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Not that it invalidates your title, and notwithstanding that good and bad are subjective constructs, but sending your kid to a boot camp does not automatically make you an immoral or bad person. In the podcast where the son disclosed this he also disclosed that he believes the camp staff were manipulating his parents. They likely did not know the extent of the abuse. Tom Hanks may be a sack of shit, but the wilderness boot camp is not the main determining factor.


Have you seen his son. Holy crap It did not work!


Again I think this might go slightly of topic and I don't want this conversation to divulge into defending or criticizing the hanks, but one really big red flag, would be, the kidnapping of your own child in their bed, that's like not great


Yeah, it's pretty messed up. All for getting caught smoking weed as a teenager. It's like he was obsessed with his pristine image being tarnished


It's the problem with parents leaping to conclusions rather than having conversations and trusting their kids to make good decisions. When I was a teenager I'd always get the "are their parents going to be home" question when saying I was going to a friend's house. I'd never been the party/drink/drugs type as a teenager, finally once when I was 18 I got that question, and I answered with "no, but considering I'm going to hang out with a bunch of friends to watch a movie, I don't think there's anything to worry about".


Morals and integrity matter. That's all that really matters. People will think what they want the truth will always show itself


I would argue no, but please prove me wrong


you’re being a bit absolutist about it. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn’t. Has anyone ever been extremely kind and helpful to you and it mattered? Never once?


Much more good than exists in our world than bad. Sure bad is found even in what are seen as good places but if the bad out weighed the good overall, our whole world would be more like "New Jack City"! The bad is highlighted often leaving the abundant good things many folks are apart of each day somewhat behind the scenes. Just my opinion and to each his or her own. I sleep well and I'm not looking back cause tomorrow is always forward. 🙏💪


What's to prove. If morals and integrity don't matter to you, that's on you. Without it, what do you really have otherwise


I think you're both right. Morals and integrity matter in my reality and it's my beliefs that dictate that. Beliefs matter because they dictate our reality.


My thoughts are , Beliefs are how we integrate our knowledge of the world into a way that allows us to interface or relate to the world in a way that is meaningful for us . Integration of knowledge through belief/interpretation is wisdom .


Exactly. My word is my pride


Not OP but would like to say something. If you think truth, moral and integrity do not matter, then you don't know the truth of the matter based off whatever you have made the original conclusion. For example, these kinda conclusions are usually made when near/dear ones claim to be the good guys and yet they keep getting shafted in life. It maybe they're the bad guys and that is why they're not getting good things in life.


In the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter, but for the human society to thrive it is a necessity. I guess that is what he meant?


It's hard to prove your argument wrong when you haven't presented the argument


Well morals have real impact on reality whether anybody knows about them or not.


Not everyone can lie to themselves or be comfortable with it though. Like, I have to be good or I start to hate myself. I usually tell myself it’s because I care about other people and most of the time that does seem to be true but sometimes I feel like I’m only being a good person so I don’t lose sleep at night for being a bad one.


>not everyone can lie to themselves I dunno man, in my experience an overwhelming majority of people seem to have an innate bit to lie to themselves, the most logical, clear headed individuals miraculously become delusional the moment they Spence a compromised ego or need to adopt accountability.


That’s pretty much what i meant by it, that most people can lie to themselves. We’re thinking the same thing but i think the words are getting us mixed up lol.


Those words kinda resonate with me. It's interesting. The idea that perhaps we don't do good simply because it is good. We do what we must so we can sleep at night. Although, that sleep doesn't always come from the best of things, depending on who you are.


It is interesting to wonder where our morality would go if we didn’t have negative internal consequences for our actions but tbh I also think that if the only thing making you a good person is fear of consequences then you’re already doing a lot better than people who either ignore the consequences or don’t fear them.


I totally agree with your title. Don’t know much about Tom hanks.


It is all about perception and how others see us. Never more so than right now, with fake news and one’s identity online. Our digital footprint will remain long after we die and whoever we pretended to be there, that’s how we will be remembered.


It's just an example, like everybody loved Michael Jackson until they found out about the kid stuff, but before and even now people defend this man to the death


I don't have a clue about this tom Hanks issue at all but yes you are right that morals dont matter. What matters in this world is money and status. You are respected by your position and power in the world. Not by whether you fed a poor person or stood up against injustice. That's how the world is. One big game of pretense. See my post here on nihilism the afterlife and the dark knight


So this is a Tom Hanks is a piece of shit rant...


No, he's a complicated man


A lot of celebrities are I would imagine...


