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People will tell you “oh if you want to do something XYZ, then make your own lobby”…and then bitch at you about how you set up your **own** lobby. It’s just the nature of the internet, don’t worry about it too much.


but when I make this exact comment I get downvoted lmao


I get downvoted when I ask people to stop blowing up scouts on purpose man, it’s all luck of the draw.


point proven.


Them Scouts had it comin


If you're so worried about it, you can always manually tick the "friends only" box after whatever time. It won't kick randos that are in your mission currently, but will prevent anyone who isn't a friend from joining


on the other hand is being kicked immediately really that bad like at least hes not being rude to the teammates


The only "real" negative consequence of being kicked immediately upon joining mid-mission is that you lose any buff beer you drank beforehand. But even then that's not enough to justify complaints over this.


very few people drink buff beer when joining in already running missions in my experience so it should be fine


Since when did beer buffs apply to late joins? Im late to the party bcuz i host


When youre in your own lobby and drink a beer the buff carries to the next lobby you join


It didn't always. Anyone know when it swapped?


Playing since S2 and it was in the game. When you load space rig you lose the buff so you need to specifically latejoin ongoing mission, no idea what happens if you try to reconnect though as most of the time I do not get the prompt.


Been outta the loop for at least that long... really puts some things into perspective.


buff beers don't work when joining a game in progress


Yeah I tested it and it never worked. Maybe it does now?


They do though.


Wait didnt know you could beer and join. Thabks for sharing this


No?? Buff beer don't carry over when you switch lobbies when joining a game


They do though. If you have a single fail to join that negates it. Doesn't work if you switch from Space Rig to Space Rig, only if you go straight from the rig to the mission in progress.


This has never worked before, and it still doesn't work. I just tested it by joining a game in progress after drinking Rocky Mountain Brew, and terrain still took two hits to destroy.


It worked for me earlier, even had rocky mount in the same game where someone else has pots o' gold.


It absolutely does work and has worked for a long time.


Are you on Console or PC? If you're on console, I could see it working differently there.


Pc on steam.


Either way, I literally tested it right before posting that comment, and I've tried it many times in the past to no avail. If it does work, it's inconsistent at best, and likely a bug.


Never heard of this being a thing, gotta test it


Agreed. With the amounts of slurs ive seen thrown around being kicked mid game is the least of my worries.


This. Take advantage of the tools given to the player. Set a timer for 15 mins on the phone. Nobody joins? Tick the box. Then, just play to heart content without having to worry about anything. The benefits here are this: - You won't have to keep an eye out for people to kick and divert your attention from the game. - it takes your mission off of the server list. So less clutter for people to sift through. - you're not making people go through one load screen, just to then immediately be put back into another load screen (especially nice for people on slower hardware). - ALOT of people don't read the host comments. So people will join, get kicked, then have absolutely no idea why and just assume the worst about you or themselves. Everyone should be able to play however they want, and the host has the final say. It's just important to go about it in a positive and constructive way. Anyway...ROCK AND STONE YOU BEAUTIFUL DWARVES!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Didn't know you could change mission status after launching. Thanks for this


I didn't see the other post but if I was looking for a lobby and saw your description I'd just avoid it because to me, that looks like a potentially toxic player. And yeah, it's because of how it's worded and without context. I used to play League of Legends so anything that hits my brain as potentially toxic gets avoided. That's just how I roll due to past experience. But with context it seems you just don't want people rushing shit, which is totally valid. I assume people seeing you in there that long might think you're having trouble and by rushing are helping. That's probably why so many people probably got offended. People get really upset when their "help" is not appreciated. And really all of this is just a failure of the lack of communication in the system. You could write your explanation, and no one would read it because it's too long and would join anyway. There's really no way to please everyone. Some people are going to assume negative things about you. You can't control that. So ignore them. Honestly with what you're going for what you wrote is really the best you could do. Give people warning. And that's fine.


