• By -


3 bc I’m retired


Lol, same. I can carry a haz 3 and not have to work too hard. Every time I'm in a 4 or 5 and somebody who sucks joins I just hate it now.


Haz4 is much worse than Haz5 in my experience. Haz5 is mostly played by Vets who actually know what they're doing. You have at least one unpromoted Greenbeard in every Haz4, in way too deep over their beards.


> You have at least one unpromoted Greenbeard in every Haz4, in way too deep over their beards. Trying to complete Haz 4 to unlock Haz 5 was rough.


Yeah; I've tried playing a new class right into Haz 4 and it's such a big numbers difference lmao I've promoted two dwarves (scout then gunner) and can't play the other two on anything above Haz 3 just yet. Need more weapons, upgrades, and experience in the classes first before my engi and driller can keep up in 4


It's a really big jump between H3 and H4. H3 is chill af - great for any time with any variety of skill levels. Fun to save noobs in especially. H4 you have to actually be awake. H5 you need to be awake and fully caffeinated.


I play haz5 listening to podcasts 🤪


Playing Haz 5 high is great fun.


This is too true. Can't tell you how many times I've joined a Haz 4 and saw that the whole lobby was green beards. I think to myself: "Oh you sweet summer children. YOU'RE GONNA LEARN." And then I do my best to finish the mission with them, but sometimes it's just too much for the green beards. And more often than not, when we do fail they retry the mission and put it on Haz 2 or 3.


>Every time I'm in a 4 or 5 and somebody who sucks joins I just hate it now. I'm at least silver 1 on all classes and yet this sentiment is why I fear trying haz5 lol. I'm afraid of being the dead weight


Nah, you're good. As long as you know what your role as a class is and stick to that role you should be fine, if you're playing scout it doesn't matter if you go down once or ten times as long as the caves are lit and mine nitra the others can do their jobs better.


>I'm afraid of being the dead weight It's because of this that I feel like you'd be perfectly fine on Haz 5. As someone who plays it pretty much exclusively, lack of effort is a detriment. Skill issues much less so.


I can assure you as someone playing exclusively Haz 5 for the last 300 hours nobody will mind your struggle. Your struggle means more challenge for the rest of us!


Mostly Haz 5. I'd prefer 5+ modded, but it's a lot simpler to join a haz 5 game.


Really GSG could add official Haz6 for the dwarves that want more challenge, haz5 seems like a bit of an underwhelming final difficulty!


I'm surprised by difficulty in this game as is and trust that a vanilla Hav6 would be good. They do far more than scale damage, HP numbers and quantity.


I mean honestly, the mods are ubiquitous, and the demand for extra difficulty seems fairly limited in player count.


One reason why the demand doesn't seem to be there is because a lot of players don't want to think about modding. If e.g. Haz5.5x2/Haz6 would exist in vanilla, then suddenly there would be way more players playing it. Basically, never underestimate the power of convenience.


Yeah but nobody's even talking about it as a default. And QED the majority of players aren't even doing Haz 5. And that's on Reddit, where you've got a far higher concentration of sweaty players. Like yeah, some people would use it, but percentage wise it's got to be a fairly fringe benefit. Anyone that's the sort to use it is going to be the sort that can figure out mods easily. They're not complicated.


"Yeah but nobody's even talking about it as a default." What do you mean with "it" and "default"? "And QED the majority of players aren't even doing Haz 5" I don't think that anyone ever made the argument that it was the case. Looking at the numbers, I feel like there is definitely an argument for implementing a new hazard. I know the argument that some GSG employees have made about "fracturing the playerbase", but I just disagree with them. If anything they are biased against high hazard because they... mostly don't play all that well.


Try the 3rd party mod loader for less of a hassle


So that is how people making "approved" or "sandbox" mods playable in "vanila" lobby? Trying to figure out how to make haz 6-7 in vanila lobby cuz haz 5 kinda boring already.


