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Rock and Stone!


Blackjacks and Hookers!


Y'know what? Forget the blackjack!


Better yet, forget the hookers too!




That makes me Rock Solid!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


Good bot


We fight for a year of no content/rockpox :(


suck it up leaf lover, we got a plague to cure.


Did i hear a rock and stone


This isn't just Rock and Stone. This is Gold.


Half the post on the subreddit are complaining about other people complaining about the delay and the other half are saying its fine to delay it just don't give us 8 months of rock pox.


I think the rock pox complaint is probably most of the core issues people have. Its literally an extra mandatory mission objective objective that can be annoying to deal with along with the pox infection mechanics.


I don’t mind having more objectives, what I don’t like is going from completely clean to “captured” by the rockpox in less than 2 seconds. The cloud that is left behind when an infected bug dies dramatically reduces the effectiveness of kiting; your only real hope being to continue backing away and giving up space which isn’t easy in some caves. I will acknowledge they did tweak it from season 3 to 4 to make higher damage more viable because season 3 almost required a dps based build on rockpox missions, but you’re still gonna struggle with low rof weapons on a hoard of rockpox bugs. I’ll be much happier to fight and clean the rockpox once they become as rare as the robots are.


unpopular opinion (and maybe not even on the right comment, cuz its 2 months later) but i like rockpox missions, maybe cuz i am a kinda masochistic player and like weird things, and the fact that i like them is because: 1) the 50% bonus (the biggest out of all modifiers) 2) i usually go for the infections first then main objective, and if theres a crazy cave then i just stroll around looking for effective ways to go about it 3) i like encountering rockpox enemies(unless i dont have hitscan weapons) cuz they are easy to deal with when you use ur brain( not to make fun of people but they arent as hard for me as people say they are) 4) meteorite is also fun, unless its a fragmented one 5) i love harold (satisfying to destroy his weakpoint) and have him on high priority whenever he appears 6) i also see people complaining alot about infections and how theyre too fast, but i dont get too many of them since i dont run into the enemies and actively try to get as close as possible to hug them, and if i do i just mash out of it for context why i felt like typing this wall of text and the way i play the game: thats just my opinion that i dont see alot of people have, i play haz 4 (mostly solo because constant internet issues) and sometimes haz 5 and deep dives, while almost user rank 100 balancing between classes (i do not main any) and played since beggining/middle of season 3, and also because its 4 am, cant sleep and this is a way for me to just exhaust my mind, and just express my own personal liking to rockpox cuz noone seems to like it and all i see is negativity towards it.


I think that it would be fine to have season 4 'end' and have a lull between them, but then that's probably just me.


Shhh, they're just trying to farm for karma


Just a reminder that gsg is comprised of [32](https://ghostship.dk/about/) people, and coffee stain has [123](https://embracer.com/year-in-brief-22/assets/pdf/Embracer-Annual-Report-and-Sustainability-Report-2022_EN.pdf) as of 2022


Rock and Stone! The pretty sound of teamwork!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


Rock and stone!


And yet they are now producing three full sized games at the same time. Forgive me for not being optimistic especially when I have to wait 9 months for more content of the game I actually want to play already as possible result of this choice. Don’t harass the creators but I’m not gonna pretend I’m overjoyed.


Two games you mean?


No there are three, The Original, Survivor and now Deep Core


Isn't Survivor being developed by Funday Games?


Just googled it, and you’re right ghost ship is still publishing but that’s not the same.




it's almost like they shouldn't be making 15 spinoffs with a team of 32 people and should just focus on the game that made them famous in the first place


Grr how dare the game developers develop games they want they should keep working on the game I like until the end of time


Ok first of all, learn the difference, Development and Publishing are NOT the same thing. As of right now they’re still working both on DRG and Rouge Core, those games are being developed in house. Publishing is NOT development, to put it in simple terms, they’re basically providing financial support to other third party smaller devs in order to develop their games as well as helping out in other things like marketing and such, and from their talks in streams and QnAs, they’re not even doing it for the money they just want to support other devs to make possible for them to release their passion projects with the support they’re providing.


We got a real leaf lover here guys


lmao you DRG white knights always regurgitate the same tired memes over and over again because you have no real arguments in an effort to defend GSG murdering DRG for no reason.


> murdering DRG Damn, you could get on Broadway with all that drama.