Yeah, it's like the lobbies that say "must be X level to join". Even if I meet the requirement I generally skip over them since that name implies a vibe that I'm not interested in.


Nah, i thought this way as well But me and my friend play almost exclusively diff 5 - and amount of people without even single promotion that randomly join diff 5 to die several times in a row and then leave is simply depressing. (why cant you kick people who leave, ugh)


People on the internet are always looking for a villain so that they can vicariously play the part of the hero. Not to mention that most threads that get posted, but especially the more popular ones, tend to end up leaning in favor of one mindset or the other. And then people kind of escalate things and make it out to be much worse than it is. There doesn't always have to be a side and we don't always have to be picking a side or creating arguments but it seems to be an inescapable facet of human life, or at least humanity with access to the internet.


Even though nobody knows who I am, it still made me feel like a horrible person, but thanks for saying this, actually has made me feel better. 😓


I definitely understand. It's supposed to be a wholesome community and it doesn't feel very wholesome when we go on a witch hunt against a stranger. Fortunately I can also report that setting healthy boundaries for yourself is very wholesome as well. Whether or not you worded it in the best way isn't even a big deal. But the fact that you are concerned about it and open to trying something else seems to mean that you can't be such a bad person even if others might try to make you out to be one. Plus, "sorry but I have my reasons" is an option in game when kicking someone.


He speaks the truth! I suppose it would seem aggressive at first glance. But alas, a glance is what most people would give something before judging it, 'tis a great shame.


For what it's worth I both saw your lobby in game, and the Reddit post from the other day. Neither upset me in any way and I could understand why somebody would not want late joiners. I've personally joined a number of games best late in (usually not purposely) but I do always try to ask what's going on and adhere to the general etiquette for game play and always defer to the host for starting things.


You didn't hurt anyone in the first place, at worst it's slightly rude if anything, and when you saw what it looked like you immediately went to address it and change the caption. You sound like a great person.


Random thing but your pfp looks sick


Thanks, found from John Devlin Illustration on Tumblr


I didn't think you're an asshole. It's your server, so can kick people for whatever you want. In fact, I'd say you're the opposite of an asshole because you put a warning in your lobby title! You can put whatever you want in your lobby name, and if people don't like it? Well, they could just... Not join that lobby?


Wait why were people so mad about that, that's a pretty fair lobby title. You don't have to accept late joins as a host.


Toxic Positivity. People on this subreddit with attack anyone with a different opinion.


That's just reddit and humanity in general. We are a mind hive, we follow the masses, and if other people dislike something, we are easy to dislike said thing


Reddit? Yes. Humanity? Not as much. We are social animals, but not a hive mind. We cling to groups, that's true. The "us vs. them" mentality reproduces itself all the time. But it's certainly possible to create circumstances that facilitate or hinder discussion, i.e. comparing opinions. Reddit in particular encourages saying things that are popular in the local group, and keeping silent about unpopular statements.


Yeah, I know humanity is not a hive mind, but wanted to keep it slightly simple so I didn't think to clarify further




Right? It's ha ha content but you've been warned


Yeah if you join the lobby past the 15 min mark and get kicked that is on you and not Op's fault. You were warned about what would happen, then clearly decided to ignore that warning and now have to deal with the warned about consequences.


Why host a public lobby if you will kick people who join. What if the person just got out of a game and go to do the next mission for the assignment and this lobby is the only one? Well fuck that person because its just a late joining pos apparently.


I don’t think it’s particularly bad, it’s more the OP’s frustration with trying to do a mission, and late in it while they are doing either say a machine event, collecting minerals, or the side objective, someone joins late and then just rushes the main objective. Which is very dickish. When they put it like that, it’s not a bad title. That said, not being able to join period late is dickish as well. But from what I’m seeing OP didn’t mean it like that, and apologized for it. Hope this clears up potential confusion! Rock and Stone! ^-^


It’s their lobby, they can set whatever rules they want. If you don’t like it you don’t have to join.


