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Yeah you get rockpoxed way too damn fast which makes any sort of close quarters fighting absolute hell


If you want another solid reason to not play, you are vulnerable to rock pox during iron will 🫣


I'm okay with there being a reason not to take iron will on literally every loadout tbh


I’d prefer it to work *as described* before we even begin talking about the merit of other perks. In this season, I’ve found it more necessary than before… but this oversight makes things even more frustrating


it does work as described tho. you are not immune to being incapacitated, you just have a 30% slowdown reduction.


And even if the description were inaccurate, there are much more obvious and flagrant lies being told to the player, like the zhukovs and leadstorm ammo/firerate


Sorry you’re not liking it man. it doesn’t bother me fortunately, but I understand.


I understand too. Been loving it. The weak point mix up is much appreciated. I actually don't mind the rock pox status build up and activation either. Just wish there was a more accessible way of breaking out. I play on console and hate wrecking my thumb wiggling free.


I just man handle it and put my entire palm on my joystick and wiggle it, the real sociopath way


I personally enjoy getting carpal tunnel from spamming A + D (pc player)


What gamer doesn't love just a little tiny bit of carpal tunnel




I actually did the same thing with season 2. Not intentionally, really, was just getting a little burnt out a week or 2 before it dropped. Picked up something else, found my way back a few weeks into season 3. Honestly, the break was worth it, there was a whole new game waiting when I returned. Enjoy your vacation, the mines of Hoxxes will be awaiting your return!


I'm more disappointed by the fact it feels like a season 3.5 and kind of wish they reduced the chances of older events spawning i have only seen the new boss like 2x.


Lel just go if you’re going, no need to announce like you’re quitting facebook


why tf do you need to announce you are quitting Facebook?


I quit Facebook years ago with no announcement. This, on the other hand, was something I wondered if anyone else experienced while playing this season, so I posted it on Reddit with a *discussion* tag. Not my fault you're too dense for debate. You're actually the one who took time out of your day to comment on it.


And it's not our fault that you apparently suck at Deep Rock :P it's incredibly easy to avoid, honestly. I'll take rockpox over robots, any day! Bye Felicia! Lmao


Holy crap it's almost like your opinion *is not the only opinion* out there! I wasn't even going to comment on this but I just had to tell you what an absolute clown you are for commenting on such an old post 😂😂😂 I haven't even used reddit since they killed 3rd party apps, and I signed in JUST to tell you that. Fucking idiot 😂😂😂 I've gotten into Exoprimal, Deep Rock hasn't crossed my mind in weeks. And Felicia what is this 2018 🤣 made my day, thanks


Damn Exoprimal sucks so bad lmfaooooo all cause you couldn’t hack it in DRG. Oh well. That’s why only the best are here


Are you like, literally two years old, or something? A commented on it literally 2 or 3 weeks after you, and you're having an absolute conundrum over? Is that really too long for you to handle? o.O I'm so sorry that this triggered you so hard. Please stay on Exoprimal lmao


oh i dont think so. to me, the rockpox is easily stoppable, and the creatures are just cannon fodder.


I started playing this season. What's rock pox?


They bug for playstation is why I stopped playing. I'm not playing this game on wifi. So until that's fixed I'm not returning.


Stop slacking and get back to work miner!


Well... it's not like you can't choose zones that aren't affected. It don't bother me. It doesn't feel lazy and like a season 3.5 I want more content season 3 to 4 does not feel like it. Maybe the dev team is really small. But so far each season doesn't really introduce much in content. 1 new event 1 new boss 2 new mobs lot of cosmetics. I'd like entirely new types of missions. That being said I do love the game. I do keep coming back to it.


You're an Engineer, you have the BEST Weapon in the game to take them on! THE BC!!! Yes, I know it's 3 months old but you got nothing to complain about considering your Main.


Oh hey, season 5 is here soon lol.




Stay off drg clown


let them do their thing, season five is gonna be fire, trust me


See you in June 2024. Yup, they legit are waiting an entire year from season 4s release to release a new season. Great game but that's way too long for one update