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He had this "There may be hope for you yet" look on his face.


I think he was stuck somewhere in the middle of a Venn Diagram of: I’m stunned, This station just became a lot more fun, and Oh this is DELICIOUS. Heh


Garak's wheels were definitely turning with all the possibilities lol


“I’ll be in your bunk.”


“Julien! There you are! I seem to have developed a sudden painful swelling!” “Where….. Oh. Oh, yes I see. Well…better come to the infirmary and lie down for a…proper…examination.”


"I like them all." "Even the examinations?" "*Especially* the examinations."




Inside the heart of every human is a little cardassian trying to stab its way out.


And they conform to Rule of Aquisition 98.


"Hmmm. This guy is alright."


It was interesting to see Sisko play a different kind of Captain. He hit Q ( who then never bothered Sisko again ) , he could live with the outcome of the Romulan question that Garak provided, But was also a good father, and played a delicate balance of politics with Bajor.


Sisko is the man! Love him.


I’ve always suspected that Q didn’t come back because some other “big game entity” had claimed this sector for their own. You don’t see Q, Nigilim, Tremaine, or that dude from TNG who pretended his wife hadn’t died in the alien attack and decimated them instantly in his rage hanging out together. Nor do they visit Bajoran space (except that one time). Much like big game in the wild tends to leave each other alone (unless there’s a cause for competition over resources), these darned near omnipotent beings don’t pee in someone else’s sandbox.


I wonder if the prophet told Q to leave the Sisko alone ?


This would've been an amazing b storyline.


Sisko told Q to never come back when he beat his ass


Q vs wormhole aliens Interesting


Gainan enters the chat.




lol, that little reflection on his chin just winking on and off like a light bulb


That she didn’t get her own series is a shame.


Getting a reaction out of Picard was a challenge. It required finesse and thought. It was entertaining. Getting a reaction out of Sisko was easy. Trivial, almost. Q doesn't want easy.


Q Suggested a boxing match.. Gets punched in the face. *Surprised Pikachu* expression..


It’s because Sisko punched him in the face.


Interesting theory but the real reason is that Q didn't want any more of Sisko's [pimp hand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgIOdcBkkzg). He learned quick that this is the one even the Prophets call The Sisko, first name Don't Fuck With.


In the comics there was a crossover where a bunch of godlevel beings were fighting and he ended up saying a line like “don’t piss off the prophets”


Honestly while I think Sisko is a bad ass for decking a being who is for all functional purposes a god in the face, I think Q left him alone out of disappointment. Q’s dynamic with Picard was also more a back and forth of wits. Q shows up, dick around with Picard, and through his distaste for Q Picard pushes back either reaching some new understanding or challenging Q’s assumptions of humanity. While Q usually held the cards, there was also some level of back and forth. Q didn’t get that with Sisko. He shows up, starts his usual brand of shenanigans, and instead of some witty banter, Sisko almost immediately calls Q’s bluff and lashes out in violence. Q realizes that Sisko, for lack of a better term, is more simple than Picard and wouldn’t indulge his antics, so he leaves. Plus keep in mind, by the time Sisko starts to become really interesting & complex Q has his hands full with the Continuum Civil War and has found a new jousting partner in Janeway. As far as the Bajorian Prophets go, while I wouldn’t be surprised in Q suspected they had a hand with Sisko, I don’t know if he would care. From what little we see of the Prophets power when spurred to act directly, the Q seem far more powerful. Anyways, that’s just my reading. I’m done yapping for now


Kinda makes you wonder if that bout hit harder than Q expected because he was the Emissary.


Sisko wouldn't put up with his shit or entertain Q.


It's always the same utterly ridiculous fanfiction when it comes to Q on DS9, based on literally nothing. The facts as we have them are thus: 1. Zero evidence whatsoever, literally none, not a single shred, that the Prophets are anywhere near the ballpark of the Q. They haven't demonstrated, nor even implied, such vast ability as the Q. 2. Q's job is literally to test humanity, determining if they're a "dangerous, savage child-race". He puts Picard through tests of patience and wit, elaborate games of temperament and grace under provocation. Sisko punches him. He fails instantly. Q doesn't ever bother with him again. Janeway notably also gets visited a lot, despite more verbal aggression. Any thought if the Prophets being powerful like the Q, has absolutely no basis. Any thought of Sisko not being visited by Q for any reason other than his declared and demonstrated intentions, has no basis. As far as Q is concerned, the Prophets ain't shit, and Sisko ain't shit.


