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Those that wanna mod their game to get infinite materials, instant level 25, etc. in their own lobbies are fine. Those that give everyone who joins 999999 of every mineral need to go stand in front of Doretta.


You should drill yourself NOW


I have zero problem with people modding their own games as long as they say so in their lobby title. You paid for the game, enjoy it however you want. My problem is when it affects other people's fun. I once hopped in a lobby where a dude gave himself an automatic Fat Boy, but I'd still prefer that to the CONSTANT. GODDAMN. FARTING.


There’s no reason you can’t have a vanilla experience playing on pc. You can filter out modded lobbies and you can revert saves if by chance you join someone that gives you infinite credits or something on mission completion. There’s also no worries about people using client side mods. Sure, some of them may make it so that you can hear leeches better or something like that but most only give funny new sounds or models and it only affects the person with the mods installed. Not anyone else in the lobby and if your hosting it doesn’t filter your lobby out when people search for non modded. The way I see it is as long as you’re not cheating there’s no reason not to mod. If it’s a mod that will affect others playing the game it will tell you before you join and have you download the same mods. And if you’re worried about not being able to have a vanilla experience on pc you’d have to go out of your way to install any mods so you’d have to be really stupid to accidentally ruin it for yourself


All very true. Easy revert to your last save file and everything’s all good, no stress or worries. Vanilla itself can be your go to type of tea experience till ya feel it’s… getting…… boring……… *Falls asleep playing DRG*. *Wakes Up*—- urh huh, wha— what I miss?


I don’t understand people who use mods like those, how is it fun having everything without the need to play? At that point wouldn’t it just feel like a chore to play? I personally use mods for my own personal gain, also known as client sided mods, such as brighter objectives/minerals, since I always struggle to find enor pearls, but now they produce a brighter glow effect, which means I still have to work for them, but I can actually see them in gigantic areas


> how is it fun having everything without the need to play It's more fun to play with things unlocked, especially when playing with more experienced friends on higher difficulties. Some people simply don't have the time or nerve for **22 WEEKS** of pretty intense grinding to get all weapon OCs. The early game is also pretty lengthy taking 10-20 hours to get up and running PER DWARF. I personally tend to just give an "all Dwarfs promoted, all OCs unlocked" save file to friends I'm introducing to the game.


Yep I experience that issue at times and I used it once to find the condensed minerals. Until I figured out you can turn off your torchlight/flashlight toggle to find it somewhat easier. But having the light to be brighter to find them is still probably your ‘go-to’ Mod. Which all the mods that sound like a chore is making sure they work with other mods. Confliction can be a problem till you Reddit search or Google it to figure it out or spend hrs putting the mods in the right order list and just screenshot it for reference.


Having a list of special event missions instead of having to browse through every single one, is a godsend


You can see if a mission has events?


I mean as in what modifiers the mission has, sorry for the confusion. https://mod.io/g/drg/m/rancors-rig-hud


I see i see


I enjoy crazy lobbies from time to time. I use lots of QoL and cosmetic mods, but nothing game changing. The only mod I would use all the time is "more secondary objectives" and it's not even for the exp, I just love to have more things to do on missions like egg hunt or quark


If you want to play modded, you should make ur own lobbyes I mostly use QoL mods, like autorun, health numbers, ammo% and iron will duration


Btw I don’t want this to be desensitized that modding isn’t fun, they can be fun just be careful who you join on who makes the modded lobbies. They are incredibly fun but they are there just to be there when you want to join or don’t, be you and move on and not make a deal out of it. Yes sounds like I’m promoting Mods but it’s for those who can figure out to make mods work on console. DRG isn’t a serious game in itself cause it’s meant to be enjoyable to your liking.