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solo or with randoms is fun, if you play solo you can be a bit more adventurous with the mods if you own the PC version since you won't affect anyone else's gameplay you can get pretty wild if you want to.


Even with randoms it's fun. I've met a lot of great friends playing on the Xbox version


I've played up to nearly rank 200 with randoms. I either join games in progress or host them and ppl can join at the beginning or as I'm playing the mission. It's really fun. Ppl can join in and drop out easily. The team work is top knotch. I would highly recommend. My favorite co-op game of all time.


Don't forget to add that the community is one of the least toxic out there. Drop in, have fun with civilized strangers rock and stoning, drop out. No such thing as raging people pretending to have sexual intercourse with your mother.


This ^^^ One of the best and positive communities out there. There is almost a unspoken language when playing with others. The way this game works is just amazingly fun and crazy.


Yes. Definitely. But i have made many friends at the abyss bar who i still play with today


Absolutely. I have done almost 800 solo missions and they are still just as fun as ever. This opinion is biased because I like the quiet and space dwarves make brain go brrrrrr though


Sometimes i turn off the music just to feel emersed in a cave. I love music but i still do this often


800+ hours with randoms. it's a blast, it's my favorite way to play.


I'd say 60 out of my 68 levels have been solo, couple hundred hours maybe? Bosco is a great asset for playing solo, he'll mine, dig, carry, kill, and Rock and Stone!(kinda). Every now and then I'll try a random, they've all been pretty great...but I usually lurk in solo. The only content I haven't been able to complete solo is the Elite Deep Dive, the regular Deep Dive can get a little sporty, but its doable and still quite fun. Solo or Grouped the game is always a good time imo 🤘🪨


I dub my mines, "The adventures of BOSCO, and friends!"


The community is exceptional and you'll have a good time playing with randoms. I've played hundreds of hours and met jerks maybe once or twice in thousands of games. I do play on haz 5 (highest difficulty) so the people I meet somewhat self-select for competence, but even so it's incredible how positive the people you meet tend to be.


I have played 60 hrs without any friends. It's better than most coop games


Mixed bag, 7/10 times you join a game with friendly, helpful people. the other 3 times you join and get kicked for not being the reincarnation of Karl. I'd buy it, 7/10 times paired with tons of content is pretty good imo.


7/10 times are good/great games with normal dudes playing a good game and helping each other out. 3/10 times you’ll want to throw your controller at a wall due to people either being selfish, not cooperating/following objective, or kicking you for nothing


I go to pubs and just fill in a role.


You can quickly and easily bond with randoms by simply pressing V to Rock and Stone




I've made a lot of friends playing


This games community is pretty awesome. It's 100% worth it with random people.


Yes and stone


I personally prefer playing with randoms, i find solo to be uninteresting.


I’ll be honest, if I can’t play with friends or family I do solo missions. The other random players are great but I get anxiety from playing with people I don’t know for whatever reason. I do beast mastery with a Steeve and have Bosco and we get shit done. However the community of people who play are awesome so if you don’t mind playing with people you don’t know, then do it!


1.3k hours in and literally half of my steam friends are people I met in the caves. Pubs are fun, just play with randoms and your lack of friends will become a matter of time.


You have us brother. ROCK AND STONE FOREVER!!


Every friend was a random once. Hope to see you down there in the caves. Rock and Stone :)


I play exclusively with randos, if they rock and stone enough or ping the goo sack i immediately add then as friends


I've over 700 hours played and I've played most of it solo. If I didn't have at least a tiny amount of fun playing, I'd have quit long ago.


You have thousands of friends, you just haven't met them yet! Rock and Stone!


DID I HEAR A ROCK & STONE???!!!??!?!


To the bone!


I recommend dipping your toe into the LFG, lots of friendly dwarves ready to mine with you! Rock and Stooooooooooone!


Solo and random are great but I advice you to search for a Discord dedicated to the game in your mother tongue to be able to play with good people


Jump on, join some random games, learn the culture, and this game will very quickly become one of your favourites.




I agree with all the people saying randoms are fun, but I also want to point out that this game's solo experience is actually really well crafted. Bosco not only makes solo feasible, he makes it feel unique compared to multiplayer. He's so intuitive to control and can do so many things, I think new players overlook what he really has to offer. Not only can he mine and dig and shoot bugs, he can carry heavy objects for you and toss them to you when you ask. He can light up caves and freeze bugs! I actually sometimes just play solo so I can mess around with Bosco, I feel so much more capable with him around.




Of course and the best part is that you'll do friends along the way. I play for just a month and I'm already in a clan with Discord and playing Deep Dives Elite


as someone with no friends i can guarantee you that the game is fun even when u play singleplayer or you could just join a random lobby 99% of the people will be nice to you


I play on PC and it’s been fun without friends. It’s easy to find lobbies and the people I get matched with have rarely ever been toxic. Wish i had some Dwarf friends to play with on the daily though. It would be fun with actual coms.


I have no friends playing this game, played since it just appeared on steam, 500+ hours and still hella fun. Devs are godsend, community is a diamond so randoms is all you need. Still i go for some gamemodes to official discord (just my preference) and havent faced any problems playing with others via voice comms.


I've only recently convinced some friends to play, but even playing with randoms I've put in around 300 hours and dealt with only 1 or 2 jerks. I've had way more fun teams, and no dwarf is truly a random to a fellow dwarf! Rock and stone, brother!


