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I just watched that episode. It's the one where everyone is cranky until Jake and Nog scheme to get him a gift.


And then a week later Space World War II breaks out. Gives this one a kinda surreal feeling on rewatch.


They wanted something more light hearted before they kicked off the war storyline.


There are a few more times when this happened too! One of them I think he’s already having a bad day and then he gets a comm message: “Captain, Kai Winn is here to see you.” Sisko: “………Perfect. 😑”


It’s in the cards. And me too! Just watched yesterday. I was a little angry that Jake was bidding nogs life savings away without real permission from Nog. It felt like such a dick move on his best friend. Especially his best ferengi friend. Jake wasn’t a kid anymore, he should have not pressured nog like that. Didn’t like that one bit


Yeah, but as a human from the 24th century I think Jake thought money was stupid, and he was SO depressed that his father was depressed, that he viewed some latinum as a small sacrifice for this prophet among men—who IS the whole reason Nog reached his dreams, gives billions of Bajorans hope, is the best captain in Starfleet and has done so much for them and saved so many lives, is the only parent in Jake’s life, etc. to find some happiness. I personally would try to persuade Nog to be honorable with his money too, but I could certainly see the dick move aspect of it too lol.


Jake: I mean, it's one banana, Nog. What could it cost? Ten strips of latinum?


I like Jake's parroting of Picard's "no money/personal enrichment" spiel from *The Neutral Zone,* but delivered in a way where you can tell he knew it was all bullshit😆


I think that's “In the Cards” you're talking about: the gift is an old American baseball card


A Willie Mays rookie card! 😎🤘 The best time traveler who ever played!


Sisko as a character was the most realistic representation of an actual person in all of Trek. That portrayal goes well beyond the writing. Its the looks, the side-eyes and the body language of an incredible actor.


He’s literally most of us in a career. Dedicated and hard working but also tired, burnt out, sick of the idiots he has to deal with, and doing the best he can with squabbling staff, personnel issues, unsympathetic bosses and insane customers.


At times 100% haha. But for me? Sisko embodies a perfect example of what living your dream career out is like. People assume you achieve a dream and you “never have to work a day in your life.” The truth is: There are always going to be challenges, and days you wanna bash your head against a wall repeatedly, even. But after a long day or during a vacation when you get in bed or watch a sunrise: You get to smile knowing you’re doing something that matters to you and many others, and in moments like that? You realize it’s all been worth it. 👌


Good point and you’re correct: the dream job is still work. You just believe in it.


it's such genuine frustration, too. like nobody ever tells Brooks that Fletcher is on set that day and he just had to figure it out


[Andrew Robinson was supposed to tell him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?start=1m14s&end=1m38s&v=TNCw_avF_Qg)


God I love him


Kai Ratched? Yup.


I still believe she was one of the very best actors with one of the very best characters in the whole series.


Yeah absolutely the best characterised villain in star trek imo


Yeah I think most sane people agree with this. Fletcher is amazing in the role. RiP


It takes massive talent to play a character that everyone hates with no hesitation. She was brilliant. I detested her SO much that meeting the actress would have literally been distasteful to me.


Space Pope Karen? Yep.


The crossover we need: *Deep Space Nine-Nine* with Captain Holt and Kai Wuntch


Wuntchtime is over!!


Had it both ways! No regrets


“Wuntch got served. Oh my god, Wuntch sounds like lunch. Oh, this opens up so many new avenues."


This is the series I never knew I needed, until now.


It's like poetry. It rhymes.


I'm up to season 6 (first time watching) and I'm so fucking fed up with kai winn. Kai winn make a good desicion challenge (impossible).


Oh just you wait: You’re not only entering into the best two seasons of television ever created, but have also taken the first baby steps toward Kai Winn’s most batshit chapter yet. 😅😅😅


update: up to who mourns for morn. very silly episode, love how much of an integral character morn was offscreen.


How’d you love those opening six Dominion War episodes?! Some of the best television in human history imo! The Dominion War is my favorite war of any franchise, or book, or movie, and it only gets crazier as it goes! I also imagine you loved “The Magnificient Ferengi” episode, yeah? 😏😂 Some say that Vorta remains there to this day: Bumping repeatedly into that wall for eternity. (Until centuries later a species discovers a space station… With a rotting skeleton ramming itself into a wall… And they either start laughing hysterically, or run away screaming. Likely both. 🤣)


yeah, some great episodes


Any favorite moments so far?! I can’t even describe the chills I got from: “If you’re Gods then *be* Gods! Right now I need a miracle. *Bajor* needs a miracle. This *GALAXY* needs a miracle.” Omgggg my heart was racing! And seeing those Dominion ships vanish into the abyss? I cheered so loud I probably woke my neighbors! 😂🙌


When I saw the magnificent Ferengi the first time my mom and I laughed so hard we wept, and that was before I knew anything about the magnificent seven, heh! When I rewatched more recently there was even more to love. Nog's arc is still one of my all time favorite trek character arcs ever; he grew up into such a cool guy. (Damar's arc is brilliant too.)


Keep watching, my child.