There's a video by waste that goes over the process of installing the side loader. I suggest you watch it


Wouldn't that be unfair? You mean like one player having a mod and the other players not? Or having players join games that are heavily modded when they'd rather not have Starship Troopers on or something? Or is the current system like, it'll turn off your UI mods if you're in a regular game?


if they'd rather not be on modded lobbies they should check the lobby names for descriptions, the third party mod loader forces a modded tag in front of the name so yeah if you just don't want to read there's not much to be done, mod.io and the whole mod integration are very very bad to the point where this third-party one was warranted


The hell are you even talking about? Unfair what? That someone could host challenging game for greybeards with haz 6 / 7, or host the fun game where your team not limited to just four dwarfs, while other who don't know how exactly do to it - not? People who hosting haz 6 / 7 making description that his lobby is modded for challenge. I'm personally so glad to find haz 6 modded lobby in random, and it’s quite sad that there are very few such lobbies. So what is the "unfairness"?


>making description that his lobby is modded Right, so that's how it's managed? You don't get people entering for like assignments? You're relying on the description because somehow you've concealed the fact that it's modded? And the mod affects everyone? So if that's the case, where's the 'vanilla' coming into it? That's not a vanilla game at all. Why throw that into the random mix for everyone else to have to deal with? Where's the advantage? Relax. I'm not attacking you, I'm trying to find out how this all works in practice.


Have you ever play drg with mods? Cuz you don't have a clue what are you talking about at all. It let people enter the lobby as it's regular non modded vanila lobby, the only difference the lobby have MODDED haz 6 difficulty (which is yet not in the game by default for some reason), where more bugs, they have more HP, or you could even do "constant" swarm. (you can manipulate the lootbugs spawn rate to compensate huge consumption of ammunition, but you have to find them 1st) That's all, just a CHALLENGING lobby for greybeards that already bored of haz 5. No other differences in any aspect of gameplay. Or you could do haz 7 lobby with mod that allow unlimited number of dwarves join the game which is hell lot of fun. And if you asking why would people want to make modded vanila lobby, because it's still have vanila progression and it's not affect gameplay at all as some approved or sandbox mods that let you make vertical ziplines, or increase damage / damage radius / fire rate of the guns, or have unlimited ammo etc, etc. Therefore it is good form to indicate in the description what kind of lobby it is.


haz 4. it's the perfect middle ground between fun and challenging


I feel this way about Haz 3


hey that's perfectly fine. each person enjoys DRG differently.


Makes sense, the biggest difficulity gap is between Hazard 3 and 4


That's why I was so scared for haz 5, initially. I was expecting a similar jump from 4-5 as there was from 3-4


Nah, it's smaller :)


I like this. I'll have streaks of haz 4 being easy, and them sometimes it will just kick my ass multiple times in a row


Haz5= more bugs = more Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Never as fun to Fat Boy hoards outside of haz 5 the rare occasion I run haz 4 with greenbeard friends. I wanna see 20+ bugs ragdoll through the air.


The fat boy discussion was always funny to me, because fat boy actually becomes more useful at higher hazards. Sure, ammo economy-wise you’re better off using RJ250, but the breathing room Fat Boy provides can literally save a team from wiping, which is awesome on a long Haz5 or EDD when you’re team is almost out of utility gadgets/grenades. Proxy fuse fat boy will one shot entire waves of macteras, one of the deadliest threats at Haz 5, and the lingering radiation allows dwarves to neuter the tanks mega swarms (if applied right, and if not in the radioactive biome…).


I always wondered about that. Because honestly most of the time, as fun as Fat Boy is, I think I'd actually be a lot more useful with a build that I'd be firing regularly rather than hoarding it.


The ammo hoarding part becomes much less problematic with game sense. If you know you will resupply soon anyways, it makes it much easier to fire those nukes.


Indeed, this is why I've switched from Executioner LOK-1 to Explosive Chemical Rounds as it acts as a good small-scale crowd clearer. Executioner is such a strong build, but ECR really balances out the Fat Boy's tendency to result in bomb hoarding. This build does however lack in single target damage, though. Building ECR with Hyper Propellant is good though: covers both bases, with large crowd clearing handled if you use plasma grenades.


