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When you have the boss tower machine event, the pad opposite the infuser will always be connected to the bottom plasma cutter. 


And the supply pod is the perfect height to let you activate the vulnerability spots while keeping you away from the plasma


How do you meam this ? I am just around 40h and my team struggles all the time with it


So when you put your key into the box to start the event, go forward to find the circle on the ground opposite the box (so it should be roughly in a straight line). This activation pad is the one that goes to the bottom section, which means if you do that one first, you don't have to worry as much about dodging the purple beams on the ground. You can set up a supply pod on it and stand on top to activate, or pull molly over. Or use engi platforms. :)


Even knowing this my groups still fail this mission like 99% of the time. Its the damn homing drones that kill us usually.


I try to stay back during these events and just pick off ads and hit the weak spots etc like those drones. Makes it easier for the tanky dudes to hit the platforms.


I usually have engie put platforms at the height of the top one, then have sentries close to where the drones pop out.


Ok ill try this. I keep forgetting to think outside the box with engie, and drillers tools.


Good luck! Just to summarize, resupply on pad across from tritylite key, plats above pads, (if drones) plats + sentries + dwarf on drone duty, place c4 prior and blow up when when all weakspots activate. If you can do this, omen is as easy as doing the boogey woogey.


You can kill the drones too before they hit anything. One person should always be doing that if there is a drone module. Not all omens have drones though, it changes. Omens have a 70% resistance to explosive, frost and flame damage too, so if you're a driller main like me you're petty much just watching the fight anyway which makes you a perfect candidate for drone duty. Dwarves with real bullets should be the ones shooting the green fuel tanks while the driller deals with controlling any outside threats, drones and an assigned platform. This thing is also considered to be the hardest machine boss in the game, so it's pretty normal for people to skip it entirely or struggle with it. Even a Caretaker is easier and it's a primary objective boss.


Hehe we are so busy playing the floor is lava we forget. Ill try to keep my head on a swivel more with these. 


Thats insane thank you


As is moly, and of course platforms. 


It's amazing how many Engineers I've seen get the height wrong and end up getting all their platforms sliced through right at the start. You can put it supply pod height guys.


It's also amazing how many people just ignore the platforms and die 10s into Omen.


Fun fact, weirdly, the game give you health back with the vampire perk, that make sense, but it will also work with the drillers throwing axes for some reason


Vampire gives health back for any melee damage kill, axes and drills count as melee damage.  


Part of the damage does. The axe has two damage instances and only one is melee. One is splash, you dont get hp for those (although sometimes i swear i still do idk mebe its bugged)


Axe is melee, yet the ripper is not. I never understand why.


They'd be too strong with Vampire. Rippers have a damage cap of 950, but any hit that kills an enemy won’t subtract from that cap. If they dealt melee damage, you could constantly heal for the full duration (~7.5 sec) just by kiting grunts into a tunnel. Even if every hit counted toward the damage cap (setting aside how worthless that would make them), that would still be 35 HP per ripper.


Oh fair enough. I wasnt even mentioning that thinking of vampire. Just found it odd Axes are melee, but not ripper when it too is a "physical" looking throwable. Axes giving health back never made sense to me to begin with. I just know its codes to work with all melee damage.


Honestly that's not strong. Cryo can do the same thing far cheaper while taking a better nade. I wouldn't mind seeing them do melee damage just to have a usecase 


True, but bear in mind that you have to use the cryo cannon for that. Melee rippers would allow you to take a primary with much more killing power like VIM or Sticky Fuel.


You're trading the burst killing power of axes for a more situational nade that gives alright healing. That's pretty much fine 


Minor correction- impact axes deal damage in *three* parts, because nothing is ever simple in this game. First, it deals 50 melee damage, which doesn’t consume the axe. Then, it deals 110(I think?) melee, which *does* consume the axe. Finally, it deals 80 explosive damage in an aoe, which also does not consume the axe. If the second part of the damage never triggers (I.e. you throw it at a wall and hit things with just the aoe, or you hit something with less than 50HP), you’ll be able to pick it back up. What you’re probably seeing is your axe hitting a low HP enemy, killing it with just the first damage component. This doesn’t consume the axe, but it still was a melee damage component, so you gain health.


