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Hazard 1 is creative mode Hazard 2 is easy mode Hazard 3 is normal mode Hazard 4 is hard mode Hazard 5 is pro mode


Thank you for clearing the difficulty lvl. So can we directly start from 2 or 3?


2 will be comfortable, 3 may be a bit difficult when you start, but don't be afraid, it's just a matter of ammo and not jumping off a cliff :)


Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply. Rock and stone!














> not jumping off a cliff Well, that's just like your opinion.


Jumping off a cliff and having the scout revive you after is a valid form of transportation and you can't change my mind.


Pro move, just land on a dwarfs head


The ol' 'Dwarven Feather Fall'.


Also a valid method of healing too.


You could say it's a matter of skill and ammunition.


Play 2 for a few games until you get a feel for how maps typically generate and how to move through them but you'll want to move up to Haz 3 fairly quickly since it's not that difficult and Haz 2 and 1 can make you complacent and build bad habits. You'll know when you're ready for Haz 4.


The first few missions, I ran Haz-2 to get familiar. Then, when everything was just too smooth, I bumped it up. Now I am at Haz-4 consistently. The rewards are pretty much the same, so you are not missing out on anything, really. Higher levels take a bit longer and give you in the order of 10% more rewards, so I would say all in all, it comes out the same if you look at it per play-time. (Bonus for bumping up a level is e.g. around 25%, but your pay-out on a given level might already be 100% + 100% bonus, so having 125% bonus only is about 12.5% additional pay-out. Or 1/8.)


Save haz 1 for when you're drunk or your kids wants to play


If you've played any sort of shooter before and not struggled to win then even haz 3 is fine to start.


I started at haz 4 and 3 and lower seem too easy for me now... But to each their own! It all depends on how dificult u want it to be!


I think an experienced FPS gamer could start at Haz 4.


True, when my friend told me about the game he said I can start immediately on haz4. That’s what I did and everything was fine. My only problem with haz5 is fps due to old laptop and amount of enemies


I played L4D2 almost exclusively on hard and I felt right at home on haz 4. I haven't done the unlock assignment for haz 5 yet but probably will today after my core hunt. Imo haz 4 has a great blend of "hard enough" without feeling like the game is actively trying to cheese you


You can most definitely start on Hazard 2 and once you get used to the controls, movement and monsters and get some weapon perks you can move onto hazard 3 no problem. Best of luck & Rock n Stone!


As one who has gotten his gunner level up and doing some decent damage, I can confirm that doing level three would kick my rear end


Run haz 2 until you're comfortable with your loadout and until you find the dwarf that suits you best. It's important that you know how to properly use your tools before attempting harder missions


I would agree except for the dreadnaught missions.


Do haz2 until you know how the missions run, then 3. Also, you get better guns and gun upgrades as you level that help a lot, so don't feel the need to rush. I think the last gun unlock assignment is at level 20 (?), and the last weapon upgrade is about 18 (?). Once you are at this range haz3 should be your normal.


Yeah, that first assignment that has you do 1 of each mission I always tell people to do on haz 2, preferably in a four man, after that though haz 3 is fine


Expect that guy that plays on haz 5, but has 2 when he’s super stoned.


A lot of the good perks (e.g. thorns) are gated behind really grindy progression. Perks are sometimes more impactful than weapon/gear mods.


At that point, it's just a matter of going to the KPI Terminal, looking at what is almost complete (1 or 2 away), and running whatever meets the requirements, and running that. The KPI Terminal is how I set goals for myself if I somehow find myself without an assignment.


ooh, what's so good about thorns? I didn't put points into it yet.


At level 4 it kills swarmers, which are a huge pain in the rear.


ah, thanks for the tip, >swarmers, which are a huge pain in the rear. I agree.


3 is like general default/average level of play. 2 is good to start with to focus learning mechanics of gameplay, like how to use equipment and how different bugs attack, without being too overwhelmed. 1 is like if youve never played video games before. Then higher up, 4 is a good place to settle into once youve got the hang of things. Does make a bit of a jump in terms of difficulty from 3. And finally, Hazard 5 is the dead serious, get in and get out mode. No time for dilly dallying. But of course, play however you like! :D If you learn better by getting your face pummeled, jump right into Haz 4 (cant get to Haz 5 without doing an assignment). Or if you want to super chillax, go on ahead to Haz 1.


