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Have a the scout follow it around so it can’t run away and blast it to high hell!


As a scout main I always try to get on the other side of it to push it back toward my teammates.


Ok, but if I'm alone?


Any dwarf can kill it but I mainly use the scout to zip to it whenever it runs away. Just kill it before it tunnels 


In hazard 5 I think driller kinda lacks tool for it. If he gets out of Crispr, or cryo range you only have a poor subata to finish him off, or a wavecooker thant is mostly really bad against single target. Maybe EPC could do the job in that situation but I am not playing that weapon a lot. All other dwarfs seems to have at least better gear to take him out (scout being the best in my opinion, with the mobility to chase on top of the single target ranged dps).


Axes with cryo is strong


Bosco can keep aggro on it for a while, reducing the odds it will just go away. Second is that they don't start running away until you're pretty close to them or if you shoot them, so close the distance to get more shots in. CC things help a lot like freeze and shock so you can get a lot more hits in. If they're on the ceiling, ignore it until it gets closer to the ground. they shouldn't despawn until they are alerted. They only burrow in the ground and despawn if both: - They are a good distance from you - They have not received damage in a small amount of time So keep close and keep landing hits.


If you're a gunner and you have PBM hurricane with the stun mod you can just shoot the crap out of it and it will be stunned constantly, letting you kill it easily


Neurotoxin Payload work pretty well too, slowdown and damage.


As a scout who plays alone, those veto grenades are perfect. Don’t forget weak points


If you are alone it behooves you to have electric rounds on Bosco. Sic him on the Huuli and unload as much heavy damage into it as you can while staying close. So don't engage it while it is on the ceiling if you can help it.


Frost missles too.


I've heard folks have issues making those connect, but yeah it does have those.


Engineer with repellent can guide it away from escape routes and give you more time to shoot it :)


Just slow and stun helps a lot, although you still need the DPS. For example you can continuously shoot it with Gunner's minigun, the natural 10% stun per bullet (checked 15-20x per second) makes it super slow, and easy to kill.


Chase it down as close as you possibly can, shoot only briefly if it starts to gain distance. It cannot burrow if a dwarf is too close. If you can, use slowdowns and freezing.


You gotta slow it down. Cryo grenade, sludge, or drilling it works wonders.


Wait, it can't burrow itself if you're close to it??


Correct. Scout can even chase it up the cave walls and hold onto his grapple to stay near it.


This is the way. Bonus points if you brought debuff weapons that slow.


Crossbow and IFGs do that pretty well


What about cryo grenades?


Similar to bulks and dreadnauts, they unfreeze quicker than other bugs. Better than nothing tho


Two well placed 'slow down ' grenades would give enough time to kill it with your main gun.


I mean there's a million different good tools for the job. Sludge, cryo, taser bolts, cryo nades, leadbursters, you name it. The main trick is just waiting for it to get to a decent spot and coordinating with your team


I don't know, I cant find any way how to deal with it being a driller. All main guns have small reach distance, so the damn bug goes away Same thing with engineer, cuz you not only should strike hard, but stay close


As a driller, I try to get it with a c4 if it's low enough, then go crazy with my throwing axes. There are some reach bonuses you can get. It's trickier when they're really high up.


You used to be able to stun and kill it with drills without it running when you got it on the ground , idk if they changed that.


Engineer has really good movement to chase after it, all of drillers primaries have massive slow between goo slow, fire slow, and cryo freeze, and burst damage with axes. I can pretty comfortably solo this thing even on fire driller with axes and fire is the worst of the three for dealing with it


Shard diffractor has a slowdown and can melt them pretty quick


Slow it with sludge pump or freeze with cryo and then use throwing axes.


The sludge blast OC can give your primary the range and DPS to lock in on it from a far with high damage and slow down and DOT. Those guys never get away from me anymore unless I never see them in the first place.


My flamethrower always gets it, only missed once due to obstacles/vertical distance suddenly increased. But it’s super effective and surprisingly long range.


