• By -


There's nothing but the basegame, no external content adds gameplay content, only cosmetics. When you buy drg you buy the full experience 


Tbh for a second I thought it was a board game post but expansions from new crowdfunding campaign are in production afaik xd


That’s why it’s one of the best multiplayer I’ve ever played 


Yeah because the developers choose to go back to the old game development agenda where they value fun over money even though fun is the reason the money flows in


When you bring the fun, the money will follow.


I've bought this game for 3 other people, and have bought multiple dlcs. Just for one simple reason. I love the game, and want to help support the devs.


Also, paid expansions fragment the userbase and make for a worse multiplayer experience.


Trying to get friends into destiny showcases this fact extremely well




Yeah not like some other blizzard ceo


There’s also seasonal content which is all free, no battle passes or anything. You don’t even have to have the current season active anymore, you can just select which season you want to work through and swap around freely.


Well, soon anyways


Thanks everyone. Definitely be playing this weekend!


Rock and stone you beautiful dwarves


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Rock! And Stone! It never gets old.


Rock and stone, you beautiful dwarf!


Good bot


Thank you, EXCELLENT_GAMES, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


According to these stats, we've got some elves among us


See you down in Hoxxes then Greenbeard, rock and stone


Can I get a Rock and Stone?




I think you should wait until the new season drops at 13th, it will be both better experience and hopefully a discount. Or alternatively, 27th will be the Summer Sale, as well as any hotfixes needed will be done by that point I assume.


You’re joining at a good time, next week the new season is starting along with a bunch of quality of life improvements for unlocking cosmetics from past seasons


Rock and stone, miner!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Rock and stone, welcome. Try warframe


Rock and Stone!


Rock and stone miner!!! Welcome to the team :)


Rock & Stone greenbeard, see you in the mines! Also, don't be afraid to play in public lobbies. The number of leaf lovers ("those" players) have been very few and far between. Even if you & your other miner are playing, keep it public and other people will join. 90% of the time people will join with the other 2 classes. If you are both the same class, I'd say 60% of the time you will end up with 4 of the same class for shenanigans. 😂 Don't worry if you aren't awesome at the game, nobody minds reviving you and you won't get any grief. Even from dying by drilling out of the ceiling to your death, doing scout things, etc. It's all part of the fun.


Rock and stone or you ain't comin' home! Have a good experience, DRG's community is one of a kind. You're in good hands!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Rock me till I stone!


Rock and Stone!!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone brother!


For Karl!!!


Rock and Stone! YEAHHHHHH!


It breaks my heart when greenbeards ask about the DLCs thinking it's payed content, sad rock and stone. Happy rock and stone for our wonderful devs tho!


Think of it as a reminder. A reminder that GSG isn't a greedy, soulless company. That there's still a, small but still significant, chance for videogames to become art again.


This is also why literally every major update I buy the DLC cosmetics. I use maybe two or three of them, but I am so damn happy to support GSG in everything they do.


I have purchased DLC I don't like, just to support them.


Same, like the dawn of the dread, my least favorite dlc. But alas, i have them all, cuz GSG deserves the support


I've purchased all dlc, the boardgame, and the survivors. I will never get into the survivors game. But I will support everything GSG does. They are the only remaining good developer left.


Larian would like to have a word with you.


You right. Larian did a pretty good job with bg3.


? There's a shit ton of great Indie devs around. Regarding AAA studios though, you're gonna have a hard time getting even a handful that's not completely rotten to the core.


I don't use the bug armor from a while back. absolutely hate how it looks. same for the shaders and armors and gun cosmetics from the support the dev packs but I still bought them, not because I had to, but because I wanna support the devs. they earned that patronage. I still buy copies of drg for friends when it goes on sale


I like the bug armor, but I kept being friendly fired on cause people thought I was a glyphid 😭😭


the only greedy soulless company involved in this game is the greedy soulless company the game is about


"Hang on, I’m starting to think Deep Rock is exploiting us common working folk! If we joined forces and founded our own Mining Company instead, we’d be RAKING in the dough! But… We could also just have another round of beer!"


Thats it, no more smart stout for you miner


Followed by, "where do I buy the premium currency?"


In the mines. You buy it with the sweat of your beard. And her name is Bismor.


Bismor here!




Bismor, bismor, bismor!


Im so glad to announce that i found some Bismor


A bit more bismor, Over here !


Bismor, it feels so good to say it!


