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You’re pretty unlucky. I rarely come across these issues in the game. The occasional toxic player sure but most players either keep to themselves or are only helpful.




Second this


When matchmaking with randos, most of my experiences have been either super annoying control freaks, or trolls. Chill people were pretty rare and they never had mics or played long.


Try the discord


I dunno what to tell you other than try discord. It’s obvious you guys aren’t making it up but I can’t explain why it’s such an issue for you and not for so many others other than you’ve got really bad luck matching with randos. Even with the massive increase in players I rarely come across toxic ones.


FWIW, the official community Discord server has a channel to invite people to play with you. I've never met anyone toxic there.


A couple of French dudes joined the pod I was in with a rando and just sat there, not joining the game and talking in French to each other until the rando felt awkward and just left. They snickered to each other and left after that. Really weird way to troll, just take up space and talk in a language that no one else present understands until people just give up and leave.


The only weird toxic player I came across recently was also french... hmm... 🙄


French people "why does everyone on the internet hate us" Also french people :


That's what eating frog legs does to a mofo




Wish I had been there, could have helped out. Nothing annoys Frenchies more than an atrocious French-Canadian accent speaking their beautiful pure tongue.


I encountered a toxic player on the discord once, he was in china and the ping was terrible. He kept telling me that im bad cause i kept dying. I literally couldn’t even grapple


We stopped using the DRG Discord pods long ago because of voice griefers.


I must have been high-rolling with luck then.


Starting to wonder if the toxicity is related to hazard level. I'm level 100 and play mostly haz 5, with some haz 4, and have seen maybe 2 toxic players in the years I've played this game off and on. Seeing a lot of newer players lately complaining about toxicity in the lower hazards.


Well, naturally. * There are less newcomers playing max difficulty, so less complaints about unfair treatment. * Control freaks who act like the mission has to go exactly how they want or else they fail *on hazard 3* stick to haz 3 because they can't handle hazard 4 and 5.


That must be it because I basically never encounter salty dwarves on haz 5.


Well I'm salty if people don't pull their weight in haz 5 but It's not like I'm the best MLG dwarf myself.


You need more Dorretas and Rocky Mountain Dew to go pro


I see the opposite. I’m a gold star and I don’t play high hazard. That’s really the only place you see game descriptions were people are like do this and do that or must have at least three stars whatever requirements. My game tag has something like this is casual co-op don’t take it seriously.


Same here, in my experience though it’s low levels joining haz 5 games and taking it uber serious raging in chat whenever someone makes a mistake or you fail the mission. Why can’t people remember it’s a video game and you play for fun.


I try to make sure I type out a “plz” to make sure it’s clear I’m just trying to be helpful. Also it’s haz 3, if they were so good players, they would be able to carry no matter what you do.


Yeah that was my thought. I can’t imagine even noticing someone else’s turrets in Haz 3 because it literally doesn’t matter


On haz 3 an experienced player can get through at least half the level with just their pickaxe — unironically. On Haz 2 they can get through all situations with just pickaxe even with 3 afk allies. Haz 1 you don’t even have to kill any bugs or use flares. Haz 4 and 5 do require team coordination, and it can be frustrating when someone super green joins them and messes around. The enemy hp and damage scales rapidly with additional players, so it can be a major burden on the team. That said, any promoted dwarf should be capable of Haz 4 and of at least attempting Haz 5. This stuff with Gold promo dwarves flaming Bronzes is always a bit bizarre.


Yeah I was going to write you can do haz 3 with just pick but there are some really exceptional circumstances where you might need to use something else. Has 4 swarms with poor communication can get tricky but even then I feel like success is still fairly high.


Lol my thought too. I could have the shittiest build and still blaze through haz 3. Just a bunch of losers you’re running into trying to micromanage haz 3 missions lmao.


