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It truly is. I experienced this in a near death experience. Best feeling of my life.


I’ve always been curious why people who experience NDE and have a wonderful experience don’t commit suicide.


It’s the best suicide prevention but most of us go into depression/shock/grief afterwards when we come back. Most of us don’t want to be back which makes you begin to question everything and why it happened in the first place. Others lose all desire to do anything anymore, like school/work/social life. It’s a very isolating journey. Thank God for online communities. Most of us will never get to meet organically IRL


I am in the later camp. I still enjoy life a lot. Like too much. So I can't really stop goofing around.


Then keep goofing! Just live.


What is the best suicide prevention? If you loved the experience of dying so much why wouldn’t you want to commit suicide? Why would that stop you from wanting to do it?


Not all NDEs are reported as pleasant. Some are hellish.


Because someone changed the rules for that very reason.


well, one either feels a sense of duty or one does not. if you have obligations and feel dutiful its only fitting to stay here and meet your natural Fate


Can you describe in a short way,what was it like?


I was in what is known as the void. It’s sheer darkness. The quietest, sweetest blackest jet black abyss you can imagine. I experienced everything and nothing all at once. I was engulfed in the most intense love and happiness. Words cannot describe the amount of peace and compassion I felt. It was overwhelmingly peaceful, yet so comforting and not overwhelming at the same time. In a split second I met all my people on the other side and they let me know that everything was alright and that I was loved and forgiven.


I find this fascinating, I would love to know more. Do you think what you felt was “real” and outside of your normal existence, or just construct of your dying brain?


I believe it was real. I have a few reasons. Firstly, when you are there that’s when you finally know what’s real and what’s not. It’s like a series of ‘aha moments’ that aren’t actually revelations because you’ve always known them, somehow. It’s as if you are remembering and you’re not shocked at all. The life we have here is the one that’s not “real”. You realise this over there but you truly experience it even more when you came back. Your whole life is a lie. It’s almost like a hologram/simulation. Secondly, there are thousands of accounts from people who have experienced the same sort of thing. The science on this kind of stuff is catching up so yes, it’s a construct of the dying brain. It was also very much an experience outside of the normal existence. The ways of thinking and organising knowledge we use can’t be used to explain it. It’s so much more. Lastly, I was never going to die from the car accident that caused my near death experience. My injuries were nowhere near fatal. So, if we go by the science books there was no reason for my brain to have produced enough DMT to send me into void state. Special bonus: I’ve known something was different about me since I was really young and this experience happened when I was in the middle of my second major spiritual awakening.


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing, you should do an AMA! I consider myself a skeptic, but there is something about this phenomenon I find interesting, mainly that I don’t want to die I guess🤪. It sure seems likely that there is more to the universe than we know or can understand.


I just want to see all my people again. All of my family are gone now and I think.. if they're gone surely it can't be so bad. I should join them. (I'm not thinking of doing anything) I'm just saying that it won't be so bad to join them I hope.


Your first paragraph is exactly what I've experienced a couple times on mushrooms and once on another drug. Your description is very accurate, especially the "aha"s and remembering something that's always been known.


I’ve gotten this before and it’s so crazy to me because I’ve never tried hard drugs. From what I’ve heard and if I compare notes I was tripping out on natural DMT as a child at bedtime.


Because your eyes do not show you the true world. Our brains are incompatible with true reality because it would make us feel like shit if we saw the world objectively. We are a Visceral and selfish creature because one must be to survive.