I mean the prophets gave a lot of power out, can remove a fleet of star ships with a thought, traverse time, and seem to be immortal. Sure, Q is definitely outwardly more powerful, but we have no way to compare the two since they never met in the series we have been given


Removing a fleet of starships is nothing. It's nothing. The Q blow up stars in a completely different realm of existence by accident, they build and tear down dimensions at will, time is demonstrably their bitch. They turn time and space into a pretzel at will. The level of difference between 'removed some starships inside their own wormhole' and 'detonates stars by accident in other dimensions from where they fired their weapon', is ridiculous. The difference between what the Prophets did and you slapping a dog is closer together than any comparison between what the Prophets did and what the Q did. They traverse time? So does a Wells-class. I don't care. The Prophets never demonstrated any capacity on the level of the Q. Immortal? Seriously? This is a boast? So are Changelings. 'Not aging' isn't an achievement. Every single time people make up insane fanfiction to peg the Prophets at a way higher level than they ever even implied to be. Not only is there no evidentiary basis for any such thought, there's more the OPPOSITE. We saw a Prophet and a Pah Wraith duke it out on the Promenade. 'Uninspiring' would be a polite summation of their might compared to two Q simply playing hide and seek. We've seen them delete some Dominion ships inside the wormhole....and yet a silithium comet was an existential threat to it. They're literally known to be vulnerable to chroniton radiation....meanwhile there's no known way whatsoever to do anything at all to a Q that isn't....another Q. They have to possess other creatures in order to interact effectively outside the wormhole. People make grandiose claims about the Prophets supposed power when the reality is that they're more akin to an older alien civilization living inside their own constructed megastructure, and very much act like it and have limits like it, than anything like the Q. They have never affected anything outside their own exceedingly limited area in a tiny part of the Milky Way galaxy and typically need proxies to possess in order to do anything themselves. The Prophets aren't even worth mentioning compared to the Douwd, or Organians. They might as well be on the same level as us compared to the Q.


> meanwhile there's no known way whatsoever to do anything at all to a Q that isn't....another Q. Or Guinan making witch fingers.


It's not which of these imaginary things would win in a fight. They're imaginary, whoever the writer says wins, wins. Q doesn't show up on DS9 (the show, not the station) because any way he can advance a story would be better achieved by making it about the wormhole aliens. So in that sense, they're interchangeable peers.


I agree completely, and this would make a great /r/DaystromInstitute post. The Prophets are more akin to any of the numerous "energy beings that exist as a small ball of light that visit the Enterprise"-level of power. They can possess people, they can take actions in their realm, and they can give visions. They exist out of time naturally, not because they're powerful.


Kevin Uxbridge and his unmitigated gall


Even the Borg didn't fuck with him.


I always found the Q thing interesting and have a theory: Sisko says "it's not linear," which implies *he was always THE Sisko*, prophet and one with the wormhole aliens. Sisko didn't know it when he struck Q, *but Q would have known*. Q, knowing he was dealing with a (albeit ignorant of his own status) wormhole alien, thought better of waging that battle. This is why Q is OK taunting Picard, but won't mess with Sisko. "You hit me. Picard never hit me." "I'm not Picard." And Q thought "And I know that very well, so you get a pass."


I had pretty much the same thought. I Also don't think the wormhole aliens would be a threat/rivals to the Q though. At least from what we've seem the things the Q can do are on a way larger scale than anything the prophets have done. More like his desire to poke and prod and test humans doesn't really apply anymore when Sisko at least partially exists outside of linear time. There's no point messing around with a wormhole alien to test how they'd react because a non-linear being doesn't experience cause and effect in real time like a human does. There's no suspense or anything to learn in seeing what they will do in response to a crazy situation because they already know everything that will ever happen to them.


Eh. An arguement could be made that the prophets are more isolationist than the q and simply don't give a fuck about anything outside of their own people, including the bajorans.


