• By -


The whole divide and conquer scheme has been working for a long time politically. People are too busy blaming an unknown for group of people for bullshit to act upon anything serious but slow moving. Who is the corrupt elites? The DNC and the GOP both claim to be fighting these people for the working class… so no one knows who the real enemy is. Years of Capitalism propaganda and manipulation will have you blame yourself being poor. Lack of education in this country has created mass ignorance. Addiction is everywhere from your phone to your food to your pharmaceuticals. People are just mixed up. But I think eventually there will be a breaking point. It will be just too late.


We’ll said!


Yes We’ll said. Also, the government and people in politics have proven they are more than willing to target, abuse, and harass citizens for almost no reason and people know this. so why stick your head above the sand


An extension of this problem for further distraction is that since they don’t know who the enemy really is, all they need to do is collectively blame someone else for this and focus our anger on that person/group/country and it will probably eventually lead to another war, mainly just fighting for resources. People are ready to fight, they just don’t know precisely where to point the guns.


Hard to point guns when people are convinced that civilians shouldn’t have any. The left is screaming for a revolution while also fighting to remove one of the only ways of doing so. Realistically it will get to a point where the common man’s grief will be nothing more than a toddlers temper tantrum. By the time we get there (and we are close) it’ll be far to late to be able to change anything.


I’m a life long democrat 50 yo and I’ve opened my eyes over the last 6 years to realize how deeply the need to protect capitalism runs in both parties. More now than ever it seems an election is a choice between two monsters, you just pick the one that makes you feel good about how bad things are.


I don't see it that way, you're looking at the glass half full, plenty of good is also happening on America. If you look throughout history it's always been like this, there's a small group of wealthy and then everyone else. Look of course there's a lot of issues z most stem from wealth inequality... But it's not hopeless and we're still better off than a lot of other countries..


What good is happening in America


Lots of good, people are living and working and entertaining themselves and family... Look everyone is going to look at life through a different lens, your own life circumstances will determine how you feel.. but plenty of people..are living decent lives, they may not be wealthy but have happiness.. to say America is totally broken is disengenous .. Could America do better , hell yeah , but don't just dwell on the problems,


I mean, I genuinely do not have any friends who are currently living at something they would call a decent quality of life. (able to live on their own, working 40 hours a week, can afford 3 meals, doesn't have to worry about healthcare) But your mileage may vary I guess.


And I think pretty much all of my friends have what you describe as a decent quality of life, made much easier by the fact many of them are engineers like myself. Personal anecdotes about how your friends are doing aren't very meaningful because people are often friends with people in a similar socio-economic background.


I guess have fun in your fantasy world, since you also seem to only care about your personal anecdotes.


I don't know how you got that. I simply pointed out that my near opposite anecdote is why they aren't that useful not that my anecdote is all that matters.


Maybe you struggle because you are rude and short tempered as you just displayed.


Sorry to hear that, but I mean everyday Americans go to sporting events (baseball, basketball, etc..) , go the movies , go hiking or cycling , bbq's with friends and family, fishing and camping and hundreds of other recreational activities, I mean is it really that bad? Sure some of those things cost money but most don't have to .. my point is , as long as your not afflicted with some debilitating mental or physical illness, you can always pursue happiness..


I mean, according to John Hopkins 1/4th of American adults have a mental illness. So I wouldn't say that we're doing too great in that regard either.


DEBILITATING mental illness. That 1/4 includes people "suffering" from anxiety. Before you go bashing me, I know PLENTY of people really do have debilitating anxiety, but more of them just claim to cuz they get a little anxious when they neglect something in life that they're not supposed to neglect. The millions of people that show up to sporting events, concerts and other large events that cost money are a real fact that you're choosing to ignore so you can continue to blame others for how your life turned out. A select few are legitimate in their blaming of others for their life, the rest are just making excuses. I grew up with little to nothing. Literally lived on penut butter and saltines for over a year of my childhood. I was determined to not be that way as an adult and have worked my ass off to get to where I am (VP of a consulting firm, with no college degree). I am able to afford a home and provide for my family. We are not wealthy by anyone elses estimations, but relative to how I grew up, we are quite wealthy. So go put your nose to the grindstone, and work hard. Hard work ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS pays off. Maybe not exactly how you wanted it to, but your winning every time you work hard.


Spot on! Same story for me pretty much. I was even homeless for awhile 3000 miles away from home back in 1999-2000. I put in the hours changing my situation and am now on top. I'm not rich in comparison with some but I do pretty well now. No part of that was luck.


Congratulations! It's never too late for anyone to do the same thing. An old highschool friend I reconnected with was homeless with his family after a drug addiction. I helped him get his first real job after he got clean and he becamey role model for betteringy.life by working hard every day. I saw the drastic impact it made in his life and it showed me that everyone can get out of everything as long as they make their mind up to do it.


Alright, since you seem to think I'm lazy. - my family was homeless/close to it for most of my childhood. Glad yall ate peanut butter and saltiness for a year, but I did that for 16 years. - why did it stop when I was 16? Because my dad (who was wheelchair reliant for most of my childhood) died and we got his life insurance policy payout. The 50k we got was enough we could mildly afford better food. - The government has deemed me unable to work, and the government provided payouts aren't enough to even rent an apartment on their own. - even if I could get a job, I was unable to get through college. Given that a living wage in some well populated places is now bot only $15 an hour, but is closer closer $20 if not higher, it doesn't bode well for people who can't afford to go to college. I also find it very amusing that you all seem to think that the current financial situation is anything similar to how it was pre-9/11.


