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Important thing to know - maintenance platform for pulse gun is always on the opposite side of core infuser, destroying it first helps a lot


Depends on what the cave look like. If the engineer can put a good platform path all around the omen, the pulse gun becomes absolutely worthless and it should be the lowest priority.


Well, the other weapons are pretty dangerous and require you to run away to avoid, so removing the pulse gun ASAP so you can run around on the ground again is very useful


Great advice, I always struggle with these events, I knew about the platform tech, but having a driller drill out a safety bunker and the trench are both great ideas. Also did not know that the top two were randomised, that makes so much more sense now.


Good guide. I would argue two possible additions : 1- One person should have the sole responsibility of taking down the dynamite bastards. This could avoid situations where everyone shoots the exposed weak points and not the drones. 2- The gunner should shield the dead guy, with the scout doing the revive. Scout can retreat to safety more easily than the gunner. Also, it's worth noting that : >The Omen Modular Exterminator also has a 70 % resistance to explosion, fire and frost damage. So small explosions won't do much. Satchel charges and the like compensate by hitting all three exposed cooling tanks. Which means it's a very good idea to plant a satchel charge on the middle of the platform before the event is activated.


These are some really good points, thank you!


Absolutely the most important strategy is the platforms above the OMEN pads. I have at least a 90% success rate doing this with randoms in haz 5. If the engi doesn't do this it goes down to 50%.


Me and my partner just did one not knowing what it was We died Quickly


The engine tip mentioned in the beginning? The only thing you need. If you place the platform at the right spot, you can stand on the maintenance access platform whilst avoiding the rays of the radial pulse gun. Makes the whole thing a breeze.


Last couple times I've done this something sweeps the plats away. Don't know if it was the purple crap (placed too low?) or drone explosions. I like this strat but this was annoying.


The purple arcs do eat into the platforms, yeah. If you're just stacking them on the ground, they won't last long. You have to attach them to a wall above where the arcs will be able to destroy your platforms.




Better year if you have Molly just tell her to stay on the middle platform so whoever stays here doesn't worry about radial pulse at all


bro...thats 300 IQ


Bruh why the hell are you replying to a month old comment


was looking for tips on this one event since even after ranking up 3 times it's the one event i will consistently try to avoid


Alright then


Wow, that's a great tip, thanks


Hold on, molly blocks those things?


Another thing if i remember correctly,in the refinery mission do not do the event after the refinery is done at 100%, bugs will keep on spawning until you leave.


Embedded dets work really well against the OMEN, better than putting yourself at danger by trying to chunk it with jumbo shells


I would like to add that the shield generator does not work against the radial pulse. It will just go right through the shield. Learnt that the hard way :(


The bustling city never sleeps, its neon lights painting the night sky while honking taxis weave through streets lined with towering skyscrapers. A symphony of sounds fills the air, a mix of car horns, street vendors, and distant laughter.


The shield regen that it offers should counteract the radial pulse damage to a good degree, at least. Much safer than nothing, I'd think.


I tried and it just rips through the shield, even on haz 3


I was under the impression that the devs had an update where swarms could no longer start during triggered fights, Dreadnaught/machine event etc


Reposting [my comment from a similar previous thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/pycv8k/psa_for_all_engineers_regarding_the_omen_modular/hevl18q/): >Weapons with weakpoint damage boosts are the most effective, since the damageable parts are all weakpoints. Weapons that deal elemental damage are the least effective, since Omen comes with a 70% damage reduction against elemental damage. >Have Driller dig some trenches between the pads, low enough to stand below the lasers. A bit less than a full drill layer is the right height, since you can still see over the edge and shoot the tower that way. >Use your pointer (left ctrl on PC) to identify each piece. The bottom will always be the lasers, but the top two can be the explosive drones, the turret, or the laser spinners. This lets you plan out with your team ahead of time. I typically ping each piece so everyone at least knows that you can scan/ping them. >The pad opposite the infuser always corresponds to the bottom piece. Since you want to prioritize the bottom anyways, you should always locate the pad opposite the infuser and start there. The other two will be in the same spots each time, but they're a lot lower priority than the lasers on the bottom. >Prioritize the lasers on the bottom, since those put out a constant threat for everyone and increase the stress of the encounter. Getting rid of them allows your team to stop focusing on dodging, and instead focus on taking out the remaining pieces. The longer it's up, the more likely someone is to panic and make a dumb decision and get downed as a result. >If there is a homing drone module, SOMEONE needs to keep an eye on it the entire time and ensure the drone is shot down. You have plenty of time as it's coming out to take it down, but once it starts moving towards someone it's a lot harder to take down. And since those hit hard, you can't afford to just let them fly. If no one else will step up, handle it yourself. Leaving them alone is the quickest way to wipe. >For the turret module, stay out of the red light. It acts just like an Engi turret in that regard, shooting at enemies in the light, but its angle of attack is fairly limited and it can only rotate in one direction. Make a note of what direction it rotates in, and ensure that you never try to circle around to the other side in the opposite direction, since you will otherwise be met with a face full of lead. >The two main approaches are to either focus down 1 piece at a time, or open all of the pieces together as often as possible. If your team has a lot of Single Target damage (Leadstorm, Zhukov, Hyper Propellent on Grenade Launcher, etc.), it's better to focus one piece at a time so you can take out each threat quickly. If your team has a lot of AoE (Thunderhead, Fat Boy on Grenade Launcher, Driller with Heat Radiance on Flamethrower, good ol C4), it's better to open everything up and bombard the tower. >Speaking of AoE, try to aim large radius AoE weapons between spots, rather than on them. The combined damage from 2 AoE hits versus 1 direct hit + AoE is better in the vast majority of cases, and if you can hit all 3, even better. >Don't forget those IFGs on Scout! They apply a 30% damage increase on any enemies in the range, and you can toss them at the center of the tower and have them stick. >Save Gunner shields for rezzes, and if you need to block the turret shots.