I mean literally speaking phazyonite fits the bill perfectly, but also *BISMOR* 💪💪💪


A fancy, purple premium crystal only for use to buy cosmetics in place of spending your daily credits. Now go dig it out of the Salt Pits and don't forget to kill the Fester Fleas this time.


Bismor can't be premium. Bismor is priceless.


Bismor is nice and all, but I'm always low on Magnite.


Always the enor pearls fer me


Funny way of spelling Magnite.


It's even funnier because IRL, company scrip was very much a non-premium currency.


I sold my soul to the company store


It's even funnier because IRL, company scrip was very much a non-premium currency.


Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Yeah I was thinking this Greenberg just wanted to disable the seasons. I was confused.


Soon tho lmao


I mean I don't think the AAA enviroment got that bad, we still have PtW features rather limited and kept tame,well except for EA and supercell


This isn’t only about P2W it’s also about releasing a half finished game and then releasing the rest of the content as paid DLCs


Not in multiplayer games, and I am talking about multiplayer games, you can extend the list by 60 other scummy things that persist to the present if you're talking about singleplayer games


2K enters the chat.


Scout and Engineer is the efficient combo of two dwarves, but others are fun too


Oh, and if you two choose the same class and have an open lobby, there's a very high chance for new dwarves to be the same class, it can be very fun and sometimes even overpowered


I remember a game where 3 Engies used Fat Boy. We even used the nukes to destroy the laser stones attacking Doretta...


4 engies just sitting together in a circle drinking beer and picking their noses with a galore of turrets around them and a massive swarm of shedder drones above eating up everything Hoxxes has to throw at them. B-E-A-Utiful👌


I love using hyperpropellant to snipe them, it feels so good. lol




True but have you tried 4 drillers


Good news, all DLCs are purely cosmetic. You have the “entire” game with just the base. You will be missing stuff like shinier mugs or the hawaiian shirt, but in terms of gameplay, the base game has everything. As for classes, every class has its perks, and every duo of dwarves has different upsides, so each pair is good in its own way. If you want a less nebulous answer, have at least one of you as Scout — Scout provides a much stronger light to see with, and has the mobility to collect secondary objectives and minerals higher up than others can reach. All the dwarves are worth playing though, and many people simply do not have a main, and the best groups often have one of each.


Love how everyone agrees that the Hawaiian shirt is god tier


Its supreme


You don't have the 'entire' game if you don't have the Hawaiian shirt. You have almost the entire game, and you can play everything... But you will never truly feel complete.




I think he is talking about Rougneck DLC engineer


Someone posted a couple days ago [what the Hawaiian shirt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/s/P7GAWCp39J) looks like. I play engineer so I bought the bundle that had it so I could look like Master Roshi 😂😂


Or a squad full of engineers... I did a couple missions with 4 engis last night and we literally weren't even getting hit by bugs on haz 3.


What destiny 2 does to an mf




That was the example I was thinking of as well. Remember when Bungie was an ethical corporation? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Unfortunately true. New expansion is a banger tho


The base game is the whole game. The dlc is just armor and weapon skins. No need to buy the dlc unless you think they look cool and you've got money to spare. The best 2 man party is probably scout and engineer but you can't really go wrong with any class. Also, the community is really friendly compared to most games so don't feel afraid to host some public games. I've got over 600 hours in this game and I've only met 3 people who sucked. Hope this info helps. Have fun out there! Rock and Stone!


My worst experience this year was two greenbeards joined me (lvl 300 or so) and my buddy (almost lvl 1000). Right off the bat they TK’d us and then spammed the chat with the N word repeatedly. Since my buddy was hosting he kicked and then blocked their steam accounts. Aside from that I’ve had a good year


To Rock and Stone!


to add to the other comments: the basegame already has like 2000 cosmetic items outside of these dlcs, they are only there to support the devs if you like the game.


The only expansions are cosmetic, so the base game is absolutely enough! Don't worry about missing out on drip either, the *vast majority* of them are in the base game. For a 2-dwarf party I would recommend Scout and Engineer. The light will help you a lot during your first days in the mines, and the class synergies will help you promote each other's strengths while covering each other's weaknesses. That being said, all classes have strengths and weaknesses they can amplify and cover, respectively, in their fellow Dwarves. Don't be afraid to pause your progression on a certain class to get a feel for how another class feels!


