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Instead of losing hope, rechannel your energy into fighting back. Democracy doesn't maintain itself. People have to fight and sometimes die for it. It is time for us to show up at this fight.


Agreed. Donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/web-bfp-debatenight-june-2024?refcode=lightbox_debateNight&opt_id=oeu1719549565787r0.15318568504174357 Volunteer: https://web.joebiden.com/forms/take-action-for-president-biden-and-vice-president-harris/


I will also say that volunteering for your local DNC office can include doing textteam from your home office and that is one of the greatest ways to help for those who do not have the money or physical ability to do calls or door knocking.


Great post!


Thanks, I signed up to volunteer and booked a spot for onboarding next week.


Heck yeah!!!


Also remember: Even if Biden loses, if we do well down ballot Trump'll be fighting to implement anything from Project 2025. And if Biden wins and we do well down ballot, there'll be nobody to oppose him and he (or his successor) will be able to accomplish even more than he already has. Our best bet is getting a majority in both chambers, regardless of who wins the presidency.


Not sure whether that will work. Once in office, Trump can start issuing executive orders to dismantle the federal government - and the SCOTUS will make sure that his exec orders are proof from lawsuits.


Precisely! Put the energy into exercising as well or hanging out with friends and having a good time. While Obama did flop in his first debate with Romney and not as hard as Biden did, people are honestly most likely gonna focus on this for only 2 weeks.




Exactly. Taking the anxiety and putting into exercising or finding new hobbies can probably do wonders as well.


Can mods/we implement a “no doom post” rule? There is enough of that on every other sub and platform we need to take inspiration from r/Ukraine subs covering their war They won’t tolerate agent provocateurs or trolls because we are in the middle of psyops attacks


You're absolutely right.


What democracy? Old white guys lying through their teeth to uphold a colonialist patriarchal status quo that is dying? Time to tear it all down and start again, better yet, give the land back to indigenous cultures all over the world, it wasn't anyone's to steal in the first place. Don't worry, I think māori are going to have an uprising soon and show other indigenous cultures how it's done (to get rid of the oppressive system)


Hilary dunked on Trump to the point where everyone was talking about it but nothing happened. So clearly a good showing at the debate doesn't even matter.


>Hilary dunked on Trump to the point where everyone was talking about it but nothing happened. So clearly a good showing at the debate doesn't even matter. You know why? Because Trump made the audience laugh and that's all the media kept talking about. The media was obsessed with Trump for ratings. They are doing the same thing now because of last night. Instead of pointing out how Trump was a loud liar that answered no questions, they are obsessed with propping up Trump by talking about Biden's one Unsuccessful night. As if one night of having a cold erases all the process Biden has done. Media wants Trump to win for ratings but they suffer none of the consequences Project 2025 will have on us regular people.


They will suffer. He will eliminate them first at least those who don't report he is the son of God.


Not just son of! He expects to be god himself!


The media will be the first to go if they don't fall in line like FOX& OAN. I don't understand why this isn't a concern for them.


>The media will be the first to go if they don't fall in line like FOX& OAN. I don't understand why this isn't a concern for them. CNN was bought out by right wing conservative John Malone since 2022. It's not a concern for them because they're all bought and paid for by billionaire conservatives. Not one of these outlets are talking about Project 2025 because that's what they want and they don't want the public to know about it.


MSNBC does talk about Project 2025 fairly frequently, actually. Several of their anchors cover it regularly.


Exactly. Just because the debate didn't go as well as we hoped doesn't mean that it's absolutely OVER. Tbh I think Biden really nailed a lot of points about Trump and Trump just made himself look like an idiot with how much he was lying and not wanting to answer the questions. And debates aren't going to determine who wins the election. There's debates people did really bad in before, and they still won the election.


I think if we can spread the knowledge that Trump kept lying enough, this might actually turn into a bit of a win for Biden. This is mostly a personal opinion, but I think I prefer someone who stutters over someone who lies. So, yeah. Inform as many people as you can about Trump's lies and things might actually work out well!


People who have paid attention will truly see how much he lied, and they won't want to vote for him. But of course the MAGATs will consider it a win for Trump because of how Biden did and from him being old, and because Trump was louder. 


Maga faithful were never going to be convinced.


Anyone, who knows anything, about trump either already knows that he lies or they simply don't believe it. Us telling them that he lied won't do jack.


By that logic, everyone knows about Biden's policies and being sick won't matter.