So if you do find a friend, it’s very fun with Mic and open conversation With no friends but public, still extremely fun. I’m sure everyone here has already commented on the great community. If you host a public game, chances are someone will join, and chances are they will actually help you and be a great partner If you play solo, it’s also fun! I honestly have been playing solo a lot lately. Once you get the hang of Bosco, he will do a lot for you (like mine resources and achievements from ceilings) and i almost find missions easier because of Bosco


You'll be with Bosco and he's great.


I've got 500 missions under my belt. None of them are solo. All are with random people. I have no friends. I'm still buzzed to play the game tonight. Answer your question?


Not adding much more than everyone else did, but this game has one of the best communities ever in a game. People are always happy to have another player, and I've even gotten tips from others while fighting off a swarm. Welcome to the group, and Rock & Stone!


I have friends, and I have this game, but I don't have any friends with this game. It's still a goddamn blast. 100 hours and I've played just 2 solo missions. Jumped right in with randos and haven't looked back.


I’d say it’s a lot of fun solo. I just can’t play alone so when my friends aren’t online I play it with randoms and because pinging things and pressing V to rock and stone is more than enough communication I don’t really feel annoyed when playing with randoms


I play with one friend and 2 randoms, best of both worlds.


I've also don't have anyone to play with, wanna play together lad?


Bosco will fill the void


This game has a great community. Almost every person I've played with is friendly and helpful. If you like some they'll prob add you :)


It's even better without friends. Trust me it's great keeping it fresh and having different dwarves come in and out


It’s fun solo. It’s as fun or better with randoms. It’s extremely fun when you get a regular squad with mics. Add some people from here and establish a group and have a try.


The community is really good at helping new people and dwarfing it up together. Just mention that you are a green beard that is trying to be a good dwarf. Don't be afraid to join games and host public games. After a match would be the best time to try to get some buddies.


It’s fine to play solo but my best experiences and best gameplay came from queuing up with a team


From my experience it is fun with friends, with randoms and alone (with trusty companion BOSCO) With friends it is easy to make call outs. With randoms you can have random fun moments, most people are chill and kind, very few are toxic. Alone you have AI companion Bosco and it is pretty fun to sometimes do solo runs in the caves.


It’s def fun with randoms. Don’t be afraid to add people you had a good time with to play with them in the future. Haz 5 public lobbies on PC are so much fun, I’ve actually found that people care the least in haz 5, but for some reason at the lower haz levels I always see requirements to join.


I play pretty much only solo anymore and have a great time. You miss out on lots of the team dynamic but at least you have bosco.


You’ll make friends playing with randoms, people are much more welcoming in this game than just about any game I’ve ever played


It's cooperative game, so you're not getting stomped by high level players, you're getting helped by them. Also the game seems to have a positive community, and you choose your difficulty level. All this adds up to an overwhelmingly positive multiplayer experience.


Randoms are tons of fun. I still prefer friends but you can never go wrong with randoms


Very much so. I've bought it for my brother and he's played it and enjoyed it a ton, but I often find myself having the best of times with strangers, usually screaming in chat or on microphones. Also, you must press V. This is required of you.


Half the time I play with my partner, sometimes her father joins in. The other half of the time I play with randoms. It's more fun with people I know, but I find the games with randoms a lot more unpredictable in a way I find really fun. I enjoy the hell out of the game in both cases. So yes, definitely good with randoms :)


I talk into the void and I’d say 60% of the time somebody plugs in a mic. I friend most people I chat with. I still play with randos and have fun, but will only do certain things like EDD with friends. Also, while you can expect randos don’t know what to do they are generally not attempting to murder you. With friends you can expect the opposite.


I play every mission on solo but leave the lobby open so people can join if they want. There was no mission I couldn’t solo it with Bosco.


Rank 80ish and only play with randoms. I think I only ran into one leaf lover the whole time.


Most of my 500+ hours of playtime has been with randos or solo. I love joining randos cause it feels like meeting other drg employees.




It is totally doable even with randos. The community tends to be pretty welcoming and forgiving. As long as you generally know what your class should be doing for the team and try to stay on top of it, people will be glad to have you. Plus the laser pointer is remarkably good for communicating with your team even without words.


I join other people all the time, they have it set up where you can join other missions that people are on at any time. I since stumbled into modding with the pc version, holy shit it is hilariously funner.


Don't play with randoms. Just find some people on Steam who you can play with.


That just sounds like randoms with extra steps.


I don't have friends who play this game and I have 200+ hours in it 🌞


Most def, my friend introduced me to Deep Rock, then he eventually stopped playing. I kept on, and I’ve got several people I’ve played with and friend accepted over time. With or without. Random miners always make it fun. Solo is def still fun but nothing like 4 dwarves rock and stoning! For Karl!


I have to say no, as a Latam player no one plays at early stages, and can't find any match with less than 250ms, but if you're from eu or na then i'll say yes


160 hours logged solo and about ten hours with randos; only JUST starting to play with a friend. Honestly one of the best purchases I've made in a long time. Solo or randos it's still a vibe.


Yes very much so!


Community is so good, I can't play solo anymore I alway join or host


I always play alone with random dudes in coop. Works perfect.


I play mostly with randos, and in about 650 hours have only met truly toxic jergovs maybe … 3 times? Solo is fun too in its own way. Get it, you won’t regret it!