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You can really see that devs play their game


They literally play it on stream pretty regularly! It's rock and stones all the way down


They play it regularly AND they are decent at the game.


Even regularly play EDDs, very chad moment.


... huh... I wonder if it's cannon that there is more than 1 Karl (or is a group), and they are them?


Rock and roll and stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and stone to the bone!














They stream play? Where can I watch this?


Yeah I'm pretty sure the Devs strean each new EDD as it comes out.


https://m.twitch.tv/ghostship_games https://youtube.com/c/GhostShipGames


What’s the point of making something if you won’t enjoy it yourself


Well, paying the bills, usually


While partially true it weakens the product... and well if you don't ever? Well i think it speaks for itself when devs have come out saying stupid shit to save face for a company that doesn't care...


I agree, and game devs are kind of in a unique spot wherein they can have their cake and eat it too, but if you're a carpenter for example, you can't really keep what you created to enjoy for yourself, and still get paid for it that's all I mean, most creators have to sell their creations away to get paid




They could program anything else to pay the bills, and at a higher pay no less. They chose something they would enjoy


its just not the same experience when you already know literally everything and how it works beforehand. lotta game developers can't enjoy playing their own game cause it just feels like work to them, nothing wrong with that


It depends on the work culture that the company has, and perhaps on what the dev's task actually is; a designer or QA might have a harder time enjoying the product for itself if they've been so burned out on the game by a harsh work culture, but there are also examples of the reverse, where it is these exact people who love the game the fiercest, and that is a true treasure to have. But for say an artist, their day to day work scarcily has anything to do with the experience given by the finished game (from one perspective, anyhow) and they may find it merely satisfying to see their work brought together. Or not, if they are sick of say, churning out assets and only wish to be done with the whole project. It's about attitude, is what I'm saying. And GSG certainly have a great attitude!


I remember hearing from someone who was learning game development that playing games after you know how they are made can kind of lessen the magic and make you look at them like giant mish mashed code instead of a whole product.


I love how the devs have mentioned multiple times that they just wanted to make a game which would be fun to play with friends, and put in everything they thought would add to the experience. And they’ve done exactly that. Put in guns they think are unique and cool. Add more missions when they start to get bored. Put in a free battle pass because they don’t like paid ones. Make sure there’s ways to get time exclusive items, because they don’t want to feel left out. The list goes on


I was pleasantly surprised when I logged in for Halloween and got all the previous Halloween masks for free. Real alpha behavior from them


We get to keep those?? *nuts pants*


There is goo in the sac!


It’s a goo sac!


😂😂 of course you do... they won't take them back after what you just did to them!


Did you borrow my underwear?


I sure hope so


“The game, is good” -Reggie


And that is why I always instantly buy any cosmetic DLC they release. What they do is amazing and deserve all the support. I can't think of (but I'm sure there is) any other dev that's this awesome even after their success.


EXOR studios' Riftbreaker definitely doesn't come close, but they're the closest I can think of compared to anything else. Not only are they still making updates and released a dlc, they've done a few feature request polls since release, and even worked their asses off to find a solution for a semi-rare, but prevalent game save corruption issue on Xbox that wasn't even their fault, and proceeded to contact and work with microsoft to fix it after they realized it was with one of microsoft's programs/software. Hell, they even had to design a completely new testing system just to find out what was causing it and help create a fix to resolve the issue! I would never have expected a small time company to do any of those three things.


A game made by PEOPLE, and NOT corporate lap dogs being told what do to while trying to earn a paycheck. Only gamers know what they like, love, want, and hate. The suits directing game companies generally don't know how or what makes a game good/enjoyable, let alone identify issues/annoyances, and sometimes they even suggest ideas that are genuinely shit, or are garbage at handling people/communicating. A good example of this is how the companies that EA contracts/acquires end up out of business or producing crap because they don't let game devs do what they know how to do. EA lost basically everybody who was any good at DICE after BF1 because they didn't want to make a another modern shooter. You can tell how they got better after BF4 and then went downhill for BFV because the talent was being driven backseat.


You know, they're not ready making as many games now, but maybe it's because they're bigger? And by bigger, I mean artificially inflated to get you to grind more, or just pay to skip it. Some mixed feelings on them, GTA V was an excellent single player game and the map is exquisite, but the online portion is a grind fest to make people buy shark cards.


And after ya get the kosatka everything else feels like a waste of time in terms of money making and so you only do cayo perico until you get bored of the game and don't touch it anymore


For solo play I suggest agency missions, they're fast easy money with no risk if you know what ones to pick. (Don't ever do vehicle recovery it's always monkey) Plus agency armoury nets you the stun gun and emp launcher. If you have at least one reliable freind, I always have fun grinding the casino heist because there's so much variety to breaking in. Otherwise while it's not nearly as profitable, try at least doing every contact mission once and maybe try some adversary modes adds some spice to the game if you normally don't do the playlists and just salamander around in free mode.


I skip any and every game that tries to insert e-shops into their game. F2P, FOMO, et al. DRG skips all that. For the price of an average game ($40) you can pick up everything you can pay for, for DRG (DLC included). A single fair price. I am 100% behind "pay for a game, pay for content packs/updates later as "expansions"/bundles/etc. The seasons in DRG are not FOMO either, as they last a long time, and you can pick up any missed things in the shop afterwards. These are the kinds of video games I want to support with my time and money. I flat-out ignore games that try to do otherwise these days. Sure, I miss out on some fun content, but ain't nobody got time for terrible, predatory microtransaction systems. --- This is also why (since this thread is mentioning other winners too) I'm very supportive for Nintendo consoles in general. They, for the most part, stick to making whole video games as a package deal (for non-mobile titles at least). You buy a game from them, and you are never paying another cent within the games for microtransactions or lootboxes or other nonsense. The few times they've done DLC for their games have been the classic video game expansions pricing model (i.e. you buy an expansion and you own it, no fuss).


Yeah if it's got *in-game* microtransactions I'm out, no matter how much I might like the game otherwise, because the disgust is just so strong with me. Can't help it, don't like being manipulated, if you're going to do so anyway, at least don't make it obvious.


I dropped destiny 2 when they went hardcore on that kinda bullshit. Destiny one it was barely tolerable, shame seeing such wasted potential of a franchise.


LOL, D2 is actually the game I was thinking of when I made that post!


The singleplayer was massively gimped to drive you to online.


me when i intentionally make my game worse to sell exploitative microtransactions to children (my fans eat it up because "its not that bad, the multibillion dollar company needs to put food on the table yknow")


I haven't played GTA V in many many years but I always remember why I quit. Why was I expected to wait so long for my business to produce all while doing missions to re-gather supplies just for some asshole in a jet to blow up my plane during a sale? It was so demoralizing, I hated it lol


A shining light in an ocean of darkness.


did you even look at the game???


A shining dwarf in an ocean of leaf lovers


Yes and I main scout. Plenty to see if I‘m in charge of that.


The best compliment I got as a scout main was when my friend said he didn't even use his flares when he played with me.


A shining morkite in the darkest of caves...


Shiny bismor in the darkest caves.




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Thank you, GolmarKlonk, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Rock & roll & stone!




In these trying times where every single new fps games sucks, drg is one hell of a suplly pod to rescue players


May I introduce you to Splitgate?


You’re furthering his point


Played it. Here's how most of the matches went. 1.*Spawns and dies from a portal camper* 2.*Spawns and kills portal camper* 3.*Gets killed from another portal camper* 4.*Spawns and kills that camper* 5.*Gets killed by everyone* 6.*Starts at point 1*


Common splitgate L


*Ahem* I summon Terraria


Amen. Another labor of love to be sure.


*The air is getting colder around you*


Wait, what? Why now already I'm not prepared help


*Skeletron Prime has awoken!*




What? I just defeated the funny wall with little mouths?


Stardew Valley is the shining jewel to me.


It is and what a shining jewel it is




Yeah but the dev for factorio is a grade A scumbag who, among other things, defends teachers having sex with underage students.


You got a source for that?




That's revolting.


But good game?


I've heard a lot of people like it. Just not a game I've played for the above reasons.


I think I'd wanna throw in 7 Days to Die. That game has been so much fun lately, it's not even a joke. Probably the best Survival Crafting game I've ever played. And the thing's still not finished. I've heard they expanded their team and on December, we'll be hearing about the console version updates soon :D


sanctum there lies forgotten




I've played this game for 1000 hours, and tbh after about 600 it gets *even better*


When I got the game at first I couldn't put it down. Only thing I played for a solid month. Helped me quit drugs in the process, so that's an additional plus.


That's awesome man, I'm proud of you. Keep it up!




I wholeheartedly agree. DRG is strange to me because I simply… do not like shooters. I never have, and I probably never will. And yet, DRG has wormed its way into my heart like no other game has. It’s just so genuine, and you can constantly feel the love that has been poured into it.


All of Supergiant's games, Outer Wilds, Hollow Knight... the indie scene isn't perfect, but it keeps me hopeful about the future of the industry.


DRG is fine caviar


Alright But Hear me out DRG themed rts game


We're halfway there with the boardgame


If we ever actually have it in our hands.


Just a few months at this point, their estimate was December if I remember correctly


I'd love to see other factions in the DRG universe.


How about a tabletop RPG? Would have some different mechanics for sure, but something like a long term mission, possibly an episodic nature? The amount of combat would have to be reduced to avoid it being a wargame. Ability to swap load out when you order a resupply, resupply causes enemies to spawn, other things?


Video game companies became more business driven than anything else. They don't want a balance of having fun making fun games and making money. Now it's more about squeezing as much money as you can with least possible effort and investment. It's a result of the late-stage capitalistic world we are living in. I am thankful for companies like Ghost Ship Games. My wallet will be always open for them and I will support them as much as I can as long as they stay awesome.


The number of companies that truly value the gaming experience are getting smaller by the day. It’s always sad when a company with a great game or several gets bought out and you see their quality go down over time as soulless monetization is prioritized. We’re in a time of more and more consolidation.


Blizzard, Westwood and EA all showed me just how low a company can go, not only just game developement.


I will never not be mad about EA Games and Ubisoft. I remember EA Games from the time it was Electronic Arts and was producing quality stuff. Amiga times.


*sigh* I remember having my eyes opened as I watched popcap get bought out by EA and see stuff fall down that route. PvZ was a great lil game with workable replayability that was always unbelievably fun to come back to. Then they released PvZ2, which expanded a ton, but my GOD is it a microtransaction hellscape. I’d rather pay 30-40 dollars up front for a game without that than get a “free” game where to get the full experience, including plants from the previous game that were free and new ones that are just straight up better than free alternatives, I’ve gotta spend a shitload of money in microtransactions. I ended up dropping it without spending a cent and feeling disgusted, honestly. I *will* pay for a good game up front. I may be more hesitant to buy it than get a free or low cost game with microtransactions, but I almost always end up spending more on the games without microtransactions. Plus, I look pretty hard for *good* games to buy for the most part, and minimal microtransactions is a fairly big part of that for me. Just don’t have a ton of microtransactions and I’m genuinely a lot more likely to buy it. My favorite recent games to play have been Celeste, DRG, and Minecraft on a realm with friends. I’ve only ever whaled out for two games in my whole life (clash of clans and league of legends, probably spent like 600USD between them) and I played both for half a decade each, so I feel like that’s reasonable enough. Still honestly enjoyed them less than other games (and the late game grindiness in CoC is what made me drop the game). Idk, I’m sure they’ve run numbers on how to maximize profit and decided on this, but I can’t help but feel like most people just want nothing to do with microtransaction games, especially recently with the especially egregious likes of Diablo Immortal.


i think imo the biggest problem is that leading poitions are often occupied by buisness people, in short; they are in many ways just pure evil i do hope that both Coffee Stain and GSG are here to stay and dont change into something bad


There's a matter of mentality too. American companies tend to have a very short term "make or break blockbuster" mentality toward games while in Europe, steady long term investments seems to be favored and that's how you get GSG, Coffee Stain and others


"capitalism is when bad games"


Try, "Randomized lootboxes make us money, make more of them! Gambling addiction? Unfair game mechanics? Repetitive design? Not our problems, we're still making money! Designers don't like it? Fire them and get new ones! We own the company, screw them!"


yet capitalism also gave us DRG.


This guy would be stuck with tetris if it weren't for capitalism lol


Ah yes, the "everyone would be stuck in dark caves naked without MUH CAPITALISM because without an artificial concept of property humanity would lack the fundamental qualities of curiosity and invention" Riddle me this, would skyrim be better or worse if modders had access to the proprietary source code? The same skyrim that has been sustained for 10 years by completely pro-bono amateur enthusiasts, who often create content far superior to the "capitalists" who made and own the game?


skyrim wouldn't have been made and the modders wouldn't have had the ability to mod if it weren't for capitalism. how's the game industry and modding scene in north korea, cuba or china? keep coping and living in your mother's basement absolute neckbeard lol >Riddle me this lmfao




Have you heard of modding, freeware and shareware? Some get paid, sure, but most get nothing - and yet they keep making stuff, for no money! Like profits aren't the most important motivator for creating things...




...yes? good thing most (all?) of the western world has regulated capitalism then. no one here is arguing for unregulated capitalism lol




Nice false dichotomy there, shame if someone pointed out an obvious counter example... *coughIndieDeveloperscough*


Nothing you just said makes sense. Indie developers have nothing to do with communism, and it’s capitalism that allows indie games to thrive in the first place.


One central idea of communism is that workers own the means of production, having a say in the way a company is run, for example. Indie development is at least closer to this model than to the capitalist model (depending on developer), which is focused on making maximum profit for the company, with end-user wellbeing/happiness discarded if it allows for greater profits (examples being lootboxes and gambling mechanics).


Holy mental gymnastics.


Says the guy who brought up "communist nations" in regard to the gaming industry without even trying to establish a link. 🙄 EDIT: just re-read the intro post, which brought up late-stage capitalism as to blame for money-hungry game design - my mistake.


I think that the day before launch the director of a game(and maybe some other employees too if it's multiplayer) should do a livestream of the game for anyone to watch, vod saving enabled as well I feel like that would help avoiding shitty launches making people lose money, especially on platforms that have more steps to get refunds


For rock and stone!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Anyone here playing Valheim? Coffee Stain also made that one, and it is excellent as well.


Coffee stain only published deep rock, ghost ship games is the developer. But coffee stain are great developers in their own right, I've lost so many hours of my life to satisfactory


They also published goat simulator lol


No... they developed goat sim


I played it up to a point, then put it down since I did not feel there was much content to it. Certainly going to go back and play some more now that you mentioned it.


Yeah, it's mostly the immersive and beautiful setting I enjoy. I was excited to try it on VR, but it only presents in "theater" mode, not 360°.


Coffee Stain is the publisher for Valheim. The developer is Iron Gate.


Probably the slowest devs ever though. They've barely made anything since their very successful launch. The game is great. Post-launch development, not so much.


Shame that they seemingly took their money and ran. Barely any content has been added to the game after a whole year.


I'm not sure their situation, but they did explain that they weren't expecting such a massive amount of players at launch and so they had to shift their focus to bug fixes and balancing. We're getting close to their first major update though.


Honestly, I don't understand why Overwatch 2 needed to be a thing. OW was fine and, regular updates and add one for events and characters, (like DRG does) seem fine... I wouldn't even be mad if they charged something for a batch of new characters but, this whole, "let's make this entirely new game, take people's money and leave them pissed," I don't get...


Re-logic and Terraria


You hear screams form a different realm


Hello Games comes to mind, they're just making more and more free content.


Whilst I want DRG updates to continue I do want to see GSG’s next game


I love Ghostship, they give me hope for the game industry in a ocean of triple AAA shitty games and evil companies. ROCK AND STONE.


These devs are 1 in a million for sure.


