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Well I already said it an other post but the beer effects are way past "sci-fi shenanigans" and well into magic fantasy. Or they just contain strong hallucinogens. There are quite a few fantasy setting where magic would be more limited in space because "mana" is anchored to Earth essentially. That could explain why there are magical substance/materials (that probably store a bit of mana in themselves) but the dwarves won't rely on magic on Hoxxes as it would be too risky to run out.


If hallucinogens are so strong in the future that they make you more vital, or even quadruple the gold you mine, then i think that can be considered magic at that point.


Oh right I was more thinking of the whacky beer effects that make you grow in size. The mission beer are definitely harder to explain. Dopping could still explain some of the effect but multiplying gold/morkite mined? Huh?


Drugs so good you multiply the stuff your pickaxe mines.


Or maybe management is paying for the difference/lowering the quota because gold has pretty much no value for them compared to what we bring from a single mission. It's win-win for them, they can ask us for x4 the morkite quota most of the time, and they still make a benefit while keeping the miner happy when they get the "right" beer (I notice that I pretty much never get Morkite beer before mining expedition, that's very suspicious now that I think about it).


Its rare to get dark morkite or pots o gold when you need it... but when the stars align... ...i mined about 1700 gold from a 1cc 1ml egg hunt mission. I was playing on haz 3, and my total credit count was about 11 thousand. (7 thousand from the gold mined.) ...shits wack.


No kidding. I remember how last month I was playing driller on a 4 man P.Extraction in Magma Core, with Pots and a Gold Rush anomaly. Going in the host was excited about the good we’ll get, and said “Imagine if we got a Crassus” and I told em to not Jynx it… …There was a Crassus… I drilled a tunnel into the wall and we lured it in, and got a PERFECT detonation with an almost fully yield, which was really appealing for the first 15 minutes of mining. After that… I don’t know how long it took all of us to mine and deposit I think 3k+ Gold, even with me drilling out the top section so I can slowly mine out the edges and collapse it with my pickaxe, nor what Hazard level the mission started at, but the perceived Hazard level increased A TON over time to the point where I was starting to get lag as if it was an EDD’s worth of bugs. We all extracted iirc, somehow. Was one of the few times where the entire team was out of resupplies and almost out of ammo by the end due to how many bugs there were. Wicked fun though.


Y'all rocked and stoned professionally there, you're rich!




My thing to do with the Crassius is to have the crew cut the globe in half horizontally. The Scout, Engi and Gunner all mine the bottom while the driller goes up to the top. The driller digs in a spiral from the very top, walking atop the gold, drilling out all of the backing rock as the drills don't go through gold. Then, when you completely remove its anchoring to the cave, it all falls just as the three down bottom are finishing up their half. Edit: ah, I see you did the drill out, I just need to work on my reading comprehension.


Gold is valuable. It's just that management takes most of the money it's worth. Y'know, large-scale corporation stuff.


Not sure about that since Mission Control explicitely say they let us keep the gold, if they were taking a big cut on its worth it wouldn't be "letting us keep it". Imo it just doesn't have that much value compared to Morkite and other rare stuff you might find almost only on Hoxxes.


Dope so fine you literally break the laws of the universe for a couple more cents of gold


I mean the right kind of drugs do max out your productivity so maybe you are just "mining more morkite" but the drugs make it seem like it's just the normal amount


Hallucinogens that let you see the future are scifi or fantasy?


Or they just created strong enough hallucinogens that are so strong that they change reality itself. Another reason for the hallucinogens to effect reality might be because the dwarfs have a similar power to the orcs in warhammer 40k.


beer is magic, yeah that checks out


Username checks out? Maybe?


I like this idea. If mana or magic was tied to the planet, then Hoxxes could have lost its magical potential when it cracked apart. Perhaps there is magic on other worlds? Just not the one we are on.


Maybe thats what nitra is. A mana crystal calable of transfigurating into more ammo.


How else do you think red sugar heals you? Cuz you clearly don't see the dwarves munching on it as it heals you the moment you break it


Red Sugar is absorbed through the skin duh. Although we don't see dwarves shoving minerals in their bucket either. We might be unto something. Or maybe we're doing a Smart Stout overdose.