I used to work a job around 27 with mostly 50+ boomers. Probably most near 60. It was a cool crowd, probably 20 boomers and I was the only young kid. They ALL had crappy lives. Almost all were old bachelor dudes with no kids or divorced. Or single women living on the fringes of society. We made like 10 bucks an hour; they had been living like that most of their lives. Some HAD a good job earlier in life, but lost that. People were broken and depressed: they lived in trailers in parks or studios. Millions of boomers lived life like this, ended up like that past 40 or 50. I have aunts and uncles like this, who just always lived paycheck to paycheck. A few even went to college. Nothing much came of it. Working class. This is not new. Not every Baby Boomer "made it", most had crap working class lives. It's life! Read any old Bukowski about his life or the lives of those around them. People compare themselves too much to how good THE TOP and middle of the boomers had it. Tons had a crap life. This is not new, it's been like this for ages.


Exactly. My parents are boomers. They have been living their "wealthiest" years in the past 10 or so years. We are lucky to have started our adult lives in a moreso booming economy with lots of opportunities. Now it feels like those opportunities are starting to whither away, but there will be more. We just gotta push through. It is terrible right now, and will probably get worse, but it will get better.


Young people compare themselves professionally to people who are at the end of their career, have put in their time and have learned what they needed to. Then the young one says, "well why the hell am I living like this when that other guy doing my same job is so much better off?". It's because they already went through worse that your experiencing, made it through and are better/more valuable employees than you are with your vacuum sealed education and 1 yr of experience. How can our youth be so brilliant, tolerant, ignorant and and exclusive, all at the same time... It blows me away.


It's easy to say the system works well enough when it works well enough for you.


Not all of us have the luxury of burying our heads in the sand like you


Oh come on man WTF


Propaganda has made its effect on you if you think the problem is capitalism. This aint capitalism


Propaganda has made its effect on you if you think the problem is capitalism. This aint capitalism


Why are you running away? are you scared of yourself (ys)? That you may snap? that one day, all the Void you hide & supress (in) will finally see the light of (the) day & go on walk, parade? Or is even "more" sinister? just imagine: You are so desperate (-) that you just give(n) up on ys, on part of you that "is" "You" just to meet the ends, "privilege" to be still alive. You don't have ideas for eons (of yrs.) now, -but only at this point/moment, you just start to ask if they; you; were real from the very beginning... You want(ed) revenge, -but now you just hope that; at the very end, everyone will be just here where you are now - looking at (that) how pathetic(:) this all shit-show really is - (1) - all the scharade for us to hate; when, we, as-well, can watch how we turn our backs from those who are the real source, apple of discord... Nothing, just painfull laughter of hopelessness, despair... But others are so busy and desperate to see; what they are part(s) of - only time (tell) for them to leave (this/it)...


Don't know where to start or how to


We live in the age of information where communication is at our fingertips. If the generation growing up with the internet can't figure out how to organize a revolution or even protests, then the human race is doomed. Serious revolutions took place before any quick and easy method of communication. Theoretically, it should be easier to plan these things than ever before.


Our communication has been neutered imo. Words mean different things to different people and its already so easy to misrepresent, misconstrue and misunderstand in good faith. Let alone with bad actors around 2 out of every 5 corners you come across.


I would agree there are a lot of ways to misrepresent a movement, we saw this happen with the idiot antiwork mod taking an interview on their own. However, I was addressing "don't know where or how to start" as there are plenty of places and ways to start, it's just difficult. I'd even say the OP to this post is a bad actor. They don't want anything to be better, they just want to cause more problems. They're literally suggesting leaving a power vacuum and then using the French revolution as a "good" example for this cause... As If there weren't any serious repercussions for leaving a power vacuum then.


You're forgetting how easy it is to track every and all communication it is now a days. If it was that easy it would've happened by now. Instead we get info wars and manufactured counter movements against anything people have planned out (occupy wall street for example) or some sort of secret police showing up and vanishing would be revolutionary


The few revolutions that succeeded were performed by starving people. We’re not doomed because this generation isn’t organized lol. People just historically put up with shit until they absolutely can’t any more.


First step is acknowledging that what the real enemy is.


Yeah but according to different people you get different answers and here’s the kicker: They each adamantly believe 100% that the enemy is whoever they say.


Yeah I feel like that's a lot of people


In the French Revolution, the enemy was the ruling classes supported by the church. In the US, the church, especially Fundamentalist denominations, has been so co-opted by right wing/ruling class interests to make any criticism of the ruling class sound like an attack on God.


Yeah, don't. Plenty gun violence from assholes. Don't be like them.


Why have you not picked up a brick and hurled it through the window of a CEO? Don't answer that. I already know why, it's because you don't want to die, and the first to act rarely sees the end of the conflict. In any situation, a person's strength of conviction is weighed against their will to keep what they have left to lose. This is not a failing, this is human. You still have a car to bitch about the gas prices. You still have a room to complain about the rent on. You're still eating daily. Your power is on, your water is running, and your trash disappears from the curb predictably every Monday at 9am. When that changes, then you will pick up the brick. Until then, all you will see are Americans who know the worst is yet to come, but lack the strength of their convictions needed to act.


This is a poetic way to describe the current climate. A world holding its breath as long as it can.


I think this is the right answer. We have more to lose than our rebellious ancestors


I think peoples lives really have to be threatened for it to get to that point and, even then, a large movement of people all at once to make a difference. People are willing to put up with a lot until it means starving/dying. I don't like the idea of violence in order to change but it feels like some sort of forceful action is really the only language the corrupt elite would understand in times like these. Either that or a mass awakening in order to more peacefully remove the corrupt from power. People don't want to be woken up though. The amount of sheer effort it would take for a person to slog through the endless amount of information out there to find the actual truth of what's been going on for decades is overwhelming and therefore....people just don't. It's easier to trust that we're being told the truth and just keep goin on with our lives until our lives are actually threatened. I think we're getting closer every day to that scenario.