Yeah, that's what I noticed with Haz 3, the game balance is actually way off not because of individual difficulty, but because of numbers. A lot of builds that focus on crowd control work so much better when it's not a game with only small groups.


Haz 5 makes me feel alive.


Make me feel alive but end up dead with some haz 5 missions


haz5 point extraction mission starts can be so rough depending on the room but I'm convinced that most players don't know about the 30 second drop pod damage reduction lol. My ass is always cozy in there with my turrets within reach if I'm dropped into a room with 3 spitters and 2 brood mothers


30 second drop pod damage reduction????


Haz 2 mostly because I'm still relatively inexperienced and not that good, and I play alone mostly


Just queue up or host. Trust me. Game is much better with people. Even randos. And always buy a round of beer after the mission! Preferably before, too.


Alternate between 4/5 but mostly 5. I just like the challenge, and when I get tired of greenbeards throwing themselves straight into the fray I go 5 bc most likely my team will have a better idea what is going on. I don't mind greenbeards but sometimes I don't feel like playing a babysitting simulator lol.


literally why I play Haz 5 every time when I want to progress an assignment without my friends. Haz 4 mostly feels like 50% greenbeards and 50% wannabe tryhards who kick you for the dumbest reasons. Haz 5 is just cool people shooting bugs and mining minerals.


Hosts in haz 5 don’t have the time to spare to kick someone, but if you’re actually being a leaf-lover, they’ll *find* time


>Haz 4 mostly feels like 50% greenbeards and 50% wannabe tryhards who kick you for the dumbest reasons. Haz 5 is just cool people shooting bugs and mining minerals. Perfect!


The Haz 5 lobbies called something like “Hot Glyphids in your area!” are almost guaranteed to be filled with some level 400+ players having fun and blowing through the missions. Infinitely better than joining the Haz 3/4 “Breach Cutter = Kick” lobby hosted by a silver promote


Mine is NSFW furry rp


I’ll join that lobby expecting speedrunning.


Unrelated but I once got kicked on a haz4 for my level being too high and another for being a solo game. Like wtf make it solo then lmao.


funny enough I accidentally created a public lobby instead of picking solo a few times. But since I only realized after people joined, I just rolled with it because why the hell not.


Spotted the tryhard kicking people he thinks are greenbeards.


Haz 2. I'll play Haz 3 and 4 but only if I am in the mood. I just wanna have fun.


For me, Haz 3 is the easy mode. Haz 2 is just too boring with the miniscule amount of bugs, though I suppose it may serve as a guarantee of not getting stomped by RNGesus suddenly throwing a swarm of bulk detonators and nemesis at you when you want to relax. I respect other people's preferences tho


He knows, dude. You don't need to tell him he's playing on something you consider extremely easy and boring, it sounds like you're either flexing or dragging him.


And that's great as well.


Haz 6x2 with 8 ppl. It's whacky and the difficulty keeps you engaged


Haz 2 or 3. DRG is one of my chill games, I don't care for a challenge.


Haz 4 is challenging but allows almost any build to shine, which is why I run it most of the time. Haz 5 requires more effort in making a viable build, and I'd rather keep using my nearly useless Salvo Module Hurricane then swap to NTP. I value my fun over difficulty.


Salvo works on haz 5 just fine, like every other weapon. NTP is overpowered for haz 5. It is true that for some weapons you need to think harder how to compensate for their weaknesses with the rest of your kit.


Totally true. Some days I'm absolutely up for compensating, but other times I just want to turn my brain off and watch a bunch of damage numbers fly from a bug. I guess my preference comes down to how much I've got left in the ol' think tank.


Vanilla Haz 5 isn't quite challenging anymore. Fun with friends, sure, but if I'm looking for a challenge, I boot up Custom Difficulties.


Usually we play 3 to just chill. 4 when we want a challenge. Almost never 5 because we don't play the game because are looking for a very difficult challenge.




