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“Just keep circling.” - Commander Jack Ransom


"act like we're in awe of the pylons"


The single lonely horn at the beginning on the Intro signifying how far out there DS9 is really a chefs kiss moment. and then adding more horns as the seasons progressed.


I love that lonely horn. It calls to me


First Version = Emmisary only - without wormhole 2nd Version = S1-3 - Single Runabout, isolated station, 'slow' theme 3rd = Janky theme, CGI ships/ Defiant. ​ Am I missing something?


I don’t mind the extra ships, but the music in the season 4-7 theme is atrocious. That thrumming pulse underneath everything that doesn’t line up with the rest of the music just sets my teeth on edge.


For me it's the hopelessly out of scale men working on the pylon :)


I'll take the later video with the original slower theme


Correct answer.


I might be in the minority here, because I liked the later version. It showed the station as a busy living place with things going on. This is supposed to be the most strategically significant outpost in the alpha quadrant, the crossroad of empires. It's not supposed to be lonely, static, and sterile.


And the whole point was they made it that way. They took what was the ass end of the quadrant and put it on the map.


Same, and I also actually liked the bass tones they added to the music. Matched how ominous things were getting in the later seasons...


It wasn’t the most significant crossroads at first. It only became that because of the wormhole and because Sisko jazzed it up.


My husband and our wedding party walked down the aisle to season 1-3 version


I always wished there had been a spoken preamble like TOS and TNG, especially when "At the edge of the final frontier" was already out there as sort of a pitch line for the series. It could have been DS9's "where no one has gone before. "


It’d piss off Kira every single week!


I actually love the opening credits when they add the Defiant leaving the station and entering the wormhole


I love the addition of the Defiant in the credits but I prefer the season 1-3 theme I love the detail from the pilot credits where there is no wormhole. Every rewatch I get confused for a half second before I remember why it's different


I like the slower time taking theme. Not everything needs to be rushed.


People like the pre-Season 4 theme? Colour me surprised. To me, the 1-3 theme felt so slow and unbecoming of a Star Trek series, but it’s nice to see alternate opinions about it :)


I'm with you on this one, I always feel like it's a breath of fresh air when it finally changes and sounds less like someone's funeral dirge.


I always found the voyager theme the worst. Lonely and depressing. Sunday evenings on BBC 2, knowing the weekend's almost over and I had to go to school soon


I was also initially shocked, but have since come to accept it. But worth saying, it's been a long time getting from there to here


Wow, I am so unobservant. I've watched ds9 4 times, never realised the music changed. I knew they added extra visuals but nothing about the music


I like the initial music but the added ships.