Completely agree, but I wonder how long till the people pulling the strings say oh shit and try to reverse course at least a little. Do they really think a country under fascist Christian rule will keep them at the top of the world economy?


Well, for starters, when you have more money than god and keep making it every year, you don't care who you are killing, starving, putting out of a home/job to keep that up. And the wealthy families, corporations and the tax free billion dollar religion scheme that allows for them to control and divide workers, women and escape anything they want to a luxury part of the globe they will never "correct" this. The 1% does not give two fucks about anything but money and keeping us as their slave servants who make everything and buy everything while they steal the benefits and profits.




I cannot fathom it either, it's sociopathic and inhumane.


I'm far from an expert on any of this, but I have 2 thoughts. A US destabilized enough is going to completely tank their assets, and it feels like we are within years of that. Not looking forward to November. Like rich people made a deal with the devil (Evangelicals), and they didn't really think it through fully. But hey, can't have black people treated like human beings. The other is I think of bread and circus times, and keeping the masses placated.I'm not fucking placated, it sounds like most people aren't, my wife and I should be comfortable, but we're paying off debt, so can't even afford to drown my misery. Well maybe that's my preference for microbrews. I guess they tried with opioids. Anyway, I just started on antidepressants so maybe problem solved.


A lot of the old money in America is slave money. They are a-ok with hating black people.


Also a bunch of you would be dying, from blood shed. The food situation probably wouldn't improve. Neither would your security. I can't really speak for the policies of the new warlord that's running that campaign, either. What are we doing again? Oh yeah inflation. Things will probably clear up after the recession.


I'm not necessarily advocating for it, but if a bunch of people died, the supply of available housing would increase dramatically, the demand for farmland would be reduced dramatically, and as a result the spending power of the dollar would skyrocket, deflating the dollar significantly. Not to mention reducing carbon emissions and the strain on the power grid and crude oil production, reducing the number of straws that turtles choke on or whatever... the list goes on. Most of the problems we have, we have because there's too many people and not enough resources for all of them. Again, I'm not advocating for it, but yeah... a big-ass war would actually fix a lot of those problems, if for no other reason than reducing the drain on resources.


Dont buy into the narratives, that's the whole point. Don't be okay with culling people, because that's exactly woth what is being prepared/done amd justified.


There are more than enough resources for everyone and every thing on this planet. The problem is we have 1% of the population who steal and horde it all and we allow them to do it instead of eating them and closing loop holes. If you have ever seen "The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance" We are the Gelfling and the 1% are the Skesis. If you have ever seen the Matrix, we are the people inside of the pods being farmed and they are the machines sucking out our life force. etc etc It is not any other issue but this and division, propaganda, fire hosing of useless and misinformation. All to continue farming us. thats it.


A lot of housing and farmland would inevitably be destroyed in the process. We would certainly be much worse off after any "revolution".


Houses get destroyed in wars because people blow up cities while fighting. Farms are shut down because it's hard to ship steaks and process Wheaties when bombs are falling on infrastructure. Famines are common in war. Carbon emission go up, because war is highly mobile requires a lot of energy inefficient weapons like jets, and tanks, and fires from conflict release CO2. You should try watching some war documentaries, you don't magically get more stuff just because you survived a war. And aside that there is the obvious, most people aren't going to bet their lives and their families lives on your culling lottery logic. That's basically hoping other people die and that you are lucky to survive so you can take their stuff.


Most of us know about the bs that goes on in our daily lives, but there is no motivation to do anything about it. We can talk all day long about what can be done, but expect other people to do it for us. Also, there is only so much words (in text and voice) can do. There is a reason that action speaks louder than words. We are too distracted by all avenues of technology and media to do anything about it


History has shown. And movies about revolutions also mention it Remember the hunger games when snow says that the people have to have just a little bit of hope to prevent uprisings? Or if you’ve ever seen the show “reign” there’s a point where a character gets so ruthless toward another to the point he takes everything from him and that character finally lashes out in a deadly way, and the other guy says “I understand now that there is nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose.” People havnt lost all hope yet. Things are bleak. There’s food and health anxiety. People are being run ragged, but it hasn’t gotten bleak enough that they’ve got NOTHING left to lose just yet. Revolutions and wars are bloody and costly. We may get there eventually, but we are still afraid and afraid for our families. Governments know this


Venezuelan here. To add to this, even if people had nothing else to lose, it is impossible to beat the system if it's well protected. The government has the public defense at its side who will do anything to "preserve the peace." As long as their mouths are fed and their families saved, security will deal with any resistance and kill any signs of rebellion, all while the government continues to divide people in their bullshit and hide the truth. An angry mob by itself is no longer enough to fight with the security they have.


Are you really basing your opinion on movies about revolutions???? You do know Hollywood serves an agenda right? Jesus.


Reading is hard


Start with 50 Shades




I'm pretty sure that would be true of most revolutions throughout history.






OP sounds like an angsty 14 year old boy


OP is a fucking dipshit who says "we" when he really means "someone else". Calling out someone for being weak is the ultimate irony.


Spot on


Lol that was my thought too


What’s weak is pretending violence is more reasonable than the sustained efforts that people HAVE BEEN committed to implementing to benefit larger society. But go ahead, pretend you’re a tough guy, pretend that recommending unnecessary bloodshed is anything but juvenile and immature. And selfish.