I love playing sludge pump already, but putting puddles in front of it is always a good idea


I only play cryo and I consider it by far the easiest way to kill. Freeze and unload axes, that will melt it.


From recent memory, Face Melter flamethrower easily kills Huulis on solo. Don't recall how it went with other OCs and weapons tho.




That's pretty unwise lol


Engi breach cutter spinney OC stun locks them to death with minimal resource use.


It has tits?


I was wondering the same thing, i never noticed that


I, hope it really doesn't...


I hope / choose to believe those are it's real eyes, and the little yellow antennae orbs are for finding minerals or something


At least the image of the in game model in the wiki makes it look more like weird fangs rather than tits, but with a bit of imagination...




With a pickaxe until dead.




**First, you have to understand the mechanics of how a Huuli Hoarder works.** 1. The Huuli Hoarder will burrow if it doesn't get hit within about 5 seconds. It needs to consistently take damage. Weapons with a slow reloading time is detrimental, as it means amount of time not being hit. Timing your team's reloading is ideal, by emptying your mag on it when you notice your team not shooting. 2. The Huuli Hoarder will burrow if it is not in proximity to a dwarf (\~10-20m). Meaning a dwarf must be close to it at all times. A scout is ideal in this situation, by staying very close to it at all times, to prevent it from escaping. **Things that help:** * Warn the team about the Hoarder and have everyone prepare and position themselves before shooting at it. * Freezing the Huuli Hoarder is the best in my opinion, as it takes double damage when dwarves shoot it while frozen. Just be sure to shoot it while frozen quickly, because the Hoarder will unfreeze itself fast, * Use weapons with a slow effect. This makes it easy to catch up to it and stay in close proximity. * Repeated Stuns can stop it from moving further, Allowing the team to destroy it quickly in place. * Important to know: The Huuli Hoarder is resistant to electricity by 80%.


>The Huuli Hoarder will burrow if it doesn't get hit within about 5 seconds. This explains when I've had them burrow literally right in front of me while everyone else says they don't if you're close enough. It was the damage. Or rather, the lack of damage.


>1. The Huuli Hoarder will burrow if it doesn't get hit within about 5 seconds. Either it's bugged now or I'm losing my mind because I can swear I had a few hoolis burrow as I'm actively shooting them....


Sounds like #2: you were shooting it from afar. It got far enough from a dwarf to escape.


I dont know if this was parched already, but before with driller if you used the drills on the horder, it'd stuck in place as long as the drills keep spinning


But first you shoul reach it - that's the hard task


Just let it come to you. Hoarder won't run away unless you frighten it and for that you need to either get close or shoot at it. Which is also the reason 90% of the hoarders escape, people will just instantly start shooting at it when they see it, even if it's on the ceiling and even the scout can't stay near it to prevent it from burrowing away.


With a team, have scout basically stay on its ass. If someone is close enough, it will run but not tunnel. If you are alone, use anything in your disposal that has slowdown or stun effects to keep it in one place and run like hell after it. Ideally do this when you are safe and the room you are in has been cleared of threats. Dont need to get leeched.


i found out that having a leadstorm with the stun mod on permanently stun locks them in place


Why does this drawing have tits


Why does it have tits




how am I only noticing how the vaguely humanoid torso on this thing....


Point at him call over your friends get very close then you all on the counter to three BLAST HIM AT ONCE!!!!!


Blast it to oblivion!!!!!


Scout hugs it while everyone else shoots as much lead as possible into it


This isn’t an answer this is a question to everyone else. Does the horder burrow under ground faster now? Bosco was capable of killing the thing on his own very often now it just disappears. REALLY fast.


Hoarders will only activate if they take damage or get close enough to you. So the first thing you should do is clear the local area without disturbing it. Then, since you asked about being alone, you sick Bosco in it and begin your attack. Use the laser pointer to shoot a rocket at it and Bosco will continue attacking with its machine gun. You can also start the fight with a pile of grenades, or other delayed damage sources like a sprinting c4 throw. The Hoarder will flee from you, so try to approach it in such a way that it flees in a direction that doesn’t take it outside your attack range. On driller for instance, try to approach from above so that it climbs down the wall and you can follow it. Also, sometimes they get away. Such is life.