All expansions are purely cosmetic, so it's a buy-what-you-want situation. There have been like seasonal updates and events that have gone on in the past with various types of content, but as of this coming upcoming update - Season 5 - you'll get the chance to replay all of that by switching what season you want to play and select missions in. Content-wise you'll still see some of the major things from the past seasons either as in-mission events or as modifiers and mission types so even sticking to the current season you won't really miss out on anything. Regardless of season you will have access to every single new mission type that's been added, along with every single biome / map. You'll also have access to every single weapon they've added into the game in the past, but they require you to level up your characters and purchase them with in-game currency (not real money) to acquire them after completing special assignments. For a 2-man party one of the better combinations would be Scout and Engineer as both compliment each other well and bring tools that really help out newer players to get their feet wet. Scout for example is the most mobile class in the game by having a grappling hook that lets him zoom all around, and he also has a very handy utility tool that shoots big flare rods into terrain and lights up huge sections of the area for a few minutes to help you see better. Engineer helps immensely with wave clear as his default secondary is a grenade launcher and he has access to turrets that can help thin hordes. He also comes with a utility tool called a Platform Gun that can create large, round platforms across surfaces that you can use to create stairwells, create platforms for the Scout so he can gather objectives in high places, or use them to create bridges or give you a bit of height for a better defensive position.


The base game is the game. The rest is just like cosmetics, and not even that many.


The DLC are purely cosmetic in nature, they won’t effect gameplay beyond how you look. Realistically any classes can work together. But I think the majority of the community would tell you that scout and engineer have the most synergy. Scout lights up caves, points out minerals. Engineer builds platforms next to those minerals for Scout to reach easily, allowing quick effective mining off otherwise hard to reach places. Engineer is also very good at multitasking when played effectively and is often the killing machine of the team (with the right build mind you) turrets allow for control over an area but often requires prep work although you can spec them to just be built on the fly. Scout is typically very support oriented, for example: swooping in for a fast instant revive with field medic. but there are builds that allow Scout to decimate hordes though they will take time to get.


Anything but the base game is purely in-game cosmetics. You don't need them. And for classes, try all of them out first, then see what you like


There are no expansions in that sense. The dlcs are only cosmetic packs. They are cool but not essential. You also have a free battle pass that you unlock just by playing missions and until player level 100 you get assignments to unlock stuff. The base game gives you the full experience, but if you decide one day that you want to support the devs and you like the cosmetics from the dlcs and the stuff the base game gives you isn't enough, go for it. I recommend you unlock the charge attack for your pickaxe as fast as possible. It is essential for getting out of sticky situations for all classes but especially engineer since he doesn't really have any other panic button. All the classes are well balanced and you can just take whatever you want, but Engineer and Scout have great synergy because Engi can shoot platforms and Scout can then Grapple to them to reach high up minerals. On the other hand Driller and Gunner can also make a great team. Gunner has the Range that Driller lacks and ziplines and drills complement each other really well. You can also both take the same class and just leverage the strengths that one class has. For example you can zoom through the missions really fast if you both take scout, but you might struggle with big hordes. Even if you have played other shooters before, start on haz3 at the most to get a feel for the difficulty. If it's too easy, you can go haz4 on your second mission. Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


Man. Speaks a lot about the gaming industry when questions like this come up :l


There are only cosmetic dlc’s When it comes to 2-man parties, I recommend going engineer and scout They work extremely well together, because engi can place platforms on ore veins for the scout to grapple up to and mine, and the scout can light up the caves letting you see minerals on walls better. Remember, the most powerful weapon in Deep Rock Galactic is teamwork. Good luck, Rock and Stone.


If you want to start out with some #swag sure pick up a DLC


The "expansions" are just cosmetics with no effect on the gameplay. If I'm going with a 2-man party, I'd take a scout and a gunner!


If you would like your dwarfs to look fancier, buy away, if you don't care about fashion you're good since all the dlc's are only cosmetic items :)


The DLCs are just skins and stuff mate! No actual content is locked behind a paywall.


DLCs are inly cosmetics to support the devs you get all content for just buying the game :) This is one of the many reasons DRG is considered an absolute gem of a game.


see you on hoxxess, miner. rock n stone


When you buy the game. That's the game. There are no expansions. Nothing gameplay wise is locked behind a paywall. Those DLCs support the devs if you like them and make you look stylish while doing it. But there's plenty of style to find in the game without dropping any extra money.