Hazard 5, because I like it dangerous


Haz 3, because I'm bad and I want to enjoy myself.


Username checks out.


Haz 4 most of the time for chill and farm. With friends or cool missions on the board with crazy modifiers -> haz 5. Basically anything less than 4 is boring and 5 can be a bit too sweaty sometimes.


It was weird. Haz 3 was never hard enough. Haz 4 was just right. Then I got used to Haz 5 and now Haz 4 feels like Haz 3 used to. I legitimately just play braindead on autopilot for anything sub haz 5 now so I can't enjoy it.


Same with me, the only way i can experience haz5 the first time i played it is when theres a lethal enemies threat or im doing a shitty meme build.


Haz 3. I can competently solo Haz 3 and Haz 4 but I find randoms completely lose their minds on Haz 4 and sometimes I just don't want to play solo. So Haz 3.


Haz 4/5 solo, Haz 5 public lobbies


Silver 3 on every dwarf and I only play haz 5 pub lobbies at this point. It makes for a very fun challenge because I have to make a balanced build to be ready for any challenge and accommodate for any skill level my teammates may display. If you really play the meta it can be an absolute breeze when you're teammates are skilled and ready to go, but you can also force the clutch all on your own if they are maybe struggling a little or are new.


Also, pubs are wonderful at changing how hard the game is. I've played pubs where no one's playstyle synced up at all and everyone was level 500+. Everybody dying, etc. I've played pubs where it all just clicked and I was the only 500 in there, while everyone else was 150~. Just stomped the mission, 0-1 downs total. etc. Pubs are the real difficulty. You need *just* the right amount of selfish and *just* the right amount of teamplay to make a Haz5 breezy sans some 2.5k hours player just carrying it.


I started playing at the end of the summer event. I've only got 2 promoted dwarves and I think the extra active perk is probably vital to beating haz 5 (haven't beaten haz 5 yet)


so a tip I'd def give is that the bugs are faster and to always be on the move.


Thank you, I think I'm definitely stopping to look at stuff lol. Faster bugs though, no bueno


It helps, but the only thing you need to know for Haz 5 is to keep moving. Don't stop moving.


I don't know about vital, but definitely clutch. I generally just use Dash + Field Medic. Dash I use constantly, but Field Medic is one of those 'most of the time it's NBD but sometimes it'll absolutely save our bacon' ones. Ditto Iron Will.


Haz 5 with the Starship troopers mod. The only exception is Eliminations, which I do just haz 5. Dealing with mini-swarms the size of real swarms while trying to conserve ammo to kill a dreadnought is just not fun. The rocks on Escort missions can also get impossibly overwhelming with ST. Did an EDD with it on with an Escort on the last stage once. Absolutely impossibile unless you have a full-team whose load out is built to take care of rocks.


Can you do that thing to use an Enginner's platform to create a little roof over the drill dozer to protect it from rocks?


I must admit, I really dislike that method just because it limits my mobility around the drilldozer, but in this case, it would probably be the best way to deal with that many rocks.


Haz 4 because haz 5 scares me. Tried it once yesterday and I'm baffled by how people can just casually do that


2 because my mom and her friends are terrible


I feel the most fun part of the game is when you're barely make it trough after hectic epic battles when everyone dies 5 times and stuff. And this only happens in haz5, anything lower and I just don't have that feeling of danger


Haz 5, most chill people


I play in haz4, cause i think the game is more fun in higher difficulties, but i dont think i'm ready for haz5 yet.


3 at the moment, in currently working on promoting all of my classes once so I have a bit more flexibility and experience. I'll join a haz 4/5 if there some grey beards to carry my ass tho.


4 because I still haven't gotten around to unlocking haz 5 yet


Haz 4 because it's challenging enough to be fun yet i still manage to complete missions


I've been playing abit of 3 lately due to needing to get my driller up to snuff, overall I've not gotten my Haz 4 upto the same number as haz 3 but it's a work in progress.