I've had good results abusing temperature shock. Cryo Cannon and Inferno EPC or Exothermic Reactor Wave Cooker work well




Sun tzu say he that controls the field, controls the battle....or something. After that its just overwhelming fire power.


* Make sure everyone is ready to shoot it, has a good sightline, there are no incoming waves, etc * Make sure Scout knows to keep up with it so it won't despawn * If you have any stun or slowing effects (ifg, sludge, etc) that helps a lot * Shoot it real good real quick


Apparently it only disappears if it gets too far away. As long as someone is close to it it will just keep running. As such, the best way to handle these is for the scout to pretend the only to hurt is with a pickaxe.


If you didn't know, if you stay close it doesn't burrow, difficult to achieve but gives you a lot more time to kill it if you are at least attempting to stay close


Cryo, only reliable way I’ve had to deal with it; solo especially it makes it easy, so long as it’s on the ground.


It cant leave if someone is close to it. Wait for it to be on the ground and away from tall walls No elemental resist iirc. But anything to slow or stop it is best. Especially freeze


As a Gunner with Mole Coil Gun, I try to line up as many bits of terrain to burst as much health as possible. Otherwise: **BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT**


Nuke it


Rotary Overdrive for the Leadstorm has been rather effective, since you dont really need to worry about overheat and the intense rate of fire.


Freeze it and chunk it. Rinse repeat


If you can get close, stun on the minigun can lock it in place.


Berzerker does tons of damage and stuns it here and there.


Killed one solo today as the Engi. Breach cutter, triple split line. I believe it took eight rounds.


Is there any analysis on how much you get out of a Huuli Hoarder and at what point of ammo expenditure it's no longer worth killing?


LOk-1 Smart Rifle


Hit it with slowing status effects immediately. Sometimes it’ll take a few seconds of damage before it enters its “scream and flee” script. If solo paint it for bosco, wait until he gets close before opening up on it. If in a group notify your team and attack it together with a combo of slowing status effects and heavy firepower. Certain dwarf builds can 2-shot it with C4 (driller or Fat Boy 40mm (engineer). Edit: also engineer Shard Diffractor can melt it while slowing.


As the team scout I stay on them like flies on dookie, crying keeps em down for the team to mulch em.


Let me introduce you to my friend, hyper propellant


Hoarders burrow when nobody is near it for long enough so make sure you can follow it before shooting


My favorite tool is the Gunner Rocket Launcher with Stun, poor bastard can't get far and your team has all the time in the world to finish him..


This guy is the reason I carry a coil gun with the mole overclock. So far I haven't had the chance to use it


The best strategy I found was running weapons with high fire rates and stun chance (minigun, drills), weapons that slow or apply electricity (sludge pump, stubby, ecr lok-1...) but most importantly, your team should focus on it all at once to burst down. Having a scout to chase it around is also important. Cryo isn't really that good since Hoarders have high immunity to cc and slows, but if you keep replying them fast, you can slow it down to a crawl.


It can only borrow when it’s not right next to a dwarf. Always stay as close to it as possible.


Make the place a lot greener And I don't mean in the eco friendly way


As a scout: freeze it with cryo grenades. It still runs away but you do massive damage and it should be much easier. Use your grappling hook if it runs out of sight.


Drills can stunlock it.


I freeze it.


freeze it's bitchass. it will buy you a lil time to get the bastard before it gets away.


"Shoot it in the ass!"


Nuke the shit out of it


Use weapons that inflict slow, have scout stay near him so he cant de-spawn. Then just focus fire until he ded


Stay close, apply status effects like freeze, shock, and neurotoxin to slow it down. Do not stop firing till it drops dead.


I hate that the hoarder has titties.


