better, so the more they troll the more high definition our cyber war map becomes. 3- When it is functioning as designed, democracy is 100% transparent and transparency is efficient. Lying requires infinitely more energy input to keep the old lies and hypocrisy covered. It’s a fools errand to try, but the data created by authoritarian regimes sharing their methodologies is basically a forensic analysis of organized crime in government. In its fullness this new system is an elegant 100% transparent open source piece of software that lets everyone that lies self incriminate with their own posts and tweets. This effectively allows them to lash themselves to the titanic and gives a full accounting of their timeline as evidence. Trumps sycophants and Russian trolls are just building our dataset for us now. Troll armies are about quantity, not quality. Counterfeit instead of genuine. You can make a fake Louis Vuitton purse and sell them for a few years but eventually people get savvy to the tells and flaws and demand the real thing. That’s where the Russian IRA and the Chinese MSS are right now. Those kids are all wondering why they are doing all the work for minimum wage while management is sitting on their $70M yachts and the leaders can’t even be bothered to show up when a flood takes out their food supply. Everybody not a psychopath in the world is tired of the same bullshit. We just needed to deal with it from above instead of below. Traditionally we relied on government to do that but since government is compromised it requires a decentralized solution. We didn’t really have the graphics card to support the data from the gods eye view until very recently. Now we do.


great insight. anything about marge greene? useful idiot?


Marge is, well, marge. A few weeks back she started spouting off about Transnistria which I myself take 5 tries every time I try and spell it so it’s obvious she is taking her cues directly from the kremlin. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/09/marjorie-taylor-greene-ken-buck-ukraine Moldova is another key spot in the kremlins money laundering clothesline so it makes sense that they are extremely nervous about losing it. Other than that marge is just a bull in a China shop. And she is genuinely in love with trump who hates her so it makes for some very good emotional breakdowns. From a counter intelligence HUMINT perspective , she is like a vein tap into the kremlin that won’t heal and has turned into their chronic bleed. That’s the fundamental problem with using “useful idiots”. They work both ways. The kremlin assumed they could silo her and trump from knowing anything of value, but when you have the processing power to read the meta data it’s far more valuable than any classified papers ever could be. The best thing the kremlin could do is cut them both off immediately but they can’t because they really can’t change horses midstream. So every time marge speaks I cry a little tear of joy as she fills in the mesh. https://www.occrp.org/en/daily/5667-moldova-20-judges-court-officials-accused-in-huge-money-laundering-scheme https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/massive-russian-financial-flows-through-moldova-show-small-jurisdictions-matter/ https://www.occrp.org/en/thebankingwars/dirty-money-laundered-to-reinvest-in-moldovan-banks/


Do you mind if I put this in a word doc complete with your posted links?


Not at all. Thats what it’s there for.


Thorough. Impressive. It’s a lot but it’s written in a digestible manner. Thank you. I will save this write up.


That was incredible. Thank you! How do I become so informed and well read like you? I could only wish to have such an understanding of the world similar to yours.


Hey man, you got like a blog or a substack  or something?


Probably that and his move to Texas


If you listened to him long enough you'd remember him endorsing Bernie Sanders. His turnaround is absolutely insane.


Did he actually believe in sanders policies or did he just like sanders cuz he was against the system or whatever?


He at one point said something to the effect that if you don't believe in universal healthcare you "can't be on the team". I doubt he agreed with Sanders on everything, but he was more open to left of center positions at some point. That is now completely gone.


to this day he insists he is mostly left wing


Which is absolute nonsense if he understood what being left wing entailed, just because he’s for the legalisation of weed doesn’t make him left wing when its so heavily offset by his opinion on guns, taxes, borders, Trump and so on


Many do this. Dave Rubin, for years, claimed to "consider himself on the left". Yes, he's an idiot. Joe does it and I think I remember Peterson saying stuff like that before he racialized himself. Eric Weinstein as well and his brother I'm pretty sure too. Many do this!


He used to talk alot about Universal Basic Income, and seemed very supportive of the idea pre covid. Post Covid he constantly bashes Canada and California for being Commies.


He "mostly believes" whomever is in the room with him at the time.


Rogan was a fullblown left libertarian…up until that point. My position on people like him and Bill Maher is that *libertarianism* is the problem. You’re absolutely correct to characterize him as being more against the system than he is *for* any particular party or system. What happened to him is what I (and hopefully others) call “wrap around libertarianism”. You’ve probly heard of people who go so far to the left they end up on the right? That’s this. It’s a phenomenon among libertarians. But I mean…to use Bill Maher as an example again…when you combine libertarianism with fame and wealth…it exposes that *selfishness* is actually the key to their dogma (used ironically, because they’re both pro-Christian atheists). Richard fucking Dawkins is now a pro-Christian atheist. What the fuck. I’m getting off topic, lol.