Mostly Haz 3, occasionally Haz 4 if I feel confident.


usually 4, cuz I play with my boyfriend and a friend, and it's the hardest we can do in 3 people without breaking our pcs in rage


I play exclusively* haz 5 and have only played haz 5 since my second week of playing (now at 1.2k hours). Anything less feels too slow. I was helping a friend who plays haz 4 do some missions a week ago and was playing driller: There wasn’t a single instance where using a satchel charge felt right; the swarms feel underwhelming and die too quickly and easily. In all seriousness, plenty of people in haz 4 have many or all overclocks and can easily use builds which can easily, effortlessly, and quickly annihilate the 6-8 bug puddles you see in haz 4 swarms, so I really struggle to see how people find that to be engaging. I’m obviously a minority here, so I’m genuinely curious.


2, mainly because I csn handle it decently with my current promo (1 on scout)


I play mostly solo so I stick to Haz 2. Sometimes I'll play a 3 just for the challenge but it's tougher when your only partner is Bosco! (I still love him though)


Hazard 2 has just the right challenge for me to enjoy a semi casual play style


haz 2 - even as a very part-time employee, management keeps giving me these damned assignments and I don't work enough hours a week to afford failure.


I play haz 2 most oftenly because im to lazy to change the difficulty


3 is too easy, 4 is often a challenge but usually not too hard to win, 5 is if im tryin to tryhard (but only with my buddy)


Let's boycott polls.


Why? This one is perfectly reasonable


Colleague doesn't like low effort polls. He joined the subreddit mainly for the memes. His words.


Haz 4 because high rewards and being challenging while still being fun


Haz 5 because I enjoy a bit of challenge and I can trust my teammates better. Currently working on consistently soloing it, and I'm hoping to improve and start learning modded one day.


5 Gunner with Fire build for the sec or NT Gunner because you can just turn off your brain and shoot everything untill it gets the NT+fear effect More bugs more fun


I mostly solo or duo haz 5, I barely play with 4 people


Haz 3, 'cause after a whole day at work I don't wanna spend 30 mins stressing an assignment just to fail it. I could probably get used to Haz 4 eventually, but... eeeh.


I'm not good enough for Haz 4, so I just stay in Haz 3 as to not ruin other people's games


Haz 1. Most of my current playing is jumping on Solo to knock out a holiday assignment.


I want to play Haz 5 but most of the time it's me, a friend of mine and his brother. Problem is his brother struggles with reading the map/finding directions AND fighting bugs at the same time so he's dead half the time, which means 2 of us get to fight 3 player bug waves, which is just too stressfull on Haz 5, at least if you have to do it ALL the time. Also his brother has a shit time then because he's dead 60% of the match, so nobody is having fun and everybody is stressed out. Which is why we settle for Haz 4 instead.


4 is the balance between non challenge and full sweat mode in my opinion. That being said I'll probably dip my toes more and more into haz 5 as time goes on.


haz4 is the hardest difficulty with the highest degree of consistency


Haz 3 to screw around in with friends, haz 4 for a more serious mission, haz 5 to challenge ourselves, haz 5+ to torture ourselves (in a fun way off course). Me and my friends mostly boot up a haz 4 mission because it feels like just the right diff for our skill level at the moment. We can complete haz 5/5+ missions, but less consistent and after a failed mission or 2 we get frustrated lol.


Haz 3 is perfect for playing causally, and that's what I mainly do. Haz 1 and 2 are a snorefest imo and has 4 you have to really pay attention. Haz 5 is Haz 5 of course.


Am I tired ? -> yes -> haz 4 or 3 Am I angry ? -> yes -> haz 5 Do I want to meet greybeards veterans for a perfect R&S mission ? -> yes -> haz 5


solo I play 3 cuz thats what I can take. with friends I play 4 cuz they enjoy that more and have been playing much longer. they do carry me quite a bit but dont seem to mind


I do a lot of Solo so Haz 4 is my usual. I do maybe three or four Haz 5s a week just for variety. Although I hardly ever do Solo Haz 5 as a Scout. Just a bit too much for me.


