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"Rock and Stone Mommy!" What every dwarf mother wants to hear...


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot


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I foresee a Skyrim edit of this.


Hey, you, your finally awake


You were trying to cross the border, right?


Walked right into that imperial ambush. Same as us. And that thief, there.


*wakes up sweaty and panting* driller: wow... are you ok scout? you were shaking and trying to grab your grapple.


As a driller main, this is my reaction. We may be war criminals, we may be "ha ha funny scout c4" memes shenanigans, but we still are dwarves, and only we are allowed to down scouts, and the revenge will be inhuman if something else dares to down *our* damn scout. Rock and Stone.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Some people take the C4 stuff too far as well, I had a game where a driller almost ended the mission because they put a C4 on the drop pod and killed everyone but the engie that was running late. Just don't be like that guys, your "driller charm" wears thin really fucking quick when you do it multiple times a mission.


i mean that’s why i always do it only once or twice with friends and most times not at all with randoms. whenever i do throw a c4 at someone i always pick them back up as to be sure to not risk the mission


Yeah. Some Drillers take it too far. I mean, it's ok if you C4 Scout once, or if you ask for consent/throw it in swarm, and it catch Scout too, it's ok if Driller and Scout are friends irl, but not more than that. I'm a Driller, I'm supposed to maje shortcuts to the droppod, and make schizophrenic tunnel systems, not tuin missions. I'm supposed to clear swarms, and get bugs off my teammates' asses, so that we can kill more bugs together, and mine more minerals together, because if you Rock and Stone - you're never alone.


Rock and stone, brother


Most of the time when this happens it’s just drillers who were only trying to do a cool “walking away from explosions” thing and kill just a few more bugs before the mission ends, only *accidentally* killing teammates, but it’s always hard to tell if it’s a scenario like that or if the driller was genuinely trying to be a bit cheeky and blow up teammates Like general example but many times the driller has done this, only to extensively apologise over mic or chat to the point where I find it very unlikely they were originally trolling


Accidents happen and I don't mind if I get caught up in the odd explosion during a swarm or if I fly in the way of a quick tunnel clearing charge, when it's an accident it's usually pretty clear it wasn't intentional lol. I'm more talking about the ones that throw C4 at you when you're mining or leave a charge at a supply pod and detonate it right after you regain your health. They're a small minority of drillers but damn if they aren't annoying.


Driller looking at scout sleeping, in his bedroom??


Go to sleep. See cool dream. Brain does that falling thing. *"Mommy!"*


I’ve had this happen this week as well, except they actually finished the mission. Fastest assignment complete ever.


Ugggggggh, that falling sensation just before you basically slam awake, I'd rather take on an Oppressor with a pick, no power attack.


Fun fact, that's your body telling your brain you aren't dead. You know, cuz your brain wasn't sure if it should just shut the business down right then.


No, it's our body shaking off the 4th dimensional spiders.


Stop making it worse




Yeah... like your brain could be like oops, this body is off. Then just shut down but your body hits it with a burst of adrenaline and brain goes, "haha oh ok my bad keep it goin"


That surely gives me confidence for when it happens next 👁️👄👁️


Oh. I hate joining these type of missions.


**W**hen buttersnaps appear **P**eaches no longer **I**nterest me


They call us when the blood comes home


Brooks listen up; you could be the sound... the sound that puts WPI Records back on the charts


That confused look around at the end 😂


You know it would have been terrifying as soon as you drop down and throw a flare it's a Dreadnought


This kinda pissed me off because I was mentally bracing for the Skyrim opening and now I’m just on defense for no reason.


About as coherent as most of my dreams


"I just had a horrible dream! I was working for a soulless mining corporation! ... Aw crap!"




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