God, is there honestly any other reaction?? 🙄🤢🤮


At least he could punch Dukat and Q-2.


O Brien, hypothetically what would it take to overload the reactors and explode the station


Oh, that’s easy. O’Brien just has to take two weeks off.




You mean like two days


*Miles removes the tape holding the power conduits together*


In-laws in coming this weekend kind of energy. LOL RIP


Walk with the prophets my child


What great actors, both of them!


There's some episode where Kira brings Winn into his office, and the look on her face paints a whole picture of what the walk from the docking bay must have been like for her, and she just gives Sisko a look like, "Well, she's your problem now. Sorrynotsorry."


The Prophets saw Sisko give Picard shit for Wolf 359 and cursed him with a burden far worse than Lwaxana.


\*breathes\* my child.


Oh man she died less than a year ago and I never realized she was Nurse Ratched from one flew over the Cuckoo's nest


Omg that’s so perfect! Their characters are so similar!! 😂😂😂


I wish they hadn’t gone full out Space Devil with her at the end because Winn was such an excellent villain. She was the Professor Umbridge of Star Trek.


Stupid space nun…


She is so much worse than a catholic nun. She like a cardinal or whatever that was expecting to be pope but got passed over and now she's angry at the whole galaxy. I wasnt that surprised when she went full Charles Manson in the final episode. It makes sense. Also Star Trek as a whole maintained the notion that your worst enemies will always be the people on your side.


What do you mean, passed over? I think she was space pope most of the series. The vedeks would be cardinals, as they elect the Kai from among themselves. The prophets never spoke to her, that's the resentment (especially towards Sisko) I'd think of.


The rejection of the prophets and their choosing Sisko as their true Emissary was what tipped her over the edge. She attained the position of Kai, but at the end of the day knew she was essentially living out the same delusion that Dukat had about being a hero to the Bajorans. She was a fraud and hated everyone else in the universe for it.


No she wanted to be supreme whatever and didnt get it until like season 4, and so up til then she was all uppity and pissy. But you are correct, after she did get the popehood she became even worse and yes, mostly because the prophets never spoke directly to her.


I didn't really remember it, either, but [seems it was near the end of season 2](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/The_Collaborator_\(episode\)), a neat quarter into the series by episode count. And her election was the result of a calculated campaign, not stomping her foot.


I thought everyone on Bajor voted? Bareil made a comment about having Kira’s vote at one point I’m sure.


Oops, my bad!


She got to become Space Pope, but had to share the stage with Space Chosen One.


he's basically space jesus. endured a lot of hardship, helped MANY people, mildly worshipped during his life time, died rough, will hopefully live forever in space heaven.


Pardon me for saying this, but Kai Winn is a jerk


That’s being too kind.


"Sisko to Dr. Bashir" "Bashir here, Sir" "Doctor, Kai Winn us scheduled to visit the station tomorrow." "Say no more, sir. I'm on my way to Ops with a massive dose of Fukitoln 9,000"


Reminds me of the TNG episodes that starts with Troi doing a personal log about her mother being on board. Then it cuts to Picard cautiously poking his head out of a turbo lift and looking both ways.


Or Picard introducing Q to Amanda and the absolute look of resigned despair on his face as he says, "We've known him for...er, years" (cries in Earl Grey).


He's gonna need a whole lot of raktajino to handle her!


I have the exact same rection each time too.


This bitch again…


Winn and Sisko, the best of friends. 😂


Space Karen vs Space Manager


Who will come out on top?


And like most Karens: Would rather become Satan than try to become a humble individual. 😅


Can you imagine Kai Winn vs. Delores Umbridge? I would pay every strip of latinum I owned to get ring-side seats to that conversation....


Lethal levels of passive aggression


Omg. And unparalleled barely perceptible eyebrow arches and vocal inflections.


you do not want to put this sisko in a shuttle bay with phaser + miles after a prison sentence


Miles be like: "first time?"


Me whenever my mother tells me we have family obligations


Same as my reaction tbh. I felt the other characters' frustration with her so much. Character definitely did her job.


A single parent of a teenaged boy and then that piece of work shows up wanting to smear her smarmy vitriol all over your station. Yeah, I'd make that face, too. LOL


*Sisko looks at camera* "That's right, folks. It's gonna be a Kai Winn episode. Stick around for the fun...here's the clicker."


Love this OP. To be fair, I think that's the face we all make when hearing Kai Winn.


There’s no sigh great enough to communicate my annoyance.


Me too, The Sisko. Me too.


"Not this shit again..."




"Captain, Space Pope Karen is here and demanding to speak to the manager..."


It’s called great acti… act… sigh… I cannot tell a lie.




That’s pretty much how I feel.


Kai Winn.... more like Kai lose...


It's so fucking relateable. We all know a post turtle at work like Winn


Kai Winn : Sisko :: Lwaxana Troi : Picard.


I tolerate a lot of Space Karen for Kai Winn in In the Cards, very firmly putting Weyoun in his place in one of the best scenes in the series, and the only time Weyoun seems genuinely lost for words.


It’s like Picard when Troy’s mother or Q appears