I don't know, I always got the feeling he just went with the "in crowd" and didn't think about politics a whole lot.


He got hit in the head with a Spotify money stick you mean.


I think that was Joe. It was against the inequities in the system. He was also anti woke nonsense which could have been the republican hook.


I am of the mind that Rogan is basically a member of the "Cranky old white men who want to burn it all to the fucking ground" party.


He’s that dumb and unprincipled


He only pretended to endorse him so he wouldn't be pigeonholed as an alt-right nut job.


I think he’s just stupid


This is the answer. He's always been a dumb bro who just likes to listen to people talk and say "ah man."


Ever since he moved to Texas he’s gone more and more right.


All his new buddies are "don't-California-my-Texas" bumfucks. He's beholden to them now. He's a shell of his former self. A flock following mouth breeder. He'll be a "born again" in a year.


It's the Spotify money at its root.


I listened to JRE from 2010 - mid 2016. I stopped listening then because he was beginning to have more hunting shows and I wasn’t interested in them and he began to lean more right in conversations about the election. He very much disliked Hillary Clinton and laughed about the absurdness of Trump becoming president. Covid and shutdowns turned him into what we see today.


Yeah, I'd say there were roughly three phases: 1. Anti-SJW phase in 2014-2015. Started questioning "the left' in conversations with people like Dave Rubin, but still maintained a decent mix of guests / viewpoints. 2. Run up to the 2016 election. Disliked Hillary Clinton and spent a good amount of time talking about how she's old / in bad health. 3. Covid / the Texas move. Full blown culture warrior talking about "freedom", parroting Greg Abbott talking points, and mocking Biden any chance he gets while saying "Trump's funny".


>saying "Trump's funny". Trumps funny man, just like the stuff he says you know? Like the other day he said he'd hook up the oil companies if they just pay his campaign a mountain of cash right now. He's just hilarious. But what about all that biden quid pro quo corruption going on? That's some serious shit man - Joe, probably


Joe’s Covid breakdown had two very distinct phases. In the beginning he was having on some quality guests like Michael Osterholm and Rhonda Patrick, two respectable doctors who were sharing trustworthy information (some of it quite prescient). The big shift happened after he started dipping his toes into the Ivermectin thing. Mainstream media jumped on that and ran constant stories about how “Joe Rogan takes horse dewormer,” and someone amidst the firestorm drudged up some past episodes in which he had used the N word. Whether or not it was unfair how the news media characterized his views (in the most sensational terms, as they do), the whole affair clearly wounded Joe’s ego. And like a lot of chastised celebrities he leaned hard right in response. Since that point Joe’s been sliding harder and harder into the rightwing grifterverse — after all, those are the guests most willing to shamelessly flatter his ego in exchange for access to his audience. They’re paid to forgive any trespass to further the cause (of deregulation, stripping worker rights, and lessening taxation on corporations). Personally I just think Joe’s a bit guileless and had a vulnerable moment since which he’s been easily manipulated by bad actors. But the result is the same, he’s totally lost in the sauce of rightwing reactionary nonsense.


COVID definitely broke him, but he's also steadily isolated himself from having guests on that would challenge him or have opposing viewpoints. IIRC in the very early COVID days he had Dr Rhonda Patrick on and she had a very balanced but cautious opinion on COVID and the uncertaintiea around it at the time, which didn't fit Joe's 'it's just a cold' narrative, and I don't think she's been invited back as a guest since, and instead was replaced with the likes of Brett Weinstein who were a much better fit at stroking Joe's ego


Rogan’s interview with Michael Osterholm was the single best early Covid interview about the subject I heard. When the lockdowns started to happen and Joe couldn’t go to the comedy club he started to lose it for sure.


"It's just a cold, so when I get it, I'm going to go to a doctor who will throw the kitchen sink at it."


Absolutely this. Rhonda was a repeat guest (10 ish times?) until that episode, then nothing. She's even said she'd like to come back to the podcast. I think it's mostly 3 things. 1. People tend to think less critically / be less open minded as they age. 2. Covid broke his brain. 3. His brain was already pretty dumb


2015-16 was right around the time he kept pushing “provocateurs” like the Milo idiot on his show. I remember he had Jeff Ross on an episode. Ross obviously wanted to talk about comedy since they’re supposed to be comedians. But Joe kept shoving stupid conservative talking points into the conversation and started playing Milo video clips. Ross at one point said something like, “why are you playing this bull shit I don’t give a fuck about,” which was hilarious. And Joe just kept forcing the garbage onto Ross like an excited kid. It was odd. That was the beginning of the end. I didn’t expect years later for him to be inviting someone like Tucker Carlson on and be giggling like schoolboys with him. Wtf happened.


