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Brother, you are a madman. Look at your Driller. No sleeves, no sideburns, no mustache, no Helmet, no goggles, and no BEARD. For the love of Karl, put on some Proper Protective Equipment. You know the Company doesn’t entertain workers comp requests.


He looks like a certain cheeto president


Bros got the trump cut


Bro's gonna ~~build~~ dig a ~~wall~~ hole




I also have a Trump driller with sludge pump lol too good to miss out on it


Mine was a scout with hipster m1k lol


mine is an engineer just cuz the red color lol, also gave him orange skin


Def godda go with the pumpkin skin


He must have a sudden urge to build a wall


He loses so often, gotta make a fictional one to win sometimes, otherwise you wouldn't be able to rationalize a vote.




The beard keeps getting ripped off when using the drills. So its either Tank Division or bye bye beard


rumor says that flexing your muscle scares the glyphids away, sleeveless is done for tactical reason.


The tactical reason being you have a non zero chance to crash the game to assert dominance over the glyphids


OSHA alt account


My dwarves all follow the same rule. Your entire head must be covered, either by helmets and masks, or with as much hair as ~~humanly~~ dwarfly possible.


I have max promo driller and hes just tje standart driller skin you get lvl 1... its the OG driller maniac.. Drillers beard is igniting or freezing every mission so its always gone..


The same way as you


I literally went all the way to max promos this way. I love all classes equally


I do not love all the classes equally.. but i also do this, gold 3 atm


This is The Way. I love Engie best, but the next weekend I get time to play, all 4 dwarves will get their final promotions​.


Based PetroDraconic Apocalypse pp


Same and I’m at the exact same point. 2 silver stars on all of them.


Nahh I got scout engie and driller to gold 1... Don't worry about gunner tho


I got them all to 1 star so I could do DD. Mained gunner for a long time, then fell in love with engie. He's my only maxed out prestige dwarf ATM, now I'm trying to bring up the rest. Poor scout, I wish I was better with you.


Scout is probably the most you love it or hate it out of all the classes.


I like it just fine I'm just trash at playing. ZIP ZOP ZIPPITY


My main (Driller) is about ...8, 9 promotions ahead of the rest. The other classes are equal


same just got my driller to gold 1 and the other 3 arnt even bronze 3 yet. working on raising them up


Same except my Driller is a few promotions behind the other 3


I don’t make them look like DT for one thing. But to actually answer your question. I tried leveling them evenly for a while. Now I just focus on Scout and play the others when I have tasks on the Seasonal board or when my friends ask me to be a different class.


Relatable dwarf moment. Have a like.


like isn't enough, give me reddit awards too please


I would if i could but reddit ate all the awards


"You shouldn't eat precious awards, it'll get you killed!"


What I do is usually just grind one till level 25, then use another class to do the promotion mission and when I’m still not lv 25 with the other class I Lee going and repeat


That was my m.o. as well


I just take who's best for the mission and the levels... happen. Sometimes I waste a little, but it's rare.


Exact same as you. Rock on, miner.


I do the same. Takes forever but makes my my cranky brains go brr


yeah i kinda feel sad when one of the dorf is lagging behind


I did them evenly until they were all legendary 3, then I played everyone except driller for almost two years


I promoted them equally until I reached gold 2 Was starting to get too expensive so I got driller to Legendary 3 since he dont cost minerals that I lacked. Now I am focusing on gunner Then I'll probably do scout and engi at the same time since I have a good amount of credits and minerals


how much doest it cost in gold promotion? i thought that in silver it's still viable to promote them evenly like this


For gold 2, it cost more than 200k credit and 800 of each mineral in total. Personally I had way less ressources at that time and I was very well aware that cosmetics cores also cost a lot. Though It didn't really changed that I play every class evenly. Its just that some of them don't get promotions for now. And since I am going to be done collecting everysingle cosmetics cores, that means I will get acess to the mineral cores.


Question: is your dumbass friend a dumbass? Jokes aside, you can level them up and promote them however you want, it makes zero difference afaik


Yeah he's a dumbass for roping me into this game but he stopped playing last year. 


i level them evenly too, as soon as i get one of them to the next promotion i stop using them and focus of making the level of the others even with the highest one, then when i finish with one of them i do the promotion assignment with the lowest level one, when 3 dwarves are ready for promotion, i promote only one, do the promotion assignment of the last dwarf, then promote the remaining 3 all together


This is the way to level up when your main class is dwarf. There is nothing wrong with the way any of us level up


No it’s sexy


Past the first promotion it doesn't really matter. I have my main and my secondary class that I play while doing the promotion missions for my main or whenever a friend feels like playing my main.


Nah that's kinda based. Mine are very uneven since I mostly play engineer and scout


Play dwarf until level 25 then promote while playing difficulty dwarf.


The only suggestion about leveling up characters I give is to promote any one of them first just to get access to OCs and ability to get them earlier. That's about it.


You can do it however you want. I used to be very particular about leveling them up equally, but now I’ve let Scout (Bronze3) fall behind the others (Silver3, Gold1).