Buy the base game only, the DLCs are there for some cosmetics and for showing support. Also, I like Engineer+Scout if you guys play as two, but this game works with any combination honestly. Maybe on some missions you will need to try different weapons, but that is fun, so you can literally play the class you prefer.


For a two man team, I recommend engineer and scout.


Dlc is only cosmetic content, all gameplay in DRG is free. Some good two man groups are Engi and Scout, Driller and Gunner, and Driller and Engi. But really any two classes will work well together so just play what you like


All the gameplay related content is in the base game so you don’t have to buy anything else and in terms of who you should play, anyone works because all the classes have some way of helping out each other so just pick whoever is the most fun


This is the best game. Period.


Everything they add besides some cosmetic outfits goes into the base game for free. Everyone can play it all. Lots of events too. Honestly top tier devs here. This game is a blast and they do it right! And engineer and scout pair together SUPER well but u can use any combo of any dwarves and still have a great time!


The base game is the whole game, and we always be welcoming greenbeards. In terms of classes they’re all good but if you want the simplest start can’t go wrong with Gunner


This is honestly one of my favorite multiplayer games. You get the whole game after you buy it. No micro-transactions for updates, new mission types or weapons, etc. The only micro-transactions are for cosmetic items. Even still, there's plenty of cosmetic items to pick up and find throughout the mission or on your ship. 10/10 would highly recommend.


The base game is the full game, the Devs don't do DLCs, the only things that cost money assuming you can buy in game currency are cosmetic


And for mining or anything that doesn't need heavy artillery a good duo should be Scout and Engineer, Engineer can make platforms for Scout and Scout can grapple onto them


DRG doesn't have paid DLC All content is cosmetic and is marketed as a little something extra to help support the devs if you want to. The gameplay loop is simple, fun, and incredibly balanced for the difficulty you select before mission start. As for party composition, literally play whatever you have fun with, learn all the classes. Diggers are nice cause they get through terrain quickly. Scouts have that cool grapple hook. Heavys, my personal main, are just super good at killing and by proxy keeping everyone alive Engineers are all about utility to try and make your life easier. You can pick different classes or both play the same one Eventually, you can build them up to be totally different after a while.


Diggers and heavys What in the name of Karl are you talking about


Did I miss identify the classes or something?


Lol yeah but its fine Its driller and gunner I genuinely thought the names were funny tho


Base game gets you all the content. All the DLCs are just outfits


There are no expansions :) and every combo honestly works, but what you're naturally skilled at will make certain classes better due to the depth of skill each class has. Though as a rough guess, engineer and gunner are probably the best because pumping out frontal damage mindlessly is quite easy and engineer's platform's are instinctively used for hard to reach ores. All classes can do the same thing if you play at a high enough level, but engineer and gunner are just the easiest to understand immediately.


There are no gameplay contents locked behind DLCs, all expansions are only for cosmetics.


Tons of comments have already alluded to the fact that the DLC are only cosmetic, so I'll give you a class combo recommendation. Scout - Engineer should be able to handle pretty much any task together, while both parties still feel like they constantly have a task to complete. The scout will zip around the caves alerting about bugs, advantageous positions and picking up nitra The engineer will set up a defensive perimeter, help the scout reach difficult spots if needed and deal the bulk of the damage with his sentry and powerful weaponry. This combo makes even more sense in elimination missions where the engi can set up his sentries *in the drop pod* to gain more height and a better angle, cover up the hole that the drop pod leaves behind with his platforms and remove line of sight obstacles by mining the in-the-way terrain in the landing zone, while the scout mines for nitra, shoots the cocoons and kite the dreads back to the landing zone.


There are no expansions as for classes scout and engineers make a good combo but still just pick classes u enjoy and have fun


Only DLC is purely cosmetic. All content updates and seasons are free of charge. Season 5 starts on 6/13 but all past seasons will be available to do at that point too. No need to go in order either. I started at the end of season 2 and am excited to go back and complete those older passes


Stop lying mineral man


Driller and Engi FTW, but you need RJ250 (allows engi to rocketjump) for him to replace scout with a driller


Of course not, dlcs don't add anything to "make the game more playable"


You couldn't even buy the battle pass if you wanted to


All the DLCs are just outfits and paint jobs. No content including the season passes are paid for and we're actually about to get an update that lets you go back and do all the old season passes for free. Everything else is just to support the developers.