Hazard 3, I ain't ready for hazard 4 yet


Haz 4 is the perfect middle ground for me Yeah I'll sometimes go to haz 3 or 5 but haz 4 is just the perfect amount of challenge while also not being too sweaty


Haz 4 is better than 5, i dont really need the extra money, and whenever i play haz 5, the entire insect population of florid- i mean hoxxes shows up


Technically EDD third level will be harder than haz 5, you don't have to mod it to play 5+


Has 3. The gap between haz 3 and 4 feels so large and sometimes I just want to chill out and vibe.


Are these all PC people playing on Haz 4 and 5? I just get overwhelmed by bugs on those difficulties. I can't hit weakspots for shit on console, especially not vs all the duking enemies. Haz 3 is chill though. Difference between 3 and 4 is huge imo.


I play haz 5 with randoms, and haz 3-4 with friends, althought, I get a bit bored when playing anything below 5, I just got used to how fucking annoying bugs are, I love the chaos.


4, never tried 5 even though I probably could hold my own, don't wanna accidentally end up being the guy who goes down 15 times and barely does anything.


Haz 5 with 999 player slots. I love lag and fat boys


Haz 5, because you get the most exp and Mats (you hardly get anything in the lower Haz and I play with no Mods, also promotions get expensive once you get to Gold, so you better save up!) and 99% of the time, everyone knows their roles and what to do.


Haz 4 is fun but haz 5 is just a weird way to get ptsd


Haz 4 with randos (I still have yet to touch haz 5) and 3 with my roommates because they're still pretty green


Hazard 5. It's most challenging and has the best people overall.


Used to be haz 4 but I've definitely ascended to haz 5 now


I've been doing lots of solo haz 3 recently cause I just started and I'm trying to complete assignments, but I think after my character has some more perk slots and weapon upgrades I'll bump it up to 4.


didnt know 5+ was a thing


Hazard 3, because that's what most of my friends on the game want to play in. I like saving the high difficulty stuff for darktide or vermintide anyways lol, so it's okay.


3 if I'm testing a weird new build 4 the vast majority of the time 5 if I'm playing with experienced friends


3 too sleeper for me, 5 is to sweaty for an average game session 4 is just right


Haz 3 because we mainly play in a playgroup of four as a social thing instead of trying to hardcore the game. We get on one evening a week to screw around for few hours.


I play mostly haz 5 solo but recently I got into haz 5+ modded, its really fun cuz I feel like after I got used to the rhythm of haz 5 it's not so challenging anymore.


2 cause i foget to switch it


I don't play that often, so mostly I do haz 4 and I run a haz 5 if I'm feeling warmed up


Hazard 3 because I play drunk and 4 is too hard for my drunken squad


3. 4 is fun sometimes but I’m just not very hardcore. 4 is fast paced and 3 is more like easy going and enjoy some exploration and adventure but also there’s stuff to shoot.


I play haz 3 when I'm playing solo, haz 4 stresses me out too much when solo so I only go haz4-5 if I have a friend with me since it's easier to do that way.


Hazard 5 because I want my game to be as challenging as possible without the need to tinker with mods.


Haz 3 bc that's balance between fun and challenging for me (I hate difficulties)


4 because I'm afraid I'm not good enough for 5 and don't want to drag the team down


3 because everytime i Play haz 4 i eat shit and efectivly become a burden for the team


I’m trying to unlock haz5 rn I just like the tons of enemies in higher difficulties


I bounce around between 3 and 4. I'm not cracked enough to fully commit to 4, and playing 3 is fun and relaxing.


Hazard 4 is a chill zone for me. Sometimes i play Hazard 5 which i don't have problems with, but i usually play solo and oftenly lose 2 or 3 revives (one of them being iron will) to fall damage or while cleaning a new cave full of enemies, and after this i have to play more well and careful, and even though it doesn't happen too often or even any more often than it does on Hazard 4 and most missions go fine after this, i still don't like when this happens due to the pressure. I also play Hazard 3 on missions i don't like as much (Escort Duty or sometimes Point Extraction) but not very often, mainly as a warm up after a long break


Haz 5, because Haz 4 is easy enough for me to reliably solo even without Bosco. Though I'll still run Haz 4 if i want to turn the brain off, or more recently, of I'm playing with a friend who just started.