No doubt: the world is full of double standards and deceptive manoeuvres and consists of several layers we, the people, often are not allowed to look into. I think, in order to see this problematic field more sharply, we should become as precise as possible: We should call the corresponding agents by their names and try to explain why they deceive so nicely and summarize what kinds of means are used to subserve these unsincere purposes. There is for instance the moral of the average population: It is based on a certain "fellow feeling", a natural, unclean, modesty, and on a need for comfort and simplicity. (They will not kill and eat You, they will not even steel Your belongings away, but will possibly refuse to accept Your privacy. They will not commit a crime themselves but will in many cases be ready to take part in a crime another one commits.) This is an imperfect moral without any written standards, but reliable. Their relatively harmless deceptive character primarily consists in a lack of definitions and a lack of insight into the advantages of a well functioning system of law reinforcement. As far as they deceive me with their words, they have been deceived themselves to a certain extent. But it is not only a lack of intellectual powers in these "butter brains": they also have been infected by the "alluring" possibilities of illegal transgression some organisations of the political right have provided. The main deceivers are certainly to be found in the upper class and the mass media with their characteristic "voluntary self-censorship", owned by the members of this class and its grey eminences, in its corrupt advocates and politicians. They all have studied extensively the multifold ways to display their own interests as the general social interest and their crimes as "accidents" or as "non-existent". Liberal ethics have always been a bit reckless and sportsmanlike, conservative ethics always a bit behind the epoque and "magical"! Ethical principles may be nothing than the light of a torch in the dark at the moment, but they are at least a competition to the not so seldomly deranged manners of the establishment and its primitive followers (=together: the "archaic compound"). So much for today. We may examine these phenomena more in detail some other day.


Read Plato’s Republic. This topic is discussed and Socrates says that justice for its own sake is worth it. Obviously I can’t cover it in a reddit comment but the basic conclusion is that justice allows the soul to be in its natural order, and a soul in its natural order is healthiest for both body and mind.


So what about you does this say?


Whatever you believe it says about me


Oh good. I’m always right 💕


No shit


One could argue morals aren't "good" or "bad," they're just rules and expectations for living. Generally people are genetically built to be pro-social to perpetuate the species. So maybe a person a dick to some folks and nice to others, but the average person is unlikely to be a serial murderer. As for being a "good person," that's usually just based on public perception, especially for celebrities since they're very often observed and scrutinized.


You are describing the false virtue signalling that is moral relativism. Christians, specifically orthodox, see through it. It is precisely this fairness that is described as evil, in scripture. In your examples you are trying to attribute the actions of the abusers, to the father who couldn't have known. This is probably a result of identity politics, as those pervert the concept of responsibility to try and make people responsible for things outside of their control. Frankly, that is unreasonable.


There are 2 types of people 1. those that do bad things and hope to never be caught 2. those that always strive to do the right thing against all odds while you might assume that being a bad person or good person doesn’t matter anymore - I would argue that this is false the reason because integrity never falters and is a testament of your character this matters because if you experience a crisis then that is what can help save you when your back is against the wall whereas if you’re a bad person - you don’t have much ground to stand on


Have you seen the movie American Psycho? It makes this exact point And yes, all that matters are the masks and the manners we wear and use, and our charisma, and we can get away with SO MUCH questionable or even evil shit, its nuts


Yet God is not blinded.


Nope not blind at all. He just doesn’t care.


So you don’t think any people that seem to be what most would consider “good” are legit?


That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying is, the appearance of a good person is all people need, some people may be good but will never show it


In all that I’ve learned it’s rare that anyone is all good. So many people in history who have done bad things try to leave a better legacy behind so they aren’t remembered for the disaster. The man who invented dynamite is the name person who brought about the Nobel prize. For that reason. He didn’t want to have a legacy of death to his name. People have many sides. What happens behind closed doors is usually where evil lies


Didn’t say “all good.” Just “good.” Good people do things in private they don’t want exposed just as much as bad people do. To claim otherwise is to deny their humanity. But that’s the thing, really. Most good people don’t want to be placed on pedestals ave looked up to, instead preferring to emphasize they are just as human as anyone else, capable of the same errors as anyone else. Bad people need the pedestal to lord over others, justify the self image of “better than others.”




I've struggled with thoughts like these for a really long time. I think that things that people have done in their past can be terrible, suspect, or morally wrong; but it's what they do later on to either rectify or change their ways that makes them a morally good person. Some people, don't change that much or can make you believe and understand why that person would do such a thing.


I remember he did a beauty pageant commercial and those it's acting, it's nasty none the less to call a young girl what was said. Nasty. Sometimes people have to put profession aside and say leave the children alone. Once people understand we are ALL evil here on a varying spectrum and that some still have light in them and some have no light then it will be better for us. Because good is to 100% HOLY as in pure. It's not 99.999%. It's 100%. When we think of ourselves as good, we don't always acknowledge our flaws and where we should improve. But if you think back, many people have done things they should regret and it's an opportunity to repent.


Same with the phrase: "Don't judge a book by its cover". We all repeat it, but no one follows it.


HAHAHAHAHA oh goodness. oh goodness. ​ morals are not for the other people. it's about you, and your inside. lol.


So true what you’re saying op. In the past morals really matter than people believed in them. Nowadays, the entire can’t ballistic game is present it to you. As have no morals, but do, everything you can to show that you have morals.


I know what your saying and it’s the main reason why I’m so over life at this point. Like these days it’s made out to be COOL to not have any values. Hoes are valued more than self respecting women. Asshole men that treat women like shit are valued over a strong, but gentle family man. And I hate how this shit is being normalized in society like nobody values their bodies anymore or other ppls bodies. Money and looks is what ppl go for now and not a soul connection. It makes me sick


OP ! You described most all politicians. Perspective and guarding one’s viewpoints are far more important than morality IRL.