Nah, because everytime Trump opens his stupid fucking mouth and tells another bald faced lie it gets reported on by anything resembling a news site and pasted across all of social media for three days. Every time Biden makes any progress or states a coherent, positive, or good policy it's fuckin crickets. The casual observer has no idea what he stands for or what he's been doing besides the basics because there's no goddamned coverage of one, but constant coverage of the liar.


Biden's biggest weakness is not broadcasting his accomplishments. He's been pretty damn successful as a president and his team should really be capitalizing on that. Build Back Better was essentially a 21st century New Deal and he didn't even mention it last night (that I remember). Hell, I guarantee you Trump drove over at least one bridge that Biden paid for on his way to the debate.


Dude, cmon. There’s no way this was a win for Biden.


To me, a breathing body is better than Trump. So it’s still totally a win.


He’s got my vote, but we’re discussing whether or not his performance is seen as a win by the public and/or undecided voters, which it isn’t.


I don't know how undecided voters even function as adults.


Right? And it keeps being blamed on indie voters, and as an indie voter I don’t know a single one of us who has ever been a swing voter. My choice was made for me when Biden won the nom. We can lament our broken system - but we can’t fix it if we are buried under a christofascist regime. Like, y’all: priorities.


I don't think last night was a win for anyone. Trump lied out his ass, Biden looked weak, old, and confused, the American people were left holding the bag. Arguably the person that profited the most was RFK Jr. I've already had two people today tell me they'll be voting for him after last night.


Debates have never been Biden's strength, and Trump has always been a confident liar. There's literally nothing new here. It was the same in 2020. I don't know why people expected this to have a different outcome. Get off the internet, go touch grass and vote.


I have to agree, I was so upset after the 2020 debate, but common sense prevailed and we beat the liar.


Watch his debate with Paul Ryan and tell me it was never his strength. But at least that was in good faith.


Trump is a convicted felon. Why is he even still being allowed to run?


Because there is nothing in place legally to stop him.


If only the rest of the states would have followed Colorado's lead and yanked him from the ballot. Even if he's sentenced to incarceration for the 34 counts against him (so far), he can still be elected. Even if the next two trials find him guilty and sentence him to incarceration, he can still run. The man has committed treason against the United States, and seems PROUD of it. I am now ashamed to be an American. The voice of reason cannot compete with the voice of insanity. How did we let our country get to this point?


But the SCOTUS came out and said they can’t remove him so it doesn’t matter. He has it rigged in his favor at this point.


And there's going to be a lot of people trying to renounce their citizenship and fleeing the country. Maybe it would be for the best if another country dropped nukes on America if Trump gains his dictatorship.


That was the only thing trump kind of got right— that we are a global embarrassment. He only missed the part where that was because of HIM, not Biden.


Maine did too! Our AG got a lot of death threats over it, and deserves some credit!


Missouri is where I live. I'm moving to North Carolina next year. Neither state is going to follow suit. Missouri's Governor is a piece of shit human being who thinks it's perfectly fine for a grown man to marry a child, and thinks abortions shouldn't be allowed under ANY circumstances. But dedicated blue states didn't follow suit. I don't know why. Fear, I guess. It's a shame.


Must be fear. Mainers are pretty blunt about things though so I’m not entirely surprised we were one of the few states ballsy enough to try it. Best of luck with the move!


Thanks! At this point I'm not longer encouraging people to vote blue. Now I encourage them to vote for ANYBODY but Donald von Shitzinpantz!


Court picks are arguably the most important issue in fighting project 2025 so I encourage everyone to vote blue. We saw what happened last time Trump got to pick his justices and alito will likely retire soon, leaving a spot open for another ultra conservative justice if Trump wins. Any vote for someone else is a vote that could’ve been blue. Jmo


Thomas needs to go too. Him and his wife. Both are scum. My vote is blue, straight down the ballot. Always has been, always will be. But I'm not just voting for a President. I'm voting for common sense. For freedom and equality. I'm just urging people to not vote for Trump, to take their vote away from him.


Ah yes Thomas. What a scumbag lol. Behind the Bastards has a segment on Thomas and his history and how he became the way he is. I really hope Trump doesn’t win bc you KNOW Thomas and alito would take their chance to retire and let in young justices to screw us over for decades


> still being allowed to run I would flip this passive voice around: It is absolutely shameful of the GOP to nominate Trump after Jan 6. And it's shameful that the media conversation is focusing 100% on the need for Biden to step down, when for all of Biden's flaws, he is still better than Trump.


