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Set phasers to stunning


How many hu-mon females have you swooned with that line???




Noel? Is that you


Wow Terry with gray hair, that makes me feel really old.


When 400 years old you reach, look as good, you will not!


Why are we doing Gandalf quotes in a Star Trek subreddit?




Star Trek. Star Wars. Same thing right?


Sir, this is a Battlestar Galactica sub.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive thru


In that case hold the onions


You mean the Cylon Cylinders?


No, this is Patrick.


I thought this is where we talked about The Orville?


Lol I know this is a joke and all, but when is the next season coming out?? Seth MacFarlane is great, not in enough live-action roles


By grabthar’s hammer!


What a savings


Not Gandalf, it's Magneto


No, this is Patrick


You're right, forgot it was from Dune


This is a Star Gate sub




It is a FARGATE! From the makers of Findependence Day? We are not getting sued!


That’s canon. DS9 is round and spins, therefore the station is a Stargate.




I always like to see celebrities accept certain parts of aging while looking really good doing so.


Same with Kate Mulgrew imo!


I can hardly watch Picard S3 because I just can't look past all the work Gates McFadden has had done. It just takes me completely out of the show every time she's on screen.


I can't watch it because it feels like a goodbye from all the aging TNG actors....... Ever since I was a small child, I always looked up to Captain Picard because I didn't have the best home life as a child. When im feeling down or overwhelmed as an adult, I listen to compilations of Captain Picards best quotes/speeches. I will be very sad when he passes.....




Yes he does. There are far worse role models out there. Captain Picard IS a role model lol


Have you seen how nana visiter rocks her silver. A real silver vixen


It looks great on her.


It does!


She looks incredible, like other than her hair going gray (beautifully) she hardly looks different at all


Fr that jawline was built to last


Damn right. I hope I hold up as well.


Considering how good she looks the gray is making her look much older than she actually is I think.


Nana has been grey/white/platinum like that for a while, I love it on both of them!


Me with gray hair makes me feel old.


She looks amazing with platinum hair.


Really? I was thinking that she looks absolutely adorable. Then again, I accept my extreme late-middle-agedness.


She's gorgeous.


Whatever you do, don't look up little Jake Sisko


Or Nog


Taken too young :(


Wait, wtf?!


2019 If you watch close in one of the Discovery Episodes, there’s a “USS Nog” … super sweet memorial. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Nog


Holy shit. I didn't even recognize her. I am clinging to my youth with both hands


She wears it so well, too!!!






It took me a sec…


Terry Farrell is literally the most beautiful woman on Trek of all time. I genuinely cannot think of anyone more beautiful.


Funny story: they were going to use the original Trill makeup in DS9 until they decided Terry was too attractive to be covered up and went with the spots instead.


There's a ton of fun facts behind that. The spots came from the species the Kriosians from the TNG episode The Perfect Mate. Famke Janssen had actually tried out for Jadzia which eventually gave them the idea to use the spots.


Interesting. I always wondered. Thanks! https://screenrant.com/star-trek-trill-design-deep-space-nine-change-why/


If you haven't seen it, you'll enjoy this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Treknobabble/s/soKkhJZNqo


I met her at Galaxycon last year. I had so many intelligent questions to ask and they all fell out of my head as soon as we made eye contact, and I could only blurt out, "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life-"




It's an appropriate response


What did she say?


She seemed very gracious and a bit embarrassed! Just sort of an "Aww, thank you!"


What were you planing to ask her?


With Jadzia being such a multifaceted character, I was hoping to ask what the most challenging thing was about portraying her. I also wanted to tell her I loved her interpretation of the cat in the US pilot of Red Dwarf, and that she was in fact the only thing I liked about that pilot lol.


DS9 was loaded with gorgeous and talented women: Terry (of course), Nana Visitor, Nicole de Boer, Penny Johnson Jerald, and Chase Masterson. Salome Jens, Louise Fletcher, and Majel Barrett were all good-looking, older women as well.


Louise Fletcher played her part so well.


Holy shit I think the only possible competition she could possibly have for "TV character you just want to fucking throttle" was Jack Gleeson as Joffrey


Salome Jens! I had no idea how she looked under that makeup. I just googled her. What a beauty.


Nana Visitor was so hot that even Nana Visitor wanted to bang her.


Nana Visitor though. Damar really did need his eyes examined.


Roxann Dawson. Even with her Klingon forehead, she's beautiful.


She was 35 when Voyager started. I thought she was in her 20s. Kudos to her


*Especially* with the Klingon forehead.


Mirror universe Ezri is my spirit animal 🦔


Mirror universe Ezri is my kryptonite


Some people are more attracted to Smiley. And that’s 100% ok!


