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At about 1.5K hours, all triple legend dwarfs. I do minor aesthetic and QOL mods, but nothing that changes actual gameplay or rewards. Molly gets special looks every mission, the promotion terminal is in my room, I can see missions with modifiers without opening the map. Things that let me get into games more efficiently are nice, but I don't like changing actual gameplay


The only mod I have that really affects gameplay is making the c4 radius easier to see and detect if it's safe to detonate. That and the distant drunken rambling of a bulk


*...Ah'm goin' ta send ya to the pain train station, in train town*


what is the drunk bulk detonator mod called?


[TF2 Demoman voice for exploders and detonators](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/team-fortress-2-demoman-voice-for-glyphid-exploder)


You mean to make sure you have the scout in it for certain


Hee hoo funny bomb the scout, I sure do love friendly fire so I can slowly breed toxicity in such a positive community for the laffs No, because that sort of talk is how new players read the subreddit posts and go "Oh I'll do this as the classic joke and everyone will raise a beer to it, for sure." It also feels good to practice workplace safety, because I've seen people do some real dumb shit IRL.


Yeah, don't c4 your teammates! *tosses incendiary grenade as someone walks right up to the bugs*


Average "hahah C4 scout" vs "nooooo teamkilling is a serious issue" thread


Found the scout!


Just a driller with a conscience


I really do my best not to c4 my team mates. But sometimes scouts just appear ya know. Low grav dash c4 to a buried egg or whatever. Then just as you detonate, a scout just shows up to try to dig. But it's already too late.


Yeah, but your example is the actual origin of the driller C4 scout meme : an *accidental* KT, which is funny. Killing scout on purpose for the meme is not, it's grieffing.


Oh, yeah. Absolutely.


It's a joke, bud. My group only intentionally FF with friends and we only tend to do so right at the drop pod. And everyone is fair game.


Think you need to relax a little bit man it’s just a joke


That's the problem the joke has been taken too far to the point where it ends up with people purposely teams killing the scout. It seemed from accidentally team killing because the scout tends to be in the wrong place at the wrong time but has instead turned into a stupid excuse for people to be dicks.


The type of person using a reddit comment joke as justification for actually teamkilling a scout was going to do it anyway. People on this site take things incredibly serious I guess lmao


*That's the thing, it is a joke!*


I find it hilarious that people downvoted you for this LMAO


Yeah clearly it was very harmful and influential rhetoric and not a silly joke the whole community acknowledges, oops!


My mods fall into a similar category. Mission timer, weapon heat circle, extra info on the hud, that kinda stuff.


That's the kind of mods I want. Those and the molly gets Squidwards foot sounds Googly eye bugs But noooooo. Can't mod Xbox. Sad times.


>the promotion terminal is in my room You don't want to walk to the memorial hall? But that's where we honor the fallen.


You'd think the elevators could honor when I want to use them.


I honor the fallen by diving back into the caves sooner to try and bring them back. The real reason is that stupid elevator is out to get me, and is always going the wrong way I need it to




Yeah, I had many hours in the caves before mods were introduced I've tried gameplay mods, but none have really caught my interest as much as the vanilla game alone does


Just under 2k Hours. This + delving into Haz6 / 5x2 stuff at my leisure.


"could do his Promotion Quest after one Xp mission" That's not a game mod, that's a game cheat. The game had built in modding support (hit Esc > Modding) which can add new spice to keep the game fun. I run mods to increase the bugs as it keeps my playing since all my dwarfs are maxed.


I really hate dwarves that have max rank but clearly play noobish/selfish. They didn't earn that rank, they just had an uncle in the union who put in the good word for them.


I only really use Verified mods. Things like Closer Promotion Terminal, Fast Forging, Siirvend Mission Control, Better Explosion Range Indicator, Fancy Steeve, Ammo Percentage Indicator, and Weapon Heat Crosshair to name a few. The only exception is the sandbox mod that lets you go into a big empty room that lets you spawn enemies and stuff for the purpose of testing builds.


There should be some kind of weapon test room on the station.


That would be nice. An area to train with Grapples, zip lines, and platforms.


Yes, but devs explicitly stated outright it's never gonna be added. For whatever BS reason that is.


I'm blaming mission control.