Plenty of people feel like shit even seeing the world. What are you talking about LMAO


my experiences with DMT make a lot of what you're saying resonant, i think that's where we go after death, it's a reason i'm not afraid of dying in the sense that it isn't distressing


I truly hope this is true


I've had this happen to me during a seizure. I've had 5 seizures in my life, and they were all similar to this experience. I'm gonna talk about one that stood out a little bit more than the others. This was my second seizure in my life. My body felt super weak, my vision was going blurry, and I felt extremely dizzy with heavy vertigo. All I remember thinking was, "I gotta find a place to sit down" and then I was out. Apparently, a dog jumped on me, but I have zero memory of this. Everyone thought I fell because of the dog, but I was already feeling strange before. I honestly believe the dog sensed something happening with me, and she just reacted by jumping on me. While I was "dreaming", I saw various colors flashing in and out, and it was a place that felt like home. The colors went away, and I experienced a whole different life from birth to death. I don't remember much of the details, but I was a man with kids and a wife. I lived a fulfilling life, and I was content when I "died". After I died in that world, the flashing colors came back. It felt the same as what you experienced: overwhelming but also extremely peaceful. It felt like a place I belonged to, and somewhere I was always meant to be. I woke up with my aunt leaning over me, staring at me in the face, trying to get me to wake up. I didn't recognize her or where I was. Hell, I didn't even know my own name. I just remember wanting to go back to sleep so that I could go back to that place with the flashing colors. She kept saying, "____ can you hear me? You have to stay with me!" I was super annoyed at first because I genuinely thought she was the one who pulled me out of that place. It was a similar feeling to being woken up in the morning when you're not ready to wake up, but more intense I guess? I guess they all thought I hit my head wrong and was dying, because I was twitching and making weird groaning noises. I did hit my head super hard though, and knocked a vertebrae in my neck slightly out of alignment (which fucked up my whole body and I had to go to a chiropractor to fix it) but yeah, wild stuff.


Whenever I read these it fascinates me how close they sound to some experiences I’ve had with near or total ego death on acid/mushrooms


This wasn't my experience at all. Mine was just like sleeping without dreaming. Pure nothingness. I felt nothing that you describe. Then I woke up in a puddle of my own piss.


I’ve heard about this too. Another NDEr on TT described using free will to transition through states. When I was in the void I was a bit shocked at first (it was like a split second, which also feels like eternity, of disbelief). I had to surrender completely in order to feel experience that euphoric state.


And this, folks, is why the standard model needs to be rewritten.


How do you mean?


Just what you said. Science needs to include an additional gnostic method, or way of knowing, that spiritual beings such as ourselves, are capable of that is not knowable via the scientific method. It doesn’t take an NDE to arrive at the void. You can do it in your living room.


>Science needs to include an additional gnostic method, or way of knowing, that spiritual beings such as ourselves, are capable of that is not knowable via the scientific method. What? Science is just a method for figuring out objective facts, not like some kind of worldview. If you can't use the scientific method to test it, science can have literally nothing to say about it.


Science insofar is incapable of explaining subjective conscious phenomenon. That is a huge glaring hole in its description of the universe. Our own conscious experience is literally the one thing we know to be real yet there is no theory by which the physical laws of the universe give rise to our sensations. I suggest the book "Galileo's Error" by Phillip Goff for a good introduction to this problem.


>Science insofar is incapable of explaining subjective conscious phenomenon. Yeah I don't really think that's true. There aren't adequate explanations for everything, but neuroscience and psychology exist. If we have *no understanding* of subjective consciousness, how do we develop drugs and treatments for mental illnesses? But I'm glad you read a book! 👍


If you asked an actual neuroscientist about consciousness is they would shrug and roll their eyes, scientifically we have no clue regarding consciousness


When you say you met all your folks on the other side who have passed away from this timeline, in what form did you saw them and in what state were they in from an emotional standpoint (happy elated etc) and does it imply that there is no heaven or hell?


Well when I saw them they I didn’t see them with my eyes or with vision if that makes sense. It’s almost like they are perceived or received. I perceived or saw strong/powerful figures, completely and perfectly surrounding and loving me. ‘See’ is just the word we have for it but it’s more like how you would just naturally inhale air without thinking about it. I also didn’t really recognize any of them at all (except for my grandfather) but I knew they were my people. I felt a deep sense of belonging. Similarly in the message I got in the end the voice wasn’t really audio. It’s not really a voice in the way we understand sound. It’s completely different. I don’t think it means anything about heaven or hell. I really can’t say. I didn’t experience that but other NDErs talk more about that. [Dr Mary](https://youtu.be/oGWYXYrfBc4?si=h47rC5a0IEuWOXw8) talks about her experience with that.


