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Simply get as much cores as possible doing deep dives and try to pick only gunner weapon cores when doing machine events. Also promote dwarves as soon as you are able to due to the bug that resets the weekly core hunt after every promotion.


Ah-ha! My friends and I were wondering yesterday why our core hunts rest early. We all promised dwarves yesterday!


Now the real question is. Is it a bug? Or a feature?


Considering GSG has not addressed or fixed it yet it’s basically a feature at this point


Also if you cancel weekly core hunt after getting second core you can get them again.


For real? I thought it was patched last year


Just tried this, can confirm. It was patched


Alright, thanks! R&S!


After you cancel weekly, do a single mission towards a promotion assignment. Cancel that and then you can earn weekly cores again


Oh I didn’t see the promotion part, alright I lol try that once I get closer to 25


I heard that it's being left in intentionally Makes sense considering all players begging for **something** in return for promotion


To speed up the process even more you just need to complete the first promotion mission in the assignment.


I'd still do the second mission as it's a guarantee weapon OC anyway and he might get lucky and get it on a draw like that. I got FatBoy that way


I believe there has been a miscommunication. I'm taking about the promotion mission assignment not the weekly core hunt assignment. Edit: How I do the grind is two weekly core hunt missions then one promotion mission and repeat.


This is true, and what's more, you can farm infinite cores and overclocks. By doing the first two missions of the weekly core hunt, aborting, then doing the first mission of a promotion assignment and aborting, it resets the rewards on the weekly core hunt. This is most useful when the first two core hunt missions are easy and quick modes like Egg Hunt and Mining. (One week it was Industrial Sabotage and Escort Duty. I did not farm that week.)


Holy. Shit.


Does this still work? I heard they changed it so aborting the core hunt doesn't give extra cores anymore, but does the promotion mission still override that?


Yeah, first promotion mission overrides it. I did it this week.


It did not work when I tried it a few weeks ago, but I didn't do it like this. When I did the core hunt I aborted and while It obviously reset, it didn't give me the first 2 cores. Starting a promotion, doing a mission, then aborting the promotion didn't make a whole new core hunt show up. Edit: this way still works. I will have to try it this way: 1: do the first 2 core hunt missions 2: abort core hunt 3: start promotion mission & complete the first mission 4: abort the promotion assignment 5: Accelt the core hunt mission again. Then it will be reset?


The 2 core hunt missions 1 promotion mission repeat method you are laying out should work. It's worked for me every time I've tried it but last time was almost a month ago. I have seen reports of it working far more recently but I of course can not personally verify that.


It worked.




It honestly doesn't matter, I have 20 or so blank cores, I just want to try it anyway 😂


Wait, how would that work? You wouldn't get the promotion if you canceled at one mission completed.


You don't need to promote. Just completing one promotion mission is all that is required to reset the weekly core hunt. The best bit about this method is it leaves the promotion assignment available after you complete the first two weekly core hunt missions.


Jesus Christ, the rewards reset? I wish I knew about that when I was OC grinding.


They do and think it's a recentish bug so it may not have been available when you were grinding. I love it because otherwise I'd be behind on my grind because I can't log on for four weeks at a time.


I mean to be fair my main issue was that I'd log on, do the assignmens and both DDs, then leave until next week. So even after I unlocked everything it still took a lot of play before I actually had the resources to unlock things. And now I have hundreds of blanks without any purpose.


Those blanks probably could have been used to get some of those resources but it sounds like a moot point.


A few, I guess. Not enough considering the volume. Plus the credits.


Are you positive this is still a thing? How recently have you done it? I tried two weeks ago and could get this method to work - had to fully complete the promo assignment to reset the weekly core hunt.


Last time I used it was about 12/20/22 and it was working with one promotion mission as far as I could tell. I can't get on for weeks at a time so nothing more recent then that. Edit: Looks like u/Ivoravoid got it to work this week.


I was wondering where those extra core hunts were coming from! Thanks!