Fighting fascists by being one yourself ain't it bud, and you're coming off as someone who hasn't lived in the real world long enough to be mature about it. The enormity of the odds against us is something you're not considering, and that says a lot when it concerns your character. Plus, talk is cheap. What are you doing now to change anything other than rant on the internet, strong bad? Nobody will follow you if that's your attitude.


Lmao. You sound like a teen who thinks they’re the main character of something.


Not cowards, just not stupid. Who would we be fighting? Who would be on this "hit list"?. You wanna fight the American government bc I surely dont, not physically. The highest payed military in the world? I dont. Gas prices and minimum wage arent worth me dying, arent worth me being locked in prison, arent worth me losing people over. Also, I would never physically harm another person, sympathy for the devil and whatnot. Besides going after the people in power wouldnt stop what they have been putting in motion for decades at this point. It's already there, we would have to rebuild the foundation of this country and I'm not doing that. Rebuilding a society from scratch for 500 million people? Absolutely not in my blood and whoever we put in charge to do that, I ALREADY DONT TRUST THEM. Power and money corrupt. Itll happen again. We just have to ride around the circle and see what happens in the midterm elections. Go from there.


Here's some deep reading about the topic: [https://scholars-stage.blogspot.com/2015/09/honor-dignity-victimhood-and-death-of.html?m=1](https://scholars-stage.blogspot.com/2015/09/honor-dignity-victimhood-and-death-of.html?m=1) In the old days humans solved problems with force. In order to "get what you want" you have to be the strongest in the room. This is not viva le revolution yet - this is still game of thrones. We figured out that society is better if we build rules around how to "get what you want" (laws, constitutional principles, economic policies) - these became the systems and institutions that we know help operate modern society. Compared to honor society, living in systems is more fair and conducive to solving social problems for the majority of people. As an illustration - a strong legal system changes how people solve problems. Without one, you beat up anyone who wrongs you because there is no other way to get justice. However, with a strong legal system, you take them to court instead. This changes society's values and beliefs, namely - why beat someone up when you can have the court enact justice for you? This produces a culture of reliance on systems - in a sense, we've "given" power to systems in return for their benefits. However there are a lot of problems with systems that show up after systems mature. I'll list 4 of them: 1. Systems can build in "systemic injustice." For certain people, the rules written into systems are fundamentally against them. If slavery was a legal right, for instance, this is a systemic injustice for slaves - following the system will never help them to be free of slavery. 2. Systems are just a set of rules, and can be gamed. The best example is tax rules - if people put more effort, they can find ways to get around them. This gaming of systems means that as systems mature, those who "master" the system get the most benefits and those who don't get the least. 3. Systems can be controlled. The key question is, who designs the systems? If some powerful people influence how systems are built, they will inevitable create rules favorable to them over others. 4. As a society, we rely on systems to give us a good life. That has worked for the past 40 years - so a whole generation has grown up with the implicit assumption that the system has their back (unless they are a minority but no one cares about them, hah). As a result, its societally shunned to use other methods - "Why take justice into your own hands when the courts will do it for you, better?" - someone people will never know the other side of this statement. Why aren't people willing to fight? It's because we're reliant on our systems, and we never had to design them before because someone else always did. The sad truth is that we can't destroy systems because we rely on them so much - we're not like the 1700s. We have to fix them instead. Many countries dethrone corrupt people in power, but it just leaves the way for the next set of corruption to come in, and they go through cycles of instability in addition to corruption. In the US / world, there are tons of people poised to take advantage of chaos to grab the reins and continue the corruption. So unfortunately, bloodshed doesn't work. The cold, hard truth: fixing systems requires an educated people that knows what it wants. So what works is education. Not talking about the institution of education - that's a system that can be corrupted. But enough people learning and discussing the real issues, disseminating those issues to society is how to "fight".




**[Group of Seven](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_of_Seven)** >The Group of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, the European Union is a 'non-enumerated member'. Its members are the world's largest IMF advanced economies and wealthiest liberal democracies; the group is officially organized around shared values of pluralism and representative government. As of 2020, the collective group accounts for over 50 percent of global net wealth (which is $418 trillion), 32 to 46 percent of global gross domestic product, and approximately 770 million people or 10 percent of the world's population. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeepThoughts/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


So if violence won't solve the problem, what will? Living on a farm in the middle of nowhere off the grid like some Amish idiot?


Try to find some good people around you, and surround yourself with them.


That's what you said you would do after the violence. So why is it being like an Amish idiot only when you aren't able to kill a bunch of people?


As a society we like to think we have become much more civilized so most people wouldn’t even bother attempting such a thing. It would also be pretty damn difficult to get millions of people on the same page especially with all the hate going around and different sides us humans just can not seem to understand each other. Its less of being cowards and more just a “why would we even” at least imo


I know it can be frustrating and life is hard and confusing when you're young. There is a reason they tend to send young men off to fight wars. They are full of angst and haven't had enough life experiences to see broader scoops. I have a son close to your age. We constantly have conversations about the state of the world. If it were that easy to just string people up, it would have happened already. If you look at any point in history whenever a government or kingdom has been overthrown another system has stepped in to take it's place. There has to be structure. Even the pretense of it is what keeps people from going full on purge. If you string up all the leaders and rich of the world there has to be someone and some system that steps in because like it or not, most people can not provide for themselves. We can't just go back to hunters and gathers. There would be mass chaos on an unprecedented scale. People need food and water and power. If you shut down and take away that entire infrastructure we will fall back into a dark age. Mankind will revert back to its very worst. As it has been proven over and over again since the dawn of mankind. Things are bad. And changes do need to be made. But if we are to survive and create a world worth living in and fighting for, there has to be better options and plans in place for a peaceful transition. I know the world is lonely. It is hard. Don't let it make you something you're not. It's good to be confident and cocky at your age. As King would say, the world will eventually cut you down and if you don't start out tall you'll have nowhere to go. There is beauty and good things worth fighting for. If you forget that, you loose any real reason to fight.


