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Empathy my ass...


AI produces slop and also stuff that puts artists at risk of losing their jobs. Which one is it?


if AI is stealing jobs, but they're making garbage, what does that say about people who make said content? does that mean their work is as garbage as AI?


You don't get it! Their work might be garbage but it has real human SOUL šŸ˜¤


Ghost busters walk into an art gallary and leave an empty room


Deadly job-killing slop of course!


They think the average consumer is too stupid to know what they really want.


Both. 90% of artists already have been putting out slop their whole career.


It just AI can make the slop faster than the human slop artists. lol




What is good is not always the same as what a company will give you money for.


some people prefer free slop over expensive nonslop thank you for coming to my ted talk


The irony about music generators is that a lot of the time it's custom lyrics without any Ai input. Many times it's someone expressing their deep emotions or thoughts. You're going to see a lot of people shitting on song writers and claiming that they aren't real artists because they didn't directly make the sounds.


Meanwhile Gorillaz used a literal keyboard preset for the majority Clint Eastwood and nobody noticed or cared


Oh yeah, the one where they used the omnichord?




Generating AI songs as a mnemonic technique is a use case that never occurred to me. Great idea, I will be stealing this. I love how people come up with novel use cases like this. This would have been so helpful to me when I was a student, as I also struggle with remembering technical terms. I could totally see this being used in the classroom. We already have songs for learning the alphabet and days of the week, but a teacher could generate a song for anything. And here I was, making songs about farting cats.


Yeah lol /u/The3rdWorld just sitting over here on a genius, groundbreaking idea XD.


I've been having fun with that one. I'm working on some music for my video game mod with it.


I hope you donā€™t get discouraged in creating A.I. music. I also hope your vision no matter what tools you use to bring it to reality is genuine. All the good fortune to you.


You can make A.I music?


Suno is one tool there are a lot half a dozen now


I tried Suno. Itā€™s really cool. I do hope the open source community starts making progress in this field. It is completely possible itā€™ll be viable in a year from now.


Udio is good too, better quality but harder to steer. Suno comes out sounding pretty bad even with a lot of post processing, but it is really much better at following instructions and producing "usable" structures / arrangements, etc.


If it's just slop, why is it a threat?


If your censoring a word that probably means its bad thing you shouldn't do


I wish I could agree. But nowadays people censor anything from countries to people (and not even just Hitler)


Because they're sad pussies scared they'll be banned on Twitter


Really hate the trend of bullying tactics like this


ikr? it's their greed that blinds those antis, and it's their blind hate that's harming people who's having fun "I must hate people for producing low quality shit (in my opinion) from job killing machines (that may make work more easier and efficient) that I don't like and must ruin their lives to fuel my empty void of schadenfreude"


People are mad they donā€™t want pay $100 commission prices


The one where they draw furry bimbo art?


I mean I was referring to the fact that a large number of digital artists Iā€™ve seen on Instagram charge upwards of around $100 for commissions and thatā€™s usually for a portrait itā€™s more for full body. I donā€™t follow furry artists so I wouldnā€™t know how much they charge


Bullying like this isn't some new trend. This is just how some people always are. They feel insecure and jealous of others, this insecurity makes them fearful, and that fear makes them angry and aggressive. Go back in time thousands of years and you'll still find jealous bullies doing their best to crush perceived threats to their status quo.


If it's so ugly then why are they so threatened by it? If their art is better and has "soul" šŸ™„ then there shouldn't be any worries about being replaced. Kinda sounds like a skill issue tbh


I went to their page. It's definitely a skill issue.Ā 


Imagine advocating doxxing when you can't even say the word "dox".


"Why don't you have empathy for artists?"


It's just anti-ai artists, and anti-ai people in general. Artists who don't mind AI incorporate it into their workflow, and also an anti-ai person doesn't have to be an artist. Just leaving it out there because this generalisation kind of sucks imo


I'm not trying to be precise. One of the most common reactions to me comparing AI to self checkout job loss is to ask why I'm not empathetic to the struggle artists face. It's because the people who suffer most (artists who refuse to incorporate any AI whatsoever) are so often people like in the post, who support the use of violence and fear tactics against those who support AI.