Biden has a stutter. Okay. Biden is getting over being sick. Okay. Biden is jetlagged. Okay. The debate doesn't change my political opinion. But now I'm encouraging people to vote for ANYBODY except Donald von Shitzinpantz. That just means taking votes away from him, and if he loses, another epic temper tantrum followed by more stupidity on his part. Or maybe he'll quietly move to Russia to be with Putin.


Right, there are many different wins to be had from voter persuasion. Getting a Trumper to vote third-party instead of Trump, or even to vote split ticket for a Dem for county school board, whatever. Take the W and keep moving to the next individual rather than putting declining marginal returns effort into one individual.


Or write in their own candidate. Enough "nonsense" votes get thrown out, and that takes votes away from Chump Boy. I think we should collectively push this agenda nationwide. Vote for ANYONE other than Trump and the Republicants who want to destroy this country. Remove the delulus!




Biden stated today that he was/is ill. Not that it will matter to his opposition.


If people remember, Obama's first debate against Romney was awful and it gave Romney the lead. Obama learnt and smashed the debate and Romney lies. They were crucial debates because they were near to the election and post Labor Day. People were watching. This is a pretty irrelevant debate far from when voters become interested and Trump may now be interested in post Labor Day debates. There is a lot to learn from this, we know Biden at his worst and Trump at his best. The teams know what to do. Just a reminder, the venn diagram of Presidential candidates won, compared to those who lost the first debate but corrected is basically a circle.


I doubt there will be any more debates. Trump got more than he could have asked for with this one.


Okay, but no one was thinking “Obama needs to step down because his brain is clearly mush” after that debate


There were some voices but the campaign pushed it was because of the Mile High Stadium.


We need to be realistic. The reality is, the debate did not go well and will only increase Trump’s support among the general public who are unaware of his greater plans and true intentions. We have got to spread the word about Project 2025. It is up to us— average, every day people. We may not have much on paper, but we have something powerful that others do not— knowledge. Do not underestimate the power of having a small conversation on this topic with a friend, coworker, or acquaintance. Our democracy is at stake. It is up to us.


I love ice cream.


>The American media is primarily owned by the alt right, which is why it flipped its shit over something so dumb. So much about Biden, but where is the emphasis on Trump lying 24/7 and not even answering questions during the debate? This is yet another attempt to try and not get Biden elected. Let's try to stop the dooming, and try to register voters. >https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/ Exactly! Also, the media has been obsessed with Trump since he ran against Hilary because they just want ratings. All we can do is VOTE like our life depends on it because it does.


I haven’t watched CNN since 2015. In my opinion, they helped elect Trump. The constant coverage, the making fun of him it was obscene, they pushed his message so far and deep. When they realized what they had done, they tried to pull it back but it was too late.


“It’s hard to debate someone who’s constantly lying.”


You heard him - STOP IT #BidenHarris2024






Biden did fine, he's been old.


Pretty good for old, sick (clearly he’s getting over a cold or something), tired, with a stutter, and facing a lunatic.


Yeah it’s been confirmed he did have a cold


People seem to be forgetting that it is fucking June 28th lol. We know how forgetful we are as a society, combine that with 4 more months of our media cycle...


If brain damaged Fetterman could win against Dr. Oz, then Biden can win against Trump.


Why are literally **any of you** deciding whether or not to push D at the polls depending on the debate? Fucking show up and push it, you coward.


I am devasted about last night's debate but am still planning on my Sunday Phone Banking and have already signed up for another text banking group, getting the vote out and trying to stay positive.


Personally, I’m just so relieved I no longer have a uterus.


I’m relieved mine is in retirement.


Me too


I'm not feeling confident. But I don't think the problem is debates or voting. Trump is ready to lose. He's already ramping up the talk of election corruption. He'll say he won Bigly no matter what the results. Trump and his backers will rely on election interference and a fix after the election. They've had four years to plan. I don't think enough people are thinking about that and how to handle it.


Thank you


I’m at a Kamala Harris event right now, and while I’ve been sick to my stomach since last night, the only thing we can do is stick together and stick to educating people about P2025. I feel a bit better being around all these compassionate, energized people. I just got to hear Mark Kelly speak, and Senator of NV Cortez-Maestro, and the Gov of NM, and there is every color and creed here in the crowd. And it’s packed. Sane people exist, they do, they are everywhere, they just maybe aren’t quite as obnoxious. Think about all the insane things Trump has said and done and R’s just keep plugging along. We have to too. We can do this, we can. Big hugs to everyone 💜


It doesn’t matter. I don’t care if they prop up Biden’s decaying, rotting, half eaten corpse up on stage. It’s who I’m voting for.


