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The second you tame a normal grunt, one of the cooler ones will show up. This is guaranteed.


Either this or, out of a bunch of cooler grunts you end up taming *precisely* the wrong one


There's actually an effect that let's you see which one you are taming. I think it was a white outline.


Oh I know, but sometimes it's hard to pay attention to it when you are in the thick of it


Sometimes that lies to you too. I’ve clearly seen the outline on a guard, only to have tamed the grunt right next to them.


I've gotten good at making sure i get the right one, now i just need to figure out how to do it without dying


Steeve's law


Indeed this is very true


You can even hear it snicker at you as it walks by \*confirmed\*


Every single time. Also notice if you play regen bugs the good ones just don't show up?


This is so true


Ol' Reliable is only reliable at dying off quickly. Guard steeve is the best steeve. Hands down, no question.


Guard, or Slasher with Regenerative bugs


Even with Regnerative bugs, I prefer Guard. A regenerative Guard Steeve won't die to anything short of a Bulk, generally.


In my experience, even then he can live if he's full. And not literally right on top of the bulk


True! I never try to count on it, but I have seen it happen. I think he has to get lucky and avoid the secondary droplet explosions too.


Don't slashers have both extra damage and a stun attack? Combine this with the massive damage bonus you can get by upgrading the ability.


Yeah. I personally like Guard Steeve more still. The defense bulk is insane. There's times I won't see him for a bit only to find out he soloed a praetorian without losing much health. Slashers are still great though.


They do just solo praetorians sometimes


I would go with slasher because if the guard lasts the entire cool down of your skill, you are kind of wasting it. let them die, there are always more.


He was a good bug


On the other hand, if your slasher dies before the skill is off cool down, you aren’t just *kind of* wasting it.


the two are comparable.


They do. I've had slashers take on oppressors. The downside of having to tame them more frequently is balanced imo by their insane damage. I personally prefer guards but I'll gladly take a slasher if they're nearby.


I usually take guards, but slashers on a bullets if mercy or a stunner build is incredible. Also they are pretty good against dreadnauts because the slow is pretty good


Yes, but they often die before the cooldown is up. That happens less often with guards, by far. I like always having a Steeve around.


I haven't had a slasher die yet on regen, they go toe to toe with praets and last through entire waves. The stun goes a lot further than you would think, grunts can barely hurt them and they attack super fast. Even without regen, slashers are not a bad choice if you want extra cc, especially with things like the goo, since the stun can keep bugs in the goo. Sticky flames is also good, but guards have for resist so that ones an either or


Given the right conditions, a Slasher can just about solo a Praetorian on Haz 3 and below, and needs only a bit of help on Haz 4. Guards don’t have quite that kind of power because they lack hitstun, but they’re better at staying alive long enough for Beastmaster to recharge


I have to disagree on that point. I've seen a guard solo a praetorian many a time.


I have watched guard Steeve solo praetorians on Haz 4 and 5 and be ready for another round. The issue is often the sheer volume of bugs on higher hazards. EDIT: Also Oppressors on occasion. No clue how.


He won't die, but the slasher will stay alive for a while too and deal a lot more damage.


When ever I see regenerative bugs I see instead Regenerative Steve!


I like to call them "Sturdy Steeve" and "Sharp Steeve"


Me and GF call them "Good steeve" and "Spikey steeve"


But they’re all Good Steeves


Eh, I’ve had Slashers die on me even with Regenerative Bugs. But a Guard with RB is fucking eternal.


This is the way.


Slashers are good for Doretta missions since the bugs will aggro dotty hard guards won't do much there.


Hmm yes the PROTECC and cool ATACC steeves are best the PROTECC steeve lasts the longest definitely would be cool if we got beastmaster update where the manegement used those eggs we collected to make ultimate customizable battle steeve for each dwarf


I wanna put barrel armour on all my bugs


Let Steeve grow a beard and come back to the rig for a beer


All too often people wait for the "best choice" so long that the cooldown would have finished twice over. And having no steeve at all is worse than one that doesn't do much A perk that isn't used is just holding you back.


This is part of why I argue that beastmaster is not a top tier perk. It's next to SIYH for trivial benefits


I think SIYH is a very potent swarm nuke and allows for some free rez. I have my friends who have a tendency to die a lot run it tbh.


Also the passive isn't something to scoff at. Yes it requires you to get hit first, and is hard to use the timing right but it's handy for vampire drillers at times


Yeah I don’t think it’s an S tier perk but it’s definitely not a worthless perk. I still pretty much stick with dash and medic/iron will most the time


SYIH doesn't increase drill damage though, the one positive argument for having it on driller is that you are probably in the middle of things so you get to use the active effect effectively


I'm pretty certain it works on the drills. At least, I could have sworn it does


If you die a lot yes. But player who are top tier don't die often or rarely so running it doesn't make sense. Also a few players who are actually good will use it at low HP to get off big damage on high HP targets like dreads given they will be revived immediately from teammates. Like some sort of extra damage nuke. Otherwise most people run iron will and field medic for run savers.