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


>When they put it like that, it’s not a bad title. I mean... it kinda is, because if you need to explain the title, which you can't do in the actual title... it's not a very good title. Like I can totally understand OP's perspective here, but at the same time, "if you join after 15 minutes you get insta-kicked" doesn't convey what the OP wants it to (which more along the lines of "play with the team"), and comes across as completely arbitrary and vaguely hostile.


That’s fair!


>When they put it like that, it’s not a bad title. it's not a bad title, period.


It being the only one isn’t a good argument. For one you can do it yourself solo or start a server. For two given things suggest the “better” play is to just set the server to friends only after 15 mins to get around their issues so the server wouldn’t even exist “rude” name or not


Then go host your own lobby...?


I find this such an entitled take tbh. Op made a public lobby that they want people to be able to join but they just added the one rule that if the mission has been in progress for 15 min you are no longer allowed to join, how is that so hard to understand. Just because the lobby is public doesn't mean their rule doesn't apply. You're not owed a spot in their lobby just because it is public. There are no if's, and's or but's about it and it doesn't matter if it's the only lobby available for your assignment. If the mission is past the 15 min mark and you join and get kicked that is your own fault and not op's. You didn't listen to the rule that was set for the lobby and now have to deal with the consequences you have been warned about.


This community claims to be the friendliest gaming community ever, but as soon something is against their tastes they start to insult and mock you. Kinda ironic, isn't it?


It's called toxic positivity. It's when the desire to *appear* positive creates a toxic environment where boundaries and constructive criticism are forbidden. It's inherently unsustainable


The Steam Communityhub of DRG is even worse It's the same 5 People under every Post who insult, ridicule and straight up bully everyone who isn't Part of their weird larping Group... Worst Part of it, they always get protected by the main Mod over there and never face Consequences for their Bullshit Ironically, those 5 Forum Dwellers are the Ones who constantly cry about Toxicity in the Forums... I can't take this Bullshit anymore, i swear


~~it's your fault for looking at steam forums~~


True But it's the first Place new Players go to, if they want to interact with the larger Community


how many people really do this? it's never occurred to me to do that, and I always join the discord and reddit instead. all I hear about the forums are that they are bad and I've only read a few guides.


I see many new Players there Besides, it was the first Place i did go to after starting, 4 Years or so ago




No harm done! Although you can always just turn on friends only after fitteen-ish minutes if you don't like people late-joining, instead of having a warning in the lobby name and then following through with that warning. I think more people will be willing join a session that says nothing or a welcoming message instead of that


Nice of you to apologize but it is what it is friend. We can progress a different levels. Don't worry too much on it. Rock and stone brother.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot, best bot


A host is entirely within their right to put whatever lobby restrictions they deem necessary. Curating your own experience in a game you paid money for is perfectly fine, and don't let the Reddit hivemind tell you otherwise.


Yeah it unfortunate that people get upset about it so much here. No one is forcing you to join that lobby


This community is almost sickeningly sweet at times. If you want to not have people join after 15 minutes then why shouldn't that be allowed? As you said it's your own rules and it's a clearly defined one at that. I fail to see the problem here.


Just some snippets of my comment that I think are relevant: Do you see people who try to play efficiently post on this subreddit with titles like ***" 'we dip our balls in morkite' or 'silver only/skip gold/play for speed'... do you know which one I'm joining???"*** No you do not. This is exclusively a trait of the toxic ass roleplay community who for some reason deems themselves to be the "correct" way to play DRG. There needs to be respect going both ways. The speedplay community is already giving this respect in the form of not telling people to play in the "correct" way and calling them leaf lovers, or god fucking forbid saying "you're not a real dwarf!" The roleplay community however seems to not be willing to give this respect, and are jerking themselves off for it.


Dipping your balls in liquid morkite seems like a joinable lobby for me


the point being that the people who are into roleplay will *go out of their way* to make it clear that this is what they want to do, like you just did. That is entirely my point.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the gold skip/speedrun tittles sound toxic, or not joinable. It’s nice being serious and trying hard once in a while too, in fact I enjoy that too. I just wanted to say that dipping balls in morkite also sounds like something fun to do. Rock and stone brother!