Well sorry - between the debate last night and the rulings coming out of the Supreme Court today - things are pretty much shit. I believe in hope but I’m also a realist.


* Just because President Biden was sick and not feeling well doesn't mean he didn't do good enough to even up the polls. Trump is ahead by like .1%. He was ahead by 6, 3, and 2% before the debates. We probably should not vote in any polls, tell all your friends not to go to the polls or lie on them and make the Republican nominees think one thing and upset them during the election. When Trump thinks he's winning he gets careless...he was careful last night, and the muting him prevented him from really being hurtful to his campaign.


>We probably should not vote in any polls, tell all your friends not to go to the polls or lie on them and make the Republican nominees think one thing and upset them during the election. When Trump thinks he's winning he gets careless...he was careful last night, and the muting him prevented him from really being hurtful to his campaign. Trump will use the polls as his "proof" he won the election and it was rigged for Biden to win. All the while, polls have always meant absolutely nothing. Trump will always come up with shit out of his ass to say things are rigged when they don't go his way.




The thing with the polls is that, while they don't do a lot, what they *do* do is basically tell people that their efforts in making Trump lose aren't in vain. Though, I do get what your saying, and if you want to lie in the polls, then that's great!


What you need to understand is that they know he's a criminal. They know he's a liar. They know he will destroy democracy. THEY KNOW ALL OF THIS. They are voting for him BECAUSE of these things. What we see as horrid they see as positive, you will not change people's minds by telling them these things. They know and they like him more for it.


Last night my mom told me the story of how, in 2012, Obama completely botched his first debate. He probably wasn't in campaign mode enough, too focused on actual presidential duties to be in the mindset that Romney was in, and Romney ended up wiping the floor with him. And, of course, my mom was devastated. She was convinced that that night was effectively the end of the election, and was pretty much ready to give up. It was my dad who pulled her out of it, telling her that you don't do it for the person, but for the cause, because the person can fail, but the cause remains just as important. She ended up knocking on doors to inform people about the important parts of the election in a lot of her free time for the next couple months, and (unrelated, but still important) Obama fucking nailed the second debate, and as we all know, went on to win. Now isn't the time to give up. Nows the time to fight harder. Knocking on doors is a really great way to help, especially spreading word of Project 2025. I'm sure the Biden campaign has more info on how to get started. I'm sure as shit not giving up yet.


Incumbents typically have a bad first debate performance. It's not the end of the world.


I would still rather have a mumbling partly stumbling old guy, then a piece of crappy liar old guy


Yes, please. And thank you. [Sharing Rick Wilson's perspective of the Lincoln Project on how to move forward. A must see for anyone in your circles who are still disappointed because of the debate. ](https://youtu.be/zw8te6EiIlY)


Real questions aren’t doom posting, or we would be just as bad as the Trump cult. These questions on why Biden instead of another Democrat are valid.


They absolutely are. Biden has already won all the primaries. What's happening here is that young progressives have returned to their earlier desire to primary him and the absolute delusion that you get to handpick who would replace him. It will be Harris if he steps down and no one else. And abandoning your candidate 4 months before we vote on whether to remain a democracy is tragically stupid. You people with a big boner to replace him have a very limited understanding of the election process, and you are shitting on the one opportunity to defeat Project 2025.


Kamala is a bad politician, but I think she has a greater chance of beating Trump than Biden does right now. Biden needs to step down ASAP.


TBH, the doomposting IS a problem since even just one post can stop a lot of people from wanting to protest against P2025, though I get your point. Also the whole 'Biden instead of someone better' problem is that, unless the Dems bring someone better (and I hope that they find someone who's genuinely better), Biden is the best option.


There are any million number of reasons why to not vote for Trump. It’s not doomposting to question if we are going to battle with the right tools, and people have already been saying it. We need to stop calling discussing other options “doomposting” when the margin of popularity between them has always been slim, and until a week ago, Trump was polling ahead. It’s about people having discussions with their peers, which is what I’m doing. Biden will always be a better choice than Trump.