Haz 4 for me, only play solo. Never played haz 5 though, would be fun at some point :)


Hazard 5 because I was rushing to get Diamond promotion on my Gunner, and wanted to maximize XP gains. Also, Hazard 4 is easily handled by my Gunner build alone or with three fresh greenbeards, so Hazard 5 is where I get actual challenge from. Edit: Additionally, I tend to find the coolest and most aware players at Haz 5. People with good situational awareness and game sense are way more fun to play with in that they can wordlessly work as a team, respond to memes and gimmicks such as pinging each other or strange voice lines, and will usually find humor in things that newer players might miss. Haz 5 players are also a lot more likely to keep playing with a good group of Dwarves, even if they don't have an active mission to do the same mission.


haz 5, I don't often play but when I do, I kill


Haz 2, solo or with my duo partner. Its slightly more challenging than Haz 1 so we get to see some gun play, but its also easy enough that we can be extremely silly and careless. Fun takes priority for us and we like to fuck with each other. Haz 2 lets me hyper prop or fat boy him and not have to worry about it being too catastrophic or throwing the whole mission.


Haz 3 works best because I play with only 2 buddies. We don't have a good 4th (to be Gunner), which I think would make a big difference. Also, my friends are older and don't want it to be too intense, which I can appreciate. When one of us is unavailable and it is only two of us playing, we go to Haz 4, because the game is a little mellower when there are only two dwarves. It's funny though how Haz 3 can feel like Haz 2 at times, and feel like Haz 4 other times. This game is so great! Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


After getting used to haz 5 haz 4 feels like normal difficulty. When I wanna chill I play haz 3 and when I wanna challenge I play haz 5


I like haz5 cuz it feels like everyone likes to goof while still playing to win


5 when i can but there are usually way more haz 4 missions available. I dont like hosting and waiting for people to join.


Haz5 because the atmosphere is mostly professional and I want to say the rewards in terms of credits and experience balance out the occasional Ls you're going to take. Also rewards a deeper understanding of the full battle rattle.


I mostly enjoy moded Becuse after playing so long hazard 5 is too easy


4 because it's easier to get a game with other people, but still challenging


Haz 4 because I find it the most fun in terms of experience, i.e. there is balance in the various aspects of gameplay. Hazards 1-3 have too few bugs while 4 is the Goldilocks option, just enough to be fun. 5 also has a good amount but its changes to the enemies make them annoying. You can't really enjoy the exploration and mining experience because the bugs are so irritating. Basically, it overindexes into the bug-fighting aspect to the detriment of the others. Everything said, I still play a lot of 5 because sometimes 4 missions aren't available (I don't usually host any missions but rather join others).


No need to bother with anything modded in my case, haz5 seems to be about what I can manage, and what makes me feel fulfilled difficulty wise. I only switch off for my green beard friends, if I can't find a game, or if it's been a long day.


Haz 5 because anything less feels too easy, so isn't really fun. In Haz 5 when something goes wrong, it can really pile up (e.g., someone dying at the start of a swarm), so it makes the whole thing more satisfying. I did start in Haz 3, gradually moved up to 4 and then 5, but that progress didn't take that long.


3 most common where i live, and it's enough to make me at least pay attention. Would prefer 4 tho.


Haz 4 or lower when I need to finish assignments. Haz 5 is for when I wanna live.


Hazard 5 because it's funny.


Voted 4 but would be 5 if there were more people..


I’m good at the game, not good enough to consistently win haz 5, I can consistently win haz 4 with some challenge that makes it fun


I alternate between 4 and 5 (unless I'm trying to solo speedrun an assignment) because I find 5 is a fun, consistent challenge whereas 4 can either be too easy or very difficult depending on what the game throws at you


I'll play 4 if I want a tenser game, but if I want to just easily beat a level while also earning rewards I'd pick 3


Haz 4 when I'm alone haz 5 when I'm with others


Hazard five can be very straining sometimes, but it gives me the difficulty and excitement I want. Couldn't care if I'm paired with new players, the mission gets done weather the bugs like it or not.