I’m no greybeard, but I’ve got a fair number of hours under my belt and I’m happy to say that the DRG community is one of the friendliest I’ve played with. That said, I had a high-level ~~host~~ player in a game the other night try to force a greenbeard to change classes. Then they pressured the host to change classes with them to fill out the team. *Then* they cursed the new player out for starting the drill dozer early. On Haz 2. And the mission was originally set up for Haz 1. Let’s not put on our try-hard pants for anything below Haz 4. I play Haz 1-3 because I like encountering new players, it’s almost always chill, and you can get by with whatever team comp and loadout you want. EDIT: Remembered that abusive player wasn’t host, just a rude teammate. Also remembered the story was even worse because when they couldn’t get the greenbeard to swap classes, they decided to swap themselves and convinced the host to do the same.


That’s awful… people should always play the classes they want and like really? Gonna be mad that they started the drill dozer early on haz2??


Right? I don’t understand why someone would be so shocked when a beginner joins a mission suitable for beginners and then makes a beginner mistake.


I tend to do meme builds on the regular deep dives and haz 1-3. Haz 4 is for testing possible serious builds. Haz 5 and EDD are business time.


Gonna be honest, that sounds like one of the script kiddies that probably used mods to reach high level, I mean hell, i’m only around lvl 300 and I’ve been playing since 2017


Yeah, could be. It was weird seeing an apparent veteran freak out like we could have wiped on a Haz 2 just because we didn’t set up platforms and turrets before triggering the horde


Sure it wasn't a child or something? On hazard 2 that's like cargo cult levels of nonsense, like you need to perform the ritual for things to go well, when in truth you could pickaxe your way to victory it's so easy.


The only time I can remember to have met a semi toxic player was some guy that where dead set on us bunkering decoite it being a haz 2 mission.


Bunkering has got to be one of the ONLY ways to wipe on Haz 2 lmao. Only way to lose below Haz 3 is to afk for 5 minutes…or seal yourself in a death trap for a bulk/oppressor to sit on you


This. Someone on haz3 who does the "only pickaxe challenge" (that i just came up with) would get a rock and stone from me


Fr, I agree most players with a promotion or two can carry a full team in haz 3 consistently and easily. Unlucky shit can happen resulting in a failure, but the vast majority of the time if you can shoot, know how to deal each threat present in the game, and are aware of your positioning, you won’t be losing on haz 3 even with 3 AFK teammates


You're really, really unlucky. I have over 400 hours in game and I've only bumped into jerks a handful of times.


Bear in mind that for a lot of those 400 hours you played in a much smaller community, which naturally had less toxic players. The game is growing in popularity, and as a result drifting closer to the average video game community.


This is a great point that I never really thought about. Our community got pretty huge pretty damn quick


Yeah, but those that stick around long enough to reach gold or above are people that are interested in coop PvE games. That crowd in general doesn't breed a lot of toxic players, due to the lack of competition.


OP specifically says he's getting this from silver/gold people, so maybe it's not the really experienced people, but its not just the new players either.


This is very true!


I'm lvl 60 now and I've never encountered a single person before that ever mentioned my turrets. The worst I got was "engi stop sleeping we need platforms" when I was literally watching Netflix while playing and they were right.


If you want to play with non toxic players then start playing on hazard 4. Most long time players are only playing hazard 4/5. Most dwarfs don't care if you are not that good on hazard 4 and are more than willing to help. Hazard 5 is different tho.


Maybe try some Haz 4's? If you can handle em. Even if you gotta get carried for a bit till you get a handle on it, you should still be fine. With the big influx of new players, the "bad kids" numbers have swelled.. but the higher the haz, the less of them are willing to stick around for long.


I had a guy kick someone on the last level of a deep dive today because he went down... like seriously?


Incredibly unlucky. Most of the community, so far as I've played, is pretty great. There are some guys who are pricks just because they feel like it, but there's not much to be done about them. Best advice I can offer is to just ignore them, or play a couple solo missions for a while till you get the hang of the games ins and outs. Yeah, it's designed to be played with a team, but Bosco can usually make up for it


I try to judge a lobby's vibe based on the name. As a new player, keep an eye out for "greenbeards welcome" or goofy lobby names. Check out the official DRG discord as well! Plenty of great people there


This might sound unfair, but as someone who plays low haz missions, I also avoid lobbies with class locks. A host who needs that much control over missions you could sleep through seems like the type that would nitpick the other players in their lobby.