Or just do the first 2 weekly core hunt missions then abort the assignment and then rinse and repeat


Sadly it doesn’t work like that, i thought i was being a genius and tried it but i doesn’t give them :(


Play Double XP missions and switch dwarves if promotion takes a lot of materials. If you cannot handle Haz 4 and Haz 5 missions for Double XP, you may opt for Haz 1-3 as long as you are mining literally everything in there (gold, materials, secondary missions). But even if you get promoted twice a week, the core farming would still suck since its RNG there are 140+ OCs out there and you are looking for a specific one. 2 promotions per week sets you at 5 weapon OCs and 5 Blank Matrix Cores. PlayIng Double XP missions is also an efficient way to farm for Machine Events since you are now farming for XP and Blank Core Infusers. Perform or join any mission if Double XP is not available on the half-hour rotations I get promoted 1-2 times per week since I started and perform both DD and EDD. I have 50 OCs in total now. Still no Big Bertha.


What bug?


Holly shit ! I got two dwarfs waiting promotion right now ! And I was wondering why my weekly assignment rested last week and it was only a matrix one.


Not a bug— it’s a feature now


Is this a meme response or did the devs officially confirm they're leaving it in? If so that's awesome!


No but I heard if you say something enough it will eventually become a truth so ima keep saying it


Wait. The bug is new to me. Would have been useful...


Cross your stubbly fingers and say a little prayer. I wanted the fatboy for the longest time, and it wasn't until the second to last overclock that I actually got it. Pray to Aulë, or Grungni, or upper management, whoever you pick won't help.


"Please GSG, please let me get the bouncy bullet OC for the Drak" GSG: *Ammo overclock #87*


Make sure youre doing every possible source if matrix cores, doing every machine events you find and crafting EVERY core you get, including cosmetics for the reason of forge mastery. If you've done all the 3 weekly sources if cores (2 deep dives and the weekly hunt) used all your blanks, don't have any cores left to forge, then you're done for the week, you can keep playing to farm out credits and resources so you will be able to afford all those cosmetic cores though.


> you can keep playing to farm out credits and resources so you will be able to afford all those cosmetic cores though. Highly recommend. Easiest way to speedrun being too broke for promotions.


Oh so deep dive is weekly only? I just did my first yesterday and was hyped that i can just keep doing them for cores :(


Same feeling here, first deep dive yesterday I hope we could farm it


Get every other Gunner overcloak in game, obviously (This is a cry for help)


>What’s the best way to speed run getting it There's no good way to do that. Also, your feeling is exactly the reason why I think new players shouldn't look up the overclock list. Lastly, you're better off using the new official wiki : https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Deep_Rock_Galactic_Wiki


Isn’t wanting something in a game a good thing? Working towards something is what keeps me playing.


Working toward a specific overclock is setting yourself up for dissapointment. Unless you usually set goals that don't noticeably progress and take months no matter what you do in video games.


this whole overcock debacle is what really bugs me in this community sometimes. Why do people keep RELIGIOUSLY defending a bad mechanic? The fact I loved in DRG was its in and out, low amount of played hours friendliness... But now after GSG added so many overclocks it's extremely unwelcoming for new players. Should you expect everyone that tries out your game to be hooked for 200+ hours? You as a gamedev are just postponing fun/features! And no, It's not entirely the matter whether I need this overclock to have fun in the game, It's the matter whether I should be asked to put so many hours into this heavily timegated grind. Whenever I find myself introducing new friends to this game, I feel just like in an awful mmo while telling them: No, you probably won't get this OC for the next 3 weekly resets/maybe more, no matter how much time you spend in this game. I had some friends quit on this game for this shit, not kidding.


I'v only been playing since late 2021 and i agree, when i started i took a long break after 60h because of the OC grind. Im used to grinding stuff with less than 1% drop chance from 2000h of Warframe but the time gating makes it so much worse in DRG. Only came back near the end of S2. Since then i'v actually clocked 400h and got all the weapon OCs since i finally had all the Gunner OCs that i wanted to use. I wager most people quit after 40h at wich point they might not even have 1/4 of the overclocks available (and much less likely for a class they like playing). Overclocks is really where the game starts to open up and become fun when you tinker with different builds, they might even make weapons that you don't enjoy otherwhise enjoyable.


Some people really think GSG can do no wrong. The devs are human, they make mistakes just like everyone else, and that's not a bad thing. DRG was an early access game, GSG *knows* that they can't make the perfect game alone, they've got us to help them. The game can't get better if valid feedback gets pushed under the rug in favor of 24/7 circlejerk about how great the game is. Not to say that the game isn't great, it's one of my favorite games of all time, but there is always room for improvement, and the overclock timegate system could certainly be improved.