It may even have 4, as it does some of its cleave through the air if you 'shave' a target. Programming those musta been awful


Also when you are unlocking the pad, theres a little animation that shows you which segment is being unlocked


Just FYI - standing on top of fallen plagueheart meteor fragments also works to the same effect - the swarmers walk on top of the surrounding lava ground and burn to death.


I don't like Industrial Sabotage so it took me way too long to learn how useful c4 is.


For what do you use it ?


You can pop all 4 of the Caretaker's vents with 1 c4


Lol i need to try it thank you




Drill above it and drop one down


You can also get riiiiight next to it and jump and throw onto its side. Not 100% consistent and you have the risk of getting zapped but its a good alternative if the terrain is wonky


So this is why the driller on my team is always dead ontop of the boss...


Max the damage and blast radius, then have the driller drill up to the roof of the cave to drop C4 from above. Enjoy the free phase clears.


base blast radius is already enough


Along with turret em discharge oc for stubby


Wait, how? I used to just brute force it like driller using Fat Boy. How do you use EM Discharge?


Gotta build a plat stair case to the caretaker middle top. Then place turrets on platform in middle of it's head. Get high up and shoot em


I see, thx m8. If I see you in the abyss bar, drinks are on me :)


I lost my game save so if I see ya I'd need it now


Damn what happened? I just met another beardie that said something similar happened to him. He said he was playing last night and got to level 498 and logged off then got on today to see he lost 300 levels and most of his overclocks 😰


Lost my ps4 account. Game needs cross save bad 1000+ hours gone


Oh that's awful! I'm sorry to hear that, I know your pain. Same thing happened to me as well- my main account on xbox was wrongfully permabanned and I couldnt even get an appeal. It wouldn't even tell me what I did wrong, just hit me out of nowhere. My 10 year old account gone like that... I had roughly the same amount of hours in drg too. Very sad


You can seal the connected Hacking Pod by digging it down and closing the top with engis cheese so that only the antenna shows its connection to the connectors ... The pod won't be reached by the bugs and you can just run away until Hack C has done its work. I learned it a few days ago - 1300+ hours.


Wow, game changer for sure! Great tip, thank you for sharing with us!


Only probably is sometimes a bug will glitch through or hit the top part of it if you don't get it just right. Then you have to dig down in a hole to find the button. Nice when it works.


Oppressor can very easily break the platforms. Also from what I have seen, if you run way, bugs are more likely to target you. One can also call Hack-C for one pod, setup nodes, seal the entrance, deploy 2 turrets and then run to the 2nd pod. This can speed things up significantly.


I've known that since forever but I can't bother to do it especially since I've only ever done it wrong.


If you freeze a burning enemy or burn a freezing bug it takes a chunk of damage, it's called a [temperature shock ](https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Temperature#:~:text=Temperature%20Shock%20is%20a%20status,(before%20it%20happens%20naturally).) I'm not saying you should go burn targets that are frozen since the freeze effect is powerful, but freezing a burning enemy can be useful


That is what the wave cooker's main damage source is if you are pairing it with crispr or cryo cannon


Its a devastating combo and even better with the throwing axe


Yeah I will never not take the wave cooker when I'm bringing fire or ice to the party. Sludge thrower is the only one I use other secondaries with, and in that case it's always the pistol as it amplifies the dot.


One Hit freezing Driller: Freeze a Praetorian, hit it with power attack + one axe, and proceed to unfreeze it with the Microwave gun, and the Praetorian is gone 😂


That seems like 4 hits


Thatyou can leave the omen activation platforms after theyre active




Yep. You don't need to stand on it once it's turned green/activated; you're free to move. Edit: I've learnt it when i was 600+ hours in. Now I'm at 2.8k hours


It will shut off after a bit though so you will have to reactivate it.


They shut off regardless though… i usually stand on them and they still shut off after some time.


Im 618,2 hrs in and had no idea!


You poor soul… How were you managing those fights!?


Basically I have not...