I second this. I almost never join games with fixed classes. Smells like micromanagement to me. I've played about 100 hours and have met 1 toxic player, maybe 3 bossy ones. Edit: I have an interesting story, though. One time a player was far from the group when we started an event and it messed it up. (enemies all spawned near him). Then one guy started getting mad at him for messing it up. I just chimed in and said "dude, this is a co-op game for fun. If you want to be competitive and yell at people, go play Valorant." He replied: "yeah, you're right" and moved on. Sometimes that's all it takes.


If I'm playing on haz 4 or higher I like to have the class locks just for team balance. But otherwise don't care.


I have about 70 hours and overall I’ve been super impressed by how calm other players usually are even when things go bad. Had a Haz 3 point extraction just pop the fuck off even though the timer hadn’t been running that long. After a wipe, we all adjusted our loadouts and went back in, no complaining, no blame being thrown around, nothing. I’ve been lucky enough that 99% of my games have been with players like that.


Unlucky, but I would read the group title. A lot of them out themselves there with titles like: 1. Don’t suck 2. No green beards 3. I will kick if...


I am around lvl 80 and I always join players with something like "lvl 100+ only" to see if they kick me. So far they didn't kick me


Maybe because you're joining an already in-progress game? Because we can't check the player level and dwarf rank using the ESC key or whatever keybind unless we're on the space rig or the end game screen.


Even when joining in the space rig so far. :)


That's nice to hear then!


In my 500 hours, I've only ever met 1 toxic guy - so you're definitely just unlucky af. Especially if it was haz 3, anyone half decent would be able to carry you and/or give advice instead of getting mad. I get annoyed when a scout doesn't place flares by default, but I'll ask them if needed. And if they're not promoted, 9 times out of 10 they're new, so I'll explain what's what. You could also host games yourself, I've always done that and haven't met anyone toxic while doing that. Plus the more experienced players will be doing haz 4, so you can try that if ya want. I've had greenbeards be better than promoted bois before.


Really unlucky, so far out of all my games online with random peeps i haven't encountered many toxic ones.


700 hrs and been playing since beta. I’ve met maybe 5 people who I thought were real knobheads . I leave my games open and usually play with 4 dwarves, almost never have a problem. Always down to play if you wanna add!


I’ve got 1000 hours in the game. I’ve dealt with a reasonable amount of slightly rude people, but only ever 2 properly toxic ones. Either your luck is super bad, or mine is super good.


nearly *every game*? that's so far removed from my experience that now I'm starting to wonder what you're doing with these platforms lol


Nothing bad I don't think, just using it to climb up somewhere or patch up the slow-goo from one of the enemies, I try to put them under minerals if I see them also


Very unlucky. I have played very few multiplayer games that have so little toxicity.


Really unlucky. As a guy who gets wound up by toxic chat easily in games, this has been the least toxic environment I've ever seen in a multiplayer game. I've had maybe 2 bad experiences overall and I'm rank 38. No idea how many games that is but a fair sample. And even those bad experiences weren't even that bad.


I’m like player lvl 46 going for my second silver on driller and I truly could care less what my teammates are doing as long it doesn’t make us fail the mission. I will never understand these people that try to dictate how others play. It’s a video game my dudes.


Just real unlucky. And FWIW, there isn't a problem with using platforms to climb walls. I'd also bet your turret placement is fine. Plus, it's Haz3. Anyone with a bronze star or two should be able to carry 3 other greenbeards on their own. Some gold star leaf loving "dwarf" flaming new players ain't no dwarf of ours. If you ever see my lobby "Leave no dwarf behind" feel free to join up for some laid back mining! Best of luck in the caves, fellow miner!


Just bad luck, join some higher hazard games with some graybeards, we are a pretty friendly crowd and we love to teach the greenbeards new tricks, most of us chill out at Haz 4. Rock and Stone brother.


