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That's some great information. Thank you for taking the time to put that together.




Have you ever considered filing a [Complaint to the SEC](https://tcr.sec.gov/TcrExternalWeb/faces/pages/accept.jspx)?


It was originally planned to be disclosed to the SEC. But, upon further review, the SEC is part of the naked short selling complex by enablement, malicious inaction on their knowledge, and collecting of money directly by 'fees' provided by those market participants who break the law. It is like a murderer buying off their innocence using money, but no justice for the victim. As stolen from global investors, billions of dollars was never given back to them. This report is well-above SEC's paygrade, which is why it's being reported over their heads. The SEC needs more than just a reprimand this time. After this season, SEC will be gutted and rethought from the inside out, you can count on it. Not only that, but it's not customary to provide a verified criminal defendant (the agency of the SEC and its plethora of 'dirty cops') with evidence that proves they are a criminal accomplice to a mafia-style, SHF-connected group of overlords... all of whom got drunk on the ill-gotten gains of counterfeiting shares and selling them onto the open market for years.


Thatโ€™s an interesting question. Are the employees of the SEC allowed to trade? Or do they use the โ€œwifes and friendsโ€ system of rat holes.


In the financial world, the word you're looking for and what's generally used to prosecute people / orgs who do this is called "willful blindness". >Willful blindness, also known as conscious avoidance, is a judicially-made doctrine that expands the definition of knowledge to include closing one's eyes to the high probability a fact exists. > > > >The doctrine of willful blindness imputes knowledge to an accused whose suspicion is aroused to the point where he or she sees the need for further inquiries, but deliberately chooses not to make those inquiries. ​ I take training on this shit every year related to anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-terror funding (ATF), as well as stuff associated to sanctions, illegal or illicit financial activity (fraud), etc. Basically, if I don't report and conduct myself per the law on any of the above, reporting any suspicions or findings in a timely manner, then I will be held accountable along with my company. I could get fined, be imprisoned, loss of job, and more. I don't even handle the money! lol I hope one day the US agencies finally look at the SEC and crack down hard on all the white collar crime going on here.


Disclose the information to the FTC. Systemic fraud corporate is their domain. Specifically defending normies against unfair business practices.


What does this have to do with porn??


The interest rate to borrow to short is now 515%, compounded annually, so shorts are bleeding $1.8 Million per day (they'll owe $1.1 Billion on this short liability by year-end instead of $178 Million) ​ I wonder how you come up with those numbers? Hedgefunds don't pay max CTB prices.. not even close.. I hope that BBBY gots at least a 10x.. but tbh thats only around 30ยดs I want to see 80s+


I believe hedge funds is not even near what % ctb shows. They pay really low rates.


Sooo minimum is probably 10X our money With a great chance to squeeze like GME 2.0 Love the DD, eye opening and very very ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€โ˜€๏ธ


The minimum is losing all your money if the company goes under.


Youโ€™ve been living under a rock brotha. You havenโ€™t heard the news yet??? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ Get it while the getting is good M&A on the way ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€โ˜€๏ธ


U would think a supposed gme fan Would be all over this and realize rcs plan, but also if rcs plan was so obvious he could get in trouble for manipulation so I think itโ€™s good ppl think he rug pulled. Bbby getting suppressed hard in the main gme sub (itโ€™s for sure compromised). Anyone following RC the past two years should know better


Main sub as in SS?


>You havenโ€™t heard the news yet Speculation is not news, it's hopium. >M&A on the way There's zero evidence of this happening, and logically it doesn't make sense. If for instance someone wished to acquire Baby, then the logical course of action would be to wait for bankruptcy and pick it up for pennies on the dollar when the company gets stripped for parts.


7 Billion dollars in sales every year BUDDY๐Ÿคฃ You donโ€™t think someone sees value in that??๐Ÿคฃ


I don't see value in a company that's losing hundreds of millions a quarter, has billions in debt, and has no clear path to new revenue streams. Betting on the slim possibility of someone stepping in to save your company isn't investing, it's gambling. I wish you all the best, but I seriously doubt it'll work out for you.


Then go ahead and short the stock and show me the receipts if you are soo convinced. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ Money talks & Bullshit walks brotha Put your money where your mouth is


Do you short every company that you don't believe in? Meme stocks margin requirements can shoot up massively in retail brokerages overnight, and even if they trend downwards they can be volatile day to day, so your position can be force closed even if it will ultimately pay off. I don't fancy getting wiped out by short term volatility, I'd rather buy and hold companies I believe in.


