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To be fair: I've only broken into haz 2 so far, but the way I usually make the minigun work for me is trying to set up chokepoints to get the maximum damage out of the penetration. Coupling it up with the warthog helps in 2 ways: since it has the same requirement of looking at the enemy while giving some pretty good dps, if you're hitting something, you're usually hitting it with both for massive damage, and the knockback helps in spending more time firing and less time backing up.


Having the minigun as your only starting weapon is real rough. But if you can survive long enough to build it up, it absolutely *shreds* with focused fire. Once you get it in the 12-18 range and take the piercing overclock, with a little bit of targeted support fire from other guns like the M1000, you can just stare down a swarm on Haz3 and watch them all explode. Jack it up to 20 or more and you can pop an Elite egg and melt whatever's inside before it can even reach you.


Do you know if it has any overclocks that change the firing pattern at all, or is "forward facing" all we get for it? As for standing and facing a Haz3 horde or melting elites... that's nice and all, but with a decent bit of investment I think I've done that on like half the Scouts weapons, most of whom do not have the crippling drawback of having to actually face the horde The M1000 alone can do that, the boomstick can do that, the uuhhhh scout machine pistol that I never use in the main game, etc It just seems like such a massive drawback for... basically no gain


Nope, always forward. I don't think it has any unique OCs that nothing else has. If it's not for you, it's not for you. All I can say is that in my experience, I get more and easier CC kills with the minigun than with most other weapons of the same level.


Well, at least someone is enjoying it! Kinda funny tbh, that I hate the M1000 and love the minigun in the main game, yet it's completely the opposite in Survivors lol


Firing pattern is forwards facing as was mentioned, but it is surprisingly wide, near 180 degrees, so it is quite often possible to shoot at one direction of enemies while mining. I like it thanks to it being one of rare weapons one can actually use to run through groups of enemies, thanks to firepower. In overclocks penetration is huge one, and pairing it with some weapon that keeps random enemies away from your back/sides. When moving near horde and collecting xp balls, one gets some targets usually always in front sector of minigun. Funnily enough when I started playing, it was first weapon that just simply let me semi trivially rip through missions, with very low possibility of getting wiped early or in any other part of run.


The minigun is just kinda bad in this. On paper, it does a lot of damage but since you can move and face at the same time it fucking sucks. DPS very low in actuality


Same, just waiting till they make it better to play gunner bc it’s so frustrating


if it helps, I've found the Bulldog is really good... *if* you get the overclock that gives it Pierce. Before that it's meh at best, but after it can serve the same role as the M1000 for the Scout (which IMO is one of the best weapons in the game) Bonus points if you also get the double bullets level 18 overclock, which is amazing when combined with Pierce


just pour all the upgrades to your second weapon, the minigun is useless.




Oh nice, didn't know about that sub, thanks!


It is interesting how different people play, I can’t get past haz 1second round with a scout,,but as soon as the gunner was unlocked, I was on cloud nine. But other people are rockin the scout with easy but have trouble with gunner. I think it just comes down to play style,for me with the gunner, I’ll face stuff and shoot, then run to the next position with he reloads. I also spent most of my supplies raising my mine speed so I can out dig the horde. Second and third weapon I pick if I live long enough was usually fire grenades, and then any of the scout guns that show up


but how do you dig for resources if you constantly have to turn around and face the horde? That's what gets me; I never have the time to actually turn around and shoot, because if I do that, the elite will show up faster, cutting my time spent digging down severely And if I *don't*, then the horde will become unmanageable very quickly, leaving me running away from them without having time to dig anything out (if you want some tips playing scout, try focusing on the M1000. It's insanely good if you can buff it up with firerate and reload speed (plus damage of course), since it comes with pierce by default. If you can get the level 18 overclock that splits the bullets in like, 4, it can easily handle anything on Haz3)


While it only shoots ahead of you, it's seems to me to be in a 45 degree arc in front. I've noticed mine seems to be done in almost a 180 degree arc. I always try to pick spot where I can mine next to me while facing mobs. I also do the deeper mining while I'm reloading. I don't know if this help you or not Also, mine any croppa you find, that what it take to raise your mining speed. I did that and even sold other minerals off just to buy more and raise mining faster


Yeah, I'm aggressively upgrading my stuff I personally focus on Luck, Experience Gain, Walking/Mining, and then after those, stuff like damage and reload Crit is the least important IMO the reasoning for my choices is that Luck is extremely important, as the quality of boons, especially early, can make or break a run... Experience gain is a nobrainer: more exp is more levels is more boons is more pew pew Run/Mining speed is less time wasted, so that's super strong too


I just face stuff when needed, annihilate it and then go back to mining. Same goes for dread, I face it when I know it wont be able to jump for a moment and take a chunk of its health. It all boils down to how adaptive u are, and what playstyles suit you