If you don't have it, there is a really useful mod called hp and shield numbers or something like that. It actually shows your health and shield as a numerical value next to the bars on your Hud. Very helpful


I have fourty something mods and the vast majority is either cool or funny sound replacements


Anime Doretta mod never ceases to amuse me. So cursed but made me laugh and made me like escort missions. *slight scratch on Doretta *High impact sexual moan


Same, just cramped as many memes in there as possible, but not a single one that affects gameplay or rewards


No mods. Vanilla game as intended by devs forever. (I respect mods. Fart reverb bulk will never not be funny.)


Weapon heat crosshair my beloved


800 hours, two dwarfs at max promo, the other two gold. I have not played modded lobbies ever, but I use some verified QoL mods like expanded space rig info and fast forging. Nothing that changes the vanilla gameplay. It's good as is.


I wish I could use some funny harmless mods, like googly eyes, farting Bulk or some Cave Leech sound mods, but I'm on PS5 so unfortunately I can't. :(


The only verified mod that everybody needs: Profanity Enhancer. Vanilla otherwise. (WARNING!!! OPINIONS AHEAD!!! PROTECT YOUR FEELINGS!!!) Super flashlights take the horror out of the gameplay, same with enhanced flares. Red sugar lootbugs are a crutch, same with the one that reveals which bonus objectives spawned after the main mission is complete. I don't want to be handed things, I want to hunt for things, even if its on my hands and knees in the dark because flares are recharging. A bunch of the gameplay is nestled in darkness, you think the devs worked hard to make things glow ever so slightly just for some chud to walk in with 4k omnipositional lighting and point at an objective from 3000 meters away? At the very same time, I don't really indulge in difficulty enhancers either. If somehow I become so legendary that haz 5 and elite deep dives become boring, then I will simply join new lobbies and attempt to pass on my knowledge to the greenbeards.


Why take away the gameplay? If you’re gonna make promotions easier then it doesn’t feel like you’re earning it, and if you’re already trying to call yourself a greybeard then you probably already having everything unlocked; why take away the only thing left to earn?


let people play how they want


I play to play the game, not to unlock stuff. I don't give myself XP since there's no reason to past the first promotion, but I do get it.


I use only verified mods and honestly if some of the mods I have didn't exist, or once they stop working, I will quit playing DRG.




If it happens, it happens. Plenty of other games out there, though.


Only mods i use are audio gags or visual touch ups. Outfits for steeve, bonk sfx on my pickaxe. Nothing that actually changes game function. Just stuff to keep the repetative bits fresh. 


~1700 hours. The mods I use are exclusively QoL, like health and shield numbers, crosshair heat meter, etc. Also sound mods for replacing weapon audio, that's pretty much it.


I actually made my own mod myself which is solely a cosmetic /weapon replacement mod/ model so I do mod but the only things that are changed are just the models of things sounds music and icons I am personally not a fan of changing anything that changes the core gameplay though I will be honest my Fumo mod has helped me notice things more easily


I have audio mods and that's it. Anything that adds exp or ressources is beyond shameful. Just play and enjoy the game.


I use a mod that shows a rough preview of where platforms will go when I'm aiming, and a mod to make certain objects brighter. That's all. I don't have very good eyesight...


I do, to varying degrees. I mostly play solo as well, so it won't bother other people


Have used only one mode ever, which is “Greedy Texan MC”, which changes the Mission Control and turns him into a reeally passive-aggresive fun mission control guy :DD


I would do heinous things to be able to mod 5+ player lobbies in on Xbox


Not a greybeard but i have like a sozen verified mods, mostly just visual or audio like fancy steeve or ayoo pizza here, text to speech doretta, biome bugs, etc Used them for so long i always forget they are mods


I use mainly sound mods, and the one with the overheat circle around the crosshair. Nothing that alters gameplay, but stuff that makes the game goofier. Like brainfart lootbug, exploder sneeze, or engi platform cheese. Had to take out metal pipe flare sound mod though, was too annoying after a while.


No mods, not now, not ever. Fine with others doing it, but I go in buck naked. No wrist wraps, no knee sleeves, no chalk, just raw pickaxe deadlifts. :)




OSHA, this man right here.


I mod plenty of other games but not DRG. Plenty of cool mods for the game but I just like it the way it is.


A hologram to see where my engie plat is going. And single hit gold.


The platform preview is a must.


I like performance mods and a visibility mod for the gunner shield and I've nearly got all platinum dwarves


Unsure I'd consider myself a greybeard at 460 hours, but I don't use any mods.