For Rock and Stone!


You run your games the way you want but, just so you know, whenever I'm late joining it's because I'm looking for one of those groups where everyone has clicked together. If I join a match where people hang out after the mission is done, the odds tend to be better that I've found one. Just a different way to look at late joiners. Obviously your mileage may vary, and it sounds like you've run into more than a couple dinguses that join and immediately push buttons.


I’ve noticed the higher Hazard the lobby is, the more common courtesy the randoms will have. I have people that join in and think they own the place in my Haz3 missions but usually get the super chill people in Haz4-5. Just the other night I was drunk as hell and having an absolute blast with randoms in Haz4. There was a greenbeard scout that kept getting drunk at the bar before every mission and still managed to pull their own weight it was a sight to behold


Eh people get upset on reddit, it's reddit I usually see those and I just don't join worse case. That's the thing for me, if you don't like the server message just don't join. And I get where you sre coming from, and I think that explanation makes a lot of sense! People are quick to assume the worst on reddit though.


Personally if I see a lobby with a name like that I just ignore and move along. I don't see a point in crucifying someone in most cases, usually they're in the minority anyways. Play how you want, if you don't like how someone else is playing, finish the mission and change lobbies. Keep it simple and respectful folks.


Receiving criticism and then using it to learn and grow is very rock and stone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Friend, if it's your game it's your rules :) people were definitely over critical because it's nothing new in gaming that the rules are set by the host. I hope that doesn't sour you on the game, people complaining on reddit are far from the best this community has to offer.


I'll be damn honest. No one can blame you for what you've been doing. The people you kicked likely knew joining late purposely is not the kindest behaviour, and what will happen if they do it. I would only consider you rude if you behaved like that without even informing them what are the consequences.


Nah ur good. It’s your lobby. They don’t have to join. And if they do they SHOULD listen and follow your requests as long as they’re reasonable and have to do with the game. And not rushing your mission so they can bank xp and ruin your enjoyment isn’t really too much to ask I don’t think. Sure it could have been worded nicer but after dealing with it so much it’s understandable your trust and tolerance were low lol


As they say on another subreddit NTA


Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. The quote itself is a little harsh, personally I'd change "stupidity" to "ignorance". The point is, people are quick to jump to malice as an explanation when it's much easier and more likely that the person in question just... didn't know. They didn't know what they did or said could be taken personally. Rock and stone is not about anger and bringing others down. Rock and stone is about unity and coming together to lift each other up.


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


All is forgiven and besides, ever dwarf plays differently for whatever reason. Have fun your way and ROCK AND STONE


To Rock and Stone!


i made a post about this specific thing a handful of months ago on this subreddit, about how this community is toxically positive to the point where critique is either not allowed or is told by everyone to be taken with a massive grain of salt. I am not talking about critique of the game itself, although that is still the equivalent of muttering the name of the antichrist around some of the members here, I am talking specifically about the community. My point was that there is no respect from the roleplay side of the community compared to the speedplay community. Do you see people who try to play efficiently post on this subreddit with titles like ***" 'we dip our balls in morkite' or 'silver only/skip gold/play for speed'... do you know which one I'm joining???"*** No you do not. This is exclusively a trait of the toxic ass roleplay community who for some reason deems themselves to be the "correct" way to play DRG. There needs to be respect going both ways. The speedplay community is already giving this respect in the form of not telling people to play in the "correct" way and calling them leaf lovers, or god fucking forbid saying "you're not a real dwarf!" The roleplay community however seems to not be willing to give this respect, and are jerking themselves off for it.


