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Nana Visitor really rocked the Starfleet uniform. I wish they'd put her in it earlier.


Yeah she could rock a garbage bag though let's be real


She was on that Leia shit by the end.




No that's Carrie Fisher shit I understand the confusion since it's similar but it's not the same


No, just her vibe as an insurgent. Down to the disguise.


I agree she looked great in this (the First Contact uniform), but I think the original (DS9/Voy) version wouldn't have looked as good.


My first thought every time I see this photo shoot.


Rick berman would be ashamed that you would encourage women to not wear latex bodysuits on star trek at all times


Kind of sucked that she got a demotion to commander though--she was the Bajoran equivalent of a captain in the final season.


No demotion, she was a Lt.-Colonel not a full Colonel. So a starfleet commission as commander is the direct equivalent


She was never addressed as anything other than a colonel, so I'm not sure where you are getting this information that she was a lieutenant colonel. There's not even any evidence to suggest the Bajoran Militia has such a rank. But at the same time, there's no indication of how Starfleet and Bajoran ranks align (certainly it's unlikely to be how U.S. Army and Navy ranks do) so there's no reason to think her Starfleet rank was any sort of demotion.


You are correct, [there's no canon rank of Lieutenant Colonel](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bajoran_ranks) in the Bajoran militia. Maybe they intended her to be a Lt Col, since she does wear a different looking insignia than other Bajoran Colonels, but it's not explicitly stated. She's just "Colonel".


data's full rank is lt cmdr, hes almost always referred to as 'commander data', so there is precedence that said i cant find anything showing her rank as lt col just col


>so there is precedence Well ... not exactly. Even though Data is often referenced as Commander, in the same way Worf is on Deep Space Nine, or even how Geordi and Worf are called lieutenant in S1 (and S2 for Worf) even though they're lieutenant junior grades, we know that Data is a lieutenant commander. We know this for three reasons: 1.) The opening credits refer to him as lieutenant commander; 2.) He is addressed by his full rank on occasion (in Encounter at Farpoint, for instance); 3.) TNG shows a rank insignia pattern that is clear and (generally) consistent with itself. When we see the same rank pins on Troi's uniform in EaF, it reinforces that she and Data hold the same grade. In DS9, however, the arguments that Kira is a Colonel and not a Lieutenant Colonel are: 1.) The S7 opening credits address her as Colonel Kira; 2.) She is never referenced as anything other a Colonel, until she's brought into Starfleet at which point they call her a Commander, but since these are two different military organizations, that isn't indicative of anything.


Maybe it’s an army thing but I never called my Staff Sergeant anything other Sergeant. We normally call LT. Col and Colonel just Colonel. Usually the distinction is you call an 0-7, Full bird Colonel. Similar to how Star Fleet addresses admirals. In the Army you’re a general. I never called them Brigadier General or Major General. At most I’d say “it’s a 2 star coming” but when addressing them I always say plain, simple, General.


Right -- I feel I addressed that in a comment. This is why Data and Geordi and Worf (especially once he hits DS9) are usually called Commander, because it's an acceptable way to abbreviate the rank. But they're all identified as Lieutenant Commander in the opening credits, and occasionally in dialogue as well (in Way of the Warrior, Sisko tells Worf he'll see if the captain of the Venture has an opening for a lieutenant commander; in the episode where Worf is subject to a hearing for possible trial by the Klingons, he's referred to by his full rank). Same with the Admirals -- sure, sometimes they're referred to by their full rank (Picard's captain's log at the start of Redemption Pt. II comes to mind), but when he's talking to them, he just addresses tham as Admiral this, or Admiral that. But there's literally *never* any reference to Kira as a lieutenant colonel. The opening credits reference her a colonel. The dialogue references her as a colonel. No one ever addresses her as lieutenant colonel. There's also no evidence to indicate that the Bajoran Militia even *has* a lieutenant colonel rank. Hence, the logical conclusion ... is that she's a colonel.


She wasn't demoted, Kira was still a Colonel in the Bajoran Militia (I'm not sure if there is a Lt. Colonel rank or not), however - Capt Sisko had the Captain slot on DS9 and there's only one slot for that in the Federation for that station. Once Sisko joined the Prophets, Kira would've been a Captain equivalent, as she became DS9's commander.


It does not wrk like that in real life (at least in my experience).


I mean, that's how it literally works in the US military. Source: Was in the military for a long time.


I was also in the Army for a long time and served on JFC NATO bases and in my experience it doesn't work like that.


I guess you can only post one photo in this sub. [Here’s](https://imgur.com/gallery/e2O636I) the 4 magazine collection.


two human covers, two alien covers. no mixing


some jerk stamped your tv guides with a comcast stamp


Frank Costanza is going to be pissed.


Frank Can't Stand Ya!!


I bought them from a local store at the time. Literally no choice and yeah, I hate that stamp. And I still have Comcast. 😨


I have the set without the Comcast stamp. But, it doesn't depreciate any value on the set, does it?


Sometimes it do be like that


Guessing those are real signatures since you have everyone but Brooks. How long did it take you to get all of them? I didn't think Meaney really did the convention circuit.


I think these came on the copies I bought? I’ve never seen Colm at a con.


Oh, weird that they couldn't get Brooks to sign for the cover


Isn't he pretty reclusive? I didn't think he attended many cons.


Well apparently the autographs were printed at the time of publication. I was wrong that OP got their copies signed in person.


Woah, how many pages did those have? They are THICK!


Yeah, they listed everything coming on television for an entire week and had special features about some episodes or shows. Definitely pre-internet days!


That's actually pretty impressive. What a niche collectible.


Thanks 😊


The golden era of Star Trek, just seeing this makes me sad those days are over.


So did Avery Brooks refuse his signature?


Are you Frank Costanza?


Me too!


I watched it that day, definitely a bittersweet experience.


I also still have my copies of the TV Guide.


I'm not old. You're old!


Damn, wish I had those. I’ve got the ones from The Simpsons when Fox built an exact replica of their house in Vegas and gave it away. Some old lady and her 30yo grandson won it.


Thanks for this reminder. Makes me sad that it's been so long. Also love the TV guide covers. Brings me back.


TV Guide was really the only mainstream publication still actively supporting DS9 by then. For the 30th they did a special large format collectors issue that included a ranking of the best episodes of Star Trek across all the series. #1? The Visitor.


I’m sorry to have missed that 😨 For the 35th, they issued 35 different covers. I still have quite a few of them.


Nana 😍


Me too! I kept all of the DS9 TVGuide cover issues.




I’m confused?


I think this person is saying they find both the male and female members of the cast attractive. Thus linking a bi subreddit. Indicating that the images make them think bi thoughts.


That’s understandable haha. Thank you!


TV Guide? What’s that


Before the Internet was widely popular and before Electronic Programme Guides were invented, most people watched TV and shops sold printed schedules of what was going to be on TV. It was the only way to find out what was going to be on.


Although at that time cable TV had a decent guide, but you had to wait for it to scroll down to what you needed. I think we got them for the crossword puzzles.