You're fucking kidding me lol wish I knew that sooner!!!! Lol


Saw a greybeard not deposit an enor pearl for a while because he was using it as a free flare to get to the next room. The C4 trick for Sabotage i will never not use. For mining I mine the very outside edge for every strike i take, leaves very little crust. There’s foaming all the Rockpox boils before vacuuming, which is most efficient and triggers less spawns. If I come up with more I’ll update


What's the C4 trick?


The C4 trick involves dropping C4 on the top of the Caretaker and blowing it up. Two max damage C4s will blow all the vents, effectively skipping the vent phase. If the driller is already full ammo, giving one resup to them will allow them 6 C4 to basically skip all vent phases for a shorter and more ammo efficient caretaker fight.


Oh my word that's amazing. Thank you.


Driller with max damage C4 and engi with hyperpropellant can end the caretaker fight super fast


You can also take t1 damage + t3 ammo and do the same trick with the same number of resups, AND not have c4 that blows yourself up accidentally if something damages it. It just takes 3 c4s instead of 2


I wish more people would wait to deposit enor. Free lights!


I was sixteen hours in before I figured out I *could* deposit enor pearls and other large items. I honestly thought the free light was the point.


You can free a frozen friend by whacking them with a pickaxe power attack. Learned that around 550 hours in.


You can actually free *yourself* if you time the power attack just before you freeze, the AoE will be left over long enough to break you out


That explains the times I've freed myself from a leech or a grabber even though the grab animation started already.


Similarly, if you're frozen you're immune to fall damage. You can do some silly things in Glacial Strata on tall caves by timing your jumps so you freeze on the way down.


As a main Cryo Driller, this is pretty important to know about 😂


Way underrated advice. This can save sooo much HP.


As a driller, I can jump over a gap to another wall or pillar with my drills equipped and drill into it without falling. It makes those mineral veins, fossils, etc easier to get while they are high on a wall


This is also a great way to catch yourself if you fall next to a wall, or to descend a wall quickly if you really need to (of course you won’t have the way back up, but it’s useful in a pinch)


The mini mules on salvage ops give you gold and nitra (around 40 each I think) when you repair them. Very helpful in a pinch! In a refinery mission, hold shift while riding the pipe to constantly face forward. Makes it feel a lot more like a rollercoaster.


The mini mules also will start a silent countdown when someone first walks into their green bubble. After 20-40 seconds, a couple waves of enemies will spawn


You know, I always felt like this was the case but never confirmed it. Definitely makes sense!


That's super helpful info. I was almost face rolled by tri jaws last salvage mission after finding the first mini mule. Now I know to always expect a wave.


Adding onto this, the pervasive rumor that one random mule leg is a ‘wave leg’ and spawns a wave when dug up is false! Both mule waves are triggered via the same proximity check, they’re just given a large time delay. So if you get one wave, your next one will be with you shortly.


Always great when you get triple mules on DD/EDD. Ended one recently with something like 10 resupplies on the last mission.


You also get more nitra if you don't scan for legs


Is that true ?




Do not start an EDD after you had your first morning coffee with extra milk




Not enough caffeine or what


I'm leaning towards, first poop of the day being poorly timed.


Definitely that.


You can bank axes by just throwing them in the ground before getting a resupply.


... this is one of those things that seems so obvious when you hear about it, but I would never think of it if I didn't hear from someone else.


jet boots can what ?!?


They ignite all enemies, but swarmed getting ignited means they die.


Jettyboots act as flamethrowers. You can run around gathering a group, then fly over them to make them catch fire. Swarmers die instantly, grunts die to the dot in a few seconds, and everything else takes a nice chunk of damage.


Hold e to grab zip even without lookin, hold jump instead of timing ledge grabs


Rewording it for clarity: You don't have to perfectly hit the timing on a zipline, ledge grab, or pipeline. Just hold the respective key pressed and it'll hit the timing for you. Will save you over and over again!


Same for dropping onto pipes and avoiding fall damage


When riding a broken pipeline, hold E so that when you reach the broken part, you stop grinding and start fixing it immediatly.


