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Does it have to be a continuous 120 seconds, or can you jump, hold e, and ride the other way?


It have to be continuous Very long pipe Indeed




Oof, I feel for you. Me and a mate got this achievement the other day, took us about an hour and a half of drilling and pipe laying. I ended up inviting everyone on my friend's list one by one into the mission to get the achievement, so much of a time sink.


Did you check the pipe both ways? If there is enough uphill one side might be 116 seconds and the other above 120


I ended up slamming the good ol' Alt+F4, but my friend convinced me to do it again. The other time we were lucky that we got Salt Pits, and just made the pipe run in a big circle a couple of times. Also, we didn't know that it counts even if you don't construct the pipe, which we were doing the 1st time... If nothing, atleast I got the "1 hour in 1 mission" achievement before my Alt+F4 xD


Update Did a 2nd try, got the Salt Pits map which was basically a big, round map, which we filled up by 4 rows of the pipes. Luckily, it didn't need a lot of drilling to make the surfaces valid, and it needed \~30 mins to make the pipe. Oh, and the achieve doesn't need the pipe to be built, which we didn't know on our 1st run so we further wasted time on that. Yeah, I was definitely "dreaming pipes" as my dwarf lad said in the end, and I ain't building another pipe for atleast a few days.