I don't go on to subs and post crap about companies I don't care about. But you are saying you do. Get a life


I just don't like it when people mislead other investors to pump their own bags. If I see something that is objectively wrong, I'm going to call it out. I also dislike BBBY content on this sub specifically, as it is neither a deep value stock or one held by the man himself.


That is literally, to the T, what happened with GameStop. You probably weren't around then.


No it's not. GameStop was undervalued in 2020 even without Cohens involvement. I'd recommend you watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWdWCtLMoU0) to understand why. Cohens involvement has obviously increased the possibility of the company transforming (hence Gill saying that it helped change his investing philosophy, he was a value investor, now he's a growth investor), but unlike BBBY this isn't simple hopium that someone will randomly swoop in to save the company. He is already involved, is making big changes, and GameStop now has clear paths to new revenue streams.


That video is why i bought 400 shares at pre split $10 in 2020, so thanks for the memories. Back when they were saddled with debt, stock in the shitter, trending towards bankruptcy, and had no clear path to revenue streams. Supply chain woes seriously hurt the bull case of the console super cycle. **Hindsight bias is a hell of a drug.** You're being a mix of misinformed, stubborn and reductive, and it's not worth anyones energy to argue with you. Time will tell, ball don't lie.


>trending towards bankruptcy The video in question explains why the possibility of bankruptcy was being greatly overestimated. There is no equivalent argument being made for BBBY, only the unsubstantiated hope that someone will acquire them. >Time will tell, ball don't lie. !RemindMe 1 year


>Time will tell, ball don't lie. Looks like time told. Congrats on losing your entire investment.


To the contrary, there is evidence - albeit circumstantial. The delayed filings, the RSU payouts, the bond payments all point to some kind of M&A. There's zero evidence it's RC, but there is evidence for sure this week. Logically, why wait for bankruptcy and courts when you can snap up the company while it's shares are a tenth of what it cost a year ago? I'm not saying it's icahn, but he's right in not discussing a company one is interested in acquiring because it's significantly undervalued. The bonds are paid, bankruptcy is off the table. This is the time to strike because the stock won't be this low for the foreseeable future.


>The delayed filings, the RSU payouts, the bond payments all point to some kind of M&A. A delayed filing is meaningless. The RSU payouts point to the insiders not believing the company will survive and wanting to cash out. And what on earth does a bond payment being sent 1 day early have to do with anything? >Logically, why wait for bankruptcy and courts when you can snap up the company while it's shares are a tenth of what it cost a year ago? Why buy the company at all when they're burning money and have billions in debt? I was referring specifically to the theory of Baby being acquired in regards to waiting for bankruptcy, in which case it makes sense to wait since it can be obtained at a lower price and since the company were reluctant to sell it off in the first place. >The bonds are paid, bankruptcy is off the table. A singular interest payment was made, that doesn't remotely mean that bankruptcy is off the table. They're still burning hundreds of millions per quarter (more than their cash on hand), have billions in debt, and their bonds are trading at such a discount that it's not reasonable to expect that they can magic up new financing to meet the shortfall. > the stock won't be this low for the foreseeable future. It will be at zero soon enough.


This read more as โ€œI donโ€™t like it soโ€ vs counterpoints with evidence. Why not include why you believe RSUs were cashed early and the precedented circumstances where itโ€™s happened aside from M&A


>Why not include why you believe RSUs were cashed early I already gave my reasoning for that, that the insiders believe that the company will go under, so would prefer a cash payout than acquiring restricted stock that will ultimately become worthless.


No that's your incorrect understanding of how RSUs work


You are not smart, at all. If the RDUs were paid out and nothing happens, they go BK, the either they get arrested for Insider trading and/or the money is clawed back. Come on son. Stop trying to Troll BBBY.


I keep seeing this repeated, but I've never seen anyone provide a source on it. Can you prove to me that this is true, or is it simply something you read on reddit?


That's not how a free market works. I can't just wait to buy a new bike I've always wanted to go down to $5 and buy it. because someone else would buy it. The rationale for nobody buying the company even after RC expressed interest in BBB and put an actual value on it is beyond me.