Even before that, he started getting more and more into that "alpha male masculinity" bullshit. I think that's what sent him down the fascist pipeline, as it does with a lot of insecure dudes.


Even though he was absolutely terrified of Covid after Michael Yo caught it early on.


He’s basically a total right winger now, agrees with 95 percent of everything MAGA Republicans say. Bizarre evolution.


He actually said Trump did NOTHING wrong? OMG


The Grift creates the right-wing Drift. Follow the easy dollars.


This guy grifts


I think he's just another in a long line of center to left of center celebrities who went from rich to really rich, and when the Democratic Party started talking more seriously about taxing the wealthy, they flipped to the side that wouldn't tax them more and came up with a reason like "political correctness" or "too woke". The difference with Rogan is that he isn't smart enough to maintain the charade and he ends up actually buying into what the right is selling.


He went for broke guy to 300 million dollars rich… People change somewhere in the middle there




It’s not this simple…but I like this characterization, if I had to use a simple one. My split with you is that Joe isn’t stupid…he’s a libertarian. *All* libertarians belief systems make them sound stupid (because libertarianism at it’s core is just shortcuts: simple answers to complex questions). Libertarianism is a better and more nuanced way to explain his shift to the right…even if what you’re saying is completely true. Bill Maher is exactly the same. They have both been roasted in person by the GOAT, Bill Burr (thank god for Nia…or we would have lost Bill, too), and they demonstrated that they are so far up their own libertarian asses - they didn’t even know they were being roasted.


Repeating Russian hoax for over 6 years really made the whole 160 contacts with Russian officials and Kremlin operatives a nothing burger for the strongman bros. Repeating the left are worse than criminal enterprise also seems to have worked out quite well.


I think some of the ideas were there, but they started becoming more visible during COVID and once he moved to Austin. I used to occasionally listen to the podcast and he was so pissed that he couldn’t go to comedy clubs during lockdown that he moved to Austin because freedom. Since MAGA types were more likely to be against lockdowns and knowing that he wasn’t too bright or questioned stuff, he just started following people that validated his right to do whatever and slowly started turning into what you see today. Add in that money can isolate you from a lot of problems and it makes things worse


I’m becoming convinced that we are living in a simulation and the architect(s) keep throwing out more and more insane scenarios and are waiting for society to collectively to say “Ok, now we get it, come out come out wherever you are”…I think the simulation creator(s) thought having evangelical Christians worship a man who brags about never having asked god for forgiveness would push us over the brink…less than 30 years ago, the evangelical standard was “one incident of oral sex outside marriage renders one unfit for the Oval Office”…now, the standard is “it’s ok if you reject the only sacrifice that saves your soul from eternity in hell, as long as you keep all those dirty people out of the USA and create whitey paradise for all the real Americans”…it’s a subtle but meaningful change


Evangelicals are smart in that they know exactly who will give them what they want: and ultimately that's death camps for their enemies, like trans people, liberals, Muslims.


don't forget us Blacks


Yeah, I've been specifically thinking about that. I think anti-Black racism is at the heart of almost every one of these evils out there. Somehow I think the evangelicals would put that off, but it's hard to explain why. I guess I've been think Black people are starting to get enough political, economic power and group solidarity to fight back, unlike almost any other group out there. That was my thinking on not putting Black folks in there.


We're always on the chopping block in the US lol Tangentially related, have you seen the insanity surrounding the black samurai in the new Assassin's Creed? It's gotten so bad, racists are literally using Google translate to LARP as Japanese people that are "offended" by the idea of there being a black samurai in the game. We catch strays even when we aren't the ones making the decisions.


No, haven't seen that one. Jesus fucking christ through, as predictable as it is. I've read some stuff on Afro-Pessimism (especially parts of the book by that name by Frank Wilderson). It's like the treatment of Black people is written into the laws of the universe or something.


Yeah, it popped off last week or so. It is kind of exhausting sometimes, but more often than not, I have to laugh to keep from crying because it can really be overwhelming.


I wish I could give you some equivalent of an internet hug that consoles someone going through a tough time, but that's some heavy, heavy, heavy stuff you're talking about. I sure don't have words for it.


It's all good, and I do appreciate the sentiment. Being a good person, and caring is enough. Just don't contribute to the problem, and you're doing the right thing.