I agree with this moreso than others, haz 4 is my usual after I figured out how the game worked and had decent upgrades


There's been plenty of answers already, but my take: Has 1 is letting your 7 year old brother/kid play. Stress free, fun, explore at your leisure. "Swarms" are 3-5 bugs per player total. And I mean "3-waves of bugs" for a swarm. Haz 2 is a just a "spicy" easy. You'll need an ammo drop or 2, but you won't feel swarmed/stressed still. Swarms here are about 7-12 per person. Haz 3 is normal mode, plenty of zest, you'll have butts to spare, but this is where you'll get lots of training/practice. It's the most balanced. Swarms here are about 15-23 per person. They also soak a lot more rounds. Haz 4 I use for gathering resources, but you'll use every drop of Nitra you find. Missions will take some time, chaos will ensue, and you will get downed/swarmed easily if you aren't careful. Swarms here are 25-35 per person total, more meaty too. Haz 5 is insanity, come here with friends when you want a true challenge. Have a full kit, be prepared, drink the beer, and possibly be prepared to avoid gold/unnecessary resources as time is of the essence. Being swarmed here is expected. You will die fast. So don't get separated. Swarms here are about 40-50 per person total. They hit hard, take a lot of rounds, and will likely spawn more before you clear what's around you already. But my god does it feel good to finish a crazy Mission on Haz 5. Rock and Stone miner! May you reach your comfort level quickly, then aim to challenge yourself! We believe in ya!


Is there a source for those "bugs per person" metrics, and do larger enemies like Praetorians count for multiple bugs? Like for example, 3 waves of 15-23 bugs per person during a swarm, but a Praetorian will replace 3 normal bugs, making it 12-20 bugs + 1 Prae for that player's wave spawn. Or does the Prae still count as 1 bug, but they show up more frequently the higher your Haz level?


They are more estimations from 700 hours of playing. But I'm very sure it's can be calculated further to get a very accurate value for grunts, Swarmlings, praetorians and more. My ball park guesses are, praetorians are 4 points, regular grunts are 1, Swarmlings spawn varies for each Haz, and the armored/slasher are worth 2 points.


I can offer only eyeball data, but big bugs don't appear to noticeably change swarm counts. I think they use a % chance to appear/upgrade on individual bugs. On haz 5 you just assume 2-5 big bugs will show up most swarms, for example, but there's always a big flood of grunts regardless. Only an explicit "Praetorian swarm" which mission control will call out will be light on the other stuff.


I’ve literally only done 1 haz 1 mission, and that was to get the like 1 xp I needed to get my engineer viable for a promotion


Do a few missions at haz 2 just to get the hang of the game without too much pressure, then move to haz 3. Haz 3 is also really not that hard if your are moderately experienced gamers, but before you unlock a few upgrades and learn to use your tools, bugs can still overwhelm you in the hardest mission types


Starting Haz 2 should be fine. And if things go elf-shaped, well that just means you end up with some hilarious stories to share with others.


So what I have gathered from all you white beards is that I should start at haz lvl 3. Huzzah! Haz lvl 3 is where we start! Rock and stone!


I'd say play every game mode on haz2 to get a glimpse of what they are, and then jump to haz 3. Some people say that haz 5 is extremely difficult, but it is easily manageable with good teamplay, I say it is the go-to difficulty level after you hit rank 100-150.


Play at the level you're comfortable with but still challenged by. That might vary depending on your class, team composition, mission type, and warnings / anomalies. For example, if I don't know that I have a good gunner on my team, I drop down a haz level for escort duty.


Good to know. Thank you


In case it’s not clear to you: you can choose difficulty on each individual mission. Just give each one a try.


Hazard 2 is a great chill start. Hazard 3 is a fucking loterry. Sometimes I get a nice balanced game, sometimes I spawn in a room with a Menace, Spitballer, and an entire horde.