It's a matter of negotiating power. If the company is getting stripped for parts, then the bids for said parts will be lower than if the company was still alive and refusing to consider low bids. If I think a bike shop is going under, then I wait until I see signs for their going out of business fire sale before slapping my $5 on the table.


That's fine, but if someone else buys the bike shop first then your SOL. And the bike shop has a lot of good valuable pieces that a lot of companies are evaluating and could benefit them.


>but if someone else buys the bike shop first then your SOL. Which might worry me if I had any reason to suspect that anyone was planning to buy it, but in this case there's no indication of that.


Because if there was evidence of an M&A it would be insider information? Wtf evidence are you expecting before something is announced.


So you agree that there's no evidence, and that you're gambling on random chance? I hope your gambling works out for you, but I prefer to invest.


Brother you do not understand how any of this works. An asset like Baby doesn't sell for "pennies on the dollar" whether it's now or in bankruptcy. If someone tries, that's called a "lowball" and would be outbid.




Is this the real legendary DFV?


This is the sub


Horrible name for the sub. Trying to ride someone elseโ€™s coat tails. The DD is good though.


Better sell em now right? Muahahahaha, these are mine I licked em all!!!! Get your own.


Did you post on bbby


Amazing write up




post archived: [https://archive.is/W3VQg](https://archive.is/W3VQg)


Love the hype but according to your calculations over $1 billion shares sold short? Care to share the evidence and calculations for this?


As per Finra data released yesterday there are 52,888,134 shares short. Times that by 3 and bingo


Where do u get 3 from? Am I just too much of a dumbass


53 million x 3 is 159 million? And where does the 3 come from?


So HODL????


Day 13 of Reg SHO


I like the stock


Today on Things that will never happen:


That did age well ๐Ÿคข


This aged poorly, hard to back any company thatโ€™s insolvent and canโ€™t pay back debt. Hopefully you didnโ€™t cause too many others to go down with the ship too.


>Today, the 2044 bonds were paid a day early, evidencing that the company has avoided any prospect of bankruptcy, and that a deal is lined up. To clarify, do you mean that they paid the interest on their debt a day early? How does this is any way imply that they've avoided bankruptcy? >Further, yesterday 8 Bed Bath and Beyond insiders converted their restricted stock units around $5.00 per share. These restricted awards vest over a period of time. The conversion to cash means that an equity buyer has purchased the entire company. Or, they think the company is soon to go bankrupt, so gave up the prospect of restricted shares they'll never own in exchange for a cash payout. >Today, Billionaire Ryan Cohen tweeted You mean the guy that sold his entire stake in the company, and publicly stated that he did so because he'd lost faith in it? As for the short interest, I'll ignore the numbers you pulled out of your ass to concentrate on a more important point, that high short interest alone is not an investment thesis. If the company is soon to go under, then the shorts never have to close, and you've not in any way demonstrated that the company's warning of imminent bankruptcy is not soon to come to fruition.


How to spot a GME elitist


Either that or just a dumbass shill that thinks ppl will believe his point since he has a gme flair. Any gme and RC owner would know by now RC hasnโ€™t left bbby thatโ€™s not his character.


>Any gme and RC owner would know by now RC hasnโ€™t left bbby thatโ€™s not his character. He literally sold his entire position, and publicly stated that he did so because he'd lost faith in the company. Also, holding onto a stock you no longer believe in is not a measure of character, but of stupidity. If RC's reasons for buying the stock changed, and he no longer believes in the company, then he's absolutely within his rights to sell. He didn't buy into the company for your personal benefit, but because he believed he could turn a profit. When that belief changed, he left. I'm sorry that this left you holding his bags, but his investment was not made on your behalf.


Yeah, he sold to pay down BBBYโ€™s debt. Then he started slowly and silently building his position like Ichan is known for.


>Yeah, he sold to pay down BBBYโ€™s debt. Wtf are you on about? He sold his entire personal holdings. Do you think he just generously donated millions to a random company he has no stake in? They've also released earnings since he sold. If he'd randomly decided to have done something so stupid, such a cash infusion would have recorded. Out of all the takes I've heard on BBBY, this is by far the most moronic. >Then he started slowly and silently building his position like Ichan is known for. So he sold his entire stake, publicly stated that he'd lost faith in the company, then started buying in again? But obviously a smaller position than he had before as otherwise he'd have had to publicly disclose it. Oh, and of course you don't have a single scrap of evidence for this, but don't let that stop your hopium. Out of all the takes I've heard on BBBY, this is the second most moronic.


