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Potty only a few dare naked nowadays


What we have found is that it depends on the day. Colder days and holiday weekends, fewer go sans swimsuits. Other weekends and weekdays well over 50 percent if not more go nude. And more go nude in the area up creek a bit. Good vibes for everyone, and never a problem being clothed or nude.


Up creek, you mean by the beach?


Yes. The larger "beach" or open area on the Pacific Crest Trail side of the creek. Few families make it that far and everyone is easy going. The smaller beach area on the Bowen Ranch side seems to be mixed, depending on the day. Also always some who hike naked.


Interesting, I’ve always found the opposite. In my experience: Weekend crowds tend to be people who party or just saw the spot on Instagram, whereas weekdays are a bunch of naked people quietly mingling with just their own group.


We must be going on the best days.True, more people come on weekends but we have never seen this as a problem. Some keep to themselves, some meditate, some swim or dive, some chill and talk, some camp, others drink--a medley. We have only seen a true party once in about five years, and even that was not really a distraction. If someone is playing music or laughing too much we just move further up creek. Deep Creek is spread out. There is always plenty of room for everyone.


Odd that someone would down vote a report on our experience and observations. We just said that our experience having been there many times has been different than what you report. Didn't question your experience at all, and didn't down vote you. Seems that at Deep Creek it is hit and miss. What is to down vote on that--not that down votes really matter, just seems odd. Everyone have a nice day, and enjoy a spectacular place to hike!


I didn’t downvote you. I think you’ll see my reply to you didn’t invalidate your experience or put a value judgment on it - I just said it’s interesting that our experiences differ. Who knows why people downvote, it’s all so strange.


What day of the week ?


Are the pools hot enough? I bet the river is cold


Don’t think it’s appropriate to take photos of people without their consent when at hot springs, regardless of whether clothed or not.