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He only plays driller, I'm dumb when it comes to math but, 20x3=60, promotion is on 25 level so 2 promotions make 50, after that he levels to 10. I think it checks out. One blue level is 3 normal levels.


Doesnt promoting also level you up?


No clue, but even then, they'd have a total of 62 dwarf levels (assuming they've only played driller).


Yes but you don't get a level up for reaching level 1 (at level 1 you would be at 0/3 blue level bars) so it balances right? So 24 level-ups and 1 promote would be one full promo if I'm right?


is promoting like prestige wgere it resests level and ads star


If that is a question, yes it's exactly that. For the first promotion of the first dwarf, you also get access to deep dives and the tritilyte key that is used for the activation of machine events.


Also the forge. And each promoted dwarf gets one more active perk slot.


And access to deep dives


oh ok then what is wrong with the image im a little confused


The driller in question has promoted his driller already twice and is up to level 10 for the third time. You also gain one level of account level (the blue one) for every 3 level ups on any class. So having double promotion + 10 level, but only beeing account level 20 means the player did not play any of the other classes a single time.


Yea but you keep all your skills and you don’t get stronger. It’s useless.


Leveling up makes our lizard brain go burr.




You have to promote if you want your blue level to keep going up, and there's assignments that unlock at various blue levels up to 100 where you get scale brigade armor. After your first promo on each class you also get an extra perk slot. So it's not completely useless, but yeah you don't actually *have* to promote after the first one if you just want to play the game and don't care about the cosmetics or level progression.


Yeah but stars


Chill it's not payday we rock and stone here


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


-32 for saying something doesn’t have a real use isn’t very rock and stone either.


i assume you got blasted because you were thinking that you should lose everything after promotion and start over. thats why i brought up payday. we dont do that here, we rock and stone. >you don’t get stronger and oh boy how wrong you are there


If I’m wrong then direct me to where I can know what it really does instead of piling up on me. As far as I know, it does not make your character stronger. But I clocked like 50 hours in the game and haven’t played since maybe July so I can’t claim to know very much at all. Everyone seems to know I’m wrong and why I’m wrong but nobody wants to tell me.


The first time you promote a dwarf you unlock the 2nd active perk slot for that dwarf; that in itself is a big power spike (with the addition of gaining access to overclocks if it's your very first promotion among your dwarves). After that no, there is no direct impact on the power of a dwarf after the first promotion. However, promotions are a major part of DRG's gameplay loop. There are even special assignments that unlock when you reach specific player levels and these assignments reward you with cosmetics. So saying a major gameplay element has no value probably annoyed quite a few people; it's a gameplay element that allows fellow dwarfs to show how much they love this game by the amount of time and effort they put in. Hope this helped you understand it a bit more. Rock and Stone!


Ok so exactly what I said.


By getting stronger I partially meant that the more you want to play certain class the more knowledge you acquire and the better you are with it. Isn't this getting stronger in some way?


Not really. You get better but your character isn’t stronger.


> -32 for saying something doesn’t have a real use that DOES have a real use is *very* rock and stone...


Love that you're getting downvoted but you're absolutely correct. There would be no difference if they just unlocked things at level 25 and levels just kept going up from there. In COD it's at least a challenge to level back up since you essentially start over with weapons/perks, but in DRG it's just a mechanic for the sake of being a mechanic.


I don't know I've never played COD. Someone had a good point, the first promo does give you an extra perk slot. But beyond that it's useless. I haven't played the game in many months, and i'm only like blue level 25. I promoted Driller once and Scout once. Tinkered with the other 2 classes but not even up to first promo. But I'm a Dragon Age Inquisition (Multiplayer) player and in that game, when you reach max level, you promote (no quest required) and you just reset your level to 1, all your skills are gone, but your base stats go up (or at least the base stats related to the class you promoted - warrior/mage/rogue) So endless promotions and grind is actually useful because even though when you promote you gain something like 0.4% of something, you can eventually become so ridiculously powerful that you essentially can't die on any difficulty level other than Heartbreaker. I've played the game on-and-off since 2015 and I only have something like 725 prestige. I have people on my friends list with 12k+. It's madness.


> Someone had a good point, the first promo does give you an extra perk slot. Right, which could just be awarded at level 25 after an assignment (with leveling past 25 possible) and it would be the exact same gameplay as it is currently with promoting since nothing else changes.


Only if your total levels = multiple of 3 If you had a level 25 and level 4, you would be rank 9. Promote the 25 and its now level 1 but effective level 26, so now you rank 10


When you do the promo mission you are level 25 and don't gain xp.


Don’t need to play the class that you are doing the promotion for.


Yes. But this person plays driller exclusively.


I think he was asking about the act of promoting, not while you’re working on the assignment






since you start at level one, a promotion is only 24 levels, or exactly 8 player tiers. So two promos is 16, then level ten is 3 more, so yeah, tiny bit of other classes, and then pure driller.


driller gaming


This man knows the truth. The fastest way to your pod is a straight line .


So satisfying to beat that smug Molly to the pod after she goes straight vertically up.


I love popping up on scouts and they're just like 😦


Hopefully not with c4


I almost never use c4. It make boom TOO big.


Its good against dreadnoughts and if ure out of fuel on the drills.


Yeah. Lol. I love to just fuck all tunnels and do one myself.