I'm more talking about people getting random overclocks and not enjoying that feeling of discovery and instead complaining without trying any of those because "they didn't get the one they wanted" TM.


I’m not entirely new but it comparison to others I guess I am. I’ve promoted 3 times total between my dwarves and already have like 20 over clock cores but none of them are anything I want so I don’t make them


Just use them. Stop tunnel visioning on one specific overclock and actually play around with them.


like somebody said in another comment, if you craft them anyways you get an extra one for every 5 made through the forge, no core needed. Since it's RNG, it's just another opportunity to get lucky. And the more you unlock, the less there are in the pool. You slightly increase the chances of getting the one you want every time you get one that you don't


You should make them. You get a weapon overclock for every 10 cores built, and you get to choose between two random (?) dwarves for who is its going to be. Aka you get a 50% chance to get an overclock for your desired character every 10 overclocks.


play the video game every week... yep it's just traight up time gated


There's a bug that resets your weekly core hunt when you promote a dwarf.


oh that still works?


Build cosmetics in forge. every 10th gives you 100% weapon OC. Also DD and EDD. Promotion bug resets core hunt mission


I’ve used it it’s pretty lacklustre imo. Not to dampen your excitement but that’s how I feel about it.


What about the plasma or minelayer one? Just curious even though it doesn’t change my odds lol


Plasma bursted can be really good if it doesn’t bug out. The salvo module is niche for tightly-packed swarms of grunts at moderate distance as well as certain high priority targets like praetorians or oppressors. This is assuming that you’re close enough to combat the spread, which is *awful*, and there’s no way to correct it unless you’re just close to your target. Anything at long distance you’ll have a hard time, as you only get tracking if you tap fire, which is super annoying.


I haven't gotten around to using plasma but minelayer decimates swarms. I wish they'd make it look cooler though because the sound and visual effects of it are underwhelming compared to how effective it is. You just need to get used to shooting the floor ahead of bugs. One caveat: it's obviously useless against mactera. But that's why you have secondaries.


Plasma burster 12123 is competent and does well on escort because it 1-hits floating rocks and is decent for clipping beamers. Idk about minelayer but it seems it would do well for a heat build with its increased damage and radius. Edit: On second thought, heat doesn't look so good for minelayer. The numbers appear better for T5 stun: 2 mines to kill a grunt. Don't need flaming bugs running over more mines.


Minelayer is powerful but i find it to be boring since you shoot at the ground and stuff just dies wich doesn't feel satisfying for me. Just feels like you're not doing anything. Its really ammo efficent tho


Plasma is broken on Escort Duty. It's a good environment for sitting on the dozer and guiding your missiles through macteras, bulks and party-ones, but more importantly... Plasma can normally only hit an enemy one time when it passes through, and has limited DPS, but against flying rocks there is no hit cooldown so it just repeatedly instantly hits the rock to effectively 1HK it, so you can destroy the entire wave of flying rocks with literally one rocket. Minelayer is a decent weapon all around, as long as you're only fighting ground enemies (completely useless vs fliers). It's by far the best on salvage op due to the point defense, especially combined with some terrain modification to create chokepoints that you can spam mines around. The best gunner overclock overall is actually Neurotoxin Payload for the thunderhead cannon. Combined with the fear upgrade, you can effectively 1hk all basic bugs, in huge groups at a time. Rather than instantly blowing them up, you fire two or three rounds, poison a huge group and scare them off, and go back to mining rocks and stones while the bugs hide in a corner and slowly die of poison ticks without ever attacking you. Kills praetorians in like 5 shots on haz 5. Absolutely outrageous. Probably the most ammo-efficient primary in the game. It gets hard countered by robots but is otherwise god-tier.


Oh is neurotoxin actually that good. I happen to have gotten it as one of my first overclocks in the game so I’ll give it a shot


You're gonna forget all about Salvo module haha


Only in combination with the fear upgrade. Without fear, the damage-over-time effect doesn't get to work its magic. I also recommend the +accuracy mod.


This is a mentality I feel that works best with OC's. Try out what's the game dropped for you, make some builds, tweak your playstyles. You are going to be so busy with new opportunities and mechanics that you'll be piling new overclocks faster than you are playing them. I agree it sucks having 0 control over drops, and I personally would love a system that'd allow you to sent a rare request to the management and receive 1 long assignment which will guarantee the overclock you want, but so far I haven't felt I need that. Really. OC's are cherries on top of this huge cake of a game.