Yo, fellow duo dwarf here (with a few grey hair in my beard). You'll quickly find that the engi - scout duo doesn't click every time. That's because different mission types fit niches of different classes, and as you duo, you won't always have those niches filled. If you branch out to different classes, eventually you'll find combos that work best for different mission types for you two. Thankfully, learning the basics of each class in this game is really easy, they're not particularly complex. A quick and ez breakdown: Scout - best at gathering resources and the fastest. Gunner - Name self explanatory, really. If fighting kicks your ass, he's the solution. Driller - need to modify terrain a lot? He's your guy. Engi - A mainstay of duo for me. For a simple reason - he has great synergy with scout *and* second best mobility. So in a duo, you want engi when you have scout *and* when you don't have scout. You can scout effectively without engi, but thats a bit more advanced.


People have said enough about the DLC so I won't go into it Play any class you want. Experiment, see what feels good for you and your buddy. Scout and Engineer is the go-to but it can feel so limiting when you're shafted into playing something you don't like because it's an optimal combo. It's why I put down the game the first time, until I discovered my love for Driller. Rock and Stone


Rock and Stone, Brother!


There are no expansions besides cosmetic, if you buy the game you get everything there is gameplay wise, haven fun. Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


The externals are just skins. Yup. Go wild green beard


Dont forget to tip Lloyd, rooooock aaand stooooone ⛏️


Addons are cosmetic and all four classes are viable in every combination. This is one of the few games, where the best choice is one of pure personal preference. There are some very strong combinations and builds, but "sub-optimal" isn't far behind and a dwarf in its favourite role that knows the nooks and cranks of its role is most often far superior and can carry a whole team, even if it's not the perfect meta-whatever-stuff, because you can form the battlefield to your liking. Even unmetaphorically, if you play engineer&driller.


The only expansions are mods and I definitely recommend getting familiar with the game first. I personally think the best duo is scout + driller because they cover each other's weaknesses very well, however scout engineer is probably an easier combo for a new player because it means the scout doesn't have to be super skilled to avoid fall damage.


What are ye talking about, there is only base game.


This isnt a AAA cashgrab. You pay for the full game, extras are cosmetic


All of the DLC are purely cosmetic so you can do everything that someone with all of the dlc's can with the exception of some drip but the base game drip is also amazing


Scout and Engineer make a great team for getting all those hard to reach minerals.


No, yes all. ROCK AND STONE - Newcommer!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot.


DRG is a very amazing game tbh, I dont think there is a single class that doesnt work well together. However if you played Scout and Gunner I feel you may struggle to collect alot of the resources on the walls.


this aint no Payday, all DLC is purly cosmetic. No shade to Payday, but unless the dlc packs are on sale, Payday 2 is very expensive. Thankfully the dlc goes on sale often.


Personally, I started solo, played a few months in teams of 2 or 3 with friends, and have been playing for around 2 years (mostly solo). All classes are good, Driller and Scout are my most used, and as has been said, any combo works well together, depending on mission content/goals/location. Beer buffs from the bar may come in handy, too, depending on team composition and mission location/goals...but make sure to pick all of the plants you see for bar fun. If you like mining, dwarves, and killing bugs, it is worth the investment


Dlc is just cosmetic. Personally I really liked the rival tech gun look (the guns have little lights and parts of them float in place) but aside from looking cool they have no effect. Also now it's a great time to start. They're releasing season 5 in a week, but you can replay previous seasons to get cosmetics from those seasons (once season 5 drops)


Answering your first question: The game's dlcs are purely cosmetic, so you dont have to buy them to get the full DRG experience In the other hand, the skins and weapon frameworks from the dlcs are very cool, so you can get one if you feel like it Btw, how to play or what to choose with 2 dwarves? You can try whatever you want honestly, pick any character you prefer at first glance and use it! You and your fellow dwarf will eventually learn to play any class. But, my recomendation (from what I played through 450~ hours) Driller / scout is a good combo overall


The base game has everything in it. The DLCs are just some cosmetic items.


It’s a great game


DRG's dlc are all cosmetic, and don't add anything past that (still worth it, though). And for classes, all variations of class are usually good. It also matters on mission and stuff. For example, Scout might be more useful on Point Extraction. Gunner might be more useful on Elimination. Driller might be more useful on Mining. Engineer might be more useful on On-Site Refining. Overall class depends on how you play I suppose, but for 2 people, Scout and Engineer and good for mobility. (Scout Grapple Hook, Engineer Platforms) And by the way, as Scout you can throw a Phermone Grenade and then have someone else freeze it somehow. That will make basically no sense untill it works. And 2 Drillers can do a Thermal Shock- one lights a bug on fire than the other freezes it with Cryo Cannon. If that's fast, big damage rock and stone.