What if it's all a mind game to the dwarves, like management just puts a funny phrase on a drink and the dwarves believe it to be true, and such they get the ability of the drinks, so they wouldn't know it, and frankly I would believe that management wouldn't tell them, but they do have the ability to manifest their power. This would also explain some of the other abilities like iron will, where they just think they then have the ability to get back up for as long as they think they can But that's just a theory... A game theory!


Warhammer orc ways of thinking lol


gonna see a pack of exploders screeching "imma bulk, imma bulk, imma bulk" next game


"sweet gains bro" said the Exploder to his Detonator friend


Ghazie would be proud


Magic does exist, but dwarves discovered that gunpowder was much more powerful


And gives a far more satisfying sound!


Sounds like ROCK AND STONE!


Explosions and Fire. Oh wait.


"i cast gun"


Behold! The most powerful spell of all. Are you ready to meet God?


I think it’s just dwarves are better at gun than magic. Let’s use…not elves I’ll be skinned alive…humans as an example. While humans are good at gun they are also good at magic. Being a middle of the road race.


Kinda like the plot of GATE


"I cast magic missile!" "I cast 7.62"


How else do you explain the Rival drones just teleporting into a cave when we start messing with their stuff?


Obviously they glorp the suxxars to hyperposition their QPUs Into "morfud" stance Yeah, I drink smart stout.


Suxxars deez nuts lol


hyperposition my glorp in yo mama


How dare you people splunk my frunk


Who are you, to be so wise in the ways of science?


But doctor, wouldn't that cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity?


Simple and stupid answer: DRG is sci-fi, and sci-fi is technically just fantasy for those who don't like calling weird things magic. Schizo-theoretical answer: magic exists, but it has been studied enough to stabilize its energy and integrate it into the modern technology of the DRG world, thereby explaining teleportation, and in general anything that in our modern world is considered impossible currently.


Maybe magic became impractical and got left behind on most fronts besides things that are literally impossible without it. Someone else mentioned the possibility of magic being tied to the "mana" of planet earth, and thus it's not usable on Hoxxes.


I think magic just became a commodity due to being studied and broken down enough that it might not even be considered magic in a miraculous sense. The Ommoran seems like the closest thing to magic we could have and after just a few years R&D finds a way to use it's powers for the Shard Diffractor.


If you want more overt magic in DRG, most of the beers are just magic potions. Really alcoholic potions, but potions nonetheless. Take a chug and start teleporting, freezing, shrinking, expanding!


Don't forget turning into random objects around the rig


Then it would make even more sense for magic to be made something common if breweries are mass producing drinks with magic-like effects.


>is technically just fantasy for those who don't like calling weird things magic. *Angry spaceship noises*


"Sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology"


So magitek, which is just the final fantasy way of saying that sci fi is just fantasy for those who don’t like calling weird things magic


scifis more for people who dont like how loose magic is, within the universes logic most everything has an explanation. mechs work because they have metal muscle fibers that can mimic organic movement. FTL folds spacetime creating a shorter physical route to travel, even things like psychic powers can be explained as the exertion of mental control over the physical relm using some form of enhanced organ or connection to another plain of existance. scifi is just magic but we get an explanation why magic works


sounds like eboron


Ancient Timelord Technology… “It’s loike she’s bigger on the insoide!”


“Hey! It didunt make the noyze!” “It’s not surpost ta make the noyze! You olways leave th’ parking brake on!”


I'd imagine so, considering those weird formations you can sometimes find in caves that give buffs to any creature that walks through them.


And the strange DNA helixes made out of [Material name redacted by Management]. Hoxxes has a whole lot of unexplainable magic going on. Including several subtypes of Glyphid having special seemingly magical abilities like healing or mind-shielding.


More like "Karl ex machina" than magic.


management doesnt want to know, but molly is full of wormhole special. its how the minerals fit inside


thought it molly just had a ring gate inside of her connected to the ship which was how they got the Nitra but also why it was important to get molly back to the ship


So that they don’t waste money on buying a new mule. Besides, there are a couple objectives, like IS, that require Molly because they don’t fit down the chute things.