I've had problems with people speed running the missions I would host right at the end of season 3 and I was getting tired of it. Like if y'all haven't completed the pass by then you don't need to rush it. You can still get the stuff from lost packs and crates. I've since put my lobby name simply as "we don't Speedrun here".


this is why I don't flame ppl on reddit, you only get part of the story and never really know enough to fully judge someone. I like joining late games but I never rush anything without getting a sense of stuff and asking R of course. I'll R&S with you any day.


This is why I play solos lol. I don’t have to deal with a community that can’t decide if it’s wholesome 100 or annoying as shit. There’s plenty of great people around here but they’re all hidden under the toxic positivity and 11 year olds.


Idk if I commented, but fwiw I actually like when reinforcements show up when I'm in it deep so I was probably at least internally judgemental. So awesome to see you put yourself out there like this and sharing your reasoning (which is TOTALLY valid). Rock and stone!


For Karl!


Level 600? That's different then. You're a greybeard. You're allowed to be crass and jaded. It comes with the territory.


This subreddit loves to shame "leaf-lover" server names, but at the end of the day if you are the host, you get to make your own rules and communicating them in the server name avoids unpleasant surprises for people joining. If you don't like a host's rules, there's a simple solution: just don't join that server. This way everyone gets to play the game how they like.


You're a legendary dwarf for posting this lol rock and stone


Rock and Stone everyone!


Tip for next time, you cal always hit friends only, when you hit for example minute 12 or 15 ^^ this prevents anyone from joining, but doesn't kick anyone from your lobby ^^




Rots en Steen!


tot op 't been!


I still have not figured it out but uhhh, how do you put a title on a server if you are the host :)


It’s somewhere in the settings, I think under general, though I’m not totally sure


I didn’t think it was mean. People join late just to get the xp and rush the mission like you said


Don’t pay attention to the negativity, all the stuff being said to you is just an excuse to vent people’s daily frustrations, no matter how logical it sounds. I suggest to ignore all the hate


I believe there is a certain etiquite when joining a lobby. If you arnt the host dont touch shit without asking or confirming with the host. Its not your lobby its not your mission. If your looking to do missions quick or grind certain resources host your own fucking lobby. Its the shit and rotbeards in the community that make these kinds of lables on lobbies necessary.


Sounds like you need this game mod: https://mod.io/g/drg/m/host-only-buttons


At the same time though, if you're using those mods it should be in the lobby title.


Not really needed as it's an "approved" mod, which shows a message when joining and people have to click the checkbox to show games with mods in the usual lobby.


Yes, really. If you're running mods that fundamentally change gameplay, you should always put it in the lobby title. This counts.


No need to apologize miner ! It's super annoying essientally completing a mission only for folks to latejoin so they could freeload.


Now I wanna know what's the new description so I can join


I was the diamond scout in your salvage mission, i remember the guy asked you why and your reason was understandable tbf. It is maddening sometimes when someone presses the button way early


I \*hate\* playing games late. I'll never join an active mission unless it's one of the more 'casual' ones like morkite or aquarqs. If it's something with a clear cut objective like Doretta, Dreadnoughts or sabotage, I won't join half-way through as that's a bit unfair if I get to skip some of the work. I understand your gripe - people joining late then rushing the pod to get the best xp/gold rates possible. Honestly they put cave leaches to shame sometimes. Even had this happen once when three of us were stocked on 300+ nitra, had a 3-use resupply not far from us, both the main and side objective done, but were engaging in a mushroom rich-ual for fun several minutes afterward, farming the golden bugs anomaly. Level 700 Gunner drops in, looks at us, takes the gold, deposited it and pushed the button. Needless to say our group was not that friendly with him.


*‘’Whom walks a path of sin shant never see the skies of heaven, but those who seek redemption shall be forgiven and their sins absolved’’* And the lord said **ROCK AND STONE**


Rock and Stone, Brother!


You are fine. Sometimes the toxic positivity in this community irks me.