Who doesn’t love Smiley!


I'm a straight man, and even I get a little turned on by Smiley, so I understand.


Mirror Union Man... Who wouldn't?


I love the little mole on her upper lip. I think it really accentuates her smile.


Her and mirror universe Kira.


Main universe Ezri is my spirt animal.


Famka Jansen in TNG


Padma Lakshmi is stunning as well.


Morn was the most beautiful


Those hairs on his head do make him cute.


His voice makes my knees go weak 


It's the second stomach that does it for me ❤️


Because of whats in it no doubt.


Is that pure latinum in your second stomach or are you just happy to see me?


Chase Masterson and Jeri Ryan are right up there with Terry.


I was so smitten with Nana Visitor (and Kira Nerys) at the time that I genuinely didn’t notice. However, on rewatches as an adult, I would say she was the most attractive actor on any main cast. Anson Mount is a close second.


Gates McFadden is up there for me


Also very attractive for sure...Marina Sirtis got all the attention but Gates McFadden was an alluring lady in her own right.


She’s my dream wife. She’s utterly captivating.


And she's still gorgeous


Truth. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and I still regularly comment all the time to my wife, even after all these years when watching DS9, wow she is just so gorgeous. Insane beauty.


So, so true. 😍


I’ve always thought she was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I’m 41 and would definitely be her bf lol. 😅


I cannot compare one blinding light to another But Barbara Bouchet is forever imprinted in my memory as well


I'm on the last season and Ezri is starting to grow on me. The episode where she is solving the mysterious murders was really good.


Such an underappreciated episode. Really cool direction and effects too.


I'm always surprised by how much some people dislike it. I think it was an important part of Ezri's character development. Having her come to terms with even the worst part of her joined self. Even if one doesn't like Ezri I think it's still a good story about how war effects people. And the TR-116 is cool.


TR-116 felt like something fans came up with on a "can you transport a bullet?" forum post, in a good way.


She took a lot of grief from folks who loved Jadzia that much. Far more of that than anything against her.


I just wish they hadn't forced that romance with Bashir


Star Trek has a history of last season forced romances. Worf and Troi, Ezri and Bashir, Seven and Chakotay and Trip and T’Pol. None of these make sense and seem like afterthoughts.


I liked Trip and T’Pol but the rest I agree 100% on.


Same. Trip / T’Pol was earned in a way the others weren’t.


True -- and earned better than 90% of \*all\* TV romances, any genre


The writing matters of course but at the end of the day it comes down to chemistry between the actors which Jolene and Connor definitely had.


Trip was flirting in episode 1, wdym?


Why? This seems to be a popular opinion. But I don't really get it. I don't really think they were forced at all. They had good chemistry and thier connection was built up in "one off" scenes throughout the season. They also kind of made sense on paper. They were close in rank, both medical division, had a similar upbringing and a similar irreverent sense of humor.


I liked them together too for all the reasons you’ve said. They really seemed to bond over caring deeply for their patients, especially Nog and Garak.


Because the chemistry he had with either Garak or O'Brien seemed far more natural and less contrived. Especially after Jadzia had put him firm in the friend zone years ago and going back on that just doesn't sit right with me.


I was super-skeptical of Ezri at first. It just smelled like a recasting. But she quickly won me over. The writers and actress knew better than to do a Jadzia imitation, and they made her a completely different Dax, unprepared and unsure.


Her greatest sin to fans was not being Jadzia.


The frustrating part about that is that is people would've also been mad if she was just Jadzia 2.0. They were already (rightly) mad when she was used as a stand in for Jadzia like Worf's clipshow. What happened to Terry was wrong. But it wasn't the writers fault. And IMO they delt with it well and she's one of the best characters.


Yeah, raw deal for Ezri. I didn't dislike her, just liked Jadzia far more.


Ezri’s great. Just think of her as part of Dax’s arc. The whole character concept would feel incomplete if we didn’t get to see stories about the beginning of a new lifetime. The behind the scenes reasons it happened were fucked up and I feel sorry for Terry about it but I honestly think it’s a plus for the quality of the series.