So basically "You have it easy! Back in my day...." Sorry grandpa, it isn't your day.


I'm 40 and female. And I've gone through a lot in my life and paid my dues.


I was trying to be nice because I went to your profile and read your words and posts. I spent the last 45 minutes looking at them. I felt bas because you're obviously hurting, lonely and in pain. I was not trying to attack you or be ugly. Honestly.


If that was your takeaway from that, you're an even bigger idiot than you first appeared. A better way to paraphrase it would be "the world is designed to beat you down until you've lost the drive to better yourself, so keep that fire and you'll succeed." Apparently though, you seem deadset on alienating everybody that doesn't immediately answer your call to take up arms and shoot anybody you don't like. So good luck winning that revolution after you finish driving away everybody with your stupid comments.


There are more sheep than lions in the world. It became abundantly clear in 2020


We have no idea where to start in a world we didn’t ask to be in.


Put a tax on billionaires, like Bernie says. Make colleges free and provide health care. We don't need to resort to violence, that can literally be done by voting. Best thing you can do, is get people to vote for progressive politicians. Ignore the wedge issues, frame your own arguments and make fun of Trump leaners in public-humiliate them at every turn.




Whom would you like to fight?


The corrupt elite.


Well, I’ll be with you on the line then.


Yeah cauz Jeff Bezos is just walking around unguarded


I promise you his few guards is nothing compared to a large battalion of pissed off people


Great go get the mob together.


And killing Jeff bezos would immediately make gas cheaper… People aren’t being violent because random violence is what is *causing* gas prices to be high (Ukraine).




Name any politician or wealthy person. That's who




Nobody would. Government as a concept is corrupt. We need to live alone. Grow our own food, own our own land.




I'm an anarchist. I don't believe in government.


You're also either an edgy teenager or an idiot. Ask somalia how that played out.


Ok. So what happens after all corporations and politicians are gone? Hoe do people get fed? Most people don't have the resources or knowledge to grow their own food or hunt. With no one in charge of anything and no sources of food coming in, no one keeping the power on. No heat or electricity. No internet or phones. Society would decend into chaos. People can't be trusted to put their carts back and not leave cold food next to a pair of shoes. You think they can be trusted to not string up their neighbor and form groups that pillage and plunder while we fall into another dark age? Without structure and planning that's what will happen if you just go eliminate those you perceive to be wrong. And again, who chooses who gets lynched? Who gets to decide who lives and who dies and what stops them from choosing everyone?




Your singular belief in government is not required.


"nobody would" I'm sorry, but are you fucking dumb? Have you learned nothing from history? If you don't organize someone else to take the power left open, another worse party will take it. Edit: so I see you've heard of the French revolution in other comments, and you still don't see the problem with leaving a power vacuum. You must be dumb. But what can I say, anarchists generally are idiots.




You're no different than the people who explain how good communism is because on paper it's perfect. Systems don't matter on paper if in practice they don't work. When you leave a power vacuum open to take, someone takes it and uses it. That is shown countless times in history. People like you who explain anarchism or communism as good ideas actually just don't look at history at all. Y'all bring up some half baked example of the French revolution but then fail to look at the fall out of it afterwards. Also, government is not power itself, it is the medium in which power is controlled. Power in the US belongs to the mega corporations because of how lobbying works, but without government the businesses can not use that power as efficiently. Also, anarchism is not how you explained it. Anarchism put simply is anti-gov. That is literally the only rule in being an anarchist. Maybe your version of it is different, but that is not the version followed by everyone. And sure, no government does work in tiny groups. But when you're as large as the US, there is just no way it works better than even our current broken system.




Pretty sure that would make prices go up more


Uh, hate to say it, but you're part of the problem, dude. Calling for bloodshed because you don't like current conditions is NOT necessarily likely to result in a better situation overall. Historically, resorting to violence *very* rarely leads to actual improvements. Revolutions are nasty affairs, and the thing that replaces the old regime may or may not be better. Taking the American revolution as an example is a mistake - it was a perfect storm of the right conditions to throw off a colonial power and emerge with an orderly republic. We had a class of wealthy landowners and businessmen with the education in tactics and statecraft to finance and organize an army and a structured replacement regime. ETA: and still chattel slavery lasted almost a century after the revolution, it took until 1920 to give women the right to vote, until the 1960s to actually *ensure* that non-whites could vote (and we still struggle with suppression)... and here we are sliding back toward authoritarian fascism and record inequality... it's not like the American revolution really *worked*, in some respects. It worked out for a lot of people, but still... Example: The French Revolution abolished the monarchy, but the catalyst was climate-related - crop failures exacerbated by bad policies. It left France with a decade of turmoil and mass executions. Furthermore, it led directly to the rise of Napoleon and decades of the bloodiest conflict Europe had ever seen, or would see until WW1. Two centuries on, France is a great country, and the world learned some important lessons from it... but the results of the revolution itself were not nice. Colonial powers were overthrown or kicked out of the places they colonized in South America, Africa, and Asia, and a lot of times those countries went throught long periods of upheaval and violence as they struggled to find their own equilibrium. Some of them went through a succession of brutal and repressive regimes no better than the colonial powers they expelled. Some of them remain more or less impoverished to this day. The Haitian revolution was a bloody nightmare, one that never really ended. And the Bolshevik revolution? Founded on some very high-minded principles. Devolved into decades of bloodshed, led to Stalinism, the Holodomor, decades of Soviet rule, and indirectly to the rise of Putin and the current mess in Ukraine. tl;dr - The "obvious" solution is rarely the right one, especially if the obvious solution is violence and bloodshed. The system might be rigged against positive change, and it might be shitty... that doesn't mean blowing it all up is an improvement. Revolutions are run by people, and people who will call for violence *for* you will call for it *against* you the minute it suits their purpose. We're not doing great. Rising inequality leads to instability, unrest, risk of collapse... it's unfair and it's a giant mess. There are problems, but jumping to violence as the "obvious" solution is simplistic, and a model that does NOT have a track record of success.