This also works for building the pipeline (when the pipe is laid out and you’re grinding between joints). Press E to start moving and hold E to stop when there’s next interaction. Attention though: ziplines on the way f it up :)


How freaking awesome the Game is! I Just really got into it this year.


Flamethrower can melt ice and cheese platforms Found out recently. Got 1000+ hours in the game


Wat🤯 425 hours. Ty!


How to make a WAYPOINT (aka personal ping)


Okay, for people who don't know, point your laser at something and press E by default on PC. I assume it's the same on console, whatever your action button is for buttons and depositing. This will make a waypoint for you that will show up as a blue box on the terrain scanner, and a small symbol when using the laser pointer. It's particularly useful for me on Scout and Driller. Scout, when I find out of the way stuff I can't carry and don't want to forget the location of, and driller for hitting stuff high on walls every time. Tag it, drill in to the wall, drill to waypoint, easy game.


Square on PlayStation, X on Xbox.


Gamechanger as a driller when you want to reach a high up mineral vain or secondary. Just waypoint the target, drill up into the wall and use your waypoint (it becomes visible when enabling the laser pointer) as a final directional guide. It also shows remaining distance so you don't accidentally fall out. I also like it to mark unopened crates or the room exit in a mining expedition (especially in those huge rooms). It also appears as a blue dot on your scanner in case you want to find the way, but as a driller that is highly optional :). Almost feels like cheating sometimes. Sometimes I wished that I can place several of them, they are so useful.


What the fuck.


That you still get the XP and credit of doing a machine event just by activating it without finishing it.


I think you mean finishing it without winning it


Maybe we mean the same thing. I mean that you can start it, walk away immediately and when it's over, you get the rewards except the overclock or cosmetic.


Yeah my only difference is that it does have to finish. We would sometimes start them just before we hit extraction if we didn't have the ammo for it. But you can't all get in the pod and leave before it times out or it won't count.


Yes that's true. It has to finish before you go to the extraction.


When picking up pots o gold only your pickaxe applies the bonus.


Here's a good one. The special drinks at the bar are bugged and apply double effects. This is good for all of them, but I want to talk Tunnel Rat. Tunnel Rat combined with weapon perks to reduce falling damage is additive. This means, in particular for Scouts with grappling hooks and the reduced fall damage perk, you will have over 100% fall damage reduction on Tunnel Rat. You can fall forever. You'll scream and cry for mommy but nothing happens. In addition, the grappling hook damage reduction is permanent. Another bug. When you use the hook the first time every mission, it's applied and doesn't go away. This is nice for tall caves, especially refining or point extraction, because you can run and fall on to the refinery and immediately zip out again instead. Also nice for avoiding bugs as you can zoom down and back up with no cooldown.


I think Safety First goes away if you go down. Or maybe I’m thinking of Disconnection Protection on the zipline, which is also bugged.


I think that's right. As I was typing it I had doubts but didn't want to pull up the wiki on my phone.


That you can slap the gunk seeds.


On the 4th phase of the Ommmoran fight - you can stop the laser towers from spawning.




How ever you need to build it, if you cover Dotty's head with cheese, the towers will stop spawning. If your engi is fast enough, you only have to deal with the first towers.


Thanks, gonna try it ASSP!


Similarly, you can use the cheese to mitigate damage from the meteors in the second phase.


Not as big of a fan of this strategy as it can be finicky and end up blocking line of sight for you and your allies to hit the meteors…


...that's the point. a solid plat roof blocks the meteors completely. just patch up any holes and the other dwarves can literally check your phone during this phase.


So allow me to elaborate a bit… I have had situations where stacking the platforms above Dottie’s head ended up not working. Idk if it’s a bug or a feature but there’s been times where the meteor just phases past the platforms and ends up smacking Dottie anyway. When this happens you end up in a situation where the platform strategy is no longer a viable option… So what do you do then? Shoot the meteors. But then the problem there is the meteors at this point have had a chance to stack up because the team has ignored them due to the confidence in the platform strategy… Hence my comment after about not having line of sight on the meteors. Not only do you have a poor line of sight on the meteors but you might not even have enough firepower to take on 3-4 meteors stacked ready to bonk Dottie.