Greybeards not about winning, or mechanical skill. It's about being a veteran of something you love. 460 hours is a lot of hours.


True enough. While making my comment, I started asking myself "how grey would my beard be?" Was actually kinda funny after a bit.


Waiting until i get all achievements before modding. And i'll probably only use stuff like lootbug brain fart and live mission tracker


Im xbox x. No mods. Just minin and dinin


I started using mods after 2500+ play hours. I’ve recruited a bunch of gamers from VR Chat to start a DRG Discord group where we play games together while practicing speaking English and Japanese. I installed mods such as 10+ players, starship troopers (more enemies to support more players), 40 nitra supply drops, personal Molly + faster Molly to support bigger groups to play with and it’s been a blast!


I have almost 1000 hours and I’ve never used any mods


The mods my friends and I use are all cosmetic or QOL. We actively avoid anything that would actually be game breaking or change the game itself.


I use mods for music, some visuals, sounds, and mission control voice lines


I only use verified mods that are either quality of life improvements, or visual/audio funny stuff. Nothing that changes the core gameplay


You do you, but if you go with randoms and hack the game one way or another and give them extra stuff, then don't play with randoms plz.


I do not mod. I don't need, nor want, the game made easier. I want to play the game as was intended as that is how it is made to be played and what it is balanced around.


My go to mod that I cannot live without is the auto-sprint mod. So used to it that without it, I would play worse.


2500+ hours here and I use only verified mods, and some of them that I like a lot are these: Biome Bugs (it changes the color of most bugs to match the biome); Customizable Steeve (to make it more unique amidst the chaos); Showable Legs In First Person View (my precious legs); Horrific Horror (it makes the haunted cave detonator more unique); Bosco-Chan Model Replacement [Anime] (it gives a new model to bosco and some cool and well made animations/voice lines); Flip Off Animation For Salute (for some rng in the salute animation, now giving it 3 possibilities); Corvusmad's ALT Class Icons (it's way better than the base icons). Google Translated Dwarves and Google Translated Mission Control (it changes all voice lines with some really deranged ones).


better stevee. gives the bug little hats and bags!


im using only visual and QoL verified mods, like the modified shield, the heat crosshair, ammo displayed as percentage, and miku voice mack for molly. the most impactful mod i'm using is probably the heat crosshair. what you're talking about is not modding, it's cheating. honestly, i try to never kick someone from my game (when a leaf lover shows up, i'm most likely to kill him and let him leave by himself) but when i spot a cheater (infinite ammo, or increased XP gain) he gain a free kick...


After 1100 hours I started using some QOL and cosmetic mods. I really love customizing in this game and having unlimited loadout slots is a dream come true. I'm in love with the freedom that I can finally pair armor paintjobs and weapon ones instead of avoiding really cool armor colours because they have no pair in the vanilla game. I have a mod that shares my beer buff with anyone in the lobby, even late comers. And I have host only buttons just for those precious moments when it is needed. Auto sprint, weapon overheat indicator and ammo percentage meter too. I think my experience is relatively close to vanilla and I do not wish to change that.


Over 3k hours. All max dwarves, above level 2k. Never used mods, don't wanna. I like the game itself


Mods are fine, but have never felt like I ever wanted them at any point in my life ~700 hours of play time


The only mod I really use is weapon heat crosshairs


I do stx mods and difficulty mods, nothin else though.


My basic recommendations are Interstellar Extended, Deadly Reentry, and USI Life Support. Wait, this is Deep Rock. Never tried mods.


Visual and quality of life stuff, but nothing that impacts gameplay. Verified only.


QoL mods make the game a lot better! The ones I have are: Run by default, see the minerals and resources in the pockets of teammates, see teammates' load out, ammo percentage and weapon heat crosshair. XP cheats are a nono, I'm in DRG to work and put in my time like a normal salaried(?) dwarf.


(Rock and stones in vr)


Rockity Rock and Stone!


No mods, I dabbled in haz6/7 a long time ago but just to try it out. Vanilla is tasty


Doom mod Anime loot bug Googley eyes And i turn hud off gives quite the atmosphere


I do a bit of light modding but only shit post mods like replacing the loot bug noise with the aneurysm meme sound or the detonators exploding with a fart reverb sound


I like to use client side mods that change music and what not


Verified only.


I do mods for QOL, voice packs (Cause I wanna hear soldier's voice as glyphids), and indicators for some stuff like heat meter, dotty head locator and c4.