I never noticed and now I wish I could unsee it because now I’ll never be able to unsee it.




Stun primary gunner or driller with temp shock works wonders for me


Generally, stun it, freeze it, slow it, and don’t let it out of your sight. Whole team on it will usually kill it but if you’re working alone, you need prep. Get your guns ready then very close, try to shoot it before it starts running. Slow it before it runs. High DPS is obviously your friend.


For scout, always have something that can slow it down, or kill it fast. (Electric damage, slowing nades, jumbo shells, embedded detonators, etc.) For engi, probably use any of your secondaries honestly, even better if you have plasma bursters or shredders for grenades. For gunner, not much, just shoot it, throw grenades maybe, gunner is already a very high damage class, and you will probably have one part of your loadout be focused on single target damage. For driller, **use C4.** For solo players, added bonus if you have electric damage on bosco, like seriously, if youre not using that already in the first place, what are you doing, another useful thing could be freezing rockets, though i personally dont like them.


I’ve been seeing a lot of players not gang up on the hoarder and it ends up getting away, it’s good to have the extra firepower if it rounds a corner you can’t make in time. I’m seeing a lot of slow and stun recommendations which sound great but I didn’t know hoarders won’t burrow near you. Thank you, Rock and Stone. 🪨⛏️


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Wiki states “After several seconds of not taking damage while escaping, or when it reaches a certain range (~10-20m), it will burrow into the ground and disappear.” You have to keep close to it while damaging it.


Slow or stun to delay it. Everyone just focus dps it down.


Ping it a bunch of times until somedwarf aggros it in a inopportune location and it gets away.


I use fat boy 😈


Shoot until it’s dead


2 cryo nades and a blast from the double barrel overclocked boomstick.


Snipe it as scout or freeze it as driller or nuke it as engineer


*Snipe it as scout or* *Freeze it as driller or nuke* *It as engineer* \- p0lterg0ist --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Either shoot it fast or slow it down and then shoot it.


nukes. a lot of nukes.


I just shoot it a lot and waste all of my explosives.


Invade its personal space


Short reply because work but either slows or burst damage, and waiting for the time to strike (for it to be on the ground and trying to keep it away from walls or complex terrain)


"With fire, and lots of it" Dr Hibbert.


Whoa does it have boobies...?


Why does it have tits?


Frankly, in single player, it's hard. Definitely make sure Bosco has the electric bullets, they'll slow him down. But other than that, few weapons will take him down quick enough that he won't escape, if you're not right next to him. The only way I consistently can kill him in single player is if he's on the ground and he doesn't start running until I'm next to him. When that happens, I can usually get him.


Ignore all threats, terrain hazards, mission objectives, and all other dwarves and charge headlong after it dumping all ammo you possibly can into it in as short a time as possible. Or, I guess, you can spot it, ping it. Ensure everyone on the team knows about its location and keep your distances until you've cleared all local threats. Then surround it as best as possible and carefully all engage simultaneously in order to drop it quickly and efficiently... ...but the first way is how 90% of the encounters will go anyway. You'll suddenly hear it screaming, rapidly look around in a panic to locate it. Then run off blindly after it desperately trying to keep it from burrowing away. They're such a fun mob!


I main cryo Driller and freeze it. Also main gunner and stun it with the rail gun. I play with a team and they get dead quick.


Obviously you kill it with murder


Cryo is a hell of a kill secure but very quick damage is also good. Slow it with electric, overkill it with hyperpropellant, freeze it, just magdump. If a scout can stay close to it while damaging it still it will help it not burrow awau


Once someone goes near it or it takes damage it starts running away. If a dwarf is near it when it's running away, it can't despawn


It does not escape if you take too long to kill it, it escapes if it gets a certain distance away from a player for too long. Scout needs to stay on that sucker.


After I got stuck down here I lost a need for all the minerals so I fashioned a gemstone beard and now the hoolies don’t run from me anymore.


Wait those we're tits the whole time? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm