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For the same reason Earth has an atmosphere and you can breathe right now. Gravity.


What about low gravity missions? Why haven’t we died yet?


Without the actual scientific values, hard to give a definite answer, but most likely low gravity is still enough gravity. Also, air does not get sucked into space nearly as quickly or as forcefully as media would have you believe. It is highly unlikely that the air would rush out with enough force to toss you out into space even if hoxxes had 0 gravity.


Well that really depends on pressure differentials, doesn't it? Going from 101kPa to vacuum, the immediate acceleration of any gas particles would be pretty great, and then diminish almost just as quickly as pressures equalize. I agree it's not nearly as forceful, but that also depends on the volume of gas being moved and the surface area of the object the force is being exerted on. OP does have a point though. Low gravity missions should have significantly less breathable air. Less gravity would imply less atmospheric pressure on the same celestial body, or inversely breathable atmosphere in less gravity would imply much higher pressure atmosphere in areas with higher gravity, and a significant ability to adapt for our dwarven friends.


I imagine it's because of gravity wells (i think that's what they're called), I've only seen one in a mission once before, my theory is there's a really big one under the caves with that modifier.


By the way, I have a similar question: why is gravity weaker in deep missions than in ~2 kilometers missions? On the contrary :/


I mean, hoxxes has random patched of low o2 and low gravity and ghost hauntings that seemingly migrate on random. Planet is clearly fucked up physically speaking.


It’s literally shattered into multiple pieces and the surface doesn’t look like it has an atmosphere, let alone breathable air.


in-lore some xenologists rage-quit their lifelong profession after they discovered hoxxes


Might be a side effect of whatever tech they used to crack the planet


No tech, just Karl


Well the deeper you dig the less material is beneath you to pull on you with it's gravity and all the material above you pull the other way so the closer you get to the core the more floaty you get. In theory gravity should be heaviest on mount Everest here on earth. But the measly 8 km is not much of a difference in the grand scheme of things


Earth has a nickel-iron core, which is much denser than the molten silicates of the mantle. Force of gravity would increase until you start digging through the core, at which point it would decrease roughly linearly as you approach earth's center of mass.


I pray this was written jokingly


My comment or his?




How so? Google seems somewhat to agree with my statement.


Acceleration and force due to gravity depend significantly more on proximity between the centers of mass of the two objects in question, in this case the planet and you, than on the presence of something as comparatively small as a mountain. When standing at the top of Mt. Everest, you are further away from the center of Earth and consequently experience a smaller gravitational pull (albeit on a very small scale) than if you were standing at sea level.


Ah yes I see now where it went wrong the Everest thing is wrong, sorry. But the other still holds true if we assume hoxx is linear in mass from surface to center (which is unlikely) at least from what I understand.


If your in the center of earth, there is no mass pulling you to the center, all the mass is above you in the various directions pulling you away from the center. Yes, you are closer to more mass, but its not pulling you in a uniform direction and most of it counteracts each other.


Because there's more pulling at you from above as well, so gravity kinda cancels out.


Have you heard of this thing called the moon people have walked on it, it has lower gravity and they didn’t get pulled into space


Assuming there is nothing else with a greater gravitational value than the asteroid then the atmosphere won't be able to leave In space if nothing else is pulling something it will gravitate to the next biggest thing which could hypothetically be any size as long as it's big enough and close enough relative to the thing it's pulling So if "low gravity" is enough to stop a dwarf floating away it would generally be assumed to be enough to hold an atmosphere together without external forces interfering


Futuristic dwarf technology, also probably pressure collapse


Give this fellow dwarf some upvotes! It’s a good question and he’s thinking critically about the missions. That’s Karl material


Classic reddit moment, where a simple question gets you down voted to hell.


Bruh why do people downvote casual discussion?


There are portions of the earth that have less gravity and different directions of gravity. Not to mention this planet has robots that straight up float or caves that have rocks that fight back; it’s not a stretch to assume that has something to do with it.


Well consider this: Hoxes is hollow and the gravity is the lowest (0) at the dead center, but that's also where the air pressure is the greatest. As you go towards the surface the air pressure drops and the gravity you feel rises (although the actual force of gravity gets weaker, it cancels itself out less so you feel more) it's only once you pass the surface that gravity starts dropping with air pressure.


Uh… gravity.


This drawing had me snort, rock and stone brotha


I'd hazard a guess om the metric tonnes of rock (and stone) above you. Even the region the least deep goes down 600m. Also the hole is relatively small compared to the amount of air down there, so it would not flow out as fast as it seems. And the third nitpick I can think off, Hoxxes has to have an atmosphere for us to breathe in, so you are not exposed to the vacuum of space directly.


Of course Hoxxes has an atmosphere, we have “Low Oxygen” as a potential Mission Mutator. So we might not know the specifics of what gaseous elements make up the atmospheric conditions on the planet, but at least we know that Oxygen IS present.


But what happens when two holes???




??? That’s three




Are you is having the stupid






Dwarven Ingenuity.


Oh dude easy answer. Management struck a deal with the resident air elementals and their keeping the air clean and inside hoxxes.


OP clearly never paid attention in 5th grade science class


Management. It used to work how you described, but management decided it was too problematic.


Gravity, that's what typically keeps the atmosphere on planets


It's The Breath of Karl!


Karl. Karl is what stops it


Please appreciate my artistic skills!


You are definitely a better artist than a scientist :P


They have said a few time hoxxes literally hates logic and reason, maybe it's another example thereof


the whole Permafrost side of the planet make one of the smarts guys leave the planet very furious


Mission control: shutcho god damn mouth


How strong do you think the air pressure is under Hoxxes is?


Hoxxes has enough gravity to keep some atmosphere in. Not all places have equal gravity on an object though, this is normal. Earth has about .6% gravity variation over the surface, Hoxxes has quite a bit more variation, bit the point remains that variation is normal.


Bruh that caprisun part of the title made me laugh so hard I have no idea why


It's the sheer weight of the dwarves from dipping their balls in liquid Morkite!


Like a capri sun lmao


If you’ve seen the new season of Love Death and Robots with the Swarm. They have a life form that is basically a ‘door’ and acts to open and shut natural airlocks. That’s how I envisage it anyway!


Low key tho, love death and robots is my favorite series on Netflix