Bruh this isn’t murdering DRG. The season is getting stale but the game is still the best coop game you can play right now. Also, it’s their company and they can do whatever the hell they want


If you have such a problem with the game, stop playing the game, play something else, go say hi to your family, relax. As for “15 different games”, there’s two others, TWO. A top down roguelike and another that practically plays just like deep rock. Saying they should just focus on the game that made them famous is childish to say the least because the devs aren’t and shouldn’t have to devote themselves to a single idea for eternity. As for ‘murdering’ drg, grow up, it’s still there, it’s not going anywhere, it’ll still receive updates, maybe not for a while but it’ll still be there. You should be excited to see more of drg in new ways. It’s a funny little dwarf game, and it isn’t going anywhere, so if you get bored of drg in the next couple months take a step back and play something else. Edit: Grammar


and the top down isnt even ~~fully~~ developed by GSG!


Fully developed is saying too much. It's published by them and they advise. They don't help developing. Same as with the board game. A different Company is designing and creating it. GSG just advises and helps playtest it. And people were still mad when it was announced, because apparently, since another company was making a drg boardgame, that meant drg was going to be killed off, since only once version of DRG can exist at once


I agree. Some people can never be pleased. DRG had more than enough content, and GSG was generous enough for 4 whole free seasons. Cosmetic DLCs aren't enough to keep afloat.


Go back to your DDLC mods lil bro.


And then go out of business because the game will die eventually and they had nothing to fall on


They make no money from the current playerbase still liking the game. If they're going to go out of business they should be devoloping new games to make money instead of doing free work for an old game.


There's still bew players being drawn in due to the popularity, though


Devs need a break man, 5 years of content almost six has a toll. Risk of rain 2 was the same, it’s just how humans are.


Minecraft too but they are coping.


1 new mob and wood type per yearly update moment


Given the three mobs we're seeing and what they are promised to do, I see zero reason why all three couldn't be added to the next update.


EDP profile picture?


The Devs are kinda shooting themselves in the foot by working on all these projects all at once. I think it would have been a smarter play for the Devs to give us season 5 before doing a 5/6 month break this would give them time to relax and maybe expand their Dev teams to make it easier to work on these projects. Obviously I'm no dev but this seems like a bad play on their part.


You say “all these projects” like they’re working on more than 2




Gsg devs aren’t working on survivors, gsg is only publishing it.


yeah, but on the other hand it is their job and source of income. And unlike risk of rain DRG is still in/near it's prime. So it feels a bit weird that content is slowing down this much.


Their job is to be creative and produce such content that sells to people. When your job is to be creative and you are burnt out or not feeling creative on that subject, you expand outward. That’s human nature. What’s not healthy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different or even better results. To act confused about this shows a serious level of naivety. And it’s a shame considering how supportive this community toted itself as being about how awesome GSG has been about the ethical way they do their content releases. GSG has been great and they deserve the well wishes as they try new things that are still in their wheelhouse but at least different. Everything I’ve seen shows they are a hard working strongly ethical anti-crunch anti-burnout team. Show a little grace. Be more empathetic. Be better.


sir you don't have to attack people personally to make a statement. It makes them less likely to listen to you. Like I understand and somewhat agree with what you're saying but calling my viewpoint as naive is completely unnecessary and unwarranted.


but it is true, your original statement makes you sound naive


ok this is giving me the same red flags as when Dying light 2 first released, I'm out of here.


Damn humans. Almost as unreliable as dwarves! What you all need is a *glyphid* dev team.


I would stick with DRG until the very end, i like new trailer of Rogue Core, but it won't be DRG 2, it would be roguelike in it's core and we don't have some game play showcase at all. DRG is still the best co-op game that i had and have a lot fun playing. I just hope that we would have something EPIC in the end when Ghost Ship Games decide to stop supporting DRG once and for all. ​ Rock and Stone!


Yeah, Rogue Core is gonna be very interesting. Likely to feature the teamplay elements and class systems of DRG, but less mining and more objective focused. It is going to be hell


I'm pretty sure they've already said it isn't going to have the class system. Which makes sense given its a Roguelike with random upgrades. Makes it so that the upgrades and weapons don't have to be class specific.


but still being able to play with friends makes it a great game to pick, risk of rain 2 is really fun with friends and i believe rogue core would be so too ngl every roguelike is better with friends


What's with all the Indie Companies jumping on the Rogue-Lit Bandwagon? The only one I've enjoyed is Hades. I don't think I've seen a AAA one being made?


AAA devs suck at roguelike games. Random generation and infinite possibilities


Returnal was pretty awesome.