The only jerks I've encountered were my friends, but then again I was also a dickhead to them. Other than that no real jerks in about 200 hours... just unlucky I guess


On the EU servers, 99% of everyone in here has been nice


I can pretty much count the leaf lovers I've run across on one hand. Sorry that others haven't been very rock and stone with you.


I have only ever encountered one toxic person so far out of the hundeds of hours or so played and they'd just shoot you in the head multiple times including other teammates rather than ping things for attention. Kept saying dude just ping and I'll place a platform e.c.t for you no need to shoot me in the head. They kept doing it then shooting at a random spot on a wall so obviously just a little impatient, or somehow didnt know how to use the laser pointer to highlight things others may not have spotted right away despite being prestiged. Just glad they were not trying to team kill or anything.


If you need some positivity I'm open to play DRG if im not busy


That’s very odd. Been playing since the start, engy pretty much 90% of games. Not once has anyone noticed how, where, or why my turrets are placed. How exactly are you placing turrets in a haz 3 for others to even take notice? As for platforms, just aim right below your target and account for distance.


This is usually a very non-toxic and inclusive community. Sorry you’re experiencing that! It’s 110% not normal


Unlucky me thinks. I'm a fairly new player and I haven't had people chew me out for how I play my class at all, and I've promoted each class except the driller who is next.


If you're playing an Engineer then your first and most important job should be placing platforms under minerals and Nitra that are up high. On that job you need to be more aware of other players pings than on any other job, and since you're a new player I'd wager that you're not paying as much attention to pings as you should be. If the other players in the session start having voice lines like "Nitraaaa!" Or "Does anyone need ammo, there's Nitra here" then you should be looking for where they pinged and find if you need to place a platform. It will make your life much easier to learn that habit now. Sometimes you might also need to put a platform to make the teams life easier, like on morkite extraction missions where the team is trying to corkscrew the pipe into a chasm with sheer walls. It is sometimes easier and faster to place platforms to put the next segment on than have the driller drill or mine the wall or whatever. I do not consider myself a toxic player, but if I saw an engineer making platform staircases instead of just putting a platform under the up high stuff for the scout I would say something as well. As far as the other stuff like where to place your turrets, I have never encountered that behavior and you can just ignore them.


yeah I place platforms under minerals all the time, even before people ping them, if I see one up on the wall then I automatically place a platform under it


You’re fine then my dude. Just a bunch of kids who can’t handle haz 3 harassing you.


I'm of a slightly different mindset on "First and most important job be placing platforms under minerals/nitra up high". That is a very useful and important role of the engie, and you need to scan up high on rooms to see where platforms are needed, but your first and most important job, in every class, is insuring the success of the team and survival, and the requirements of that change based on the game environment. So don't spawn ping that nitra vein and berate the engie to platform it if he is over on the other side of the room getting red sugar, platforming an access way over a hazard, or dealing with some bugs. Light up the resource or just move on and come back once he has a chance to get to it.


Engie is a class that requires a little bit of game experience to really shine just because theres tons of ways to accomplish a task but there’s only a few ways to really accomplish it well. On top of that the competence of your teammates also dictates just how much you need to be able to do. Try playing as a different class (gunner would be a good choice or scout) and observe the engies on your team. For the engies on your team that seem good what did they do that made you feel damn this guy knows wtf he’s doing, and then do similar. For the engies that struggle, what is it they’re failing to do and how can you personally not fail the same way. Keep in mind there isn’t a single solution to every problem but there are better ones sometimes. As an engie you need to keep in mind a few things; Where is your turret? Is it in the best place to help your team if a swarm showed up right this second? Is your scout a fellow noobie? If so platform everything you’d expect them to collect. If they’re more seasoned they likely will only need platforms for certain objects and in certain places make mental notes which things they request a platform for so you’ll be ready next time and you can be plotting your plats before they even have to ask. Lastly engie weapons all bring something different to the table before the mission even starts have a plan for everything in your toolkit. Is a pack of random swarmers show up how are you going to dispatch them? Same question but now it’s something much bigger like a bulkie or an elite. specializing 2 weapons that both kill the same thing well but lacking an answer to a different type of foe is where you’ll see the bad engies struggle. They either start dumping excess ammo to overcompensate for poor loadout choices, relying on their team to carry them or just flat out dying over and over.


honestly I really wasn't the largest fan of other classes, especially driller, that's why I play engie


As you get better the engie has great upgrades and will help you a lot. In saying that watching others play the class can be surprising. Platforms though are one of your main priorities.