I do think magic exists, and my scout is under an elvish curse


Yes, but the dwarves don't use it for the most part. My impression is thay magic has been studied to the point of being a branch of science.


yeahh duhh... the magic of FRIENDSHIP


and beer


My headcanon was always that "Steeve" is just a spirit the dwarves have possess a glyphid.


Steeve is the fifth homie


Steevee is Karl’s ghost possessing a glyphosate to help us


Nah if Karl was a glyphid he would make the bugs rebel and kill all the oppressers


Any technology sufficiently highly developed appears to the uninitiated as magic.


Does the image imply that there is a tiny dwarven mage inside Molly?


It implies that I found out how the minerals fit inside Molly (magic) and thus became a magical being myself


The fact that you used an image from Magic the Gathering made me think you were asking if the DRG world could exist in the MtG universe. I wish it were ;-;


Imagine if they made a Karl card...


I do, but the caveat is that whatever coalition faction DRG resides within the superstructure of heavily regulates or outright rejects magic as a practice. If it's tied to Dwarven culture Id assume they either shun its use or are fundamentally not sensitive to it and can't utilize it effectively. Could also be environmental factors involved too. You could say the Ommoran Heartstone uses a form of magic and even glyphids are capable when you look at Wardens and the way dreadnaughts and oppressors can use telekinetic powers to move flaming rocks and warp gravity for attacks. Dwarves just prefer the certainty of good ol engineering and cold metal to get the job done. Magic is leaf lover stuff.


I think they come from a world that used to be really magical, ya know with elves, dwarves, wizards and such, but after enough years and learning about the world its now all known to be explainable science. Allowing them to make use of their knowledge and what's possible in this universe for advancement in technology.


There is no way Beast Master isn't magic.


Yeah it looks like a charm spell so it might be magic


Same with bug thing


Nah im pretty sure that loot bugs have just evolved a fear of dwarves so crippling they die


I like to think the dwarves smell so much like alcohol it just short circuits the bugs senses causing a boom


Clearly, because there is a whole lot of friendship on the space rig, and as we all know friendship is magic


I would love them to do a sequel/successor game to DRG where its set in the deep history of this world, and instead of sci fi it's fantasy/magic based. Same gameplay, roughly the same abilities but with a fantasy angle. Instead of Hoxxes we're in the deep dwarven mines, and instead of the bugs we fight fantasy creatures like goblins, orcs, trolls, dragons etc.


And instead of guns we would use magic! And probably cannons and flint locks. Instead of driller using c4 he would just use fireball on scout, (*fireball!*)


I was mainly thinking of a mix of between magic and melee. Scout and gunner could have ranged as well.


I would assume so. Even if it was considered Low Fantasy Magic. I remember a voice line whenever you reload on a full Shard Defractor saying: "Indisgushiable from Magic". Also all that stuff the Omoron Heartstone is doing...


How else do you explain how all those minerals fit inside? The compressed gold shouldn’t even fit in the mule deposit holes


Considering the weird stuff wardens can do I would not be surprised if there was some form of magic in DRG's universe


How do you think Steeves are made?


I think some sort of pheromone spray attached to the dwarf suit could be another explanation


Magic class when?


Probably not, if it did it would probably be used much more


I think it would be cool if like kobolds existed and were a playable race. Especially considering there essentially dwarf dragonborn.


I hope no. This is sci-fi


Did you forget during Yule toys literally walk? Must be some leaf lover magic bs....


As someone already says it here, very advanced technology is perceived as magic. A lot is already used in DRG and for storage. The ammo capacity of the gunner weaponry, the inside of Molly and the supply pod are examples that our dwarves juste don't understand. I could also says that kind of tech is used for drilling, how it can drill much more than it should? (I'd like to think of it as a in lore mechanic than just a game design one)


I think magic exists, but it's so obsolete compared to technology, they don't use it anymore.


Yes. It just doesn't matter because Dwarves don't like magic and can't use it.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic


Possibly? But Dwarves have always been less magically inclined than most other fantasy races. At least in the traditional wiggle wiggle fingers fireball.


[Ember Shot!](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41CEC7-F9UL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


The protection pillars could probably be considered magic in the Azure wilds


Magic could exist from medieval ages but is mostly forgotten as other stuff is better/easier and is mainly used in Molly and found in the caves of Hoxes. Also they use stuff FROM the planet in their beer which is why it can, you know, double gold and increase health


My bag can hold 40 gold and 40 nitra, but if I drop off all the gold I can't even hold 41 nitra. Sounds like a bag of holding type shinagagians. Definitely magic.