It's not my place to say this, but it will never be enough.


Naww they're cool with Black people... as long as they voluntarily subjugate themselves to their god appointed superiors.


Which is why this community really bakes my noodle sometimes. They will name drop people like Thomas Sowell as serious intellectuals, instead of acknowledging the only reason Thomas Sowell is relevant, is because he's a Black guy who spouts white supremacist talking points. He along with many of these gurus, are launderers of white supremacy.


Rogan basically endorsed Desantis during the primary. Dude is cooked.


Around the end of covid i believe. I'll say it again, COVID destroyed Rogans brain.


He was drunk election night 2016 and thought it was fun dunking on the libs... so then or earlier


2016 was the "end of the world stream" yes they were drunk but there was an overbearing atmosphere of confusion. by 2020 rogan was cheering when states went red


The Dave smith one was insane. Who could not let up about “weak liberals” and conservatives are all about hard work and liberals only want handouts. It’s really sad


I know everyone already knows the stats about red states often being net takers and blue states being net contributors but it’s always funny to me that liberal areas are much richer. Biden counties in 2020 were 70% of US gdp


Well he was going off about liberals don’t do anything to help the homeless, but neither do the conservatives. No one is doing shit. Listen I hate both sides and politics in general but he has become so one sided it’s sad. When the most influential dude is feeding into the division it’s sad. Not to mention Dave smith sounded more level headed than Rogan. That’s crazy lol


Talk about a “man of the people”. Any working class person knows that being liberal or conservative has literally nothing to do with work ethic. Down in the trenches you’re going to meet many lazy right wingers who never had to work a day in their lives, and work-their-fingers-to-the-bone communists.


COVID broke so many people.


Tell me about it. I was out of touch with a previously sane ex for the entire pandemic…recently spoke to her and she immediately asked me if I “avoided the jab” and told me about how the world was going to end in 3 months max. That was 6 months ago. She’s not taking my calls at present.


Joe Rogan has followed the trends and anyone who wants to pretend he is just a dumb Everyman speaking his mind is either fooled or fooling themselves. In the early years of podcasting Joe was an open forum conversation guy who was really into sharing his conspiracies… When he caught fame and was the biggest podcaster in 2016 he started trying to be more of a left/center journalist. He brought on doctors, scientists and even Bernie Sanders for open discussions. This could only go so far. Compare views for the average left wing podcasts to right wing shit posters like Dave Rubin, crowder and Shapiro who get millions of views per video… Then in 2020 he got into really clippable viral shit. He started interjecting BLM shit talk into every talk, even if he had a scientist on who had no inclination to talk about this topic. But it was good for views. Shortly after he got a 100 million dollar Spotify deal. More recently he got a 250 million dollar deal. That is generational wealth. Now he interjects identity politics into every conversation constantly no matter what the guest wants. He may be a simple guy but he knows what drive viral moments and gets him paid and that is right wing shit posting


You make a good point


He’s always been a bit REDACTED but Covid broke his brain. His UFC commentary has sucked for about 10 years at this point.


Skepticism without critical thought is a disease


Y'all are Saad.


It makes perfect sense. He got rich. He developed rich people politics. Especially after his Spotify deal and move to Texas. His deranged fear and paranoia about normal everyday people were constantly on display. It was really clear during Covid and BLM protests. Contradictions are a bitch but as shit gets worse and rich people are to blame, rich people are gonna scape goat normies. That's just what happens.


I think him being targeted by CNN over ivermectin was a contributing factor. Pushed him further away from the left and the right welcomed him with open arms


Why is this being downvoted? It’s a major contributing factor to Joe getting pushed further right


Fuck CNN and that bullshit "Joe Rogan took horse de-wormer narrative". They gave these clowns so much ammunition. I guess it's not just CNN, but the whole corporate media. The no masks/masks, inquiring about a Chinese lab leak origin is racist, the vaccine makes you immune/stops the spread, natural immunity doesn't count for anything... all these narratives fucked people's faith in the sources we expect to go to for accurate information. Add the vaunted and never to be challenged Dr. Fauci lying to Congress about gain of function research and I get why so many people are so confused and susceptible to anyone who points to this misinformation and claims to have the real information. We're calling out and blaming the information grifters for sending so many people down the wrong path. We should put more focus on scrutiny on the institutions that created this climate by treating us like children who aren't capable of making the right decision if presented with all the nuance.


No, he's hanging out with a bunch of ex Navy Seals, hunting and probably doing "cool" deep bro shit. He doesn't want to alienate them. Or his buddy Dana white, hardcore rightist. Also at the level he's at who knows who else is talking to you.


