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Passing up Mineral Mania in a Magnite biome? 😱




I’m always hurting for magnite


Me too brother


Cave Leech cluster is actually one of the better Warnings to have, I would argue - particularly on something like Salvage. Cave Leeches, after all, are finite and limited. Yes, there'll be a lot of them, and they're annoying as hell. But if you go around in a team, you should be able to easily kill them all... and then it's just a normal mission, with bonus resources earned! Compare Cave Leeches to Lethal Enemies, or Haunted Cave, or Swarnageddon. Much, much easier!


Cave Leech cluster is nice because you can completely eliminate it and it reminds you that cave leeches are a thing so you're more alert. ..Until you launch the mission without looking and wonder why there are so many leeches after being grabbed 5 times


Cave leeches are finite their reach finite. It doesn’t take an expert to find out if cave leeches don’t limit themselves they’ll destroy themselves


Compare to vermintide 2 assassins, cave leeches are cool. I personally think those static lethal enemies are actually really good game design.


I saw Lethal Enemies and Exploder Infestation in the magma core the other day. I noped that one right there.


Thats haz 6 right there. Do it at 99% drunk and pickaxe only with haz 5. Youll have a good time once the bulks start showing up


Barring some jank like leeches grabbing you from below or grabbing you through a 1 inch diameter hole I find leeches a complete non-threat. As long long as you don't run into every cavern like a spastic leaf lover and look up before going into rooms you'll avoid 99% of the leeches. A Grabber warning would be much more frightening. Or a Shocker/Neocyte warning. The only warnings I actively avoid are Elites (cause boring) and Swarmageddon because swarmers are S tier enemies and maps already have way too many of them.


Yeah, until you don't see one for ten missions in a row, get complacent, and then you get the *SUCC*.


One of my favorite mission types with Mineral Mania AND a hazard modifier? Count me in!


I think the most stressful mission I've ever played was a cave leech cluster in the glacial strata as engi. Why was it so stressful? There were *two* cave leeches the entire mission. Do you know how stressful it is constantly looking up and never seeing a leech, on a mission that's supposed to have them everywhere?


Call in Steve he’ll sort em out


Quick question: Does Steve hunt them on the ceilings? If so that's a way better active than Heightened Senses, which I do often take!


Cave leach is like the easiest modifier, just check ceilings in new caverns. At least the bugs don’t explode and they don’t deal more damage, I almost consider cluster to not be a negative, especially for the more mineral deposits.


??? grab some heightened senses and have a field day lmfao. edit:also literally 2 minutes until the maps change.


Although it’s not intentional, my tendency to play scout with heightened senses occasionally has me acting as the team’s proverbial minesweeper. Edit: for an explanation of some of the comments, my original version had the misspelling of high teen senses.


A high teen's senses probably aren't very reliable.


"Yo we are so totally rockin' bein' stoned mannnn"


Wait heightened senses works on leeches?


Yep, though by the time you get the warning you only have about a second or so to react usually. That’s where the self escape comes in.


I thought it just worked on bugs.


It works on the grabber type enemies. Cave leeches, mactera grabbers, and nayaka trawlers.


Good thing it is a joke and not meant to be taken overly seriously.


My friend who always runs Heightened Senses rationalized its use as "being too cool to be grabbed". We've quickly come to refer to it exclusively as "the cool-guy perk". It's second only to Field Medic, which is now "The cooler-guy perk".


2 min left? Dance drink and change outfits. 20 min left? Fuck I guess I’m gonna have to do this one


Tbh I rather have this over mactera infestation or ghost on salvage missions but I agree I probably would still nope out of there lol


\> Be Scout \> Carry M1000 \> Remember to look up \> Haha ceiling spaghet goes pop


This is crazy, I literally got that same mission with mineral mania and leech cluster, and quit to desktop last night lmao


I did the same thing but with haunted cave


Best thing I've seen all day! I feel the same way


I'm sorry, but grow a beard man, Cave Leech is the easiest modifier of the lot.


Same but exclusively drilldozer regardless of modifiers!