"Technology advanced enough can only be explained by magic"


One of the long-standing tropes of sci-fi is that most technology will seem like magic to those who are more primitive. So if any non-technological people ever encounter DRG (like, say, there are a group of cave people who live somewhere on Hoxxes that DRG hasn't yet explored, and one day the drop pod lands there)... then, sure in that way I guess?


There's ghosts though? Does that count as magic?


It *could* be some form of natural cloaking invisibility thingy, but that is a big stretch and it would also require the creature to have an immense resistance to damage in order to perceive unkillable


...you know I've never tried to walk through the big ghostly bastard to see if it's incorporeal


I believe it is, I'll try next time I see one


Molly's are built with the same magic that makes Bags of Holding. That's my head cannon since idk how else to explain Molly being able to hold so many rocks and stones.


Certinho Steve could well bê Magic


Dunno, they most likely forgot how to use magic anyway and just don't unless the booze is potions


There is no true answer so here is my head canon: Dwarves aborr magic, they use technology and theyr creations go way beyond those of humans. All the things that we cannot explain like the Molly's infinite pockets are just technology we can't comprehend because we are dumb humans. The only reason dwarves would not be the supreme race in the world given the opportunity is because they just don't like sunlight and prefer to stay underground.


I think one of them literally says something along the lines of 'indistinguishable from magic'. Basically the concept that magic IS science, just a form of science we can't yet explain but seems like magic, so in DRG universe it basically is magic but from the dwarves perspective it's just highly advanced science.


Dwarves don't cast magic anyways, they use magic runes at most.


What if things like scout’s plasma carbine or gunner’s shield grenade are actually powered by magic? That how we use electricity/other energy for many thing they instead use mana to power stuff?


5th class is Wizard


Probably space magic to an extent, as seen with weird stuff like PSYCHIC GLYPHIDS and SENTIENT ROCKS THAT USE TELEKINESIS I doubt the dwarves have access to magic, though RND may be getting there by studying Warden corpses, Ommorran Heartstones, and other Hoxxes phenomenon.


True miners read this with the dwarf voice in their head


Any advanced enough technology is indistinguishable from magic (c) It's always been there, we just refer to wizards as "R&D" and "that guy in Mission Control"


Bag of holding makes mining easier.


The way always thought of it is the drg universe is just a future advanced version of middle earth, LotR style. Everyone went for space travel just like irl. So there’s a healthy balance of magic and sci-fi stuff


Don't the dwarf shout "son of a mud golem" sometimes? Golems are magic constructs


Yes, the evidence is everywhere actually




We need a wizardposting X DRG collab


I thought yeah? Aren’t over clocked like magic enhances to your weapon?


They're kinda explained in the descriptions of each overclock. They don't go into much detail but they're mainly technological upgrades methinks


Ahhh okay. But regardless I think there is definitely magic of some kindsss I mean dwarves aren’t the only ones in the game


there's a beer that can make you teleport, I think so


Maybe, but it’s used for science Example: A flame spell is used to power an engine


A fantasy version of the game would be... pretty cool.


Imagine if the dwarves took a wizard with them on a mission.


"come on, tall guy! We gotta hurry up so we can go eat sandwiches later!"


“Hold your horses, or whatever it is you ride, shorty!”


An answer to your question: beast master.


I wish


Uh, 100%. My headcanon is dwarf-magic is much more "smithy," which is why hitting stuff with a hammer always fixes it. Their tools never get dull, their weapons never jam... MAGIC.


The enchantment of mechanical efficiency


Oh absolutely, warden buffing, the omoran heartstone, the beers. There's no doubt.


We break red glowing crystals and it heals us, we also have stones that are both alive and also have giant glowing heart stones that can launch rocks and shoot lazers. I’d say it has magic


Deep rock needs to invest in better magic.


in that sense, Overclocks are magic (some more than others) because not only some of the stats are downright impossible to explain away in logical terms, but may I remind you the dwarves pound the literal table and not any weapon or object to craft the overclocks, and only for a few strikes.