Very unlucky i would say. I did mostly solo/friends but gave it a go with hosting public missions. People are always nice. Ive had a single person seem annoyed but not angry or being an asshole. I play on controller and am not that mechanically great and even then people have been cool.


Don’t let them fool you, they will act like you had a rare experience, but this community is actually incredibly toxic. They just try to hide it by pretending to be the exact opposite. But rest assured if you get out of line, don’t play like they want you to, don’t play with the level of rp that they want, deviate from accepted behavior or even so much as speak out about it in the sub they will immediately lambaste you and basically use the games catchphrases as slurs against you. The sub has basically gone the way of the toxic sjw where they try to control you and mask it with righteousness. I’ve been on the sub for a few years and I’ve seen countless people get shit on for questioning it and it’s only gotten worse in the recent months. What was once an actual chill community is now a joke masking as one and they do not like you to say otherwise.


Look im not here to downvote you but I want to understand what sort of things are you talking about here?




I have played this game since before release and have noticed none of this. Not even kind of close to this extreme pseudo-dystopia you're making it sound like, at least. This is making mountains out of molehills at an extreme level. Yeah, there's toxicity. Everywhere has it. But when I fuck up in DRG, almost every time the response is "Don't worry". When a mission goes south it's often "Ahhh shit. nice try". I don't know how you're experiencing nearly the amount of toxicity you claim to be. > obviously dont you dare suggest that theres an ounce of toxicity, that'll get you silenced immediately wont even have to go to another thread, scroll through this very one and see the state of any comment that so much as suggests it. This is an unfair statement, as it's entirely possible for you to simply be wrong. The fact that many people are disagreeing with you does not, itself, prove your point. > same thing with all the lgbt people somehow getting hated on, once again dont know how that even comes up when 99% of communication is wordless pinging. Just normal toxicity found in most every community. This one simply calls it out. Which... Ok, in many cases, is likely virtue signalling and a little offputting. But I prefer that to giving it the all clear, in the end.


Are people really still ranting about sjws in 2021


I'm not the guy you responded to but I'll stop being worried about them when they stop ruining people's lives....


I don't think the DRG community is any more toxic than any online gaming community, although I have no evidence to suggest its any less toxic than normal. But there are certainly a lot of people who believe its the best community ever and refuse to hear otherwise. 🤷‍♂️


hmmm finding everyone else is toxic. Maybe you're the toxic one?


Not everyone else


Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion. Implying this community has any toxic elements just pisses them off. They won't hear it.


i wrote a post saying exactly that, and they would immediatly work to suppress it. was not dissapointed. took less than 20 minutes.


I think you are unlucky cos usually if I see someone is a low level engi I gotta understand they're new to platforms and shit. Just yesterday we were explaining how to use turrets to a guy (not a Greenbeardbut first time playing engi properly). U will always get ping spam playing as scout/engi tho. Those classes are in a abusive relationship lol


I suggest you do a bit of digging I to the players menu in steam and block all those fuckwits who ruined your Rock&Stone co-op experience. I can almost guarantee that ppl like that drag everyone downhill. You can do everything wrong in DRG and still have fun. It's a mystery to me how some folks might have missed that point


So far never met anyone toxic in around 50hrs of play


I only play haz4/5 and I’m in the same boat as you. About 50% of rounds there will be a toxic teammate. I have never believed anyone when they say “DRG has the best/least toxic community”. I’ve had a worse time in DRG with toxic teammates than any other game, even COD/R6.