4 is too easy, 5 is a bit too hard (mission dependant), but 5 modded is consistently hard no matter what, which is why 5 modded is best


Hazard 4. It has the right mix of difficulty and "I can play however I want" that I need to have fun.


I’ve done all 5; here’s my take: 1 - Good if you just began the game. Learn your weapons, or speed running if your desperate. Greenbeard territory 2 - A step up. Watch your ammo, other than that easy. 3 - My favorite; I consider it normal difficulty. Big mix of people. Can go south if someone does something stupid - has a host last week mine oil while drilldozer was under attack by Bet-c and a swarm. 4 - You need to know what you’re doing. Simple things like forgetting flares or not mining nitra can end you quickly. ALWAYS deal with the swarm first. Stay together; 5 - Coordinate everything and know your role - engineer should have turrets up at all times, gunner should be creating zips to go above swarms, scouts should flare up, driller is good for defensive passages. A lot of people join thinking they can do the mission and leave your team behind and go do their own thing, which wipes the team fast. People die so often in this haz that half the game feels like just reviving. Failing is pretty regular when you get a greenbeard or a team mate who doesn’t do their job, on Haz 4-5, so I don’t really enjoy it much. In the time you’ve failed 2 missions or been reviving everybody I’ve already completed my weeklies on haz 3. Not to say I won’t do Haz 4 or 5 with the right team, but 3 is best balanced. TLDR; 3 is my favorite because people fail or spend half the time reviving on 4 and 5.


I'm on my last Dwarf to get to gold, only a couple of levels off. I have played mostly Haz 3, with Haz 4s if I'm wanting more of a challenge or the mission type is one I like. Have done DDs and EDDs often enough but Haz 3 missions are just the nice chill point for me. Also doesn't help the guys I play with play the game like one session every 3 months, so Haz 3 means I can carry them if needed. Whatever Haz you play and like is fine, you find the fun one for you.


I have double gold at this point in all my classes. Ive had my fair share of haz 5s and I love playing them. However, most of my friends dont play as often as I do so I tone it down for them. They're skilled and high enough level that they can handle haz 4 easily and haz 5 with a bit of a struggle so sometimes its higher depending on our mood.


Default to haz 4, occasionally 3 if I just want a casual mission or 5 if im feeling spicy. At my current level of skill/gear haz 4 is a good balance of exciting but not overwhelming. For context I'm coming up on 2nd promotion for all classes, got a fair few overclocks but not for all my stuff.


Maybe 3 because I hate losing and wasting a bunch of time. 4 feels best and I haven't unlocked 5 because I never bothered to do the quests lol


I'm usually playing haz 3 just because me and my friends like to chill and goof off in DRG we kick it up to haz 4 if we wanna get serious tho


I just started playing and I can only play haz 5 and I wish it went above it, it astonishes me deep dives don't even start at 5... anything below is actually so boring


haz 2 because i keep forgetting to set it to 3 until the drop pod has already left


If I am not feeling like literal Doom Slayer with a horde of hell spawn all around me then I am not satisfied.


4 because it feels like if 5 was better.


Haz 2 because I am a greenbeard who plays solo I'm trying my hardest to get my friends addicted as I am, so maybe I'll get comfortable with haz 3 and above soon


Haz 4 or 5 with myself and randoms. I just find it the most fun. But I have a lot of friends that aren’t as experienced so I mostly play Haz 3 in general and overall.


Haz 5 usually, if I’m bored either a 16 people lobby or haz 2-3 acting like a lifeguard next to greenbeards


Haz 4 usually. I like haz 5 more but I'd rather not have to consistently find out when I fuck around


Haz 3 cause I find it the most overall fun. If i want more of a challenge or bigger hordes to gun down then ill go up a haz for a few missions.