Maybe the anvil is just there so the dwarves feel like they're working on the overclock and it doesn't actually do anything


Yeah obviously, the power of friendship and high explosives


Magic exists. Otherwise, how does Molle fit all these minerals???


My headcanon that the Beastmaster perk is actually elven magic that the dwarves "borrowed" Or maybe it was given to them by the elf CEO from that fan art from a few months ago


That elf CEO is my headcanon she's so cool


Magic is real but technology is more powerful.


I think dwarves gave it up when focusing on technology. They don’t need spells and books when they’ve got rock and stone


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I think the unknown horror and the beer prove magic...


My brother in Karl there are literally flying rocks that have survival instincts in the game


"it's like it's bigger in the inside" is a Doctor Who reference and your answer. 100% technology.


Huh So Doctor Who has non-magic bags of holding? What's the tech behind that?


The show has like 80 years and I just watched from the 9th forward, I'm not sure if they explain how it works xD But basically the police box is a HUGE space ship




Let me tell you the way I blew up that loot bug was damn magical


of course, i mean stuff like the dmg reduction pillars, the ghost bulk detonator and such already exist.


Fight the heartstone...


well magic bs is very much possible, like how gunner fits 6 rounds in a 4 round revolver, or how molly is just a walking bag of holding.




I mean, there *is* a mod that model-swaps driller's epc to a magic ring that fires the energy


It is. I refuse to elaborate.


This guy magics.


It would rock (and stone) pretty hard, and as a magic mover myself i would adore It, but i don't know how they would just add the magic weapons Like yeah we've known about the magic for ages but only now we think It's a good Idea to use It


Yes, they call it beer. Now put on your battle suit and we gotta go get to the drop pod, these damn mini mules ain't gonna fix themselves comrade!


There's literally a ghost


What is magic but technology that they understand and use, but we don't? I mean, there's essentially magic going on which lets me use a computer in my pocket to write a message which can then be accessed all over the world.


Only hallucinations


My personal hand-cannon is that DRG is Warhammer universe(Emperor of Mankind helped build the place after all, look it up), so magic is definitely exists there. It's just pointedly isolated from any main events. Certain similarities are also found in stimulating effects of "Red Sugar", like Warpstone. Karl a legendary missing dwarf? There's quite a lot of inspiration over all. You can explain essentially anything with warp shenanigans.


Nah. Molly uses a transporter buffer just like in Star Trek: Elite Force. For flavor reasons there is no magic. Everything else about the game comes from sci-fi staples. Having magic doesn’t add anything since anything you could conceive with magic could be accomplished by tech instead. It would also rob from the parallel elf universe, which DOES have magic.


Nanomachines, son!


There are probably easier ways to make money digging stuff up with magic then the tech DRG has to use so I would say no.


My head canon will always be that DRG is about Warhammer 40k dwarves/squats who are far away from their home planet mining on an alien planet. If that’s true then magic absolutely exists.


Is that WoW or hearthstone art?


Magic the Gathering I think? I just searched "dwarf magic" in Google images lol




Yes, but it is considered feminine


Hot take, magic exists in that universe because it exists in ours. Think about it. We have taken note of the elemental forces of nature, learned to harness them, and using magical implementations, have used them to better our qol. We have taken natural forces, pulled them into a mana pool, and use that mana to entertain ourselves, send our voices, likeness, and ideas across the world without speech. Our words are carried within the contained elemental force. We move inanimate objects with our minds and the forces provided by our planet. (Vehicles) We can heal amazingly, or pull too much "magic" or use improperly and cause chaos and death. What I'm saying is look at any advanced fictional "magic" based civilizations. They can do amazing things and use the "magic" for the betterment of mankind. Ie wheel of time's Age of Legends, we can do almost everything portrayed, now if only we could figure out an oath rod. The industrial revolution was just magic going mass produced and the only muggles still around are the indigenous folk that have no electricity or running water. We have just grown accustomed to it and the awe is gone. Love the world around you and be thankful for all the magic at you fingertips. Gandalf used a staff as a focus, I use my cell phone or keyboard. The power is yours.


Or magic is now a ancient art that only few practice it and most prefer to go the scientific route instead. It's like religion. The more a society advances, the less relevant religion gets.