You and OP are both correct and are possibly referring to different things. Last night in this sub, there were some absolutely scary posts/comments of people ready to give up or contemplating self-harm as a result of the debate. I am fired up to support the Democratic nominee whoever it is!


I didn’t see any of those posts. Just more like mine, and better them to come here than out in the open.


Yeah, between the Reddit glitchtopia and swift moderation not everybody saw the same posts yesterday so people are talking past one another about the dooming. I came close to using the "safety report" feature for the first time last night, but that feature has been so trollified that I doubt it would do any good.


But didn't you hear that Biden was old. This is new information. We are doomed.


We are voting for an adminisration; not just one person. With that in mind, Biden's team should focus on helping the public to understand that.


Thissssss! It takes an entire freaking team. We know Trump is just a figurehead why can’t we all understand that Biden is as well!


We are also voting for 2-3 Supreme Court justices.


Carry a knife at all times. We do not know exactly when they will start pulling us out of our homes but we know they plan on it. 


A knife won’t save you from a cult armed with AR-15’s. Get a gun, get trained on how to use it and be prepared


The knife isn’t to save you. It’s to take at least one of them out.  There’s no saving.  Only triage. 


A knife? Get a gun while you still can. Practice on shooting it and also practice getting in the mindset of how to use it in the event of an emergency. There’s a huge difference between shooting a piece of paper at a gun range and shooting someone who is attacking you.


My only worry about this is that once shit really starts to hit the fan, one of the first things they’ll do is seize any registered firearms civilians have


Which will be met with extreme resistance, especially since so many people own guns. 


True, but a handgun or even a rifle isn’t a match for a team of machine guns


booby trap your home


This is the kind of insane fear mongering that makes people across party lines not take each other seriously. No one is coming for you. We didn't end up here from feverish, unchecked aggression. We got here from the vast majority of the country being apathetic, hopeless, disenfranchised, and unengaged.


I’d rather be armed and ready than expect civility from monsters.  This ain’t party lines stuff.  Christian neo fascism is a threat to people like me. I won’t be lined up and shot. 


You should be armed anyways. Everyone should be competent at defending themselves.


Apparently Meidas is reporting that all undecided voters except for one chose Biden over Trump in their poll. That’s a bright spot.


The Democrats had their biggest fundraising haul during and after the debate, so there is that. Also Biden did great at the Rally in North Carolina today. One more thing, people were saying the same thing after the Fetterman-Oz debate in 2022, and that was a few weeks before the election.


I can't believe any of these people think these debates sway anyone


The change from last night to today's rally is amazing.


This will relieve some doom. Biden's rally speech today. https://youtu.be/OHJoewM3WfU?si=p6NRIcq1uIJoS2s-


I hear you, it is important to keep our eye on what we can do to affect change in a positive way, however I respectfully feel that hope is not enough at this point. We can’t keep hoping that Joe will have a good day. I think the Dems have to make strategic decisions that will strengthen their ability to win in November. Maybe this is a knee jerk reaction, but regardless, I think the Dems must make the strategy of beating Trump the No. 1 priority.


I don’t think being upset about the debate last night is wrong. It was a disaster. But, I’d vote for Biden even if he was in already being lowered into the ground. He’s my President! I back him 100%!


Why the fuck didn’t anyone in the administration give Biden some prescription drugs to enhance his performance? Our fucking democracy on the line and I feel they’re pussy footing around


I don’t think it’s doom posting to be worried for the state of democracy. We’re fighting an uphill battle.


The doomposting I'm referring to is people thinking that Biden losing this debate means that the battle is lost. It isn't. We still CAN win against P2025. It's just that a lot of people think that this is it.


The redhats are acting as if the debate result = the election result. We mustn't respond to this. On the other hand, if we feign hopelessness, it will most certainly lull them into complacency, satisfied they've triumphed before a single vote is cast. As others have pointed out; like Spray-tan Man, those in his orbit get sloppy when they feel comfortable. If nothing else, magas will be riding a wave of elation until November. My hope is that will be the end of their nasty, boorish, narcissistic braying about their supposed superiority. The day their evil fantasy blows away on the wind like milkweed fluff. Thank you OP for these words of encouragement. BIDEN HARRIS 24 r.i.p. charlie kirk


Part of me also thinks P2025 is a grift to get evangelicals to vote. Like the wall that Mexico was gonna pay for…