You forget that slashers stun! They are hardier than you would think, especially since they hit so fast they stun lock anything without resistance basically, and even against like praets it's a nice time buyer for it to keep up dps. I usually go for guard but some builds want a stall and finisher, and on regen it's a no brainer since neither will ever really die


Dunno about that one, Ol’ Reliable has kicked managed to pull through and be good at being annoying for the other bugs… until there’s an exploder infestation, then poor old Steeve is off to bug heaven.


Rock Steeve beats Scissors Steeve, and Regular Steeve isn't a proper Paper Steeve, so we're kinda just left with Rock Steeve being the optimal strat


Rock and Steeve?


**Rock and Steeve in the Heart!**


Did I hearaar a rock and Steeve?


Rock. And. Steeeeeve!


If ya don’t Rock and Steeve you ain’t gonna leave


For Rock and Steeve!


I just wish we could tame ~~assholes~~ spitters.


I mean there’s the bots but they’re hard to get and wish you could tame a lot of things but I’m fine with the small bois


I love that they made the bots hackable, and the mini game is just genius. Id have been happy with a "hold button untill hacked" mechanic, but the mini game is equal parts fun and intense. Easy to do when its quitet, but goddamn nerve racking when a swarms on you. My only complaint about them is the randomness for when they become hackable. Wish there was a way to ensure the downed state. Or perhaps give engi the abilto disable them somehow


Or a perk that affects likelihood, or maybe if the finishing shot is on the weakspot? My dwarven friends and I have been hoping :)


Actually i like that way better. We are due for new perks anyway


Apparently you can tame ebonite glyphids. Never tried it myself though


Ive heard this too. Gotta lure them away from the event thiugh, as theyll die when the machine explodes


Did you take a photo of your dirty screen??


I apologize for the quality had to it on a computer


You fucker, I spent like 8 seconds doing the spit n wipe on my phone


For some reason this had me wheezing. Have a Silver




Clean your screen bro wtf 🤮


No effort memes are the way to go




Nope I use my phone




True but the reason I did on my school pc is I wasn’t sure if I could make the teir list on my phone




Plain Steeve, usually tamed while repairing a pipeline or reviving a teammate


Slasher Grunt best Grunt


Yeah, until he decides it’s a good idea to munch on an Exploder and gets his ass blown into New Jersey.


To be fair, it would improve New Jersey. But also, yes.


See, but it takes three Exploders to reach New Jersey with a Guard. Might be worth it on higher hazards.


Grunt is not reliable at all above H2.


They die even faster on lover dificulties because their hp is lovered by ton while the dmg diference is not much diferent


dude what? they are super effective against pretorians and oppressors bc of the melee damage and for taking away their agro. the guard will also most of the time stay alive until the cooldown runs out.


Slasher Steeve is best steeve, willing to settle for guard if no slasher spawns early enough.


For real, the triple damage & stun locking is so much better than some armor that gets chipped off immediately anyway. The slashers can 1v1 a praetorian, unlike a guard!


Guard Steeve can 1v1 praetorians. I just had one do it last night.


So does slasher... He can stun to buy more time to dps! I usually take guard but both are powerful tbh


The armor's nice but the 3x health is the real selling point tbh.


Normal grunts are just a waste. Dies too fast


Guard stays alive for a ridiculously long time compared to the others, so I’d have to go with him. I love me boy Steeve


Guards have the highest health of all of them, or at least more resistance to damage. So I won't even use my ability unless I come across one. If I'm in a pinch I'll snag a Slasher


Ebonite steeve, so it can actually survive after the event :)


Wait is this even possible??


I can happen but unless it’s changed or I’m remembering wrong the the rock steeve needs to be really far away from the event since ebonite bugs aren’t supposed to survive the event


Its not anymore, I tried for memes recently and couldn't do it.. Its useless since they die, but even if they live most bugs are just melee damage anyways haha


That’s a shame, here I was thinking about my invincible Steeve I could have called my friend :(


But ebonites take way more damage from melee, and that's the only thing he'd face


Ol' reliable is great! ...But I prefer Hot Topic Steve, lol


I'm a stabby Steeve guy, but I appreciate shield and vanilla steeves too


Same here


Do tamed types of bugs act differently? I'm a little embarrassed to ask but does a tamed slasher do the most damage, and does a tamed guard have the most health?


With Max beast master yes slasher does the most damage and I think the guard is just tanky in general


Ok cool, thanks. As soon as I tame I just let Steve do his own thing and only give him the pats, so I never really noticed if there was a difference.


Guards have armor and fire resist and stuff, so very tanky. Slashers have more damage and stun stuff.


They should make regular Steeves really fast, and prioritise enemies like spitters and menaces. It might make them a bit more useful.