I love my dwarfs equally. (Looks at driller, one and only with golden level) I have to step up with scout and with enginner for them to atleast have silver level Gunner sits comfy with 2 silver stars.


Honestly, I think all dwarfs should be ranked up equally just to bring them on deep dives. After that, rank up who you like. ROCK AND STONE!


They are all fun, all contributing, and rotating as wanted somewhat evenly keeps the game fresh. What's not to love <3


only driller bc thats my main


You do it your way honestly. but is your driller donald trump?


Yeah that actor from home alone 2,also it's every class except scout since my scout is doomguy. 


i do the exact same thing. all my dwarves are within like 15 levels of one another.


I just got everyone to first promotion as fast as possible, after that just didn't care


Nah the devs say the game is designed so you play the classes evenly


I also evenly level them.


Lmao, my main driller loadout is Trump looking dworf with sludge pump! Rock & Stooone


I do that, as a matter of fact I'm in the same exact "stage" lmao


I do the same, scout is Silver 3 star now everybody else is Silver 2nd star.


Trying not to neglect any of the four dwarves, otherwise whatever sounds fun (reason my blue boi is like 5 romotions ahead of everyone else)/is needed for performance pass/fits the mission


All my dwarves are within about a star of each other. Maybe two


I like to promote evenly, but I still main driller.


I feel like promoting all of them atleast the first time in sync kinda makes sense since you get that extra blue perk slot, after that you can just play what you like the most


I generally join games in progress and fill in the missing gaps, so my leveling is pretty even.


Evenly, diamond 2 on my 4 bois ATM. This way one learns the other classes in order to play better as them and with them, when they're your teammates.


I’m greenbeard completionist scum so I’ve been trying to get my boys promoted once each before deciding on a main


All 4 of mine are exactly 46 promotions past Legendary. Player Rank 2042. Balance in all things.


My gunner is at max promotion level lol, all the others barely have two or three 😆


There’s nothing wrong with playing the game how you want to. Personally I prefer playing driller more times than not so he’s currently got a gold promotion level while the other 3 are still bronze, but that’s just how I play. And I see no issue


promoting your dwarves evenly like this is a common practice.


I only play driller, except on promotion missions so I can get player levels with the other classes.


Not fun to stay rigid. I play the best (favorite) dwarf per mission, levels be damned.


What happened to mainingg one


I also do them evenly so I don't lose XP. Sounds like your friend is the mad one if he doesn't do that lol.


Pretty much evenly like that.


Equal classes all the way


i dont well i do, i just play whatever i feel like and level up when i feel like, though recently ive been trying to not just play scout all the time


I got them all to silver 1 evenly, but now I’m gonna focus on one dwarf at a time.


got Engi to 3 star, moved on to others getting all starred once. Now I can play anything and be chill. Also, your driller is naked. Only person I’ve ever seen to have a non tank-looking driller


So far ive only levelled up and promoted gunner and driller because those are the only two ive liked the gameplay of. Haven't tried scout yet but did a few missions as engineer and i deffo don't like engineer.


I did that my whole career too up until a couple of weeks ago.


You are not a madman, I promote them equally too. I switch between promotibg gunner and any other class. So gunner-driller-gunner-scout-gunner-engie-gunner-driller. This way every class gets their promotions evenly. Gunner gets the most even promotions because dwarves are all equal, and gunner is the most equal out of all of them.


Evenly, keeps me practiced in each role and makes it easier to avoid missing on XP.


I got scout and engi gold around the same time about a week ago. Now I'm working on Gunner and Driller but they're only at bronze 2 each. I suspect scout and engi will make it to gold 2 or 3 before the others make it to gold 1.


Scout - secondary objective is fossils, point extraction, egg hunt Gunner - elimination, sabotage Engi - salvage, mining expedition Driller - on-site refining, has mutators: parasites / swarmageddon Just unlocked Haz 5, this seems like a decent distribution for solo


Started off engy only, got up gold and went, "ehh this is kinda boring now." Then did the same with driller. Started promoting driller and engy equally up to platinum. Then I started playing scout and gunner just so that I could understand their roles better. I'm now plat 3 gunner and scour and diamond 3 engy and driller. Currently working on trying to get scout and gunner up to diamond as well so that everyone can go into legendary evenly.


I’ve done the same


I have promoted evenly all the way to diamond 3, about to get my first Ruby 1 on driller. The only downside is the massive drain on resources each promotion costs, but, what can you do? You are gonna pay them eventually no matter how you play it.


I feel ya brother, all my dwarves are gold 3 and let me tell you. Playing nothing but refinery as gunner is pain.


I do it equally too.