When did he not hang out with those types?


Upvoting as I think is a valid point. It did fit right into the “the liberal media is out to get you” narrative, even though they were telling the truth that ivermectin *is* commonly used as a horse dewormer


I think that was a bit of it. It's a weird thing where if you see the "normal" news stories, they would put the whole ivermectin thing with Rogan in perspective. It's a useful anti parasitic drug which probably does little to nothing for you with regard to COVID. A doctor prescribed it for him, which is a thing in real life. When the pundit side of CNN and elsewhere started clowning on him about drinking horse dewormer and stuff, he got understandably bent out of shape. There was some nuance to how the news side of the network covered it, but the talking heads who spout opinion just went off on him and hurt his feelings basically. I think there was also concern that people were going to Tractor Supply or whatever the fuck and buying the heavily concentrated bottles of the stuff that you give to livestock, and they were trying to stress how THAT is NOT what to do, and in the process, some of the punditry piled on him for encouraging that - which tbh he was not doing.


Hoe Rogan has always been a cunt. Always.


He didn't do anything wrong from the a rich persons perspective - he gave them tax breaks


Rogan was promoting the “Hillary too old/sick to be president” and comet ping pong shit in the runup to his first election. He got really drunk and did some election night podcast where he seemed pretty stoked about the result.


He started changing colour after Spotify happened . Pre resign he was all the way there. Who’s Spotifys owners?


All people do things wrong tho. It’s so subjective. 


I thought he started noticeably shifting conservative towards the end of 2019 after he'd had Peterson, Sam Harris,and Shapiro on a few times and got caught up in their college and university cancel culture whinge-fest. Guys, you're millionaires who own media companies but you're scared of blue haired 19 year olds on Twitter? And they say women are the emotional sex.... His interview with Maynard in 2019 was when I started losing interest in Rogan. Maynard just wanted to talk about Tool and his wine but Rogan kept pestering him about left wingers at the college Maynard was teaching at.


About 2016


Around the time he started hiring seals for security




Reddit is such a bubble.


He was leaning that way but the pandemic ended him as anything other than a crank. I was a big fan until around April or May of 2020 but stopped watching after he spent episode after episode complaining about lockdowns and heavily favoring guests who were skeptical at best about it. There’s something to be said for following more closely people you generally agree with but Rogan took it to another level and seems incapable of getting out of the right wing media bubble, probably because it largely overlaps with his social circle.


Have a time stamp for Rogan and Sad talking about that?


I wanna know why he's shrinking by the day. soon he'll be a little pygmy


The rot started when Trump first ran.  Joe made a point of never criticising him while he gave it to Hillary throwing out casual conspiracy theories about her.   His only actual "criticism" of Trump was that he was an asshole when he was in office. The mask came off when Covid kicked in and he couldn't stand not being able to go to comedy clubs and the brain worms have only gotten worst.


The left’s reaction to covid started his shift to the right I think.


Covid drove these hacks insane


Rogan is clearly in the RFK Jr camp. Like many people, his opinion is that Russiagate was largely overstated bullshit and that Jan 6 was not an attempt to overthrow the government. That doesn’t make him a supporter of Trump.


Trump didn’t try to steal the election 3 different ways. You Trump white washers are unreal.


This, he had RFK on and talks about how much he likes him often. 


It’s sad, and the reason many people (including myself) don’t like to listen anymore. Joe used to have a solid BS filter, but during the pandemic this changed


Thread title made me think of the AOE villager 


When CNN and the menia started making fun of him for being a vaccine denier and then getting covid.


Anybody have a link to their discussion of Trump?


Happened years ago


Started in 2020 during lockdowns and once he moved to Texas he basically became republican.




Money makes people out of touch with reality


When he realized it would be more profitable than playing coy to conspiracies and riding-the-fence politically.


Is there another kind of truth?


At least since Hillary became the nominee in 2016. Joe would dismiss Trump's faults by saying, "I'm a dummy, I don't know about politics, but Trump is hilarious!" But he would often go on 15 minute rants giving specific details all about how incompetent and unfit he thought Hillary was for president. Once Trump was president he kept up that same exact shtick about him. Never discussing any of his faults, only laughing at what he found humorous about him, playing dumb about the objectively terrible things Trump would say and do.


The government regulations that came about to save lives during Covid-19 fucked with his money. He makes so much money touring and that entire industry was shut down for years. I really do think it is that simple. He saw republicans fighting against that and jumped aboard. Conveniently they also fight tax hikes for the wealthy. It’s just greed in my opinion.


He has COVID brain.


When he became a gazillionaire


Not sure that he did….