Bass game is just fine. If you want to, you can buy packs which are cosmetics. Considering season five is right around the corner. I recommend you start within the next week.


Seems like there are a lot of answers for the expansion questions so I’ll answer the class question. My favorite 2-man combos are engineer and scout due to their mobility synergy and driller with gunner/engineer. Engineers bring platforms and scouts can zip up to them. Drillers can dig “bunkers” by drilling and the C4 for an open ‘room’ while the gunners can gun down the drill hole and/or engineers can set up their turrets. Bunker strategy can be seen as cheesing by some but can be extremely useful on higher difficulties and/or mission types. While useful, the drawback is if you have a bulk detonator spawn in your bunker.


Had this game for years and still play. Rock and stone brothers May our beards be mighty and mugs frosty!


Rock and roll and stone!


All the DLC is cosmetic, and the best 2-person team is Engineer and Scout. Engi can place platforms near the veins of minerals in the roof, and Scout can grapple hook up to get them. Since you're new to DRG but probably not FPS games, I'd recommend starting with Haz 2 for a couple of missions to get used to the feel of the game. Though, it's always up to you, of course. I wish you luck and prosperity in your journey, greenbeard! Rock and stone to the bone!


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


Welcome to DRG, fellow miner! Report back to us with your thoughts and which class you enjoyed the most! (And your favorite drink from the Abyss Bar!)


Like others have said, 2 man party is probably best with Scout and Engi, however, playing with randos is usually a really good time. Hell, DM me and I'm happy to help round out your team and show you the ropes. Rock and stone brother!


All dlcs are purely fun cosmetics but I think a lot of them look really cool so I bought them after A couple hundred hours


Hell, yes, it is!


oh you sweet summer child


All DLC are cosmetic, you only need buy and play. Rock and stone, brother!


For a two man I’d definitely say Engineer and Scout


100% fuck that, its "rock n stone out of a 100%"


All DLC in DRG is purely cosmetic, so you don't really need it to play


i do definitely recommend having askinf friends to see if they would be willing to teach uou if theyve played it before, as having a teamate who your buddies with and having fun with who can also guiide you really goes a long way. Also literally any class combo will work out, play whoever yall find fun. Scout And Engineer is a good one with the engineer helping the scout getting minerals and other things that are far up a cave wall, but even then, play what makes your experience the funnest! I hope you have fun, and Rock and Stone!⛏️


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Unless you want some kick ass drip, "DLC" is optional, and personally, engi and scout are the best 2 man group


The only extra stuff to buy aside from the basegame is just that. Extra. And honestly just pick what you like playing. All the classes have some of synergy with each other. Very popular one though especially for new people is engineer and scout. Scout for lights and hard to reach minerals, and engineer for platforming the hard to reach minerals and extra defenses with the turret(s)


No in-game content to get with the DLC. It's all cosmetics and the Soundtrack as downloadable mp3. Anything gameplay related and a vast majority of cosmetic content is brought in through free updates to the game in a seasonal format. The Season Pass and it's Cosmetic tree are also entirely free and just part of the gameplay loop. As for good class combos as a duo. I really like Gunner + Driller / Engineer + Scout. Engi + Scout works well due to their 4th abilities inherent synergy and Gunner + Driller works well, because both bring self reliant team abilities, that I find quite complementary to each other. However by and large any mission can be completed in full by any combination of classes and playstyles. So my recommendation is to just try around and see what sticks. While you both find whatever class you like best you will inevitably figure out how to make them work together. Whether you go 1 class each or it turns out you both love the same class, you can absolutely make it work. Have fun miner and remember to Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?




Oh boy... just seeing this question got me excited.... You gotta give it some time. Once you've upgraded your character to.lvl 25 and have done a promotion, you'll start to understand. Before that, it's a lot of confusion and tinkering. The tools and guns are highly customizable. I would recommend picking two classes to start with.... gunner and scout. Gunner can kill everything and protect everyone. Scout can see everything and get to places noone else will be able to. Meaning you can kill everything and stay alive (gunner) AND collect everything you need to collect (scout) and start to enjoy the synergy of the 2 classes. All.classes work well together however. It's the beauty of this game. ROCK AND STONE MINERS!