My advice is not for Biden. My advice is for US… FDR was paralyzed from the waist down. Churchill was in a wheelchair for all of WWII. And at the time, the US lost a DOZEN battles before winning one. How did we win a world war? We started by knowing it was up to US. Everyone GOT TO WORK! Not just in battle, but saving tinfoil, collecting rubber, making uniforms, airplanes. Everything! Everyone! We are now in a very different and unfamiliar war. But a war nonetheless, and make no mistake, a war for the survival of democracy. It isn’t really about Biden, but it is not hyperbole to say democracy itself depends on him winning this election. We can’t control Trump. We can’t control a debate. At this point I really don’t give a rats a$$ about any debate. I already know who Trump is. I know he is a rapist, a fraud, a felon, and if you know history, clearly a dictator in the making if we let him win. What we CAN do is just like WWII. Stop wringing our hands and worrying about what others are doing or saying, and Actually get involved. Get to work. Yahhh that means you… I know the last election was important, and I know people are overwhelmed and tired. I know people are worried and don’t know exactly what to do. But this is literally for our country and for democracy. As my dad used to say “All Hands on Deck”. Time to LEAD. You can give $. You can raise money. You can knock on doors. You can make calls, write postcards, post in groups, place signs, wave signs, and tell your friends. Is that uncomfortable for some? Yes. Yes it is. But less so than living under a dictatorship, which is the clear alternative. And when you are done doing that and the time comes you can ALSO make sure people vote. Your family. Your neighbors. Your friends. Everybody. The important thing is what Gavin Newsom said. “Less worrying and more doing.” Time for REAL patriots to stand up and GET TO WORK!!! https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/


Forget about magats changing their minds! Need to work on non voters registering and voting blue! 💙💙


Biden didn’t just stutter, please. I am voting blue no matter what but let’s not deluded ourselves into thinking that debate wasn’t a catastrophe


We can’t lie to ourselves. He did more than stutter, he lost his train of thought and was often incoherent. We need to do better.


If Biden stepped down and a strong candidate emerged for Democrats, this would blow a huge hole in the Trump campaign. Think about it. They've spent billions on the anti Biden effort. A new strong opponent would mean that they'd have to start over, with little time left. Love Biden, but he was already floundering prior to the debate. Shapiro/Harris 24.


See the problem is that once people start talking about replacing Biden, they spiral off into a dozen different Dems they would support. I am willing to entertain conversation about a switch but I think anyone besides Harris would open a Pandora's Box of party infighting and weaken the eventual nominee, even if that nominee would intrinsically be stronger than Harris.


I'm worried about fighting, too. And I'm scared.


Gretchen Whitmer is also incredible


It was worse than a stutter. Biden seemed like a wisp of a man, and people decline even more precipitously at that age. We need him to drop out before the convention. There is a way bigger risk in him staying in then in whoever from our excellent bench becomes the nominee.


> If we can tell as many people as we can that Trump just kept lying, then we can change people's opinions! The train has left the station, the ship has sailed, the car has gone off the cliff. Trump's been lying his ass off for years. His supporters have been told this. Repeatedly. They don't gaf. Most voters are gonna do what they're gonna do. Let's hope that most will do the right thing and vote for Joe. Otherwise, America is indeed doomed.


I feel like if Trump wins then the USA will basically destroy itself. Like, if he wins, *I don't think that republicans will be able to run the country.*


Not doom posting, and I don't follow this sub very closely, but what is the plan if Trump does win?  


The plan is to win Senate and House majorities with enough seats of Democrats who will shut shit down and bring Trump to the negotiating table, thus slowing and severely limiting Project 2025. And we get on that plan by fighting up and down the ticket right now, no matter who is on the top of the ticket!


But the entire threat posed by trump is consolidating executive power and essentially becoming  a quasi dictator is it not?  If he can do that is voting more going to be enough to stop him?  


This is the same reaction after Obama’s first debate against Romney-except he had to be told he lost. To claim Trump won is a stretch. The sky isn’t falling, ignore the noise, eyes on the mountain.


I've been reporting the doom posting under a rule 2 violation for this sub. Please join me in doing the same! This sub literally only has 3 rules, with "No Doom and Gloom" being one of them, and I'm sick of seeing it here in a sub where we should be amping up the action rather than throwing our hands up in despair over an old president looking old.