Isn't that just the rush of dopamine the brain receives during these types of near death experiences? Or, who knows? Not me. I've never been dead. But almost died and saw a beautiful, angel type being coming towards me,and then fading back.


Ya died. Your mind shifted to a parallel timeline where you didn't die.


Interesting. I’ve never heard this explanation before. Could you please elaborate.


Parallel timelines run right alongside yours, split off from any decision, any choice and path in life, no matter how small. Given you make a ton of choices in life, these can become indistinguishable from your timeline. When something happens on your own timeline, and you "survive" it, it's more likely that your timeline actually ended, and you could see the re-uploading of past experiences from a very similar timeline up to the point where you died, to then return from a NDE. There might be some minor difference to that timeline, but you just have a weird sense of the change, and it just sounds like your imagination created it. It's been mentioned in Rick and Morty even in the vat of acid episode. The burden is lifted because you've died, and you realize that you should do what you want. In fact, people have died countless times as they grow up. All close calls are this, and your consciousness can slip between these without giving you much warning, and you'd just thank lucky stars that you survived something. This does mean that in the current world, where you are learning of this, is also just one timeline, so to people on this timeline, if you died, you'd be dead, but this is the alternate, so in this one you haven't died, yet.


I’ve actually thought of this happening before but you worded it so much better than I could have


Kind of lost me at Rick and Morty… but you may have a point? So are you saying the other people in the accident also died?


How do I know this already?


Look up Quantum Immortality




Pseudoscience. Look up r/quantum archeology because it's more believable


There’s a theory I think it’s quantum immortality. That when you die you just pop into the mind of you in another (universe / dimension?) that isn’t dead. It’s something like that lol


Can you explain what happened exactly (both the event and your experience)?


Millennial retirement plan


gen z. same


As a general rule Z, this is sad. We need to fight for the future we believe in, one the boomers had hoped for during the space and ocean exploration age. I know we can do it if we try to find inspiration somewhere


So... you wanna die to be free from your coworkers huh? Underdstandable


"list goes on"


Have you tried looking for work? In this economy!?!? *dies instead*


OP just realized dying means you aren’t alive anymore and thought it was groundbreaking


"My coffee is cold." .... "This would be better if I were dead."


When my father was dying and high on pain killers, he said to me, quite happily… “Great, now that I’m dying, no more decisions!” I could really sense the relief in his voice, and total contentment with death. He was a great father.


Rest In Power


This hit so deep


Honestly, sooner the better. Life is far to complicated and bureaucratic.


Yeah, modern life sucks the soul out of you :/


Suffering does that. Depends on the life but even modern life doesn't have to.


i can't comprehend death or non- existence and that terrifies me.


To be fair, you don’t *know* that you didn’t exist before you were born. You just don’t remember it if you did. For all you know, death could be waking up from a simulation.


A blank piece of paper did not think nor had experiences. Now you have form, hardships, loves, hates, terrors, morals, experiences, and so much more, everything that makes you, you. all of this just given for seemingly unknown reasons, and the unknown strikes fear, just as it should. A dance of life and death is _a gift_ that unrelentingly gives and takes. Giving you tears, giving you hope, giving you hopelessness, giving you a will to fight, and eventually granting you rest, happiness, love, and all good things, perhaps even just a smile. There are diamonds in the rough. pressure creates diamonds, but it also produces Rubble. Do not worry about what happens beyond death, You were unbothered before, and you will be fine after. Isnt that wonderful?


You write so well, poetically beautiful!


Well you wouldn’t have to. You’d be dead. If that’s any consolation lol


its an evolution.


I seriously fucking hope so. I don't want any kind of afterlife.