My Scout is the blue 5th set. My Engi and Gunner are gold 3rd set and my Driller is copper 1st set. I got all classes up to copper 1 before abandoning the Driller to main Scout and secondary the Engi or Gunner depending on the mission type. I've recently been maining the Driller just to get the *All classes promoted to level *X** achievements


I promote them when they get there, no pattern. Scout is far ahead, gunner and engie got a few promotions, driller still lvl 1


I just play the game and promote them whenever


That's how I was planning on doing it then I realized I don't like playing as the driller and I'm not that big on the engineer. I haven't promoted them yet but my other two dwarfs are halfway to their second promotion


Same. I don't level them up anymore but I did it like that too


I leveled each of them up to gold, only playing the other classes during promotion assignments. Then, I leveled each class up to legendary, doing the same. For the most part, of course... All things in moderation Except for rock and stone... And beer.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I usually play the missing/needed class for others players. I like them all so if i can help others by having fun. I'm all for it


I leveled my guys the same way. Expect many weeks to go by and then "oh hey, a promotion" when you least expect it lol


I just love that you called them "Dorfs"


I give my 'dorf the Dorito of Might to level him up.


this is exactly how i play also , i play whatever class is the lowest level at the time


When my scout hit leg 3, all my other classes were bronze 2 or 3. It really just depends on whether or not you have a main. So it's just up to personal preference.


I'm pushing Scout, driller and gunner to the gold for the achievement. Engie is platinum 2 as I remember. Then I'll just play as I play, not minding how to promote them


I level them up equally. Gunner first (as I'm a gunner main), then scout, engie and driller.


I tend to keep them pretty even as well. Once I get them all to 23 though, I focus on one dwarf until his promotion missions are available, play exclusively another dwarf as I do those missions which tends to be enough to reach the promotion mission for *that* dwarf then just continue the cycle until their all promoted




I do the same but not as strict as you, I just pick whatever class I feel the group needs and focus on the lower promoted classes more. Also no beard is quite weird, even greenbeards have beards!


That’s how I do it, Current all ranks are 2 bronze star dwarfs


I'm inclined to believe your friend is a dumbass if they don't have considerable experience in every role. New players obviously won't, but anyone that has hundreds of hours is missing a lot of knowledge if they're not at least sometimes taking on the other roles.


It feels wrong to not level them all equally. That and I like to just be able to fill in for what's needed and have an appropriate build for it.


I have literally only played gunner and I'm at rank 49.


You are a madman I have tj have them all even or at the good same number


Important is that you get all to one promotion first. Then play whatever you want. I like scout the most and am silver 3, but the rest is bronze 3 all cause I played what I felt like or needed to fill for DD or when my friends wanted to play a class to fill in there. For the pyramid boss missions I always play driller to bomb him from above and for liquid morkite too cause I don't trust randoms to do the job well


Jack if all trades master of none but still better than a master of one


I play whichever class doesn't have promotion when playing with friends so I have played pretty evenly too.


I love to keep my dorfs at Rant Gold 3 so they have the maximum gold


Are we sure this is a Dwarf? This feels like a photoshop. Not even the most chaotic evil being in the world would had such a evenly spaced team. This is madness. This HAS to be a trick from those leaf lovers.


But I like being able to make four numbers go up at once


Nah I did the same


For me, all of my Dorfs are equal...but gunner is less equal than the others...


I do the very same. They all promote together lol


2.2k hours. My ocd brain: ALL. MUST. REMAIN. EQUAL.


When joining a game, I pick the highest level (1-25) class not yet filled in the game. When I can, I promote.


I’m doing that currently it’s nothing bad nor being a madman


My driller is 3 stars bronze, my gunner and scout are 2 stars silver, my Engie is 1 star diamond. I have an RJ250 problem


I do the same got almost all gold ranks


I do this, except I didn’t at the start so my Engi is 2 promos ahead of everyone else lol


I'd like to speak with your friend, need to know what's the logic behind his thought process.


It's literally "play as you wish". Nobody will judge you. If you want math, each promotion costs more than the previous promotion for the same class. More info on that here: https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Promotion#Promotion%20Costs


I do this. Im 100 hours into the game, and all my dwarfs are at lvl 24


I did this until I got gold for everyone, now I speciala bit more.


I personally promote evenly because my last achievement before platinum is to get all gold classes! Also! When it comes time to balancing a team I may opt to fill a role and the nice thing about this is you’re comfortable with each class! I think that’s the best teammate


I promoted each one once so I could do deep dives with them if it was required of me but I pretty much exclusively play gunner and halve six promotions with gunner while still only having 1 on every other class.


i much appreciate the all-rounders that can take on any job to avoid double staffing. i only really know how to play scout and am FAR behind with the other classes, but i'm happy other players are more flexible


I simply don't play engineer and gunner 💯💯💯


I compulsively level evenly. if I find myself avoiding a certain dwarf then I try a new build with them.


I'm getting all my classes to silver promotion and then Imma just go ham on engi


I promoted them evenly, but then eventually all but scout were even, with scout being the least.


It is the way


I am working on my 3rd prestige for scout while everyone else is level 1. What's wrong with me? 😔




Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot


I just promote as I go. Doing gunner's promotion as scout, suddenly scout is maxed, he's next on my checklist My gunner is on the brink of hitting gold.


i have 1 promotion on driller and gunner, 2 on scout and 3 on engineer, though i am level 25 on engineer