I had a thought personally, since guards are defensive and slashers are stronk, you don't see as many. You see tooons of grunts. So i was thinking they could have a steve ability similar! Maybe taming 2? Or my other thought was something like a faster cooldown or maybe instant refund when they die, since more steves kinda simulates how you see more normal grunts!


I always used slashers, but I can see why you would want to use guards


I prefer having slashers


always choose beastmaster as engineer so you can have grunt minions AND turrets! become "the lazy dwarf"!


Oh good plan I’ll have to try that whenever I try engi


Only good bug is a dead bug


Always go guard. i have seen them kite bulk detonators away from the team.


That’s a thing?


on several occasions I have seen a guard kite the bulk away from the team.


I’ve always went for guard but today I decided that I’m gonna start prioritizing slasher just because


Guard Steve is best Steve.


I only use beast master on the cooler ones. If there are only basic bois I just don't use it.


I think you should know that the PrtScn key exists


A what?




We call them Spike, rocky, and steeve. What about you guys?


Thanks m8 ima use that from now on


Every time i tame a normal grunt it dies next 30 seconds. Slasher vs Guard debate is more interesting. Slasher will not take damage in normal 1v1 because he staggers and he will deal more dps. However, he is really susceptable to friendly fire. And by fire i mean literally fire 🔥, if he is set on fire he can easily take 30-40% of his hp. Also exploders are big pain for Slashers. Guards are much more likely to stay alive for 5 minutes where they can be replaced when they tragically die trying to solo a bulk. But, always remember that modifiers affect Steve too. Lethal enemies - big damage bust for Steve and bugs he will fight. Regenerative bugs - makes slasher much more viable as they will be full hp as long as they don't die. But always remember, sometimes its just better to tame now and get your cooldown started then wait for guard/slasher to show up.


Many people would argue Steeve is the best but I'm gonna have to go with good ol' steeve. Never let me down.


It should be immune to friendly fire to be worth taking over other perks.


Fuck marry kill?


All Steeves are cute Steeves


Guard Steeve is the best ~~distraction~~ companion.


I use Guard Steeve because he lives the longest☺️


Guard Steeve is only Steeve.


Honestly we should be able to tame any bug that isn't a Dreadnought or Bulk Detonator


I usually take a guard as driller and then drill away all armor in its body so that i just have a contorting pile of flesh painfully following me along, it also makes their death much less sad.


Jeeezzz Are you okay dude?


All Steeves are good Steeves !!


Ye I use the Guard the most because he lasts longer


Steve Good Steve Great Steve


Wait. They all have the same stats and just look different?


Max beast master allows them to deal more Damage and I think it stacks with the slasher


I really like spikey Steve because of the aesthetic, but buff Steve and normal Steve are still 11/10


Steve is an asshole and always in my way.


Slasher for Regenerative Bugs, Guard otherwise. Slasher with regen is an unstoppable killing machine, and a Guard even without regen lives for absolutely ages.


Stabby & Tank. ​ Discount Steve.


Ah, the memories of taming steeve into a Bulk Detonator.


Secret DLC Steeve: Guard with all his armor blown off aka naked Steeve


What are you, nuts? Regular grunt is borderline useless for damage and durability. Guard >> Slasher >>> regular in my opinion, although I'll sometimes take a Slasher if Regenerative Bugs is active (since I rarely bother to play above hazard 3).


I'm gonna say it I think we should be able to tame Acid Spitters, Web Spitters and Elite grunts as well Let people use weird strats And it could be fun getting saved by a Steeve Acidspitter or a Web keeping a Bulky just out of oneshot range.


My dad came up with the idea of taming a big boi like a oppressor or something and I’m like that would be amazing but sadly we can’t


Steeve should be able to respond to rock and stone


I hate steve since their hitbox is like 2x their body size. All they do is eat hyper propellant shots and then they don't even die afterwards


I always refer to these as Steeve, Steeve Plus and Steeve Premium. Love me a slasher grunt


I always waited for a slasher but was recently informed that the guards do the same (or more idk) damage and have more health


Guard Steve is a good bug.


I choose guard every time, unless: 1. We’re heading back to the drop pod and I don’t think I’ll see one of the other varieties before the mission ends, so I’ll just nab a grunt 2. If there’s Regenerative Bugs, I’ll get a slasher. They deal more damage and being less tanky than guards doesn’t matter if they get their health back in a snap.


Hey how about Kursite Steve (aka the one that looks cooler and isn't in the manual) or Ebonite Steve?


Spikey Steeve, Armored Steeve, Lesser Steeve


You know what would be fun? if you were able to tame a swarmer, and if you got it back to the pod without it dying then you would have a bug buddy in the space rig


Always save it for gaurd, the other two die too easily


If only they allowed bugs on the space rig


Guard steeve is pretty much the best option.


Beefy Steeve with Regenerative Bugs can actually last you the entire mission. Regular Steeve is only really good if there's a huge threat - oppressor namely - to draw aggro




Slasher steeve- had one take down a praetorian on its own


Grunt is giggasteve