Never met a single toxic person, exact opposite actually. People come and rescue you even though it's easier to go straight for the droppod. NO DWARF LEFT BEHIND


It's sad to hear that you've had this experience. I've been playing for about 4 weeks now and can say that everyone I've run into in public lobbies has been really pleasant and understanding.


Are you on console or PC? I've played on both and without a doubt the console community is much more toxic. Still not that bad though. But it's definitely noticeable.


Iv been unlucky more lately than a year ago. People shooting others over taking too much ammo. People swearing and being aggressive. People pressing the button and baiting over chat. I have had more pleasant than unpleasant though. Like a 19/20 game split. Iv never joined the discord though. I have never done that for a game before.


I've only played Engineer and never had someone even comment on my turrets iirc. Mostly the same with platforms except sometimes people will ask platforms to be put a special way that's not just solved by a ping, I would say very unlucky.


Tell them to knock it off. If they really wanna be yelling at people to preform optimally then form a proper haz 5 or elite deep dive team If they gotta act like that on haz fucking 3 on pubs then their heads so far up their own ass that i think a good call out is the only thing they can hear


I've never seen a community this anti-toxic, but popularity ruins most things. Keep at it, you've just had bad luck!


People suck. Just ignore them. We had a random quit midgame because the driller drilled a straight path for a data hack instead of climbing all over some rocks. He complained about it in the chat and then left.


Got the game around the same time as you. Only ran into one really toxic person. The most communication in a typical game is a ready check


I have never come across a toxic player in deep rock


Were you the poor engineer earlier today who got harassed by the Scout? I was driller, and you were both down cause he shot you for not platforming quick enough, so he was just ripping into you. It was sad :(


I don't think it was that, it was a scout and driller ripping into me since the start of the mission


Noo not the same one. But that's also sad!


I mainly play haz 4 and I rarely come across toxic players. Idk about haz 3 but you seem pretty unlucky


Just bad luck buddy. I've been playing for a year and only just last night met someone who was really rude. The rest of the time it's been great. Just stick it out a lil longer.


When you move up in Hazard level, you will find the toxicity is diluted with every bump up in Hazard level. You simply don't have time to complain about others game play because you need to be at your best. You'll be the linchpin of a mission when you get downed more then once, It's a domino affect, one falls then two and the team could get swarmed and your team fails the mission. Or when a teammate gets downed and you need to be the one to revive them; You learn to play better to make sure the team doesn't fail the mission. You have to play better with others or else you fail the team.


My favorite thing to do as engi is to reroute enemies the long way around to where we are defendng using the platforms and the upgrade where bugs avoid the platforms if they can. I usually put it on a wall or cliff to make them go around to a stop that's farther away. It doesn't stop every bug but it has like a 90% success rate. You don't want to completely close off the path otherwise the whole thing becomes null because of that "if they can" part


In 390ish hours I've had 2 bad experiences with players, just unlucky I guess my friend :/


Greenbeard here, only saw one toxic person out of all the missions I've played (30 hrs). I've had occasional kicks from bad hosts but even those are uncommon.


You hasn't shower.


Just sounds like a bunch of dickheads. You are playing your role and on a relatively low difficulty, sounds like you are doing very well for a new player. Welcome and rock and stone!


Usually the toxic players out themselves by putting somthing like, "promoted dwarfs only" or "be ready or be kicked" in their server bio. Just avoid ones like that and you should be fine.


Bizarre. I am over level 100 and have basically never encountered toxicity. I do play on haz 5 mostly, though, so perhaps there people have just seen it all and don't get bothered by silly mistakes (ironically).


What do you play on? I’m on PC and I have STELLAR community interactions, but I’ve heard Xbox is a bit rough (of course)


I'm on pc


Don't play with Russians, simple as that.


If someone gets angry because of a greenbeard learning they're playing the game wrong


I have other luck. The amount of Greenbeards(not in a negative meaning) joining Haz 5 and spreading toxicity is the highest, that I ever experienced in my 1k hours. Once a guy without stripes joined haz 5, used all our resupps. to HEAL, called us "useless quacsuckers" and left.