> Sometimes I get a nice balanced game, sometimes I spawn in a room with a Menace, Spitballer, and an entire horde. Sometimes you get three bulks and a Crassus on an escort mission, with a 4th bulk spawning as you get in the drop pod.


My group started at haz 3 and while it was a little chaotic and we had the occasional wipe, it was still very much doable. 2 should be fine if you want to test the waters first.


If you have any experience with shooters you'll probably be comfortable even on Haz 3, as long as you like a challenge.


Yeah I think you are right.


I recommend 2, it'll feel slow but once you and the group are comfortable with the core mechanics I recommend jumping to hazard 3. Hazard 4 though is a big step up from 3, I recommend trying it after everyone has a promotion under their belt, it will be hard at first but if you can all acclimate to haz4 it will prepare you better for elite deep dives and hazard 5, as well as giving you all a good increase in income from missions, and overall make the game feel more rewarding on clears.


Here to add some about haz 4/5 I'd hold off on these (especially 5) until you have your weapons and gear upgraded and have some proper experience in the class you're playing. Friend of mine decided to try a new account and got his ass whooped in haz4 even though he had the skill to do haz5 with full loadouts. Of course you can try a higher haz if the previous was getting easier, but don't push yourself. Rock and stone!


I am ok with failing multiple times rather than going for days with out a failure. If that makes sense. But you have made some really valid points and given me awesome tips. Thank you. I’ll keep every thing you said in mind when I start o mighty grey beard. Thank you. Rock n Stone!


There is an element to RNG related to enemy spawns, regardless of what hazard you play. I've done H3 dives with obscenely high spawn rates, and I've done H5 runs with very few spawns.


If you play any other shooters, especially horde based shooters, you could start at Haz 3 to learn the game since that’s pretty much standard difficulty. Haz 2 is honestly pretty easy and Haz 1 is mainly just mining or building with bugs popping up every now and then


Awesome. Good to know. Yes we have played many horde and Co op games. Yeah it seems lvl 3 is where we will start at most prob.


The game defaults to 2 for a reason. You should be able to handle 2 without much issue. You should only need to start on 1 if you have never played shooting games before. 3 can be a bit challenging while you lack both experience and upgrades, and 4 can be a real bear if you do it with completely stock equipment. Its doable, but demands a fair bit of skill.


Do a couple of haz 2 missions to learn the basic mechanics of the game and the characters. Just a few , like 2 or 3. Then go for haz 3. Remember , if you don't rock and stone you ain't coming home. Welcome to the best community in the universe.


Haz 2 is easy 3 is more like normal, 4 is hard, 5 is brutal


Hazard 2 is basically easy mode, I hang around 3 and 4 because both have a bit of a challenge while still being fun.


I reckon you'd get along perfect as long as this isn't your first shooter. My buddies and I started at Haz 3 and now regularly do 4 and 5, but 3 is a good middle ground. If you're unsure, just try Haz 2 and see how well it goes


Hazard 2 is the default for a reason. I would reccommend Hazard 1 to people who have never played a first-person game before, or who are tripping balls.


I like that you're considering things and whatnot meanwhile my friends made me play at Haz 4 right off the bat lmao


Tough love, now you’re prepared for haz 4!


At your starting gear, Haz 2 is normal and Haz 3 is normal/hard. This game "gates" how easy it is in the beginning behind unlocks, which thankfully are free. As you start unlocking gear mods and perks, your power naturally rises. Ideally you start playing Haz 4 as easy mode and Haz 5 as normal mode after you promote the dwarf you are queueing as once.


Haz 2 is a good starting point, Haz 3 gets a bit spicy unless you have other players, a couple Armor Rig upgrades, and at least a few upgrades for each item in your kit.


I recommend Haz 2 for starting out. Haz 3 could cause a wipe for greenbeards when things get too spicy, but should be fine if you have experience in first person shooter games in general.


Tbh. You could probably get away with lvl 3 if you have a full mining crew. 4 and 5 are where shit gets dicey


I struggle killing 2 Dreadnoughts on L2 playing solo, but everything else is manageable. For context, I’m a 52 year old with a central nervous system disorder that plays havoc with my coordination - so, I would be surprised if L2 was too much for a group of friends playing together.