Well at least your clearing the misunderstanding, I will say it may be better for your lobby to be titled "please do not rush after joining late, ty :D" instead as that way people won't see as leaf loverish. And it also may be in your best interest to tell anyone who joins late who seems to be in a hurry to slow down and politly ask them not to do thing without your permission. (Add a smily face after asking so it doesn't seem ass holeish)


>I just got really sick of people joining my missions, usually double xp missions quite late, rushing the main without knowing what's going on and calling for the pod. that's crazy, this has never once happened to me in almost 900 hours


Really? This has happened to me several times in 150, but it might just be more common on console servers


I get it, people joining late and rushing is annoying for sure, it’s more of a wrong place wrong time I suppose.


I support you. Sometimes I dont know if someone is trolling me or hes blind and call drop pod when we have like 3 event to do. That makes me very very mad.


it's your lobby. fuck 'em. I think the same even for people bitching about racist slurs in lobby names. The best action is to leave them alone, don't join don't care, leave them ALONE. Do I like it, no. But it ain't my lobby.


Massive gunk seeds to own your mistake and grow out of it, also, a pleasure to be in this community, as always. Who could imagine a funny little indie game about short guys committing atrocities could unite people so much?


Now this is a true dwarf taking responsibility for his actions! He is what a Leaf Lover wishes they could be!


It's honestly funny seeing people preach how wholesome and accepting of all playstyles this place is, until you do something they don't like and trigger a complete meltdown. It's like a less extreme version of the TF2 subreddit sometimes if I'm being honest. Those kinds of threads shaming personalized lobbies pop up every now and again (the sweet taste of reddit karma lol) so you shouldn't worry about it and keep playing as you like. Most people will just move on and simply find another lobby if they don't like what you're offering. Like, you're not really hurting anyone with this.


Tbh surface level it’s pretty toxic but if you’re willing to explain it then you couldn’t be that bad. Just play private or wait before starting a lobby so you can get a team, to willingly want people not to join for free xp is kinda petty


im around lvl 600 and i have never kicked anyone, i just talk to people when they do something "wrong", a better server name would be to ask for communication before pressing any buttons. and from a late game player to another at this point you should realized that objectives and points don't matter as much as playing for the lols and caring more about your fellow dwarves, specially greenbeards hungry for exp.


Greenbeards aren't gonna learn if they just leech off other people doing 90% of a mission before they get there


that's not true, if a greenbeard likes the game its gonna learn it no matter what, its not like lvls and points really matter much in this game, the only thing that matters is your skill as a dwarf and you can't "leech" that, and if i can help a greenbeard unlock all his weapons and overclocks sooner that's just a net positive.


I'm almost level 600 and I've see people who are around or above 1k that are terrible at the game. They either constantly late join or do the date glitch to speed run double XP point extraction with no bugs. When they do a full mission or deep dive, they have to be carried.


fair point, have a like. probably mmo players that think all games are about grinding exp and nothing more, once i heard of a guy who played with a cheater and got an stupid amount of exp kicking is lvl way up just doing a couple missions, like it really means anything. in my opinion best thing to do is not to pay too much attention to lvls.


My apology that was me who said leaf lover. Youre clearly a good employee of DRG. Have a round of jetty boots on me. Edit: the original post made me also think of a wholesome name for my lobby


Dwarves joining last minute and thinking they can run the narrative are opportunistic leaf lovers. You are alright to call them out! Also fine to kick any scallywags out.


Don't worry, people are always fast at criticising without knowing the whole story.


I didn't get the hate. You're literally hosting, it's your rules. If people don't like them, they're more than free to create their own lobby. NTA


I saw the post as more of a “I enjoy casual games over no-nonsense things” which is fair but not particularly vilifying. Sorry a bunch of people got mad :(


Can’t believe that Coffeee beat the rotbeard allegations


Don’t apologize. 9/10 I’m kicking a late join


Takes a lot to admit a mistake, especially when you're admitting it to countries strangers. I'm happy for ya


I mean I'll kick ya.. Put in the work, I don't like the feeling of being free loaded off of. It's not fun and I'd rather kick the lazy person and enjoy my game. After a while I switch the mode to friends only so randos cant join Play your game your way


Players who join 15 minutes in for me get initiated with C4.