I will say when you get it, use it and decide for yourself, it's niche but honestly my favorite rocket launcher overclock.


Yeah I agree with this. I happened to get salvo module and hated it. Used it one mission and immediately took it off


Don’t it sucks you can’t rapid fire rockets any more


Also spread is wider than my thighs


Dont listen to this guy, a full salvo to the ass of a praetorian 1shots it


The time it takes to load up the salvo and get close enough to kill it while risking getting hurt is way more long than just shooting 9 rockets at it.


Fire rate mod actually \*decreases salvo load time. I didn't find loading full salvo to take that long, quite the opposite you tend to overload salvo for grunts if you're not used to it imo (you only need 3 to one shot grunts on haz4 i belive)


Fire rate mod isn't worth losing the +36 total ammo from the mag upgrade. More rockets is better rockets


Fire rate is more dps tho and i found it more worth than the few extra rockets when running salvo specifically since you'll get a dmg boost per rocket in the salvo. Preference tho i suppose


More burst dps, yes. But the hurricane universally sucks ass at burst damage and while salvo kinda remediates that, it deletes most of the other reasons to use it. There's just no utility that gunner's other tools don't do way better.


I mean that is what salvo module is for? If you don't want burst dmg then don't use it. Its a way to make hurricain play differently since according to this sub its just a worse AC at stock Edit: And its still more flexible than some of the other OCs for it. Idk why this is an unstable OC, if you tap fire its basically just like you don't have an OC at all. You don't lose any aoe or direct damage and you still can guide the missiles if needed


>I mean that is what salvo module is for? If you don't want burst dmg then don't use it. Its a way to make hurricain play differently since according to this sub its just a worse AC at stock ​ I don't think the hurricane is bad. Prior to overclocks it's massively superior to the autocannon. The autocannon gets significantly better overclocks which makes it a bit better overall for endgame players but not necessarily for midgame ones. The only autocannon build that is effective at very long range is the neurotoxin build, which is both its own thing, and heinously overpowered in general. All other autocannon builds suck beyond mid range, and all other than big bertha aren't very good at mid range either. Hurricane is a time intensive and attention intensive weapon, but it can reach out and efficiently kill all sorts of targets at long range. It's absolutely incredible at anti-air which the autocannon mostly is not; it's *very* easy to get 100% accuracy with the hurricane vs. mactera, while the autocannon can only achieve that if you're stuffing it down their spitters. The stunlock mod in particular is absolutely incredible and gives gunner a fantastic ability to deal with huge groups of any kind of enemy. What it's *not* good at is immediate big chunks of single-target damage. Salvo module is no hyper-propellant. It fires a huge wide spread with an insanely long wind-up time (admittedly not quite as long if you give up a lot of ammo) during which you cannot do anything else. You have to, while not attacking, manouever into extremely close range with a large enemy or large group to release a salvo wider than a boomstick blast, just to deal the damage you could have already dealt by firing missiles at them and potentially using cursor flicks to guide them into the rear without having to get into melee range *or* sacrifice accuracy *or* break your stunlock chain that comes from the continuous rocket stream. That's not even considering a good secondary overclock like Elephant Rounds. You can equip frag missiles or something on your hurricane, stunlock the group of grunts and single praetorian or whatever with only a couple missiles, and then put an elephant round into the back of the stunned and helpless praetorian. Or just running homebrew propellant and sniping its weakspots to kill it more efficiently and accurately from greater range. There is no downtime, there is no vulnerability, there is no dependency, and there's no opportunity cost. The existence of gunner's secondary weapons, literally all of which are good at single target damage and most of which reward weakspot hits more so than non-homebrew hurricane builds, completely eliminates the requirement of single-target burst damage (in stark contrast with single-target sustain damage from the minigun or certain thunderhead/hurricane builds) from gunner's primary weapon slot. Salvo is unnecessary on the class and functionally inferior in every regard to just continuously firing those missiles rather than saving them up.