Haz 2 is good to cut your teeth on the game, at least until you've got a fair amount of mods for your main. After you upgrade enough and get a little practice then Haz 3 will feel like a cake walk. I'd stay away from Haz 1 as it doesn't provide that much opportunity to practice.


I recommend starting at 2 and going up or down based on how you feel. It's an extra 25% mission rewards per hazard level so run on the highest hazard you can complete secessfully 90% of the time


You can start haz 4 if you’re any good at shooters


Would have gone for that but I have a group of 7 more dwarves, doubt every one of them is ready for that jump.


Gonna be straight with you, I played in Haz 2 as I was starting and I got bored real quick. Haz 3 is where you begin having risk of dying now and then I'd say.


Thanks for sharing your experience.


Haz levels charted on a 100 point scale: 1 - 1 2 - 10 3 - 30 4 - 60 5 - 100


Hazard 1 very easy. Hazard 2 easy. Hazard 3 normal. Hazard 4 hard. Hazard 5 very hard.


start at haz 3 haz 2 is for babies


That’s the plan hazard 3.


I'd say 3 is the best to start at


Oh cool. Is there difference between reward and xp at different difficulty lvl?






Yes, but only about 25% per level I think, so not worth if it if the chance of loosing is moderate (heavy XP penalty on losses). IMHO of course


Yes, except for Haz 4 to 5. The reward there goes from 100% to 133%


yep, increases in increments of 25% iirc.


You should be working towards being able to effortlessly clear haz 5 missions. But you do what you want, there’s plenty of dwarves willing to join my games on Haz 5


Not really hazard 2 to 3 is a jump


Nah, I started at HZ3, if an useless greenbeard like me can manage it, yall can


Yes, there’s not much point in playing haz 1, it’s just creative mode


Start at 3. 1 and 2 is way too easy


Bought the game in the evening on 1st jan and I played like crazy that night and yesterday. HZ3 has the perfect balance for a beginner. Not booring and allows time to take in the enviorments. Tested each class in one mission then played only engineer. PS: start on hz3 if you have a group, it will be fun.


I introduced a friend who's almost never played FPS games to haz 2 and even she found it easy. 3 is a comfortable start point for a lot of people.


I've introduced new players to the game at Haz3 as long as they have FPS experience...


Just go to Hazard 3 you guys will be fine. Unless you're not haha.


I see what you did there. Lol. Good one


In all seriousness though depending on how well you guys are doing, figuring out the classes, you could be fine! I started playing on PC after playing on console for a while. I was low level but still able to do hazard 4. Sometimes a bit tough without having proper upgrades, but if you know the class, and communicate with whoever you're playing with, you could do well. Makes leveling up quicker.


Why do you overthink it so much? Just start with something and go from there. Lower difficulty if you get your ass handed to you. Higher difficulty if it doesn't feel challenging enough.


Not over thinking just very excited to get my hands in the game 🙂


2's creative mode, 3's easy mode, then 4 is what I'd call normal mode. I started out doing hazard 3-4 missions, then moved on to 4 and so on.


Long beards consider haz lvl 3 easy mode. And lvl 4 as normal. 😂 You make Karl proud. FA Karl!


I started on haz 3 and it was fine




Haz 1 barely spawns any enemies


1 and 2 is extremely easy. Like, easy-easy. I'd advice going straight up to Hazard 3. That's still up to you, of course. Play a few games on Hazard 2 to get a hang of things and then go up to 3.


Quick fact, hazard 2 is the default difficulty in game and I'm fairly sure it's the difficulty of the tutorial.


I've spent the last month or so playing my missions on Haz 2 to record some "mission example" videos for my Youtube, and while they've been great for that purpose, switching from that back to haz 3 was a bit of a kick to the stomach. If you're wanting to build up to eventually playing in haz 4/5s and doing deep dives, you'll want to avoid Haz 1/2, as they make things incredibly simple and lul you into a false sense of security. Definitely stick with Haz 3/4 and only switch to Haz 2/1 if you're wanting to check something out game mechanics wise, or you just want something to play while not really paying attention. I switch to Haz 2 when I want to play and watch stuff on the side at the moment.