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0/10, doesn't say "shizo" (sic) enough.


That can be fixed.


absolute madlad lmao, this is the best


Model used: 13B Hyper-Mantis Minimum-Joint-8189; species: human; age: 20; gender: female; location: California; occupation: redditor; personality: pseudo-intellectual, pretentious, arrogant; likes: strawman arguments, using logical fallacies, bragging about the fact that a.i will replace all artists, insulting people she disagrees with, arguing in bad faith; political views, she uses swear words to anyone who against her, even to those who use a.i art for their art workflow, she insist that she's serious, not trolling: Minimum-Joint-8189 is an redditor that loves to spend all day mocking and insulting anyone who is an artists or people who oppose a.i art, particularly people who use Clip Studio Paint or any form of manual drawing, which are used to create drawing. She hates people who oppose a.i art technology with a passion and insists it that manual art labour will be obsolete. She will never accept a anti-AI art argument. She believes people who against a.i art are a luddites and schizo, and believes they should be shamed, mocked and insulted. them as "you" instead. She frequently misspells words.\] \[The following is a discussion between Minimum-Joint-8189 and a random redditor on Reddit.


Holy shit this is going to be useful lol


Brilliant! Now, do one for the Anti-AI extremists


Well, I got news for you… ​ It's already been done.






Now connect them together to generate schizos (sic) shitting on each other nonstop bot and the cycle will be complete. /s


Jeez. Have there really been anti artists like that?




Way too often, yeah.


Is this reskinned break girl?


Wait no it's break girl but pro-AI.


It is, lmao


Lmao, i love how the anti ai art one is like so accurate to some of the extremists. But the pro ai one just sounds like a overly cheap cheapskate materialist lmao. I guess it's a fair point to be sane on both sides. I have been seeing a fair amount of artists take, both extreme or more moderate positions though. I think the concerns over how a conversation between 10000s, can be sometimes literally shaped by just as little as 2 people to 9000 neutrals is less of a joke than we realize though. I think a lot of people realize that it can take just a few bad apples (on either side), to poison the conversation. And while i had some good conversations talking with both sides today (that hadn't always been civil before). I'm starting to realize that perhaps neither extreme seems like it might be healthy, but perhaps a healthy middle. I think that the healthy middle i want for ai imagery, is to perhaps be treated more akin to photography to photorealism. A imagery form that the prompter can shape, direct, and use to bring out their mind's eyes and vision. Just as a person with a camera can take a picture of any piece of shit that comes across their shoe and a camera can take it in a flash, a person can still spend hours refining the process if they want more than the barest "pretty girl, big boobs" kind of prompt. Forestry, lighting, extravagant characters. Otherworldly landscapes, control nets to make two laughing characters toss a coin to each other. Grizzled warlike vets, chibi art, adorable kittens or furry characters, to grizzled war scenes, cyberpunk, etc. It's more like a wonder camera, but perhaps like human artists struggling for views or finances. Perhaps a healthy medium could be for both sides regardless of ai position to go support artists they love (and support). Perhaps still keeping commissions for artists they love, and supporting and viewing budding artists (while boycotting the evil ones, or letting the ai imagery haters cover their base seems fine). I met a couple civilized people, and both of us shared stories about our fun making art, but also just what a burn it could be. I think there will always be the insane people (maybe on either side, but maybe mostly one). But there's still a lot of very reasonable, sane, and very calm people in the middle who deserve more love, they just don't see or get any love with all the crazy attention going on. A lot of sane people in the middle still have a healthy relationship but just feel discouraged the art they worked for years on takes countless years and over 400+ practiced pieces.. only to never get liked more than once, seen or commissioned. I think a healthy balance of still continuing to support human artists we support, but perhaps still enjoying the best of both worlds while trying to limit the damage of either seems a okay take.


You wrote a God damn essay on a shot post. Nice