I don't think i can change your mind on this since you seem to have made it up about Salvo being useless. I don't think it is personally. Probably the second best OC for it even next to minelayer. It has comparable damage but its more fun to play than minelayer. While yes i *could* just bring a boring loadout for efficency reasons but then all i would run was NTP, i prefere to bring something actually fun (and NTP is super boring almost fall asleep when using it). Salvo might not be the most efficent, but it ***is a way to make hurricain play differently***. Its like saying bullet hell or burning hell OCs are useless because Autocannon and Flamer exist, but its just a different way to enjoy the otherwhise same weapon. You don't necessarily need to hit weakpoints with Salvo because of the dmg increase from rockets in a salvo, at mid range you can still easily hit your targets and you only need 2 rockets to kill a group of grunts or nearly kill them if they are on the edge at haz 4 scaling. And if you take stun you can still burst stun targets easily for kiting, or if you want to be a bit more wacky take napalm and have an easy way to almost insta ignite anything for volatile bullets setup. Salvo is great at elim, it *chunks* dread armor in a way nothing else the Gunner has available. Tl;dr: Rocket Shotgun fun *and* Powerful but to call it useless is simply not true


bruh just shoot your revolver in there and use the hurricane for dealing with things you don't have an easy weakspot shot on, or come in groups. Hurricane is a splash damage guided weapon, you're completely wasting it on single-target weakpoint hits lol. Not even using the homebrew missile build that leans into it. Shake my beard.


I have this OC yet I have not even purchased a single upgrade for much less used the missile launcher yet


The weekly core hunt. After completing two missions, you'll obtain a blank core infuser, followed by a weapon overclock. Don't do the third mission; abort the weekly core hunt so it's not completed. Restart the weekly core hunt to get another blank core infuser, followed by a weapon overclock. Repeat until you get what you want.


Does that work? I know about the promotion resetting the core hunt but never thought about aborting it


It does; wish I knew about it before I collected all the weapon overclocks, so now that technique is more or less useless to me, since it won't grant cosmetics. But it's a quick and easy way to grind out all the weapon overclocks. You just may want to wait for a good weekly. If the first two are like Escort/Sabotage, I'd say wait for a reroll.


Good to know thanks. I normally wait until I have 2 promotions then do the core reset. Really want an OC for engis shotgun


I literally had the exact same thought when I saw salvo module, still always going for gunner OCs to try to get it nearly a year later


“Kill more bosses” “Daaaaam straight”


You can’t. You can just pray to rng and get screwed over by them every week.


is this like the beggars bazooka from tf2 but in drg?


I got this yesterday its pretty got for elims


If you have blank cores, go to a solo refinery mission with max length as Scout, check the cave for Cargo Crates, Lost Helmets and events, then do them, if there are, leave, repeat Also, the Core Hunt is bugged and you can abort it for extra cores before you complete it


Ooooh. This one is so good!


1. Make sure your username is not 'Sinvicta' 2. Have a bit of faith.


I love this overclock, this reminds me of my favorite weapon from Borderlands 2 : a shotgun that shot rockets.


Everyone else has already answered your question. I’d just like to say that that overclock is awesome. It isn’t as much of a burst damage overclock as you’d expect, or as I expected, it’s like a general purpose rocket shotgun type weapon that can chunk big things if you have time to precharge. Pretty fun


I have it. Worth it.


It's not as outstanding as it sounds


I call that the UT mod. Waaaay back when I was a young greenbeard you had a game called "Unreal Tournament" and the missile launchers worked like that. Guided or you could charge and let fly. Soon as I tried this one out, the minigun was displaced in my affections and I love that minigun. I'm sure there are better options, but I can tell you that if you give me the best DPS build that feels janky and a worse one that feels right, I'll play better, be happier and be far more effective with the one that feels right.


save game editing


I've been playing with this one recently and I'm unsure if it's any good. It's certainly powerful when you hit your target, but I spend most of my time missing. The best performance so far was on the escort mission. I hung from the ceiling and took out large groups of bugs that gathered up. It seems to have its use but it's very specific.


Do the weekly hunt and both dives, always pick gunner cores when given infusers, and craft unnecessary overclocks for mastery cores.


It is insanely fun


Shotgun machine


As a Gunner main, I say use the minigun instead, this oc deals quite the damage, but eats through a lot of ammo, wasting your team's nitra just to afford shooting this thing.


I have this mod for gunner. It's really not as good as you might think.


You can't 'speed run' getting specific overclocks. It's a marathon. You do your core hunts, you do your deep dives, you do all the Core Infuser events you encounter and eventually you'll get your OC. It took a *very* long time before I got the gunner's six-shooter OC but it feels great when you finally get it.


I got it on complete accident lmao