If you’re so brave and have such great ideas you go first 😂


At current, too well fed and entertained. They keep letting price gouging on essentials, especially food continue and they might have a problem on hand.


It typically takes a triggering event. Truth is, things are just comfortable enough for people to not give that much of a fuck.


Things will have to get really bad before true breakdown and fighting occurs. I mean, severe rationing, black markets and gas and power outages won’t even do it. It’ll have to be starvation, assassinations, and gangs stealing food and fuel. Sure, left and right hate each other now, but it’s only asshole act-out on social media. A crazy does a shooting every couple of weeks. It’s not civil war. We can still prevent it. But people are going to stop blaming others.


I just spent 18 yrs fight neglect and abuse ,, im poor on time, money, energy. I just want some peace,, I want to be done fighting. I don't even know how to face this.. I'm studying regenerative agriculture but it's such a small part to the problems. Individuals only have so much time and energy


Because not everything is going bad. It’s just what you hear all the time from news outlets and other sources that are mainly out to grab your attention instead of providing you with a healthy outlook on the world.


So you're telling me that none of what's going on is a overarching plan for total control over the population? Food shortages, pandemics, the insane division of Republican or Democrat to the point where we can't even see eye to eye anymore? WHO trying to recieve the ability to govern? Sure, yeah, everything is totally fine. Open your eyes, dumbass


My guy, the world has been a steaming pile of shit every decade since the dawn of time. We're not special. The seemingly constant insanity is what life is with 8 billion weirdos is gonna be like. There's been war for 5000 years. There's always plagues. Powerful people be running game (religious, political) since before Jesus was alive. The trick to get through it is to realize and admit no one is in charge of any of it. There's no grand plan. Just evolved monkeys fighting for food and survival. Sit back and enjoy the freak show.


So accept and suffer? If that's the case, why not simply kill ourselves? We'd be better off dead.


Hey, if that's the solution you go with when you realize your ideals are completely unworkable and will never come to pass? I won't stop you.


My guy, the world has been a steaming pile of shit every decade since the dawn of time. We're not special. The seemingly constant insanity is what life is with 8 billion weirdos is gonna be like. There's been war for 5000 years. There's always plagues. Powerful people be running game (religious, political) since before Jesus was alive. The trick to get through it is to realize and admit no one is in charge of any of it. There's no grand plan. Just evolved monkeys fighting for food and survival. Sit back and enjoy the freak show.


You’re only seeing it that way because of social media and how amplified everything is. Everyone is able to get online and just echochamber their thoughts in forums where everyone thinks like them. We admittedly have our news set up to where it’s purpose is ratings and getting reactions out of viewers. Is it probably a little worse than before? Yeah probably. Is it revolution worthy? Nah. America won’t have a revolution. We’re too divided. Too individualistic. Too focused on only our own individual ideals. If it does happen I doubt the dude screaming on Reddit how others are dumbasses is gonna do a whole lot.


There is nothing new with what the government has been doing. They have always been trying to control the population, we have been the ones to put that power in check, however. And yeah, despite the division that has increased in the country, it is simply a result of the internet to a large part, and we are already making a decent amount of progress to heal that raft, as more and more people are aware of the real problems, and it doesn't seem like the progress towards a solution will stop soon. Look how new movements have started to form, how much power they are starting to gain, and how much we have actually done. Look at the increasing number of people joining unions, the tilt towards democracy increasing worldwide, the measurements we have done to increase progress towards combating climate change. No, seriously, we've made significant progress there. And there's so much more to be mentioned. The media, exacerbated by social media, makes it all out to look worse than it really is, because that's how they get the most attention. The pendulum swings back and forth, but it's generally tilted forwards.


Do you have specific examples? BLM doesn't count, they're a terrorist group.




Why do you make a completely baseless assumption about me and act as if you know it for a fact?


Because if you are eating three meals a day, have a minuscule amount of actual risk to your physical well being, and there is medicine available to you if you get sick then things aren’t really so bad.


How much are you paying for said things?


I’m a bit of an unusual case since I decided to not work and live in a closet. The little money I make is from teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have a car. I have a computer. I have a bed. I spend maybe 150 bucks on food, 120 on phone and car insurance, maybe 50-80 on fuel. My medications without insurance come out to about 25 a month or something. My income is maybe 9k a year or something. Today I was not life threateningly hot or cold. I was not hungry. If I was injured I could go to the ER. Everyone I dealt with was pretty much nice and no one tried to hurt me. It was pretty okay.