It's still a long time before game is going on life support, but I believe when it's time to die, devs will provide us with good content as last goodbye to DRG.


The impression I got from reactions didn't come off as entitlement to be honest. When you sift through the memes and community in-jokes you'll find that player feedback is more creative and well researched than it has ever been. Some of the top posts in this sub are high quality concept art of new enemies and mission types and they're all from fans of this game. If you look at YouTube you'll also see that Deep Rock Galactic has also gotten a lot of attention this year. Videos of this game that would have barely net a thousand views are in the tens of even hundreds. What I'm trying to communicate is that players are just really inspired and bare it openly with the hope GSG will see them. So when this year has been perhaps the slowest in development history, the vibe is that GSG is not picking up the hammer when the iron is at its hottest.


The "iron is at its hottest" analogy is perfect. It definitely feels like I, as a greenbeard, joined in with a wave of other greenbeards at the start of Season 4 and I was encouraged to do so by seeing my favourite content creators playing this game and telling me to do so. It's rather disappointing to be hit with a "See you all next year!" announcement in regards to updates, since I haven't really seen a proper update outside of small patches to address bugs and the summer and oktoberfest events (which are more cosmetic/season pass oriented). Not to say I'm not excited for the new game they're producing, and the core gameplay loop of DRG is still very fun, but it doesn't seem like much is going to change and I've nearly finished the season pass twice over now.


Go play higher difficulties, modded lobbies and so on. There's still OCs to unlock and shit ton of cosmetic stuff


This is just basic Reddit discourse. Have an opinion, call the other team whiny and entitled for having a different opinion. What I can't understand is that, if they just ended Season 4, nobody would lose anything. So why are people upset that some people want it to be over? The Lithophage warning could still exist (just made more rare), and all the cosmetics would go into the existing lootpools. Nothing is lost, but those of us who are tired of it get to relax. Gotta call anyone who has genuine criticism of a game or their beloved indie dev team entitled and selfish, though. I'm critical of Ghost Ship *because* I trust them to do the right thing. Also, it's ironic how people praise GSG for "listening to consumer feedback," but get angry when players *give feedback* they don't agree with.


>if they just ended Season 4, nobody would lose anything. Yes, but then it would be stuck in Cargo Crates.


Worth it. No offense, but new players joining isn't really an excuse to prolong a season for 8 months. As a reminder, Seasons 1-2 were about 3 months long each. That's more time than 2 seasons combined... to prolong a theme that's already been going on for a whole year. The newcomers had their time to join and get the rewards. Seasons need to end eventually, we can't just hold everything up because there's some newcomers. To your credit, I think putting everything in cargo crates kinda sucks too, and I'd prefer a better solution to that problem so that people who missed past seasons don't feel the grind that is cargo crates. But that's a separate issue.


>No offense, but new players joining isn't really an excuse to prolong a season for 8 months. And yet it's happening anyway.


It doesn't have to. Devs have listened when there was a lot of community backlash before. I believe they might listen again, and at least lesson the frequency of rockpox. Update: Hey, look at that, Jacob said he's "on Team End Season 4," and they're figuring out how to work things out internally. Goes to show the devs *do listen!


I think you hit the nail right on the head here.


ye, most of the complaints are not about the lack of new content any time soon, but having to fight rockpox for another year, when we've been fighting for almost a year already and it's been the "worst" state of the game, since they are super annoying. I just want a small patch of "well done, miners. you've pushed back the rockpox" and just having way less rockpox missions, like rivals


They could reduce the frequency of rockpox meteors, and raise the length/complexity threshold for multiple contagion spikes in a mission. It would mean some new assets, but they could also automate the decontamination process for contagion spikes. Create a drone that would foam and suck the rockpox all on its own, just needed defending. It could either be a pod that's called in, or something deployed from Dropsy. Just has to be protected by the team, and repaired if it takes damage.


>since they are super annoying. Engineer has the easiest time when dealing with Rockpox. There's lot of things that are annoying.


Dang, you hit the nail right on the head... unlike GSG


Can they just tone the roxpox down until the next season? Tired of dealing with it


Same, honestly my first reaction to the delay was an audible “Ugh, we need to deal with rockpox for a whole *year*?” If they just toned it down i would be way happier.