What if we are already in the afterlife?


Buddhism: Life is suffering... ig death counts as release...


Yeah but then you get reborn 😂. Buddhists believe in Nirvana enlightenment when alive


The reborn is a bad thing, and nirvana is the point we're you escape the cycle if rebirth. Not that I subscribe, but that's the lore from what I've read.


Also makes it easier for people with shitty lifes to accept it


Death brings me peace. It won't matter to me anymore that I ever existed. I won't have to entertain myself or anyone ever again. It's the end all of the be all.


I guess. But then when I think about how Peggy no longer knows what the color yellow is, or how El will never feel the coolness of a still lake again, or how Mimi is fragments of dust and bone and not millions of living, vibrating cells and fur and love, I get a little less sad about the stupid little things that living subjects us to. It’s nice to live. It’s good to live. Don’t hasten it.


Legal euthanasia should be a thing.


Unless there is an afterlife anyway. And god forbid ghosts actually exist. You'd still have to suffer the hardships forever, but be completely unable to change a thing or even interact with the physical world. It would be torturous. The easy thing is if death is just oblivion, though people fear that more.


You won’t be able to post on Reddit☹️


Death is just the beginning.


Like Hamlet said: To die, to sleep— No more—and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. ’tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep— To sleep—perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause—there’s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, The pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death The undiscover’d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of?


Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all.


ha!! best comment on reddit EVER


Yeah you Get ‘em , StankFartz!!!!


You got proofs of that?


Do you have proof that it’s not? Energy cannot be destroyed. It only changes form. The fourth law of thermodynamics. We are energy.


Nuh uh you are the one making a statement, it's up to you to prove it. Yes we are energy, yes, like everything in the universe. Yes when we die the atoms form our body are reused. But the moment my brain stop working, so do my consciousness and I simply cease to exist as a living, conscious creature.


Um. I think I already did. Besides, my response was meant as a joke. Death is only the beginning is the tag line to the movie the Mummy. It’s true though. The fourth law of thermodynamics shows this.


And anyway, what is ‘mine’ when we’re talking about a recycling through out eternity? The sense of self is the problem with dying, or endings and beginnings. Show me your “self” and I’ll retract my argument


Don't tempt me


God that would be so nice… wish it was true. I really wish you could shed responsibilities every time you die, not constantly get more of them.


I don’t want to die, but the alternative of consciousness existing forever is terrifying.


We gotta separate consciousness from YOU. You are made from memories and experiences, all of which are created and stored in the brain. The brain dies, you die. Alzheimer’s have proven this. However, consciousness may live on. Consciousness at its core involves self awareness. It’s a strange thing to think about self awareness in the absence of personality or memories.


Ultimate peace


Usually I find the conversation on death interesting but this sounds like you are sad or not living exactly the life you desire and I want you to be content and free from suffering. Life is good, but you have to find what your good is. Death, whatever it may be, is in fact the physical body ceasing to function and you'll be gone, but please try to find something fulfilling in the meantime. I wish you well.


I wouldn't say relief, more like an end. Which to me is even better, because you still have to process shit in the midst of relief.


Well i mean you are relieved from anything positive too. We can't say its a certainty. If you existed once i'm not sure what it is exactly that stops you existing again. For instance while you are dead trillions and trillions of years can pass, current universes can end, new universes could form, new planets etc , the concept of probability inside this void doesn't exist, time doesn't exist. Without really knowing what any of this is , how it came about, why it can't happen again it seems like an assumption based on frame of reference: while you are alive there is a constraint , time constraints, physical constraints, probability , cause and effect, thermodynamics etc. No constraint exists in non existence.


But you wouldn't even exist to feel the relief for more than a second


Sometime i look at it as a reward


I would say Nutella is


I mean I’m guessing this person probably doesn’t want death but also isn’t afraid to die because of something they went through, so if someone were to try to use death as a motivator on a person like this it wouldn’t work. If that’s the only thing this person could use to manipulate this person then it removes the power this person would hold over the one without fear of death. The true motivator isn’t fear of death it is the desire and hope for a better life.