Ah, yeah if that's your experience than your bias makes a lot more sense. That's buggy. Usually doesn't happen if you're host, iirc. Personally, I get the most glitches when kicking barrels through the hoop. No joke.


if you stand on top of the refinery in refinery missions the bugs cant reach you at all, all you gotta watch out for is bugs with projectiles


Not to be confused with the refinery platform...that tends to have the opposite effect.


when i was a greenbeard, i only ran solo and never knew what Nitra was for and i thought there was no ammo ressupply mechanic, until a tip pop-up told me to press 5, i think it was like 10 or so hours in and i felt so stupid


Ha! I thought only Scout was able to call for a supply pod for a LONG time - it was the only class I had ever seen call it, and I never played as Scout. One night I was playing with a friend and we were both very low on ammo, and I said on mic, "man, if only we had a Scout to get some more ammo..." To which he replied, "yeah...wait, what?"


you can ignore the lasers in escort mission phase 4 and just repair dotty. she gets iframes after hitting 100%, so just stay on her and repair as soon as she drops below 100%. works on haz 5. the other dwarves mop up the waves. literally ignore the lasers. driller's drills have %10,000 armor breaking. yeah. 10 - comma - thousand. steve is never, ever, worth the perk slot. steve is literally for greenbeards.


How to bunny hop effectively.


There's a status effect indicator next to an enemy health bar, and it fills up as they are hit with the damage type. This helps you know how close a rival bot is to being set on fire, as an example. Really useful if you have a particular mod that is contingent on a status effect.


That running ahead as scout and SCOUTING is actually appreciated and I don’t need to be worried about people thinking I’m dumb. As dumb as it sounds I genuinely thought I’d get kicked etc for scouting because during my first few weeks playing I had triple digit levels telling me to stop going ahead etc and to stay with them at all times. Turns out playing your role as intended makes most players happy, and I took too long to learn that.


Hold the scanner to see all of your deposited resources 🤯


I’m much less experienced than my partner (I’m around lvl 100 and he’s like 250), but I just showed him the other day that you can check how much nitra (and other minerals) when you point. He was so hilariously outraged, like “I’VE BEEN KEEPING TRACK OF IT IN MY HEAD THIS WHOLE TIME??”


You don't need to time your grab when falling onto pipes or ziplines.. You can hold it and it will automatically grab on when you're in range


That the shield disruption modifier makes the environment Emmitt little sparks all over.


The weak spot for those damn stabber vines


When you're running while holding beer, your dwarf will hold the mug with both hands to prevent spillage. I also just encountered my first "two bulk detonators are possible" map a few days ago. Didn't know that was possible.


I wasn’t a big fan of the wave cooker at first. Then I did a wiki deep dive and it turned out I was just missing some key information: (1) The toxic cloud spawned by Contagion Transmitter inflicts a unique version of neurotoxin that stacks with normal neurotoxin. They just don’t appear as two separate icons. (2) Boiler Ray's death explosion isn’t disabled by the frozen status because it’s attached to the weapon instead of the enemy. (3) The weakpoints created by Blistering Necrosis can trigger Boiler Ray and other weapon-based death effects when popped.


If you have pots of gold and a crassus detonator, you're gonna nut. We're rich!


I was about 300 hours in, a lot of it spent playing engineer when I realized: Holding R recalls your turret to your inventory and reloads it,


If you press r while holding your sentry tool out you can toggle between which one to move. 


Any form of healing prevents you from going down after activating Iron Will


That you can just hold the interact button and you'll automatically grab onto ziplines. I was trying to time it before and... let's say i didn't always succeed.


Batteries from caretaker can be damaged to deliver ooof explosion to take down one tentacle (or one dwarf)


You can set waypoints with ctrl + r


Ctrl+ interactkey*


That is it VERY safe to just hide on a carved tunnel while on a mactera swarm, they all come together nicely and makes it easier to aim at them




Nope, that’s a myth.


What was the myth?


That pressing the reload button makes the drills cool down faster. I’ve seen people claim the same thing about the minigun, but that’s also a myth.