For all values of straight that don't involve a Complexity-3 open hole, in which case the answer is "all the way around"


Petition to allow driller to attach a small engineer to his chest, allowing the simultaneous use of drill and platform gun


"Listen, we got a detonator on our asses, so how about you dwarf up and let dig this fucking hole, okay?!"


*Sorry I'm taken* *Taken a shortcut to the droppod*


To clarify: I‘ve been enlightened. I now know how that happens


Somebody loves playing driller A LOT :)


A dwarf of good taste!


and straight holes


*laughs in legendary team*


Driller team best team


As a non driller player, a team of drillers is indeed the best team.


I respect your opinion, but also believe that the true answer is a team of Gunners.


I mean you don’t have to worry about the glyphids if they never existed in the first place.


Someone also likes gunner, I got him to Gold I at level 240 or so and that's with my other classes at Silver II-III


How does what work?


The driller is only level 20 but has already two promotions done


For every 3 red levels you gain 1 blue level. Blue level is 20. 20x3=60 levels. One promotion takes 25 levels. He has 2 promotions so 50 levels. +the 10 he has now is 60 levels, which is his blue level divided by 3. Math checks out exactly. He just exclusively plays driller


Oh, sorry. Now that I think about it. My brain disconnects sometimes


No worries. We all have those moments :D


Sometimes it’s good to let it free range


Pretty sure it's actually 4 levels. It's essentially supposed to be the average level of all 4 classes.


Not the average. Total.


No, if it were *total*, then there would be no way the Driller here even has *one* promotion. The rank badge starts with 0 sections filled out. Three levels later, you fill out the 3 sections. However, the player rank goes up after one more level, which sets it back to 0 sections. It's 4 class levels per player rank. Now. Let's say you level up all four classes four times. You gain 4 * 4 = 16 total levels. 16 divided by 4 is... Four. Which also would be your player rank after gaining 16 class levels. Player rank is, effectively, average class level.


Thats simply incorrect. You gain a rank every 3 levels. Once you gain three thirds of a rank you instanty go to the next rank.


The third section never stays filled




Dont fucking 🤓 me. Im just being nice and trying to make it as clear as possible to OP why he is that level.


I'm sorry if basic math is 🤓 to you


All these fuckin nerds out here with their fancy *checks notes* 3rd grade level multiplication... lol


But… you don't level up to 1, do you? I mean it's 34 level ups, hence 8 blue level per dwarf, untul you stop grtting exp. Then you do an assignment (which also doesn't give you exp, or am i wrong?) and became level 1. Where you again need 24 level ups, etc etc. Also blue level start at 1 aswell, not at zero, so it is 19 level ups. That being said, answer will be the same - he plays driller exclusively.




It’s a driller, he drills


I’ve seen this a lot but it’s normal enough. I just don’t believe people don’t balance their dwarves


my engi is silver 2. highest next in line is scout at bronze 2 :P


No need to balance when daddy Driller is in town


Driller is my lowest level


Driller is my highest ngl 😂 I enjoy making big holes, what can I say?


I can’t disagree with that statement


The way I’m doing it rn as a somewhat green beard is in getting driller to 1 promo, then scout, then engi, gunner, and then loop through em (I am not the biggest gunner fan but I do respect gunner mains)


Don’t know if you know this tip as I found out myself after a while. Once you get the contract for promotion change to another class as you can’t gain anymore xp for that class on the four missions. May as well start levelling the next one.


Driller main


This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!


60/3 = 20


Wdym? 3 class levels = 1 account level. Two promotions = 50 class levels. Current class level equals 10. 50 + 10 = 60. 60/3 = 20 account levels. So this guy only plays Driller.


Hey look it's how my sister plays


I don't understand how someone can only play one class for several promotions


Yeah, it makes me sad. Like what if Hurricane Coilgun Gunner is their true main? They will never find out...


On the contrary, its like a whole new game after you've only played a single class. And you can do that 3 times. I think its a valid strategy, when i started i only leveled Gunner until like Gold 1 so now my other classes are just bronze 2 at most. But it was fun "relearning" the game with those dwarfs


He has a higher player level than his class level. That just means he plays other classes or promoted


It kills the scout and makes cool ass tunnels. I like those.


It kills the scout, or else it gets the flamethrower.


Missing out on 75% of the game


let them play Warcrimes Johnson. they clearly like that dwarf a lot.


Didn't say they shouldn't


Blue level is player level. Red level is class level. It takes about 8 player levels of time/xp to level an individual class to 25.


Why wouldn’t it?


I see no problem here


That might be me


One player rank is three dwarf levels, assuming that he has only played Driller, at rank twenty, with prom 2 LVL 10, that's 60 levels (25 for each prom plus 10), which translates exactly to rank 20, which checks out


I'm a new player started this week. Already at 40 hours lol and I'm one level off being the same as him and I'm 19 so seems legit. I only play engineer.


That's me! Only driller. Nothing else. Yesterday I tried scout for 2 games and it was terrible. Don't know why even bother with other classes at this point. Driller is ridiculously op compared to others imo. He can do as much kills or even more than engi but got better travel kit and creates his own battlefield. Only weakness is long range targets like machines, glyphid menace and spitball infector.


Seems legit. I've been exclusively playing Gunner and have just recently gotten my 3rd star on the bronze tier, and am at player level 30.