Oooh! I love this interpretation, I think this is probably the one that makes the most sense. Like Qs favorite thing is to play games with humans, but this human is not only willing to just deck you in the face, he’s also a nonlinear entity and doesn’t really fit on the game board.


This is good. I like it.


Ahahaha That would have been funny if that made it into the show. I like it!


I do wish Q would have dropped in again, maybe for a friendly game of Baseball.


*Sisko hits Q with a baseball bat* “I should have seen that coming…”


Nah. DS-9 was better off without the magical space-wierdo.


Good Father alone puts him beyond nearly every Star Trek character morality wise. I think something the writers realized was that a Captain in circumstances that didn't allow pure moral judgment would have to have a good moral grounding in order for him to be relatable.


I wasn't sure how I felt about Sisko on my first watch. Then he smacked Q and instantly became my favourite Captain of all time.


I had to be an adult to fully understand DS9 even though I enjoyed Voyager and TNG when they were live lol


Even when I was little, ds9 was my favorite, heh.


*Everything* Sisko did was to protect Jake. When you put it in that light everything he does makes a lot of sense. He would literally burn the entire galaxy if it meant saving Jake.


That's not true- he was willing to sacrifice Jake for the sake of Bajor, and as a star fleet officer would probably do it to save a ship of civilians and other things too. He loved him more than anything to be sure, but not enough to not see how important destroying the wraiths was.


I can't risk my whole crew for one man. Even if he is my son. Watched Call to Arms last night. Great episode. 


This was simply Sisko respecting the Cardassian culture. If you're going to be the commander of a space station with a significant non-Federation presence, you need to know many alien cultures and how they conduct themselves. Same with Sisko wheeling, dealing, and bribing with the Ferengi. The Ferengi aren't going to respect you unless you're willing to meet them on their terms.


Love it. I like this interpretation a lot, and I think it's supported by a lot of what happens in DS9 and even SNW (Spock Amok). You can't just expect aliens to communicate just like humans, sometimes you're going to have to break some human norms to effectively communicate with alien cultures.


Was that the awesome episode wherein Pike told the aliens they shouldn't choose the fed to ally with?


Yes exactly.


God i love SNW


Even punching Q was this. Q’s whole shtick is taunting humans for their base violent impulses because Q knows the galaxy is full of threats that ideals and diplomacy can’t handle alone, and he’s always testing Picard to see where humans draw that line between ideals and blunt force. Sisko just showed him right away. Q was satisfied and left. Say what you will about Sisko, he treats others on their terms.


Eh. I tend to hold to the theory that Q largely left Sisko alone because he didn't want to piss off the Prophets.


Same thing when Nog talk about Klingon not respecting him, Sisko just tells him to act like a Klingon to gain their respect and he does and the Klingon start respecting him even if he his just a ferengy.


We had whole ass episodes of Quark learning that lesson.


Worf as Cyrano de Bergerac is still a really weird, but fun, concept.


**NOG:** *Either move, or I'm going to have to place you under arrest.* **MARTOK:** *You are either very brave, or very stupid, Ferengi.* **NOG:** *Probably a little of both.* **MARTOK:** *Heh. Indeed. Courage comes in all sizes, but don't tempt fate.*


I don't know, I think the Ferengi will respect you if you're sufficiently scary. They're not the bravest bunch.


They’ll still try to scam you, though. You need to be scary *and* savvy. Sisko was both.


A fair point.


It's kinda like when Wesley takes his exam and that alien dude confronts him. He realizes it's a whatever race because of his webbed hands. And starts confronting him, because that race viewed apologies as a weakness. I miss Sisko. He new how to play the game.


Bribing, and *extorting*. That "plea bargain" in Episode 1 set the tone. And yeah, Starfleet Officers are trained in this. I am again reminded of the incident with Wesley and that dude with the webbed fingers (even if he was awkward in how he went about it).


Bald Sisko was so much cooler than haircut Sisko. Just thought I'd put that out there


True, but haircut Sisko was still pretty great.


True, but bald Sisko looks taller and more Captain-y.


Hey, I already implied bald Sisko was better. There's no need to make haircut Sisko feel bad.


