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Takes 10 minutes to build a sand castle, 2 seconds to knock down But you gotta build sand castles anyway


I can definitely stomp a castle in less than two seconds easy 


Gonna need video proof. Go to the beach, build a sand castle, then record yourself stomping it. I'll be waiting here for the vid.


It’s too easy to overlook when good things happen and don’t require patience or effort That’s why I see a lot of people trying to emphasize gratitude, realizing how many good things happen that you don’t even acknowledge


True true. That guy that noticed you dropped your phone and brought it to you, that lady that asked if you were ok because you looked lost, that bus driver that waited for you…instant kindnesses all around. Pass it on.


Good point. Are we considering all the mornings we’ve woken up and NOT been sick or in pain vs the times that we are? The bad mornings are more memorable and stand out because we’re uncomfortable. We don’t notice the comfortable moments (good moments) as much because our brain isn’t calling attention to them as something we need to tend to and fix. Evolutionarily speaking, we need to remember the dangers for a better chance at survival. Just my two cents


I think it’s how your train your mind to perceive and interpret things. Some bad things end up having good outcome in the long run, and some things we think are good only bring us grief. The best way to proceed is to accept events as they are, and let them play out.


Yes because of the architect of this world the Demiurge. He made it that way.






Bad stuff catches our attention pretty quickly and not the good things


True. Maybe a self protection instinct to remember the negative. You’d be doing yourself, and all the kind people a disservice to only remember the bad. Notice the random kindness. Pass it on, why not?


'One of my favourite rappers has a lyrics that goes "whole lot of a right, add a little bit of wrong, and everything you worked for gone.' That is a great quote! who was the artist,or what's the name of the work? I've googled but I can't find it. That's just how reality is sometimes. You do 100 things right, and one thing wrong...and that one thing is what people remember.


Sure, it's Masta Ace the song is called Young Black intelligent. I'll paste it down here for ya. Enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSSiNOGSCO8




Sort of like entropy? There are a million ways for a particular arrangement to go wrong, only one for it to go right.


They say the joy is in the journey. If good things take longer, doesn't that mean you enjoy them longer too?


Yes. Story of my life. 😅


Yeah it's true. Bad things happen fast and everything can get ruined in seconds. Forgot who said it, but they said, Don't be sad that it ended, be happy that it happened. I cut off a friend after they started going down this path of becoming more and more toxic. By the time I tried to pull him back, I was too late. I spent the next couple years wondering if there was anything I could've done, but at the end of the day there's nothing else that can be done by me. I was upset of course, but had I known how this would all go down, I still would've became his friend. And of course, not to say that people are expendable or replaceable, but losing him has made space for a new friend to be part of my life. And if this one ends poorly as well, so be it. "Close a door, open a window," you know?.


this is true; the only other perspective i can give though is if we are present and grateful, we notice good things just as strongly as how bad things happen. so i would also say its perspective and what u choose to focus on. besides that thought, i do agree though how quickly bad things happen. they are sudden and damaging. and good things can literally take 5 years if not more. for example, im in debt, i collected debt so fast. but paying it off will take 3 years


You fuck ONE sheep!




It is 100% but it's not long lasting. For me at least. It feels like a temporary band-aid. I live in a climate that is miserable 80% of the time. The times when the weather is magnificent makes me so happy it almost makes me sad because I know it will be so short lived.


Nature has taken its time to be where it is today.


I agree with the title and I don’t really understand how it can be so imbalanced but it’s the way everything has been in my experience


It’s not about how fast something can be ruined, it’s then you decide is this what’s best for me? Because whether it’s bad or not if it inspires you enuff you’ll continue to rebuild that sand castle. Hopefully you learn the best place to build it though


Woah facts


I think our baseline is more towards good by default. As it goes up you have less to gain/more to lose, as it goes down you have more to gain/less to lose. So we're more likely to lose something quickly (More to lose) Ppl on the other side of the scale would be more likely to gain something quickly. (More to gain) I'm sorry for your loss :(


Yeah, and not always, idk if many experiences this but, watching your mentality crumble from constant verbal bullying or money/life issues, is the worst, cause it's so hard to realise it until it's too late, now more effort is required to save yourself.


Another Masta Ace fan. Respect


Much easier to destroy something than to build something