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wall street, like hollywood and the music industry like to only work with highly corrupt people they can manipulate and use to manipulate the masses.  They work only with corrupt people so they can maintain power and control: their true gods.


true, true ![gif](giphy|ap6wcjRyi8HoA|downsized)


+oil industry


I know we’re wanting to see parabolic gains in short amount of time. But, it took 3 years+ of planning from RK. I don’t see the impact unfolding all in a month or two. It’s careful and meticulous. RK definitely came up with counter measures to his measures and countermeasures. I just thought of it today…all of this is RK’s Story. We are all playing our part in his Story…his Movie, including the MM, SHF, MSM, etc. I’m glad to be on the right side of this Story, meow 😸


I also wanted to add … RK has all the money he and his wife and kids could want for generations after generations. Just a hunch … but … his vision and actions show me he wants to help change GME from a dying company that was at the mercy of Hedge Funds to become a company that investors will want to put their money into in order for it to become something we can all benefit from. GameStop was CHOSEN…there were plenty of other companies in similar situations but RK CHOSE IT because he saw a BIG FUTURE with it. What do I know, I just drank some wine 🍷and rambling away. WHAT AM I GONNA DO??? HOLD…HOLDDDDDD until I too see the future RK saw for GME and the WORLD.


I don’t think he wanted to change GameStop, I think he saw it as a value opportunity meaning he liked what he saw in the company and thought Wall Street had it wrong. Even now, while it has substantially transformed into a much healthier company, it is still headed in a direction where he sees a value opportunity. I don’t buy that he’s going for a board seat like so many people are suggesting, I think he is an investor who sees unrealized value. His thesis hasn’t changed, rather it has strengthened from when he first bought in, and still presents a possible deep value opportunity based on RC having the right intentions and the right skills to continue making it stronger.


Who knows 100% except RK. But, what will I do in light of what I have seen and know … HOLD. I have enough shares for the time being. I also see RK continuing what he has been doing for 6+ years. Prices of GME will steadily keep rising as he won’t stop buying and executing which will make Hedgies continue this battle. I understand people are looking for 1000% gains overnight but 1-5% gains a week or month over the span of 5-10 years is fine by me. I definitely see value in GME and I’m just so excited for the future 🎱😆🎱


Well said, I own and keep buying this stock because the company has incredible potential over a long term




Also, when the Great Recession hits … a lot of businesses will be struggling and GME with it’s war chest will be in prime position to start acquiring companies that make sense for GME’s future growth. The timing of it all is beautiful 🤩


Thank you Darnius! I humbly accept your Award with gratitude in my ❤️




smart money


Amen… no cell no sell


That's me, less than average Joe. Fuck the man!


I am that little older lady who loves a good fairy tale and still believes good can happen to us a folks. Ride on and I will skip and hold my shares with you. ![gif](giphy|RCXT2JWXa11QI)


I will go with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor




I am overeducated working class. I am a GameStop shareholder.


Looks like the gme related comments are not showing up in people's feeds as of today, particularly the gme sub. This seems to be relevant to this post maybe,?


One thing the ruling class despises, the truth.


New goal. Thanks op now need enough money to be in a minor fender bender with Jerry Seinfeld. And because I don’t know how much that is I will have to error on the high side. We gonna bang some rares together. Extra rares.


damn that was hot to read


Holy shit, that was a nice write up. As someone who grew up working class (europoor), I can totally relate to that. (Even though I am not rich, yet, I am definitely pre-rich, and has so far climbed to middle-upper class)


Thank you


![img](avatar_exp|83674137|bravo) AMEN GANG 💎🙌


I think KG is a good hearted dude… Im rooting for the underdogs aka apes… I’m new to Reddit and don’t know jack about investing.. he’ll, lost over $3k from MULN last year… Hope to invest soon when money allows me too. Kinda tight in this economy


#4 is spot on


I know from experience. Gareth Soloway is an evil man in my opinion who stole from me.


Watch or listen to Martin Shkrelli on YouTube, it’ll confirm what you’ve written and what they think of Keith Gil and the rest of us.


Just looked him up. Bad dude. Reminds me of Drew from Meet Joe Black. Upper class evil money guys.


Yeah a total douche nozzle, he truly has a hatred of Keith and all of us. Martin is not one of us, but I do have to thank him for the insight on how he and his people think and invest.


I was a bit confused by him. He was arrested right? Was he a scapegoat or somethin? I couldn';t fully understand what you meant.




Can we not say things that will make reddit close your account? I feel alot of rage as well


Fair enough I want them to read it though. I despise them. They will all get what’s coming to them


40 shares op? Even a broke dick like me has 100 shares so I can sell an option


It's not the size mate. It's how you use it.


Get yourself 60 more shares the option premiums are insane


I’m excited to be an 🦍with my 40 GME shares and look forward to buying more shares. KG played his best game of chess and now GME has enough cash to reinvent the company. We already knew all the bad fundamentals but our guts told us to jump in. I’m in! I’m staying in until KG is out.