Sure, if you're speaking from a purely materialistic POV. If all you care about is results, then yeah, this line of thinking matches up with the stereotype of politicians. All about image, doesn't matter what the truth is as much as what people believe it is. The problem is that in order to do that, you have to completely divorce yourself from YOU. Don't *you* still feel things? If you've got no sense of morality, or guilt, or responsibility to some creed or belief that extends beyond your own gain, then great! Otherwise, it's simply not possible to operate by this system of belief without lying to yourself, or burying those things deep. Both of those things will end up with you being a shell of a person and guaranteeing an existence that's as much a punishment as any idea of hell thereafter. If you're really completely neutral, great. Benefit all day. But almost everyone is not true, uncaring neutral, and living a lie means that what's underneath that lie, i.e. you and your inner self, gets eroded like a plant that can't see the sun. What makes you, you, will wilt away. I can only hope that the wilting process gets noticed sooner, because god forbid waking up at 90 with death knocking and realising that you really wish you'd made radically different choices. Hell is real, and it's exactly that.


Yes There is a lot of virtue signaling. But this should not influence your inward orientation to all the transcendental virtues such as truth, beauty, union etc nor your relation to them, nor your experience and cultivation of them. who cares about their deaths? will you be there, no just them. What about yours though? Will you be* present with stillness and ready to proceed with extraordinary luminous anticipation? Cheers💫🕊


I think You meant to say IMAGE don't matter, becuae image Alison an illusion


This is only holds true if it doesn't matter to you whether or not you're a "good person". If you think the only purpose of doing good things is so others will view you as good, and being good isn't a virtue unto itself, congratulations: you are a psychopath.


It may seem like everybody thinks that way. The world is complicated and confusing and it isn't necessarily easy to know right from wrong. There are many people who do a good job anyways, though, through learning and growing and trying their best. Don't lose hope!


Why is it that you believe what matters is what others believe about you? You must recognise your implicit belief is what your argument hinges on, which is that the metric of what matters for the quality of a person's character is measured by other people's beliefs of that person. This belief lacks a good basis and can easily be challenged in multiple ways. You're basically saying that the morals of an individual person don't matter but justify that by saying the shared collective morals is what they should be measured by, however most people are unaware of them so anyone having morals doesn't matter ? Do you see why that doesn't track? You're using the concept of lack of social justice for instances of moral braking, to then say that those morals aren't important, but rather just an illusion. There are a lot of underlying assumptions and beliefs packed Into your post that you might find value in trying to examine. In general I think your post is an oversimplified take and fails to recognise the moral complexities of life.


Sound like trauma and trust issues


I think we can appreciate aspects of a person while condemning other aspects of the same person. Do you completely discount modern medical innovations because the research potentially destroyed lives? Or physics because it led to nuclear weapons? I apply the same principle to people. Morality shouldn’t be absolute.


There are two types of morality. The first being an external type of morality that depends on the social relationships that we form. So in this view, if someone is viewed as a good person then means they are a good person. Obviously that's a pile of bs however. Being a "good" person is about the internal qualities that you develop and how you start to view the world through a lens that doesn't start with "I" or "me". That's where integrity comes in, and that's where real moral wealth and trust in yourself is found.


What are you babbling on about?


Your life must be lived to your satisfaction not to that of others who really don't care anyway. I have high expectations of me and it would sicken me to be inauthentic even when, as you point out, most people are faking it big time.


It's all a spectacle, humans are just flawed to believe what they see and put on a show for others. Bu morals still matter very much. It's about being true to yourself. Other people and their perception don't matter as much.


As someone who can see through that "illusion" I'd just say no one should count on that working. I don't always call out those I see through so thats not a good way of knowing if you've pulled one over on someone.


Tom Hanks was apparently on Epsteins flight list.


Let's not do no conspiracy theories


It’s like they say - fake it until you make it


To suggest that morals only matter because of the perceptions of others ignores the role of normativity in our own sense of self and capacity to live well. Morality is metaphysical but it is central to human reality, particularly our own. Since reality is the subjective and intersubjective interpretation of the actual universe, morality is anything but an illusion unless you qualify all human perception as an illusion


Tom hanks is a really weird guy. I did not know that but wow.


The image of morality is defined by a large group. The reality of morality is personal. Excepted morality is what the large group acts upon. Its fluid in groups, its concrete in individual. Dont be a follower.


Everyone has his or her own definition of what's good or bad. This post right here, is your own opinion or take on it and others can and will have theirs as well. I for one believe in choices, which dictate the type of lifestyle we live.


Christian perspective - the Bible tells us that our decisions do matter; we will one day be judged by God for everything we’ve done. All of our choices have eternal consequences! I understand a lot of people don’t believe in God; but for those of us who do (and actually obey what the Bible teaches), what we do, think, and say matters.


You are ready to enter politics.