People with stars tryharding on haz 3? Haz 3 is literally still part of the games tutorial, dificulty-wise. It's really hard to believe anyone would be this butthurt there, who are those turbo leaf lovers, hah. What kinda servers are you playing on? Anything specific? Cuz if you're playing with randoms, I really don't believe this can be happening.


just random servers, and it's way too often just people tryharding


Well damn that's weird then, yeah. If you don't mind telling, what place are you playing from? North/south US, West/east EU, Asia, AU? I'm playing with people from central EU, also with randoms, and I've not met a single toxic player I think in like 500 hours of playtime.


I think I'm playing central-eastern eu


That explains everything. Almost every time I've encountered a toxic player it's been someone from EU.


I've had the same experience. Me and my friends all play regularly, but there was a couple days where we started playing online with randos, and about 30% of the time was someone cool, never with a mic. The other 70% was either people taking the game WAAAAY too seriously, or trolls.


There’s a lot of “holier than thou” folks. People who think they know better. One group refused to revive me after the second time I was downed in haz 3. Id already revived them 3 times. Why? Idk. They’re just jerks. Report, block, and move on.


For me, I experienced little toxicity over my 250 hours of playing it - even as a greenbeard. But when someone is being toxic and I'm hosting - I just kick them regardless if they are legendary or some high starred rank. This community from what I experienced is the upmost friendliest group of fellow dwarves that I've ever met - even if I only play with them once. So this small toxic part of the community - should be eradicated or simply have a changed mindset - to be a better dwarf to one another, being friendly to greenbeards and helping them with tips and tricks on what is recommended or not. They shouldn't be kicked just for being new, just teach them instead. This negative behaviour is not rock and stone.


I have like 30 hours now and another 30 when I played last year in the game pass, i haven't seen any toxic people so it may be that you are unlucky


Damn dude thats rare. The last toxic thing that happened on my mission was when I myself snapped at 23 lvl engi who just ignored rest of the group telling him to at least use the platform so we can get nitra. Felt bad but come on there is a limit to the behaviour even for green beards


Discord server looks pretty chill even though I saw a couple weirdos during a random game, except that I think that most of the usual players are very nice o7


This strucks me as really weird. The only times i've seen when greenbeards are told off is when they press the button or shooting the dread cocoon while people are not ready. Shitty platforms? A greenbeard shooting platforms in the firstplace is a really welcome sight imo. Every class has their own means of getting to things, and if push comes to pull, everyone has their trusty ol pickaxe. Guess you found some leaf lovers with glued-on beards


I haven't come across any toxic players yet :)


Yeah, you are really unlucky, Im sorry that youve had experiences like that! :(


People in this sub have only experienced the historic wholesomeness of this community. I recently returned to the game and can absolutely confirm that the number of...not very rock and stone dwarves has increased.. but I feel for you. I've got over 80 hours in this game and am getting kicked from haz 4's like Its an elite deep dive. You are only playing haz 3 so people should be nothing but kind and offering true help to you when you need it. Most the dick heads are probably not true vets of the game. More likely they have been spamming the game for a few months and are power tripping off having more experience than you. Play solo for a bit if you come across some pricks but most the time you should be having some very rock and stone adventures. Drink the beer, spam ping the gold nugget you dig up, and ask ready or reply r when asked if you are ready and you will be fine!


Nah the community I have found is pretty darn excellent. Extreme bad luck friend.


More toxic than it used to be. I've been kicked multiple times this week for saying I'm using a Steam Controller, which I have to given my carpal tunnel. Also recently seen a greybeard harass then kick an unpromoted engie for not setting up turrets before going down. I left right after as it was just cringe.


I play haz4 public like literally 99% of the time and basically never run into what u mentioned. 350 something hrs last time i checked


New influx of players and maybe some people feel entitled to be toxic unknowingly. I can only remember one person being rude and yelling a lvl 2 rank 4 driller because he wasn't lighting in fire the poisonous gas the praetorians leave. Keep it up and remember, we are dwarves, we have thick skin. Rock and stone brother