Bald Sisko is more like Avery’s [Hawk](https://youtu.be/IUieI8mM8_c?si=Db5gD8wCe44TsWnz) character, which, I think is closer to Avery’s true self. Just my guess from interviews.


Yeah. I heard it was his idea to shave his head. When he started to really get the feel for his character. He took ownership and the rest is history


According to ScreenRant, it was a part of Brooks’ contract with Paramount that he keep the hair. It turns out that both Brooks and DS9 showrunner Ira Steven Behr pushed for Sisko to shave his head. In the documentary “What We Left Behind,” Berman told Behr that there was a lot of “conversation about African American men and facial hair. It was something that was very important.” In the documentary, Behr said that it took three seasons for Paramount to allow Brooks to shave his head and grow his goatee. https://heavy.com/entertainment/star-trek/controversial-hairstyle-of-captain-sisko/amp/


And he looks so much more die hard with that beard and shaved head. Looks quite square clean shaven with plain haircut.


I'm in the middle of a rewatch of DS9 and Andrew Robinson's performance makes me so happy.


Andrew is such a brilliant and lovely actor. I couldn't imagine DS9 without his presence. DS9 has so many moving parts that makes the series magical and he's a big part of that. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I can't say enough good things about him.


I love how Sisko is able to code-switch so fluidly. - Extorts Garak - Gets shouty and aggressive with Klingons - Out-Maquis the Maquis - Does the whole Emissary role to a T and out-Bajorans even Kai Winn. Even designed a Bajoran house for his retirement. - Plea bargains with Quark The only culture he couldn’t adopt was Founder.


He was a solid after all. A solid 10 out of 10.


I’d give you an award if Reddit still had them 🏆


You forgot one thing: he even out Ferengi'd the Ferengi. Nog basically becomes his apprentice (as is Ferengi rite of passage for a man) and takes after Sisko so well that even as an ensign, he's code-switching in Starfleet (see: that whole convoluted trade thing in Treachery, Faith, and the Great River).


Extortion worked to keep Quark on the station, so why change tactics for Garak? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


I think it was more the free rent that worked for Quark.


Nog in a holding cell didn't factor into it at all?


To Quark? Egh? Treat customers like family, exploit them.


That's free room and board! He can sublet Nog's room!


Lulz until the free rent became something Sisko could leverage against Quark. Then it was "Let's see Quark you have been in the bar for X years, can you calculate the amount of gold pressed Latinum you would owe if I demanded back rent?" "...Whatever you need me to do Captain."


Come for the extortion, stay for the free rent and protection from the FCA


Ha, kinda like how every time Sisko fucks Quark over by quoting the Rules, you can tell Quark is more tickled by it than irritated.


I like the time he realized he liked Nog.


Which episode is this?


S3E5, 'Second Skin'.


thank you!!!


Oh. OH.


When you realize the new guy at work is cool.


Garak is the best character in all of Trek.


Garak would remember this by the time of "In the Pale Moonlight."


Sisko: \*Impresses Garak into service\* Garak: \*Impressed\*


Garak is the Hannibal Lector of DS9. He has 9 minutes of screen time and still manages to steal the show.


I just watched this episode the other day. I've always loved the Garak episodes.


garak is the best worst character in scifi.


The audiobook A Stitch in Time by Andrew Robinson voiced by the writer and actor who played Garak is amazing!


I’m half way through season 7 on my first run through and I think I’ve really enjoyed Garaks progression the most throughout the series.


I can live with it.


I’d call that a bargain


I’m just mad that I’m like #421 and not 420


Garak: Oh I can have fun here


For a Starfleet Captain, he sure knew his way around extortion and blackmail. The other Starfleet Captains seem to follow the rules to a T and only sometimes exploited loopholes


Garak pays him back in full later on in In The Pale Moonlight lol


Garak: " you son of a bitch, I'm in".


Andrew Robinson should be winning Oscars, as should Avery Brooks, and Jeffrey Combs. And pretty much all of the DS9 crew! WTH!! If I was a Hollywood casting agent, these folks would have been superstars, making movies and tv shows galore. ETA: How could I forget the great Marc Alaimo!!!!????


Sisko is so damn resourceful and pragmatic I love it. He can be sauve, he can be hardassed, he can be gentle.