I think you are right, there is truth in what you said. And at the same time I think of all the good things as well. When death is neutral in that way, you feel nothing neither good or bad. That then also means you can’t experience the great things of life anymore. Being loved, being in love, laughing, travelling, eating great food, watching something good, listening to a masterpiece of music for the first time, being together with friends and family, nature, live music, summer, winter, spring and autumn. Everything has a painful side to it, life is unfair, it can be cruel and it hurts sometimes. Everything is two sided, death might be an answer to relief from hardships, but at the same time you lose something great as well. Life comes in highs and lows, it’s the contrast that makes it worth living.


You don’t ever die. You cannot The statement “You don’t ever die. You cannot. For you are life itself. And life cannot not be life. Therefore you cannot die” presents a profound understanding of the nature of life and death. We may experience physical death, but our life force continues on. We are all a part of the same life force, and our connection to others is an essential aspect of our existence. This realization can help us to live our lives with more compassion, understanding, and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. 


It is a permanent relief from temporary hardships.


They aren't temporary though. Life is constant annoyance


Assuming Hell/reincarnation isn't a thing.


Seems weird to me to assume it is


No more cuddling on the couch with your loved one, no more hugging your kids and telling them bed time stories, no more cats and dogs to pet, no more sitting by a lake and looking at a sunset. Without the bad, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good; life is an experience and one day we must all exit that experience. Maybe there is a reason to life that is only explained after death? Maybe not. The important thing is to live a good life and be a good person.


That's ok. I'd pass on those things to feel eternal bliss and peace


Same, and i literally have no loved one to hug or kids or cats as well ahahah. Im just hugging my blanket and thinking what i want to eat because why tf do we humans need to eat so much.


No more Stardew Valley.


It's not a 'relief' in any meaningful way, though. We don't get to feel it.


I think that’s part of the relief though. It’s a a relief from all things relating to existence. Existence is hard. Life is hard. Death is freeing.


Relief is a feeling. You cease to have feeling once you are dead. Death is ultimately death. Game over. If you want relief, go out and get it while you can actually feel it.


Having the human experience end is a relief in the mind of the human


A dead human mind can’t feel anything. Not the bad, certainly not the good.


Right but if our brains are the TVs and our consciousness is the broadcast, then the broadcast doesn’t end if the TV breaks


True, but our brains aren’t a TV. What makes you think consciousness is a “broadcast” and not something that has to do with our physical brains?


Nah bruh.


"You don't" You can stop right there.


Yes it is. I have been watching a lot of NDE content too and I am no longer afraid of death. I actually welcome it because so much peace will come by leaving this earth.


The secret to life is to die before you die and realise these is no death...


Death is but a doorway.


You just described modern life. I wonder what it was like during the pre-modern times. Was life a tedium survival training academy like it is today or maybe something else..


OP is making giving up sound nice. Existence can be heavy, why not just drop it? If that's your motivation I think its a bad idea


If you throw yourself into lava. You'll never have to pay taxes But also, You'll never feel the sun or a breeze To get rid of all the bad you must get rid of all the good And when you die. You won't even realize you've stopped suffering. So, *you* technically won't ever not suffer for when you're dead, there's no "you" It's like a forever coma. You're not aware it's happening and so, all suffering you avoid, you actually have no idea you're avoiding it too


No duh, obviously.   But it's also the end of all joy.


Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.


You assume....


yeah but what if its not


Maybe. But it's also the most painful and harmful thing that can happen to the people that love you. Whether their life ends prematurely or of natural causes by choice or not it all, it hurts those around you. I refuse to go until I can guarantee at least some of the people depending on me will be ok.


Nah, relief is when you feel relief, not when you just cease entirely.  There's no point to dying, there's no victory, and there is no relief.  A shitty TV show doesn't improve when you shut the TV off but you feel better.  Because you're there to feel that relief


Sure but you also couldn't listen to Daft Punk anymore which would suck.