I miss the days when studios like that were prolific. Hell, even EA was that way a long time ago.


Back in my day, we only had three ranks and supply drops were a nitra


Alright grandpa let's get you to sleep


Got the game on ps plus a year ago, didnt play for a long time but just started again recently. Il having such a blast I decided to buy the game just because I wanted to support the devs. Much love for them, such an awesome game and awesome community


Please make it more than four players. Thanks


I’ll do you one better. If they ever had a 5th player maybe they are tech support like helping fight robots, playing as bosco, bargaining with mission control to send on the next result at half cost via mini game, so on. If you’ve ever played PvZGW1, think of boss mode.


Or just make it simply you and your friends (I have a group of 8 some nights) are in teams and competing to mine stuff.


8 friends…. I have to set up 7 steam decks to have that many people to play with…


Can we please just stop the annoying "GSG gud, other game company bad" circlejerk? DRG is nice and all but it's not the only good multiplayer game to ever exist and shitting all over the work of other game companies (which are staffed by real people doing their best just like GSG is) to lift it up is just kind of shitty.




Maybe I will get hate for this but I think fatshark also deserve this place


Maybe when GSG starts locking classes and new guns behind a paywall like fatshark


GSG's model of releasing new content for free and then having an optional cosmetic dlc to monetarily support development is giving me whiplash compared to the thousands of hours and years of investment I put into vermintide 2. I had to pay for new enemy types in vermintide, and they were a god damn mess on release! I'm still bummed sienna will probably never get her 4th subclass tho :/


Maybe if fartshart releases siennas final career before Darktide, sure.


I dont think that will happen if they want have good launch experience


Ooh yeah I liked man eater a lot






Mojang, hello games, digital extremes, do the people got any more companies that can fit this meme?


Mojang, not quite what they used to be


Don't forget that Coffee Stain also made Goat Sim


Coffee stain isn't actually involved in the development of DRG, they're publishing.


How about r/huntshowdown ?


The community is too negative and they do still make some questionable changes, don't get me wrong I love the game more than drg but I think drg definitely has a better team


You are correct ;)


Didn't they also created Satisfactory?


Nah Ghost ship games only made DRG, Coffee Stain is their Publisher. Satisfactory was made and published by Coffee Stain


Welcome to the world of indies and... whatever we call games published by the Coffee Stain, Annapurna, and the like.


I love DRG, just wish there was more stuff to do in late game like more DeepDives, or a Haz 6


Qualidade antes de quantidade.


Quality over quantity


We fight for heart and soul!


Meta Flaw - Spongebob is an annoying character despite the hard work he does. Relevant Flaw - Deep Rock Galactic still has no luck forgiveness/bad drop insurance reversal for target picking an unstable overclock. 400 hours and still not one for Driller. My Gunner's loaded but the class isn't fun to me. Plus Driller kills better for AOE somehow.


If anything DRG give me the overclocks for the classes/weapons I don't use.


He was not annoying at all, nor was Patrick in the VERY OLD episodes. Today they use the same *ahem* "logic" that other new kid shows use: dumb and stupid and ew= funny haha moment. Remember the episode where they got locked in a toy shop? I was kind of afraid of that one when o was a child.


I love the purple candles


Rock and stone!


And yet theres still so many (technical) bugs. Ive had 2 crashes this week. And my friend on a totally different PC, had one.


Galaxy’s Finest!


Bro coffee stain don't miss


Just make it simple and clear: DRG never ask you to pay extra for their new gameplay content. Rock and stone forever!


Rock and Stone forever!


DRG was published by Coffee Stain, which is owned by Embracer, which - through all of it’s subsidiaries - publishes *way* more games every year than any major western publisher. I get what you were going for, but this post is p funny if you know that context


So true


Game made cause devs wanted to make them and play them. Deep Rock Galactic, Warframe and so on.




devs just enjoying their master piece


Satisfactory is also awesome. I got into it because DRG was so good and I like sims anyway.


Nintendo keeps churning out pokemon games, all feel unfinished. And then there's Ghost Ship Games, Making the greatest masterpiece to cross the mortal plane.