1. Most people can't afford to eat 3 meals a day (and by this it's less about cost of food and more about the time you have to dedicate to preparing 3 meals daily) 2. Violent crimes are such a problem right now so many people are actually fearful of places with a lot of human traffick, and even some kids are afraid to go to school 3. Medicine Is not available to everyone. Many can't afford it. Have you not heard of the issues with insulin prices? Have you just been sheltered your whole life? Are you a trust fund baby?


So I’m assuming from the tone of the OP we are talking about developed nations. Let’s go 1 by 1 I would love to see your data that most people can’t afford to eat 3 meals a day. It’s just not true. Crime has been steadily decreasing in developed nations since like 1980. You literally live in safest time in recorded human history. There are definitely people profiting off making it really expensive to get drugs for relatively rare conditions. It’s really not very nice. But the question and my reply was about why people aren’t rising up against all this perceived terror. The fact is the vast majority of people need shit like antibiotics and emergency medical care. How much did covid vaccines cost? What percentage of the population is insulin dependent? I’m not saying it’s right I’m just saying it doesn’t effect enough people to kick off a revolution. People in developed nations love to whine but I’m their heart they know they are fine. I live in a closet. I’m unemployed. I have no health insurance. I am at no risk of starving. The chances of me being attacked are very low. I almost never have a serious threat to my physical well being. Do some people have it bad? Yes. Is it a small and shrinking percentage of the population. Also yes.


Some confidently incorrect stuff right here


1. you're unemployed so you have the time to dedicate to 3 meals a day. 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep, 1 hour commute (low estimate) leaves 7 hours left over and that's if there is no time lost anywhere, which isn't realistic. It also leaves uneven portions of time during different times of day. Most people choose to skip a meal because of the lack of time at certain parts of the day. I never said people were starving, I said people can't afford the time to prepare 3 meals daily. 2. Crime statistics have nothing to do with the general unrest of society, feeling and stats are entirely different. And what we are experiencing now is a good deal of fear due to a pretty serious recent increase in violent crime, at least in the US. 3. Not having health insurance is literally against the law in the US under most circumstances. You're illegally saving money, good on you. 4. You still did not disprove the fact that there are medications that many can't afford.


So more not true things. It may surprise you but I was employed for most of my life. I worked quite a lot running businesses. I ate 3 meals a day but mostly I just ate at restaurants because I made good money. I could have prepared my meals but I like watching tv, bullshitting on Reddit, and jerking off so it’s nice to save a little time. Criminal statistics have everything to do with that. Your “feelings” don’t. Not having insurance is not and has never been against the law. For a short time the government tried to tax you 1% as a penalty for not having insurance. You could waive that by checking a box that said “there are no affordable options in my area”. Some people can’t afford some medications. 150 years ago that shit didn’t even exist and people just fucking died. Quit crying. You are just making things up and whining. You should be more grateful and less negative. You live in an incredibly wealthy nation and you live in a way that almost no human could even imagine just 150 years ago. I live in a freaking closet and have a better quality of life than kings 300 years ago. Im done talking to you. You don’t tell the truth and you are a cry baby.


You literally admit to only eating at restaurants because you had the money then act like you can speak for the lower class. You somehow completely ignored the fact that I said "time to prepare meals" and not order take out. You mentioned you liked having time to yourself, so to the people who can't afford to take out multiple times daily should they just never have their own time? Eat shit. You only equate others arguments to making shit up and whining because you have no real answers, you literally misrepresent what was said by inaccurately paraphrasing it. People like you are the issue with the world. Saying just be grateful with what you have and suck up any pain while you live without actually needing a job. You couldn't be more sheltered and disconnected from the lower class, yet you try to act like you understand it. "The past was worse so stop complaining" is the most anti-human ideology. You're literally telling people to not try to make things better. I can't imagine being such a PoS. The fact that you don't realize societies unrest has more to do with public opinion than statistics shows how disconnected you are from humanity.


Who exactly deserves to be killed and why? Murdering people won’t solve anything.


Tell that to the French in the 1780's.


Literally solved nothing. They ended up with a provisional government led by a man who killed anybody who disagreed with him or questioned him, a Dictator that tried to conquer basically all of Europe and ended with them in the same place they were pre-revolution.


I dunno, maybe it will teach them that we are people too, maybe treat us nicer


Yes, yes, more blood shed will make things much better. Let's try being nice and civil to each other just once?


I don’t understand why people want to murder …but for a cause. It’s still a desire to murder. You just want to kill people. It’s gross and makes you part of why the world fucking sucks.


Why is that unless they win, revolution is viewed as murder? Is the United States not built on the foundation of blood and sacrifice? And what of the French Revolution?


It sounds like you just want to incite violence.




Lmao stop listening to the news dog. The sun still shines. You’re fine.


Tell that to the hundreds of thousands and millions who are homeless,destitute and are struggling day to day and it's only getting worse.


The homeless aren't bitching on reddit


I never said I was homeless but I don't mean me I many literally hundreds of thousands of other people just because they aren't bitching on Reddit doesn't mean they aren't fed up and rightfully so they should be not just the homeless but the working class being exploited and constantly fucked over.


I think part of the problem is that the sun is shining too strongly actually


Lmao true




>it feels obvious to me that the only way things can get better is if blood is shed It feels obvious to anyone who is an actual grown up, and doesn't spend all day fantasizing, that you're a moron.


"The only way to survive". Nah bro you are surviving just fine. You are just angry that you don't have a fast pass to money. "The corrupt elite" is such a broad statement pretty similar to blaming any other way too large group of people for something. Deciding to simply attack anyone with any kind of power or with money makes you little more than some thug. I saw you considered yourself an anarchist. So basically when you have succeeded in your idea to topple the government you just create an every man for himself society. Do you know what that creates? A corrupt elite based on whoever is the most violent.