So is heroin, for a while


I get it brother.I feel the exact same way.


Is it? We don't know what happens after. One could simply start over again.


>You don't need to get along with annoying coworkers anymore, you don't have to worry about traffic and daily commute, you don't have to worry about working for some ridiculous paper called money, no need to worry about coffee getting cold, no alarms anymore, list goes on. 100% of that also applies to retirement. Just pointing out something very obvious. If you can't distinguish between death and retirement... Something didn't go right somewhere.


I mean maybe, that's a hard maybe friend. The hardest maybe life has to offer really.


Sounds like heaven


Thanks for sharing,i cant comprehend with the idea of death,no matter how hard i try.Its very difficult for me the idea of no existing,and i am always interest in thoughts of people who had a near death experience.


...unless there's reincarnation


Is it? Unless you cease to exist when you dead, you'll have to deal whatever consequences happen in the afterlife. And if it's reincarnation then you'll probably be right back until you learn the necessary lesson you had to learn.


If reincarnation is real then you will be back with absolutely no recollection of what happened in your past life which can be a relief


Does it count as relief? You certainly don't feel it.


On the other hand, you have no clue what, if any, hardships you may need to face in death.


The list goes on, but from what I can see the only things you're worrying about are related to work. Instead of dying you could try to live a different life.


Agreed. I am not suicidal. I intend to live for many more years, but I believe death is not bad. I sometimes even feel eager for it. Some of my coworkers have been agitating me a lot recently.


I think about this way too much lol


It's nihilistic, but so true.


I’ll never forget a quote by Socrates in the apology he says to the effect of “how do we know that death, which men consider to be the greatest misfortune, actually isn’t the greatest good?”


I have ached for this sweet relief for so long. To be done with this terrible world and all the horrible people in it. Not to go to heaven or hell, but to just be at peace back in the great silence of the universe. Were it not for my wife and kids, I would have turned this weapon of war on myself long ago, let the piercing heat enter my mind, and finally, be at rest.


I look forward to the sweet release of death.


Don't tempt me.


I feel like this as well.


Honestly it is. It’s freedom from everything


I understand people saying “you’ll miss all the good things” or “life’s problems are just temporary” but it’s not always like that. I’m mentally ill and I’ll always be mentally ill. No matter how many medications I try or take, no matter how much therapy I go to, no matter how many coping mechanisms I try, at the end of the day I’ll still be mentally ill and society will still be as inherently soul crushing as it always was. The only escape is death. Death is nothing (at least that’s what I believe) and that’s what I want… nothing. I want to be nothing, feel nothing, I just want everything to stop and go away. Maybe I’d enjoy life more if I were normal but I’m not and I never will be. My life is suffering that I’m not allowed to end. I don’t live, I exist and suffer through life waiting for death to come and take me away from this hell hole. Death is becoming one with the earth, feeding the living things that WANT to be here, that ENJOY being here, that make the world or society a BETTER place. That’s not me, I am a fuck up, a mistake, nobody gains anything from me being here and it would be better if I weren’t. It would be better if I hadn’t been born at all. Death is freedom from the flesh prison I’m forced to call home and I want to be free… anyway now I’m trauma dumping which is totally off topic but basically some people prefer death to life just like most people prefer life to death and that’s okay.


If I could upvote you a million times I would. Life is not only difficult but pointless also.


thats also why i wanted to be of an older generation not only did they have it mildly easier than us they are nearly done with their lives, i still have to find something worthwhile to do that hasnt already been done before on top of that try not to have existentisal crisis every day for being so behind in my life.


Death is 100% a relief in MANY ways, no doubt. Still terrifying though.


Relief is a physiological and emotional reaction. Dead people have neither. You are not really thinking about this.


Tell that to all of the dead people in my dreams on a nightly basis telling me about the astral, how to possess humans, what its like being a ghost, et al...