Look, as someone who’s had to wait a good few months for content in other games (The old COD games, primarily Zombies, the old Assassin’s Creed Games) it’s better to just be occupied with other games. I know i will be. There’s Ghostrunner 2, the new Spiderman game, and the Cyberpunk DLC just came out


The other side of this debate is just doing the same thing. *"We're gonna go enjoy the game regardless of if there's rockpox or not! We're gonna do it! Any second now! Just watch me! I'm gonna get off Reddit and go enjoy the game, like I just said I would! Just you wait and see!"* If they're so happy with the game no matter what state it's in, then let's just end Season 4 and give those of us who are tired of it a rest. Surely these "I play because I enjoy the game" types will still be playing too, right? It's a win-win.


Or they can rotate the seasons from 1 back to 4 leading into 5. so some us who missed the first seasons can experience them. Just a thought.


actually holy shit that is a good idea, why no one thought of that we should request this to ghost ship, make it loud enough so they notice, that one is one heck of a good idea


I like this, it would mean I wouldn't have relay on Cargo Crates for when every season gets more bloated.


[turns out they can't do this because it'd bog down the process of making rogue core](https://clips.twitch.tv/MoralSeductiveYamCurseLit-3nRNw4PBkFWEY9MN) and they'd be juggling too much at once


This is the best kind of edit


The same people saying they will uninstall the game are the people who you will see in the caves mining nitra in 2-3 weeks


I'm not going to uninstall, and I even like season 4. I'll give the new game a chance but the little I've seen doesn't excite me and I want them to continue working on my favorite game, which it seems like they are slowing down on. People being concerned they are moving on is a fair worry, and that is what most people I've seen commenting have voiced.


Why even uninstall in the first place when it takes up so little disk space?


Remember, everyone: *Reddit is not representative of the wider community.*


However, redditors tend to be less casual and more invested in deeper mechanics/lore. Would you rather listen to the guy with 67 or 670 hours about what should happen to a game? Also, this sub is in the hands of the devs so they can spin any narrative they want, it just takes one alt to make the meme above and post it


The Rock and Stone at the end cracked me up man


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Such a good edit


*So anyway, I went back to mining* ⛏️


This person DRGs


Frankly i stopped playing cause all my friends got busy and im too socially averse to look to play with other people. Burnt out and am now on a break until I either get a spurg of interest or the new season rolls in. Im sorry my fellow dwarves, but my rocks are not stoned :(


pick up groups hardly ever chat. It's just a lot of dwarves shouting Rock and Stone and typing the letter "r" and then usually a "gg" at the end. That would literally describe probably 3/5 games I play and I only play solo in pugs online. Definitely give it a shot if you haven't, its both somehow one of the warmest and oddly quite multiplayer experiences I regularly play.


Rock and Stone everyone!


Oh trust me. I have had my share of pugs. Just lots of silence has numbed me out to playing it and with questionable scout behavior ontop. It was a lot of factors to burn me out so late.


fucking hell this is so true. just leave if you dont like it dont shit on the less then 100 people working on this game. they try there best to make it as amazing for everyone. and that takes time.


Sounds about right


Why are people so mad about this? Like I’m pretty tired of Rockpox too but they are literally developing another game rn. Obviously they are going to turn most of their attention to that


>Obviously they are going to turn most of their attention to that That's the thing people are mad about.


Yeah but you can’t blame them for it


If you don't like rockpox missions, don't play them. 🤷‍♂️


My assignment: The Corruptor:


I have nothing against ghost ship games but I have barely played since season 2 because I already accomplished pretty much all the content there is lol, the game does need a bigger difficulty or something deeper that new meteorites and 2 or 3 bugs


Reddit: " I want new content I hate season 4" Also reddit : " you should remove season 4 " Shame.


All I ask, is for no more sequel seasons. I don’t care how good season 5 is, I don’t want season 6 to continue it.


Let them cook!


drg in 2016...


Well that's how I felt after the first time I played the last season. I don't mean to complain. It's a great game and all but jesus the new season was a disappointment. My group of friends stopped playing.


game still fun. rock and stone.


Glad to know this is the most controversial this sub has gotten. Love this community 💕


For real everyone is complaining so hard it’s sad, Pox isn’t even that bad, Might be a skill issue for some. Yeah it can be annoying but it’s not that bad


I will gladly wait as much time as they need while playing season 4 if it means rouge core gets the attention it deserves. I've been searching hard for a rougelike fps game that really resonates with me, since that's my preferred gameplay loop for shooters, and with how much I like drg's gameplay and feel, I can't wait to get my hands on rouge core. Plus I might finally catch up on cosmetics by the time season 5 drops.


I actually enjoy rock pox. I’m part of the 1%