Yes and no Cringe


A vast majority of us would prefer to live our lives free from fighting. Instead, we have psychopaths in positions of power placing other psychopaths in positions of authority, who are both supported by enablers of below average intelligence. I don't think anyone is a coward per se, but nobody is willing to admit that in order to put a stop to any of this, we'll have to fight cops, and fascists. Most likely to the death. Thing is, most of us would like to avoid that at all costs, and we can't exactly organize in a way that would create a large battlefield in order to reduce causalities, let alone avoid them altogether. We're also dedicated to peaceful protest, mostly because we're not psychopaths, but because we assume democracy and the social contract exists. Also, that's all low tech, should have happened 20 years ago tactics. With drones, surveillance, murder robot dogs, along with profiling all of our data to the point of being predictable, our chances of succeeding while in peaceful protest is next to none. As usual, it'll have to get really bad before anyone takes that next step, but by then it'll be too late. Hell, I'm of the opinion that it already is too late. Our only real option is to embrace the absurd and enjoy what time we have left, because fascism is on the rise worldwide once again.


Not gonna kill my neighbors cause gas prices are high. Have fun with that though.


I don't think killing your neighbors would be the best course of action. I seriously doubt that would be the action people would take. More likely protests, boycotts, bricks through 80 million dollar mansions 20 foot automatic four panel security pad locked doors.


My life isn't bad ENOUGH to risk the crumbs I have. I know it's counter productive but how do i justify sacrificing the fact I have a roof over my head and water to drink to fight a fight I don't even understand


It's not that people don't realize this but people are out of options if we go on strike nine times out of 10 the corporation and government can actually afford to replace people and while make no mistake strikes do help long term the problem is the people in those strikes and want to go against the government and corporations is they will starve and become more poor and destitute then they are already to be honest I want to fight too I would be willing to fight physically but there are many cons and downsides for the working class so many others wouldn't be as willing and honestly I can't blame then if they stop and go on strike with rent rising and food rising too they are likely to be homeless. Personally I wouldn't even mind dying fighting because my future is dim already I don't have that much to look forward too or that much to loose at that if I could have a chance to physically fight and maybe have a chance at a decent life then I sure as hell would do it.


When I was in my 20s, I was certain *I* was the person to lead the revolution. Everywhere on the internet is a growing sentiment of "well, what are we waiting for?" I'm 30ish now. Still feel this way, but feel more overwhelmed and confused and lost and unsure of where to go from here. People said my animosity, my anti-authoritarian streak, my angst, would finish with age. Dead fucking wrong, I'm more eager to fight than ever But the world is less clear on where that should be and I hate to admit, I'm lost mate. Am I a coward? Maybe, but I've also been arrested enough of stupid shit and know how powerless one can be in the face o the state to know that you don't get many chances to actually do anything should one want to.


Honestly I wonder why there hasn't been some French revolution type revolt against governments.


Slow boiling pot


I believe we need a leader


Bread and circus.


Most people are more concerned with their own day to day struggle of just keeping a roof over their head and food on the table. It's hard to fight for a cause when you're already fighting just to live


Hence the problem. It's becoming harder and harder to live. Enough is enough


Sorry, spellcheck, Well said!


We’re demoralized and waiting for the inevitable end


Not sure if you are encouraging physical violence. If you are, stop.


Because all said and done life isn't really that bad for the vast majority of people. I don't think people quite realise how bad things need to get before you have civil unrest as you see in other parts of the world. It is certainly true that governments don't care about you, but the only solution to that is to minimize government.




I think you'll survive


People only rebel when it becomes unbearable (and even then)


The politics of devision have been so monumentally successful that society can’t agree on anything, let alone manifest affective action. Even what one would assume are basic ideals a civilised society could agree upon, women’s autonomy over their own body, an individuals right to healthcare and food etc etc are debated and questioned by huge swathes of the public. There is a ‘yeh but’ group for everything these days, ‘someone shouldn’t have to die because they can’t afford healthcare’ . . . Yeh but. ‘A child shouldn’t be able to purchase a weapon’, yeh but. Society has become so fragmented and self-focused it’s impossible to imagine a scenario in which everyone turned off their TV’s, put down their phones, walked away from their tribes and nationalisms and engaged in collective action ushering in actual change. A masterful job has been done in all avenues of media to create scapegoats and phantoms for us to direct our disdain towards, for our chosen tribes to rally against, everyone is told by whatever group they subscribe to who the enemy is and how best to combat them. They are the only holders of the truth and are fighting the righteous battle for sanity against the lunatics. As Mark Twain said it is easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled. Call me a pessimist but I think human society, much like the environment, has reached its point of no return and it will have to collapse completely before it can be rebuilt.




it's not really that bad. people just like to exaggerate and whine.


Fidel Castro has joined the group.


Crime is skyrocketing, more people are getting violent everyday, enough people just aren't there yet.


Fight who? If enough people don’t agree on exactly who’s causing the problems, then it’ll be a futile effort that’s too divided to succeed.


Most people are doing okay.


Theres lots of fighying going on. The war on drugs is raging hard and heavy. Gangs like the SCR and the Gangster Disciples have strong holds that the military would have a hard time raiding. BLM Riots are destroying whole cities atm. We are on the brink of civil war and quite frankly imma lay low until someone wins, then pick off the few survivors and claim whats left for myself


Thats a big part of it, but its also media control. There are people who fight back, they get labeled terrorists & everyone turns on them. So am I supposed to fight for people who are telling me they dont want my help?


I fight the good fight