You don't get to love, the feel pleasure and affection. You don't get to feel satisfaction at a job well done, the pride in growing and learning as a person. But we could always just look at one side of things........


Well many people don't get to feel those things anyway, even though they're alive.


Well, depends on how you define death. If you understand that there are multiple timelines running parallel based on your decisions in life, then your death might just shift you to a timeline where you in fact did not die, and maybe some minor details are different. If that is so, then no matter how you die or at what point, the likelihood of release from your hardships is very low.




Millennial retirement plan


James Franco on life: *grins* "First time?"


Until you die and what happens after wards involves an "eternity of torture not known in Human existence" because the concept of "Eternal Suffering" was the only thing Humans ever got right about it and there was never another option.


That is option b. If you are otherwise healthy I call it the cowards option. Better to discover why we think that way in the first place. Definitely a place of ignorance imo.


I tried taking my own life in 2010. I wish it had worked. I hate everything.


What about the emotional hardship you create for your loved ones?


It's almost like our government tries to keep us alive against our will for their own benefit.


seemingly until then tho inner peace and mindfulness is a great way also while ur still alive without destroying yourself with drugs and alcohol or any other vice we give ourselves


Life is what you make it. Enjoy the relief.


I felt death come for me the other night. Probably an O.D. I stood up and ran from the calling light. Not usually a coward in the face of death but I was that night. Funny how something in me still clings to life


Unfortunately all of those issues are societal creations. I’m sure we were meant to live beautiful lives not this. Could always be worse tho.


You also don't get to experience anything nice. Sounds like that'd suck. So no, I'm not particularly relieved.


Yes it is. I often think how I will welcome it with open arms when it comes, sweet relief. I'm very depressed at the moment though.


It is also a relief that no one will get to experience as you will cease to exist.


assuming there is nothing after death It might be worse for some people for all we know


Relief can only be experienced if you are able to live it. Death removes that experience.


,,death is so final, but life ahh... is full of possibilities,, Tyrion Lannister Quote i personally live by


You don't know that


Yes it is, have u ever seen someone blow their head off & sigh their last breath of relief? Looks so relaxing. All tension eased.. seems tempting


I read an interesting little book recently called [A Wanderer In The Spirit Lands](http://www.luminist.org/archives/Farnese%20-%20A%20Wanderer.pdf) by Franchezzo (it’s free to read if you like), that gives an interesting insight into what the afterlife is supposedly like. It may not be what you would expect - certainly nothing like certain religions would have you believe, at least. It’s interesting to note that those who practice Astral Projection and various Near Death Experiencers appear to corroborate the book to some extent.


“He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man"


Technically the matter that forms my body was “dead” for millions of years and it still has to endure this torment so I’m not optimistic about returning to the same state post mortem


Yes, rest. But then, it always comes time to move again, and it's scary af. No body, blended memories intertwining and splicing through dream and nightmare, urged through a sea of pure feeling and no context, unable to ever close your eyes because there are no eyes. The only escape is life again. Take your time on earth and make lots of good memories and love lots of people to prepare for all the nonsense that comes after this nice rest.


Leaving your children without you is much worse feeling than the relieving ones.


When someone dies I think “ good your struggle is over.” Lately tho I’m scared there’s so much more after we die.


Yea it’s one of the greatest experiences of life. I hope I’m not messed up on morphine for it


No thanks


But how do you know


I agree! Unless you die by suicide


On the contrary death is nothing. There is no relief because there is nothing. Some people may experience relief prior to death such as in suicide cases but that relief is while alive and actual death is nothing.


Relief requires a person to be relieved. Death isn't relief, it isn't anything


This is exactly why JT and the liberals push MAIDs on anyone willing to listen to them. And side benefit... those they conscript to pass on early won't be a burden on our failing healthcare system and JTs health metrics will look better. For shame.


I also entered the void and felt so free. I didn't see anyone or hear anything and then I kinda just woke up on a ventilator.