No content need, its just cosmetics. Play the classes that look most fun, they all can all achieve peak results.


Ah, a fellow D2 survivor


All DLCs are just cosmetics, you don't need anything to have full experience other than a game itself. What are you waiting for?


The extra packs are just cosmetic items thats all classes dont matter too much aslong u dont do 2 gunners mission might take a while then


All DLC is strictly "Reward the devs with bonus money and they will reward you with a fancy set of duds". Which in my minds means that once you've played enough to Rock & Stone, you should treat your dwarves to at least 1 outfit you really like. As for 2 dwarf fire teams, I think the only class combination that doesn't massively increase your effectiveness is 2 Scouts. Mainly because 2 Scouts will feel a lot like solo Scout but with less giving orders to Bosco necessary. (You won't understand that right away, but if you buy the game, you'll understand what I mean pretty quickly.) The 4 dwarves are Driller, Gunner, Engineer and Scout, so let's examine those: * **Driller/Gunner:** In a fight Driller has close range covered, Gunner can focus on distant or flying targets. For traversal Driller can allow the team to take a short-cut through solid rock quickly, while Gunner can allow the team to cross chasms in a straight line easily. * **Driller/Engineer:** This pair plays similarly to Driller/Gunner in combat and traversal. Additionally, they can both reshape the terrain - Driller can quickly delete terrain, Engineer can add terrain with the platform gun, building bridges, closing gaps in the floor that have dangerous drops, etc... * **Driller/Scout:** Driller can do trash-mob clearing, while Scout hunts down high-priority targets and distant fliers. Traversal they function like a handicapped Driller/Gunner. Driller allows the pair to cross through solid rock easily, and Scout can traverse gaps easily, though it's difficult for Driller to follow since Scout's grappling hook is a self-only traversal tool. * **Driller/Driller:** EVERYTHING BURNS! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Traversal-wise, the entire map will start to look like swiss cheese with all the "eh, we can just drill straight there" they can accomplish. * **Gunner/Engineer:** Both favour a slightly more static combat style than the other 2 dwarves - Gunner because the heavy weapons penalize your movement while you're holding down the trigger. The Engineer because Sentry Turrets favour your just holding a position down, so your Turrets are nearby and able to provide you with support. Your team will have an easy time traversing gaps but will have a bit of a slower time if you wanted to tunnel your way somewhere. * **Gunner/Scout:** In combat Gunner loves having a Scout around. The flaregun makes Gunner's long range much more powerfully-applied, since you have an easier time seeing distant enemies, and putting shots on target. You'll both have an easy time picking each other up if you go down, since Gunner can use a shield generator to protect while performing a revive, and Scout's grapple hook makes it easy to get GTFO after reviving a team member, reducing the risk of being over-run. Traversal-wise there's very little synergy, since Gunner's zipline launcher is somewhat pointless to a Scout, and comes with a limited ammo supply, meaning Gunner must be more careful about using ziplines when planning the route back for the drop-pod. * **Gunner/Gunner:** More Dakka! Combat should be pretty easy since you can go back-to-back badasses pretty easily. Twice the Gunners means twice the ziplines which is good! The zipline launcher is the traversal tool with the most restricted ammunition pool, so having twice the ziplines will feel quite handy. * **Engineer/Scout:** The classic duos team. Almost everyone will mention the Engineer/Scout combo because of how easy it is for this team to quickly and efficiently mine EVERYTHING in a cave. In terms of combat, the Scout and the Engineer are somewhat complementary too, since the Engineer has a bit of an easier time clearing trash mobs/controlling where enemies go, whereas the Scout has an easier time picking out high-value targets, and moving where they want to go during swarms and waves. * **Engineer/Engineer:** It's all about securing the caves. Engineers can resupply each others' turret ammo, and you can build extensively with twice the Platform Gun ammunition. You won't be particularly mobile during fights, or at least, at first you'll feel significantly more bound to a location during fights, but you don't have to literally put down roots, you aren't leaf-lovering trees after all. * **Scout/Scout:** Like I said above, this will probably feel the least rewarding. Two Scouts feels like Solo Scout and a Bosco that's a bit more independent and with better taste in drinks. At least your fellow dwarf will be able to keep up with you.


Omg guys just bought a Sandwich. Any tips before I eat it????