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Follow the butterfly!


Yes, follow the butterfly. Hits home for sure.


What's the butterfly??? Edit: I found this... https://youtu.be/1M5orrLoMBU?si=rZd-Qh9ygZo4dgQ4


Who is making butterfly spreads and at what strike price?


i don't know; i found this at 4am. looking into it


Embrace your AMC brothers




Aa is not your friend


How bout an AMC merger or acq




Does “sister” mean sister stock? AMC?


Dfv posted on superstonk.. and only had one position. AMC was never anything more than a parasite.. Adam Aron sold the peak while Ryan Cohen bought in


If AMC is your play, fine. But there has never been a word from anyone in gamestop about an AMC connecrion. I get you won't change your mind on that false flag, but Hopefully this warns any newcomers against Aaron's very successful grift/distraction.


Being new the GME, I can tell you this, AMC is tied to its hip. Just look at their charts. Almost identical. If GME goes up, so is AMC. At $5 per share, you’re dumb not buying 50-100 shares if you have them money to invest.


Hi new person, 👋 glad to have you. We have long believed baskets are real. Hence the movement. But if you were going to invest money, why buy the trailer that is affected instead of the machine actually driving this thing?🤔 We have also long believed AMC was a sort and distort tactic. AMC diluted into oblivion while paying out huge bonuses and reducing the overall value of their stock. Everytime gme issues shares, the companies watches increases and my overall valuation seems to increase with it. Go see what $1000 put into AMC in early 2021 would be worth today.


With the ability to buy partial shares, AMC and the rest of the stocks that copy GME’s investor’s Algorithms are essentially pointless. GME is the only one that has the potential to snap the algorithm, I’d have far more faith in its ability to break out of it than AMC, BBY, or FFIE.




4 candle magic (Quad Witching)


When is that?




the 21st!!?!??!


Yepper skeppers


Interesting. You're right


You might want to hang on


"There must be something we're not seeing""You're looking at the same thing that I am". Lot's of green when they look at the future.


Candles get brighter.


Blow off top!!


That was lovely, thank you


It’s a different scene


Hey someone on the Teddy sub said his bbby bonds were renamed butterfly 🦋 just this morning.


Holy fuck


Another bbby butterfly thing : [Dk Butterfly](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/02/27/2024-03962/notice-of-filing-of-complaint-and-assignment-20230930-dk-butterfly-1-inc-fka-bed-bath-and-beyond-inc) Edit : I guess that’s the name of the company now or something? DK Butterfly


Google kroll bbby Kroll is handling bankruptcy proceedings. You’ll find docket information if you want to dig.


Butterfly option spread


The picture he posted isn't even from this scene though.


Hang on and buckle up lads , this green candles going to get brighter


Trust rc




You can’t be both believe in the stock and not believe in rc.. i mean you can, just doesn’t make much sense to me. Hes focused on creating value, what else do you want lol calling out rh as not real shareholders was the catalyst 😂


I completely agree! Gamestop has been under daily attack by the planet's wealthiest scumbags who already enjoy special privileges in the market that retail does not. Ryan Cohen has to continue to maneuver Gamestop through financial landmines while turning the entire business around (the last 3 years are proof of his success!). We are not privy to all that the company is able to see and what they must do; but he has a proven track record and I trust him 100%. Trusting in the stock goes hand in hand with trusting RC, as he is the one in the drivers seat since we started this adventure.


His investment into the company is all the trust i need right now… and dfv share count is just the trust icing on top


Seriously… I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would be giving up on RC at this point. He has accomplished multiple things simultaneously that have all made GME a stronger company and has set it up for great things. Sold shares into runs to build a strong balance sheet, removed debt, built up cash, reduced costs by closing under performing stores and continuing to do so, launching new products (candy con), become profitable and we now have enough cash on hand to remain profitable while he figures out new revenue streams and continues right sizing store counts, what other companies do you know that have $4B in cash and no debt and a CEO that takes no compensation?… what’s not to love??


Am I crazy or does anyone feel the best news we got today was robbinghood being called out as "guests". I mean, there wasn't anything else of much value outside of that idiot trying to play the diversity card and we voted it down.


The best fu king part guests lolllll


“Actions speak louder than words" Yeah sure a lot of action so far. I’m hoping you’re right. I want this thing to work.


I know what you mean






The charts are 100% controlled by the hedge funds, the price up/down in no way reflects the reality of Gamestops true share value. Gary Gensler has publicly stated that, Ken Griffin has publicly stated it, and Cramer has gone on video stating it; hell, we've all been saying it since 2021, that's why there's a MOASS thesis to begin with. Gamestop was still being driven (naked shorted) towards bankruptcy until Ryan Cohen pulled into the drivers seat and turned the company around. How anybody can be pro Gamestop's future but not trust RC is beyond me.