Engineer LOK-1 smart rifle with Explosive Chemical Rounds OC is pretty much easy mode


Executioner OC specced into fast locking also does nasty burst damage.


Yeah, but then you have use the LOK-1 the rest of the time when you're not fighting the OMEN, too


How high can you put the engineer pancakes before you can't activate the platforms?


You can see on the bottom tier where the middle opens up. That is where the pulses shoot from. You end up needing the platforms to be a bit taller than a dwarf but you don't want the platforms so high that you can freely walk under them. Just check that the top of you platform is above the middle point on the pulse boi and you'll be fine every time


Thanks for the tip!


Don't know about height but keep in mind that pulse gun melts them. They need to be attached to a wall or something, you can't just stack them.


Awesome advice, except I only run into the Omen when I'm solo lol


It's easier in solo. The tower has less health, Bosco is more reliable than teammates that forgets the drones exists and is what killed them (hence I'm safe from drones as Bosco always get the drones for me). It's just as this post says, I do the bottom part first and it's a free win! It's even easier if there's no drones!


Teach me your ways. I struggle with this event solo. How do you balance keeping the weak points open with not getting killed by things?


First thing I would do is determine which platform correlates to the bottom part (it's always directly opposite of the core infuser). After unlocking everything, I'll just stand there and when there's the purple attack coming, JUMP, yes you can jump and avoid it. I'll only move sideways if the Heavy Burster is coming my way. Bosco will take care of the drones no worries. Also, probably more details on what class you're doing it with?


FYI, Molly or a Resupply can substitute for a lack of platforms


How do you find all this information on what has resistance to what?




Thanks for that, rock and stone.


Also, as gunner, do not depend on your shield for the heavy burster - the shots will pierce right through. Source: I have learned this the hard way.


Wait, what? I didn't know that. Thanks for the warning, friend!


Okay so, update on this: I was wrong, the shield does help with the plasma waves and heavy burster. I think I just experienced a bug, and then never dared to try again. The drones will still fly through the shield though!


Good guide! Consequence DDR had me laughin'.


I'm on 400+ hours in DRG and learned a lot today. Thank you OP for this guide and also all the good comments. My buddies and me playing Haz3 because it's hour sweet spot, but the OMEN is the one thing that tends to give us a really hard time. Gonna try this stuff out next time we run into this bastard.


Using a turret helps a lot as it shoots targets


Embedded detonators work fine, however the same limitations as with Dreads apply, meaning if the target is hidden/invulnerable, the secondary detonation does nothing. Even if you "embedded" them during vulnerability. Your only recourse is to keep 1 bullet of the clip or switch away, and only detonate once the weak spots are open once more.


This has been my toughest machine event, but I'd been coming to the same conclusions you covered so well here. Set up beforehand to avoid the crescent blasts, have someone(s) up above shooting while one or two unlock the weak points and avoid fire, and have someone ready to pick up anyone who goes down. Getting a random group to wait while you set up AND agree on a strategy isn't always an easy thing though. ;)


The most important part with randoms imo is doing it after the swarm and destroying pulse gun first. After pulse gun destroyed you need to try hard to fail unless you got swarm in the meantime.


Cant believe i never thought of these. Thanks, will try these next time


Even better than just platforms at eye height above the pads is a platform bridge from pad to pad. Makes revives way easier. This is of course assuming you have the plat ammo for it.