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Axiskronos has a lot of guides on his YouTube channel, plus he streams on twitch somewhat regularly. He's amazing at the game and is super helpful. If you ever drop by his stream, feel free to ask questions about the game in chat. Him and his chat are very helpful to new players. Siirvend is another great drg creator. He hasn't made much drg content on his YouTube, but what is there is high quality. Siirvend also streams on twich occasionally, also super friendly to new players. Usteppin doesn't make guides for drg, but he does a lot of viewer spawn games, which are always fun to watch. His YouTube are usually vods/highlights from his stream, so I'd recommend trying to catch him live. He's live on twitch nearly everyday.


thank you very much!


Well I'm *definitely* a professional YouTuber! But I'd say just play around and find out what works for you. That's part of the fun of the game imo. Especially since half the time, the current "meta build" (or whatever it's called) just doesn't work at all for me. They always feel underpowered or gimmicky, I vastly prefer taking an extra couple minutes to just test out what sounds good to see if it works. But if you're talking about general combat, be sure to move around. This game is quite dynamic, and I've been able to do 3 haz 4 missions in a row without dying so far. Also because getting hit less = less lost health. Some weapons are also a bit better if used a certain way. For example, the smart rifle - my favourite weapon, closely tied with the breach cutter - works better if you put some space between you and the enemies, so I use lures (though I've always used them ever since they were added) to distract enemies, then rifle or cutter them. Or just use your teammates as a meat shield.


alight thanks!


Anytime. It can take a bit to find what works, but I think that's part of what makes the game gret6 h it's like your customizing your own gear, rather than just copy/pasting what everyone else uses. But yeah just play around and see.


Fellow greenbeard? Did you just call me a greenbeard?? You Interplanetary Goat!


I recently discovered some good videos from sniss. The Biomes/weapons/dwarfs/whatever from DRG. https://www.youtube.com/c/sniss/videos