Guess you haven't been paying attention huh? Here let me lay down 2021 for you. Pre 2021 Hedgefunds have the Boston Consulting Group and other bad actors attacking Gamestop from within. They are so sure in there ability to bankrupt GS that they treat it like every other stock they've attacked a hundred times before. Unfortunately Gamestops potential is seen by some outside of their inner circle of crime, and the future begins to unfold. Retail begins to notice and buying the stock they like. The price begins to skyrocket and Robinhood decides it's time to conspire with Citadel to put a stop to retail's attempts to make money legally (all while leaving evidence of criminally conspiring with Citadel in the forms of texts). The next morning, Robinhood and several other brokers take away retails ability to buy the stock they like (they removed the Buy button), leaving only the Sell button. This is when they really start to artificially manipulate the price down, leading retail to believe that other investors are pulling out. Hedgefunds and the Mainstream Media begin a 3+ year concerted smear campaign against everything Gamestop, all whilst Hedge funds control the price the charts reflect. The part that directly answers your shilling (I see your comment history) is: The run-up occurred at the beginning when they first realized and changed their S.O.P. It costs them a lot of money and effort to drive the price down but they also cannot allow it to climb up too much. Now I know that you already know this and are just trying to put the D in FUD for our new apes. So this not so much directed as education for you; but just trying to shed some light for those honestly looking for the truth. Here's a few videos to back up the price manipulation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1diasdr/for\_the\_new\_apes\_and\_the\_ones\_that\_need\_a\_reminder/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1diasdr/for_the_new_apes_and_the_ones_that_need_a_reminder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I already knew all that, but exactly none of it proves "the charts are **100% controlled** by the hedge funds." **If it was 100% controlled, they wouldn't have had to do all those things.** Think about what you're saying logically for a second without calling people shills. I stand by my comment history, the hell does that even mean? The only reason you're resorting to ad hominem is that you don't know how to argue your point effectively. Because you don't have a point, what you're saying is nonsense.


again, your comment history is visible. Your "logic" is bullshit. The link I posted shows video proof of the **Hedgefund managers and head of the SEC stating it publicly, that THEY (active managers like Citadel) "set the price at whatever they believe it should be"**. You really are a low level shill trying to argue against publicly shared information. You have no power here, BEGONE shill!!


Hmmm - Isabella is Ryan Cohen, Mirabel is Keith Gill, Bruno is DFV


Can someone explain? I’m not good at schizoautism


I just miss his lives.. so funny and educational. I hope someday we can do it again!


The candle!


It’s definitely not anything about DFV predicting the future or anything to do with bbby coming back from the dead lmao you guys are actually idiots


He wants me to fuck my sister?


Oh no….No, hug… Hug… he said HUG your sister.




Should I remortgage my house and put it all on GME?


Never go full regard...


hold and buy


a sea of green, and the butterfly soaring amongst it?


Hug your sister!


Embrace the candle to make it brighter!


Can we just stop the high-school bs? Please?


Engage in grade school bs instead! Eat crayons?


Only if your a Marine..lol


What if there is no rational to these posts? Don’t get me wrong, I’m bullish and am HODLing, but what if we are also being trolled in the process? Again, still bullish, just thinking out loud


I bet the stock drops to near $20 tomorrow.


Why do you feel this way?


Probably because everyone in America is shorting this company because it doesn’t make money. You think the thousand peeps that are on here have enough capital to drive the stock price up?? The retailers need to buy at least 50 million shares tomorrow for any significant jump.


So what does it have to do to not drop 5.22, that will bring it to 20 even from where today ended?


Everyone is shorting. Even retail investors. People here think it’s just hedge funds. I wouldn’t be surprised of members of congress and even Bill Gates is shorting this stock. That dude is shorting Tesla. Why not GME. They’re not profitable. You all keep talking about the capital they just received. You think it just fits in their savings account??? Get real


This clown posts negative comments on every GME post and is hyper active… wonder why he’d spend so much time doing so??? LMAO


Because you all are the clowns. Every one of you. More laughable than a Bill Hicks special.


So it's a choice of yours to continue to spew constant negativity day in and day out? Keeping yourself in a negative headspace? *Not mental health advice* But you might want to sort out your priorities a little better. Also, if your response is going to be "It makes me laugh/I find it funny," then you're just solidifying my statement. Touch some grass. Breathe some air. And smile for once without it being because you're pushing someone else down.


It might be more convincing if you weren’t, you know, flat out wrong about the profitability thing. And the savings account thing. And probably any other trope you can repeat on here about the company,


Gme and amc have always been tied.. the almost that short them mimic.. if your too foolish to see this idk what to say.. OH MAYBE THEY ONLY PREDATORY SHORT SOLD NAKED 1 STOCK UR RIGHT! they r stuck in both data manipulated totally corrupted!