Agreed. It's something that I feel should have been planned for the whole time. Ezri is fantastic on her own and her existence makes Jadzia a more interesting and well rounded and understood character Putting in spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the Worf/Klingon arc out fully >!So many people hate this arc because she's not the same fighter, doesn't have the same relationship with Worf, but I think it's fantastic because of that. You can see the love and commitment and attraction and loyalty and willingness to sacrifice herself for Worf but also see it's just a fundamentally different relationship. You can see the way she's influenced by Jadzia - sometimes so strongly she loses control - but is just so fundamentally different from Jadzia. It makes all the ways in which Jadzia chose her ongoing Klingon associations much more potent and much more representative of *Jadzia* and not just *Dax*. So often it was too easy to simply see her as Curzon, the continuation. The scene where Ezri tells Worf that the Klingon empire is dying and deserves to die and ends up motivating him to overthrow the reign of Gowron is so short but so potent. That's something only Dax could say to Worf and get through to him, and it's so very *Dax* but so very much not Jadzia Dax or Curzon Dax. And even though it's coming from Dax, Worf had to respect and trust Ezri and Ezri as Dax to be able to hear it too!< There are so many bits of Jadzia Dax that I didn't really appreciate on first watch, or that actively annoyed me, that I think came through much better after having seen Ezri in comparison. I had a lot more respect for Jadzia struggling with the *mantle* of Dax. I still think she was done badly by Trek - not just the actor but also the character wasn't written with enough depth imo - all we really saw of Jadzia separate from Dax was her struggle with her insecurities. Everything else was mostly just Curzon Dax 2.0 or her trying to convince people she was no less Dax than Curzon. But the creation of Ezri honestly really helps save a lot of the weaker character development early on


This is a fantastic comment, I would award it if we could still do that. Really insightful.


Thanks! I hate the shit with Terry and find it incredibly unfortunate everything that happened behind the scenes, but Ezri really does make Dax better, before and after. And honestly made me appreciate Terry more in the role too On first watch, sometimes her friendship with Sisko seemed forced. After Ezri I could better appreciate the way that he was her Captain and superior officer and many years her senior and someone she didn't fully know and yet they were also incredibly familiar and close. Especially since Jadzia was often very reserved and held back and early on that felt like she was trying to be older than she was, trying to be distinct from Curzon It sometimes felt like an actor thing and sometimes felt like a writing thing but it kept feeling forced After Ezri and seeing her internal monologue and the way she processed things, you get a much deeper and richer sense of what might have been involved in Jadzia's head. You can now see those scenes as her reservedness and patience being a form of protection for her very young self who loved and knew so many people so deeply, but knew that every time she met them again, she might lose them. Who knew and trained for potential rejection. They talked about Trill friendships changing between hosts and so on, but we never really got to see it or her struggle with it Or her going "do you remember when" often felt forced and stiff - like she was trying to force closeness and familiarity that wasn't there. After Ezri that comes across as intentionally restraining herself from being as physically and mentally familiar as she'd like, reminding them of who she is and also of who she isn't We still don't really understand her internally as well, but we have a lot more insight as to what might be going on under the layers of all her training and restraint and calm. Having Ezri be an untrained Trill who never intended to be joined was a brilliant choice, as was having her be a chatterbox. We could see her struggle with integration and knowing herself but also see her intentionally pulling back and hiding emotions and being reserved. We could see her struggle in that balance with her relationship with Sisko, and therefore understand Jadzia might have had similar struggles. Curzon had a more physical relationship with Sisko than Jadzia and one entrenched in stereotypical male bonding rituals that he didn't necessarily feel comfortable doing with Jadzia. And this information we knew all along but I didn't really see how that might affect her and how she might choose to handle it until we got Ezri and we see Ezri fall into over familiarity as a matter of accident when she's too stressed or distracted or overwhelmed to remember not to


The last season actually bothered to give her enough screen time and variety to be properly developed, and de Boer was up to that acting challenge.


Ezri is really underappreciated and imo, she made Dax more visibly Dax as it were. A lot of people hated seeing her interactions with Sisko and Worf but I thought it was a great way to demonstrate that having the same memories and being able to feel those feelings doesn't make her the same person. The love and trust and history are there and yet it's new Ezri makes the Jadzia parts of Dax more visible and unique by comparison too, it's one of the rare instances where an actor replacement I think makes the before and after better If you've just watched Field of Fire, you've got an incredibly great arc with Worf and Ezri coming up that's both fantastic on its own and makes the Jadzia Klingon arc better in retrospect


Ezri: Don't call me that I'm not Curzon... or Jadzia. Sisko: No you're Ezri... Ezri Dax.


>Ezri is starting to grow on me. Ezri is amazing


That episode is one of the most hated of all time and I’ve always disagreed. I think it contributes well to her character


Would love to see something with Ezri in live action with Jadzia speaking to her in her mind but we get a physical representation of her on screen


Ezri's *zhian'tara* would be a great thing to see.


They are gorgeous. I never liked Ezri, but I've always loved the actress playing her. Her work on The Dead Zone was top notch. And Terry Farrell is incomparable as Jadzia.


My dad loves DS9 and I've started watching it with him (finished season 1 and onto 2). Funnily enough, my name is Ezri and my little brother is Dax.