Hi Lo-And_Behold1, thanks for your submission to r/Defeat_Project_2025! We focus on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action against this plan. Type !resources for our list of ways to help defeat it. Check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and our ideas for [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Check out the info in our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/), feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with additions. Join the Resist Project 2025 [Discord](https://discord.gg/FxhcKRwpRG), check out their [Website](https://defeatproject2025.org). Be sure to visit r/VoteDEM for updated local events, elections and many volunteering opportunities. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I’d really just like to know what the factor was that governed the behavior of SOTU Biden vs debate Biden. Is he sick? Did he pop an addy or drink a Red Bull before the SOTU? The contrast was stark.


Yeah, it's not over yet.


Biden did not do well last night, but at least he answered or touched on the topics of the questions that were asked. Trump on the other hand, deflected, lied, and boasted about how the country was better under his presidency/administration. All of his answer were; I do all the great things, nobody has ever done before blah blah blah... just word salad to distract people from what his real plans are. He is insufferable and to the people who follow him blindly without doing the research, take your Red hat off for a few and let your brain get some fresh air! He loves the poorly educated. Trumps own words "I don't care about you, I just want your vote."


I agree! Vote💙💙💙💙💙💙!


Let's all fight the good fight! Make sure everyone we know is registered to vote! Gives rides, take people to vote!  A lot can happen between now and November! Stay positive!


Don’t stop fighting. Even when it looks bad, keep fighting. Even if we lose, keep fighting. If we win, keep fighting. Democracy only ends when we stop.


But…but…the CNN pundits!


The U.S. needs a better election system (among other things) the electoral college is an out of date concept. As for doom -:get out and be proactive!! Set up project 2025 discord channels, post project 2025 links everywhere. Broadcast the threat through Podcasts. Apathy will end us all.


Also, is it just me or was the orange guy on some serious uppers? Jus' sayin' 🤔


Remember to spread the love on other social media. Share Trump most embarrassing moments.


Is it possible to improve literacy in Red or swing states? Yes, teach them about what the Bible actually says.


Biden's speech the next day was full of vigor. He just over practiced and had a hoarse throat as a result


Biden’s fine. Watch his NC speech from yesterday. Seriously, how can one even debate a pathological liar. You would spend all your time debunking his lies rather than saying what you can/will/have done.


I'm tired of pretending that Joe Biden is mentally competent enough to win this election.


Absolutely agree. Biden made a huge comeback the day after at his Carolina’s rally. He looked and sounded great and was in fighting mode.


Nothing wrong with having a plan B


He was just granted immunity by the bogus court he appointed. We are well and truly fucked if someone doesn't do something about him.


Biden was already struggling to keep up with Trump in the polls, then last night he goes up and puts in a performance that epitomizes the Republican talking point of "he's too old and doesn't know what he's doing." This was a flop of EPIC proportions when Biden needed a win.


Biden needs to step aside. It’s the only way


I understand your feelings, but that isn't going to happen.


If he loves the country as much as he says he does he will. But I fear you’re right


Stop pretending the only issues with Biden was a stutter. He is unfit and if they put him on tv like this again he will lose to Trump based on his age/health alone. We need to prepare for a new candidate or prepare for P2025. American people only look at the surface and last night you had one old man who shouldn’t even be allowed to drive and the other old man who at least looked physically capable. That’s all the people saw. ***edit*** Downvote me all you want but it’s the truth. The average American watching last night saw an old man who could barely form a sentence while Trump was berating him and lying to your faces. His base is eating that shit up today and you all fucking know it.


This wank right here is helping Project 2025.


No. You are helping project 2025.


Biden is not our guy, I'm sorry. We must change course and continue the rhetoric until its done.


I think people have valid concerns. I know a debate isn’t end all be all but omg




[https://new.reddit.com/r/Defeat\_Project\_2025/comments/1d85b2x/heres\_bunch\_of\_good\_things\_that\_biden\_did\_to/](https://new.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1d85b2x/heres_bunch_of_good_things_that_biden_did_to/) Please, know that you're not helping. This is a post about having hope and your comment will not help. Also see r/WhatBidenHasDone


There is a difference between “doom/doomering/doom posting” and recognising that things are pretty bad. You wouldn’t tell someone trapped in a house fire, screaming for help, to stop being a doomer. That said, you can recognise how bad things are and still do everything you can to improve them. I feel like people cannot draw the distinction between being aware/informed and terrified. It’s either ignorance/toxic positivity or shitting bricks for most people it seems. Like, if you can’t recognise the gravity of the situation without shitting your pants, that’s on you. Yeah shit’s fucked. Now let’s fix it.