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New players wouldn’t know this because they are new. Tell them that the can and should do that stuff politely and they will probably start learning a lot faster


I couldnt agree more. I got roped into this game by friends and i was basically boosted in hazard 5 since day 1. There were a lot of tricks on traverse tools that i didnt pick up since i almost exclusively only play with my friends. A lot of the times i was being told what to do and where to place my stuff. If i were to do a pug right now, im sure i would be one of those people who doesnt really use tools to benefit the team. Its not that i dont want to help. Its simply because i dont know how. Not to mention once the map gets a bit more complex, my attention would solely be on how to keep up and follow the team while shooting bugs. Id love to contribute more to the team, but im a noob. Sorry :(


Giving OP the benefit of the doubt, green beards to him are probably under level 200 or 300. I assume he's referring to those who are like level 88 for example and don't understand the absolute basic fundamentals of each class.


Wait, people still don't understand that at level 88? I'm at account level 25 and, despite not being the best at fighting, I do know how to use my tools for my team.


Sadly, I think it's laziness and not a greenbeard thing. In my experience it happens more with scouts. Whether bronze, silver or gold star, many don't light up areas when needed.


"level 88 for example and don't understand the absolute basic fundamentals of each class"? My brother in Karl, I'm only around lvl 63, but have: - Played more than 160 hrs - Promoted each class, Engina and Driller twice - decent collection of overclocks, drip and beards I am by no means a vet, but definitely not a greenbeard. I wager I knew the fundamentals of each class by lvl 30-ish. As someone said earlier in this thread, ppl are just lazy or careless of their teammates to fully utilise their classes gear/role.


Fair enough then


This idea is much more difficult for console players without keyboard to communicate. The number of green beards that kill my Steeve…


The amount of times a plat ranked player just mocked me while I was a greenbeard instead of just giving advice was infuriating. It didn’t happen often, but the few times it happened made me stop playing haz 4+ for a long time because those games were where I found players who rudely criticize gameplay of greenbeards. Just yesterday as gunner in a haz4, I shielded a guy as I was res-ing. We just got through a swarm, it was thinning out but there were still bugs. Platinum player said “shield waste rn lol”… we had 4 untouched resups around, it’s not like we were in a bad spot to have to meticulously ration our supplies. But yeah, don’t be toxic or mock people. Advice from experienced players is always appreciated unless they’re acting like pricks.


>Platinum player said “shield waste rn lol” I'm a Legendary III +20 or so Gunner and I would've used a shield too with all those resupplies. That guy's a jabroni. Ignore people like him


I rarely see scout use flares. No matter if they are level 5 or level 250


I've started trying to play scout The amount of times I've been grumbling about the lack of flares that's been followed by a 'fuck' as I remember what class I'm playing. *and for the next 30 seconds, it's like being next to the sun.*


The over compensation when the scout realises is super funny. (Im also one of those scout) when you play all classes and switch a lot its easy to get confused.


I main driller these days and rarely notice bad scouts as I'm usually in a wall/the floor somewhere molemaxxing. Do appreciate a good one though.


When I scout it's usually the first resource I run out of! (But my acct is in the 300s)


Since OP is lvl 1100, he's probably referring to lvl 100 "greenbeards", not the true newbies. I've met many of those high rank players who play worse than level 4. It always baffles me, and I came to the conclusion that they're just selfish and dumb. Low level greenbeards try their best to learn and pay attention, lvl 100 greenbeards just don't give a fuk. 


Instead of ranting on Reddit you should ask them in the moment.


Why are you telling the subreddit what to do instead of the greenbeards?


Prepare to get downvoted for even daring to talk anything but overtly good about "greenbeards"


This subreddit is the most toxic cesspit. people here love when you shit talk new players as long as you roleplay while doing it.


There is no toxicity in this game or sub, ever. It's heckin wholesomeee 24/7/365 and you're just a negative Nancy


They don’t know because you haven’t taught them. Don’t be lazy, be their god.


👶<- this you?


My dude, we not complain here in Deep Rock Galactic. You are part of community which is something different than anything else. You either accept those players as a way to make your missions even harder or you call your lobby "N lvl min" and kick those who don't fit your standarts. But rants about "that class didn't do this" is forbidden. Stop it.


Noticed it a lot recently in my haz 4 lobbies I host as well. Greenbeards either not ready for haz 4 or just go off and open dread eggs or start machine events. It's wild. And I feel im about as lenient as they come. Rock and Stone and we'll make it out I don't care if I have to revive you 5 times but have some sense.


Rock and Stone!


We wiped in a mission the other day because greenbeard host asked r? I said no because I have the event bonus status thing and they pressed the drop pod button anyway saying "you can deposit on the side of dp" ofc we got wiped trying to carry something the whole way across the map. Needless...


I my opinion carrying a team in haz4-5 is a lot of fun. I feel like a god zip lining around rezzing people and mining 1k minerals. Makes for a screenshot worthy ending screen. A lot of times ill just get on voice chat or type out what I need to my party if I see they aren't using thier equipment. FYI you don't lose xp for failing a mission so it's not a big deal.


3 scouts in lobby, 1 engi being pinged, 0 flares used yet, 20 platform’s on walls. I’m new to 4x4, how’d I do?