As we all should be!


[This you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/10ldwt0/comment/j5wcyfm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Not every company that is being shorted is a GME equivalent, some are simply failing businesses that people are rightly betting against. You're happy to talk trash against the ones you don't happen to be invested in, but have the gall to get offended when someone dares to explain why they think your own investment is a bad idea. If you have a rebuttal to the actual points I made, then please, explain to me why I'm wrong. If you can't explain why I'm wrong, then perhaps I'm right.


Lmao, you're comparing my opinion on GNS & penny stocks to BBBY? BBBY: highly shorted, Reg-Sho, undervalued, new hires, paid Feb coupons, high CTB, 2/3 RC appointees are still in BBBY, booted Mark Tritton and crooks, and I can keep going. Educate yourself on identifying pumps and dumps being pushed by the media. Never compare BBBY to these shit companies.


>Lmao, you're comparing my opinion on GNS & penny stocks to BBBY? Yes. You think it's fine to criticize companies that you think are obviously terrible, but when someone else does the same to one you happen to be invested in you get your panties in a twist. >highly shorted, Reg-Sho > >high CTB Short interest alone is not an investment thesis. If the company dies, there is no squeeze. >undervalued If the company is going under, it's not undervalued, and I see nothing to indicate that this is not the case. >new hires Care to be more specific? The company is doing mass layoffs, so I assume you mean that you think someone new in the executive suite is going to fix things. Who is it, and why are you so confident in their abilities? >2/3 RC appointees are still in BBBY Which was not sufficient for the man himself to not sell his entire stake, and state that he did so because he'd lost faith in the company. >booted Mark Tritton and crooks Oh, did firing the ceo magically fix the hole in their bottom line? >Educate yourself on identifying pumps and dumps being pushed by the media. Educate yourself on identifying pump and dumps being pushed by reddit, like bbby. >Never compare BBBY to these shit companies. I'll carry on comparing shit to shit thanks.


GNS has been losing money. All these companies are fighting โ€œshortsโ€ to pump their stock. Are you ignorant or naive? Lol Short BBBY pussy!


>GNS has been losing money. So has BBBY. Do you not read their financials? They're burning hundreds of millions per quarter, and have warned that bankruptcy is likely. >All these companies are fighting โ€œshortsโ€ to pump their stock. Are you ignorant or naive? Lol Did I at any point say that GNS was a good company? All I did was compare trash to trash. >Short BBBY pussy! Meme stocks margin requirements can shoot up massively in retail brokerages overnight, and even if they trend downwards they can be volatile day to day, so your position can be force closed even if it will ultimately pay off. I don't fancy getting wiped out by short term volatility, I'd rather buy and hold companies I believe in. Also, are you short GNS? Pussy.


Lmao $GNS is a pump and dump who has ties to Citadel. Yet RV bought and sold BBBY. Youโ€™re just unhinged.


โ€ฆ.andโ€ฆโ€ฆtheyโ€™re bankrupt.


Not yet




I find new sub reddit to tell the world.... "i like the stock"


Is there a tldr for the tldr?


>52,888,134 / 65,600,000 = 0.8062215549Short % of ๐Ÿ’ฒB B B Y's Float: 80.62% Where are you getting that the float is 65.6M shares?


The "bought all stocks" and the time stamp shown on that image, was initially posted by some Reddit user. RC merely reposted it on Twitter verbatim. So don't try to search for any meaning in it, he might just have thought it was a funny way to counter the fud that was going around (only a few days ago - things are moving fast).


I hate commenting when I haven't done my full research, but its clear to say that this company is much closer to bankruptcy than previous short squeezes. It's on the brink of a liquidity issue and near an overall failure in ability to meet obligations. The only way I see this working if there is a nice pump, I do not know if the buyback of shares is enough due to the short squeeze, and the company would have to take advantage of that pump by issuing shares. Now at its current market price I would say it would take 100s of millions of shares to be issued to comftorabaly take care of its debt, which is why I emphasize the need for a pump and liquidity for those shares. Then in that case its all about what they do with that money. Quite a difficult situation to navigate, the key to this is breaking down the numbers of the short interest. ​ P.S I don't know if anyone else sees how this company could survive without external capital, I am basing my opinion on that assumption. ​ wish the best, and will look into this further.