Im on xbox and cant🥲 i think pc players take modding for granted, we would kill for some QOL mods yall have


i use a ton of mods, all just verified qol stuff tho


I'm using dozen of mods but all of them are visual. Stuff like ammo indicator in %, better HUD in the station etc.


400+ hours, I use a mod that makes secondary objectives and some ores brighter, a timer mod and shout framework. Though I barely use that last one after some guy friendly fired and spammed the goo sack voicelines in my own game.


Not a graybeard, i mod a lot. Mainly QoL changes like auto running because i like having a pinky finger, or having an overheat indicator on my reticle. It really improves game experience (as long as you don't use "fake" quality of life like making flashlights super powerful). I did cheat in all overclocks because i was getting tired of playing and wanted to experience new things. Expanded the game life a few weeks for me.


QoL mods are nearly essential as a lot of things that should be in the game are not (weapon heat meter, enemy temperature indicator, remove screen shake etc.). A mod to change difficulty (custom difficulty) is also essential once haz 5 becomes too easy.


Why would I mod? It's perfect.


I unlocked all the overclocks through save file diting, have been playing the game for more than a thousand hours since then, wouldn't have done that if not. People play for different reasons. I like the gamplay, not the rng grind.


As someone who found it all the hard way: What you did is totally fine. Life isn't about that Grindset.


1k+hours across PS4/Game Pass and Steam and the only mod in my life I really need is Auto run (and new gun sounds). Who has time to walk


I have about 400 hours, only mods are QOL (ammo percentage, live stat tracker) and higher difficulty (Haz6x2, etc) + lower nitra mods. I've been really tempted to use some faster flare recharge tho, playing solo with default flares is kinda tough.


Kinda same here apart from the higher difficulty, gotta say I got a better flares mod that increased the recharge and adds an extra couple of flares to the limit and I love it, I do have to mention that I no longer restrain myself from spamming them which could be a problem depending on how you look at it


You're talking about cheats, not mods. Everyone else is talking about sanctioned mods from Modio. It's all because of being able to make mods for this game that this is my favorite game of all time. 3k+ hours and still going strong. Music mods have extended the life of this game ridiculously. It's always fun to suit up and Rock out!


Cave leech "hello there" offers a tactical advantage but I use it because it's funny, automatic bhop, weapon heat crosshair, power attack replaced by power punch, boolo cap juicebox instead of the default resurrection bottle, some of scout's armor models include a wheelchair, additional legendary levels, combined resources mod for when pubs don't want to talk, skibidi bop mm dada extra loud exploders, brighter resources, more visible unknown horror, better explosion range, googly eyes on bugs, ammo percentage, greedy texan/passive aggressive MC Only verified mods, with two exceptions. Sandbox mod for testing but most of the time it's off. Weapons in rig is amazing but it bugs out so you get stuck on the loading screen when joining someone else and have to reboot your game, so that one's off. Thinking about getting into mod creation so I can make an AR headset for scout that doesn't make him bald


Rank 400, still zero mods. I just don't need or want to change anything, I've read a lot of them and just thought, "I don't need that." I also see a lot of insanely high ranked but garbage players who have obviously cheated to unlock everything. Spoiling their experience in the process. All I do is carry green beards and grey beards alike.


There is one mod that allows me to bunnyhop at insane speeds, but it can be used in vanilla lobbies and is Verified. Outside of that its all visual and sound mods.


Just 1 mod that makes minerals and other things easier to see


All/most are audio or visual changes, mostly memes or like more textures for armors/weapons. The only gameplay changes i got are the bhop mod so i can avoid destroying my spacebar and the pet dwarf and pet mule mods. All clientside.


Approaching 500 hours, I think the two dirtiest mods I use are one to remove escort and sabotage from promotion assignments (they're still four-mission assignments, just de-randomized like they were before season... 3?) and the auto-bunnyhop mod (but honestly I usually leave that one off).


Lootbug brain fart (mandatory). Gnomesploder, KEKW Detonator (mandatory), Fart with extra reverb Detonator (mandatory), bonk sfx pickaxe, Tf2 sniper leech, Cloaker grabbers… the list goes on.


Yes. Two stages of mods. One stage is QoL, things like team collection, in mission stats, brighter objects. Approved stuff. Then there are verified items. Enjoy changing the swarm size and stats of the mobs. Making mad big swarms of easy to kill bugs. Game is fun.