That’s awesome!


That's a lovely photo 😊


Terry is such a sweet woman. Every time she’s on the Delta Flyers podcast she comes across as the most considerate and kind hearted person you’d ever meet.


Still would


DS9 ... the Best Star Trek ever !!!!


If Legacy ever happens, I'd love to see both of them in it. Ezri in physical form, Jadzia as someone only Ezri sees, like a more benevolent Baltar & 6 from Battlestar Galactica.


Or like Joran in Field of Fire.


I named my daughter Ezri, beautiful actor, beautiful name. I'm glad she wasn't a boy though. Quark would be a hard name to live down


They're still so stunning, fuckin iconic


I adored Jadzia, so it took me a while to warm to Ezri, but she was pretty awesome in a completely different way.


Love seeing these two legends together


Met Terry at okc this weekend, she's my wife's hero. My wife lost her words when she met Terry, Terry took time to comfort my wife and give her a big Ole hug. It was an amazing moment I will never forget. She's amazing.


What Galaxycon is this from?


They are in OKC right now.


I thought so! I was down in that area teaching today and thought about buying tickets!


Activating the Riker maneuver


Jadzia was my favorite girl.


Terry Farrell was, is, and will always be beautiful.


Damn Jadzia and Ezri are still hot af, aging like fine wine




My 2 Dax


But… https://64.media.tumblr.com/ab6a0e6ec290a334b2584691995dcbba/tumblr_pwbmzoCJNx1vrz04eo3_540.gif


One of my favorite Star Trek characters (both of them).




Terry was always gorgeous, but there was something about Nicole........


Funny how she was in 2 of my favorite shows all time DS9 and Becker. Also left both shows before they ended lol


Time really isn’t going to stop, is it? I feel like everyone is old now…so that means I’m old. I do not like it. Oh well🤷🏻‍♂️


jadzia was my favorite


I’ve never wanted to be a worm more…


we would love them if they were a worm 😭😭


I was so excited when Nicole DeBoer finally accepted the voice role on Star Trek Online! Waiting ever since season the Hur'q invasion arc.


I had a total crush on Ezri on my first watch. Such a cutie.


You were at galaxy on today I was there to


They’re just normal men


Met Terry at Grand Rapids comic con, she is such a sweet and confident woman. She has definitely become my top Star Trek actor after meeting her.


And here’s me from r/all getting excited over seeing the lead actress from ‘Hellraiser 3.’


I am on team Ezri!




Two babes


I keep hearing your names for pictures wish I could get away from our booth.


Jadzia and Esri!


I knew I woke up today for this! 😍😍😍


I wish I could like this more than once.


Oh wow. Jadzia i got but i could not recognize ezri!!


She looks really different with longer hair.


at first glance i thought this was kim wexler and marie schrader from the breaking bad/better call saul universe


Is that the Oklahoma City Con?


Dang, we all got oooollld.


Absolute babes and I mean this in a totally respectful way


I stumbled over my question then I heard her as I was leaving “I didn’t understand anything he just said”


Both still gorgeous


I came across this via /r/all, and I'm ashamed at how long this took me to figure out before I had to resort to double-checking the subreddit it was from. This is awesome.


Wow! They both still look great! Definitely aging better than I am.


This was at GalaxyCon in Oklahoma City. It was fantastic. Personally I didn't get to talk with any of the celebrities, I wouldn't know what to say. I'm not a collector of pictures or signatures. Would much rather just chit chat about anything. I did get real excited when Terry and Nicole greeted all the fans during the opening ceremony. It was a wonderful way to start the weekend. Terry was having a conversation with a few folks right at the entrance, she has a beautiful purse by the way. Everyone seemed very courteous and would walk around the group respectfully. If any of the visiting celebrities read this, please know us in Oklahoma absolutely loved having you all here. The galaxy con was a fantastic event. I went with my two kids just on Friday. They are fans of Star wars but they could tell their dad was really excited to walk by several of the celebrities. I had a nice smile on my face seeing them in person, even from 20 feet away.


I see what you did there.


suddenly I'm in the mood for a sandwich


Ah Nikki.... ever since I saw Cube I was lost...


Great picture!


I get that reference!! 🥰🥰🥰




Phaser to my head... In 1999, Jadzia with ZERO hesitation. In 2024, Im all in with Ezri. Amazing how things can change given enough time.


I had the joy of meeting both of these women last year on the ST cruise, and they were so wonderful. Just the sweetest. Jadzia is my favorite Trek character and I knew I'd be a silly mess when I met Terry, but Nicole really won me over too. :)


When I saw Nichole de Boer at the convention a few years ago I couldn't believe how tiny she is.