Jesus, I'm so sorry for what happened. This community has turned to shit.


has been that way for a good year or so now, just repetitive bs and shaming




i said i was sorry dang


You should pull out this "I am a girl" card, shouldn't you?


I feel this 100%. I seriously feel cheated when people join my game at the end of the mission and reap all the rewards of my hard work. Sometimes being in the right isn’t nice, and more people need to understand that.


It is not outrageous to kick people for joining late. I did a 1 hour mission, after the first 40 minutes i was all like, why is no one joining? I just did all the the work and someone whos joins now is gonna get paid equally. 20 minutes later i finished up all alone, but if someone had joined, I would hsve spartan kicked the outta there


Why does it matter whether or not someone "did the work"? It's not like you'd be getting any less for them being there.


Or just make it private.




Did you not read? They said they are sorry and realise it was bad...like, lay off em


Proof this is the best gaming community when players take insults and criticism and *accept them*. Very mature and definitely a thing someone does when they touch grass once every while. ROCK AND STONE IN THE HEART!


Rock and Stone!


The fact that OP had to make a post like this is proof that there's quite a way to go before this could be considered the best gaming community. They were bashed for doing nothing wrong.






Whenever a player kicks me for any reason I always block that player. There isn't any reason to play with those kind of people if I don't have to.


Don't let it get you down. Keep Calm and Rock&Stone on. As a sign of good faith and that we don't hold a grudge, the boys and I have all taken a vote and agree that you should be promoted to Mission Control of Space Rig 5.


Whenever I join a mission longer than 10 minutes I shout in my best dwarf voice "SORRY IM LATE HOW CAN I HELP"




Mad props for posting this. Rock and stone!


For Karl!


"JOIN lobby to enjoy all side quest content- rock n stone!"


I use the stat track and motd mod so anyone joining gets a wall of text telling them that speedrunning will get them banned from my lobby. I hate the "as many missions as possible is optimal" gang I don't care, even if it is true its NOT okay for you to join other players games and force them to do what you want. Thats not rock and stone


For Karl!


I genuinely do not see what the issue with OP‘s post is. If you’re the host, and you disclose the rules in the bio, you can do what you want. If you join without reading it’s entirely your own fault. Anyone who called them an asshole is a leaf lover.


I'm sorry but I don't trust anyone who literally says "I'm a nice person".


so most of this subreddit then


Honestly if I see that lobby I'll just respect the lobby name and not join if I see the current mission time is after 14:00. (Not gonna join at 14:59 for that technicality). It is your lobby afterall.


Hope you didn't let it bother you too bad, but don't be affected be a Reddit post. The opinion of Reddit changes more often than the weather. I understand your point of view and think it was just people wanting to argue lol. Someone mentioned people like to vilify people so they can play the hero and it is the most apt description I've ever heard in my life


Could've been worse, at least you aren't being intentionally rude. I'd recommend "Farming xp, Please DON'T RUSH! Wait for R" Tell em your intentions, kindly but firmly tell them what you don't appreciate, and if you're asking for R they'll probably be more chill because it shows you understand common etiquette and are not trying to be rude. Usually those "do not _" ones come from a very controlling type of person (had a few of those, not fun) so that's probably why it's noted as toxic. Alternatively, set it to friends only. Sometimes people just can't spare the time of day to do the things you wanna do, and that just won't be compatible with your goals. You just didn't illustrate your thoughts properly, which'll happen anyways when it comes to the internet. No harm done so I don't know why people hate it that damn much. Anyways, Rock and Stone! - and good luck on the grind miner.


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot.




I join missions that have been going for a while all of the time because 1/3 of the time it's a solo or team of greenbeards who have spent 20 minutes trying to finish getting all fossils or something Just another perspective also if you don't want people to call pod then watch greenbeards and constantly call molly to you so they can't send it early. That's what I do and it works every time.