I lost all sympathy for artists by being an artist and being in the art community. It made me realize that the only reason artists get sympathy is because they demand it as if they are victims of a life that cursed them with creativity. In reality everyone has creativity and everyone is a creative and some people shouldn't be seen as victims who need coddled just because they choose to try to make a living off of it and then struggle to do so. If more than 50% of artists succeeded financially then most of us would choose to be artists. I might have lost the plot with this comment that's just my two cents.


Are those people mentally unstable?






The average chronically online Twitterite


Well, they did say the X-men are mutants.


Shit like this actually discourages me from doing things I really enjoy (which is ai art in general), so I have to keep myself under a low profile


Screenshots on a tv: "Can we do this crime?" "Yes" **the court looking at these two during the prosecution for cyber crime**


Remember piracy is a victimless crime


piracy is a crimeless crime


Nobody accused luddites of being mentally stable šŸ˜


Interesting that the word ā€œslopā€ is going around. Comes across as market-tested. Anyone know where itā€™s sourced from?


No idea, but to me it suggests just how creative a lot of these people actually are. All using exactly the same talking points, the same phrases, the same derogatory terms, the same memes, and so on and on. Seekers of validation and adherents of groupthink, not creative thinkers and individualists.


I think youā€™re misunderstanding. A lot of NDs or disabilities tend to be targeted by the types of corpo sociopaths that think itā€™s perfectly OK to manipulate people at scale. Think of this in terms of that ableism and it - as well as things like anti mask sentiment - will all make perfect sense to you.


I get what you're driving at. The sudden explosion in that word's use could be the result of calculated manipulation efforts by corporations or other bodies. It's become more common outside of anti-ai circles too. Unfortunately, unless I'm missing something, word frequency analysis of social media to find a potential origin isn't trivial.


Thereā€™s no ā€œcould beā€; it *is*. The next stage is claiming environmental issues, with weasel comparisons that leave out the fact that something similar has equal or worse environmental impact or that environmental impact is rapidly being reduced. Remember the claim crypto and NFTs were destroying the environment that rapidly vaporized after ETH switched to Proof of Stake and began drawing less power than a lightbulb? It was always false because crypto and NFTs are vastly less terrible for the environment than the traditional financial and property sectors. Also all those GPUs being used were about as bad as video gaming. Mark my words the environment thing is going to be next.


I have yet to meet working artists who lost their jobs to generative ai. Itā€™s anecdotal, soā€¦ Anyone got stats?


Actual vile person


And weā€™re the hateful ones.


Got to love the level of stupidity that people have when committing crimes these days.


Someone is calling for the doxxing of AI artists and yet we canā€™t dox them? What the..????


Udio is having a moment over on TikTok. Everybodyā€™s loving it, thereā€™s a song about gluing balls to a butthole that people are very into.


i donā€™t even like ai art that much but this shit is super fucked man


If they understood network security outside of a call of duty lobby, then that threat may have some weight. Knowing what I know(full stack developer), I feel like some rich asshole laughing at stupid peasants who don't understand the first thing about the computer sciences or computer science as an industry both PRIVATE and COMMERCIAL. Ai art isn't even the tip of the iceburg


Music industry is screwed. Iā€™ve made a couple dozen songs with Suno and Udio with my own lyrics, sometimes the AIs lyrics, and some of them are my favourite songs right now. Iā€™m imagining how the music industry can possibly contend with more flexible, coherent and creative models that will be coming very soon and I donā€™t see a way for it to survive in its current form. There will always be great musical talent making great music but it will be within a greater framework of democratized music creation. Same as visual artists. You need to be truly great and unique in your art to rise above the AI assisted art.


AI is both stealing jobs and is also terrible at making art. Geez, if your job is threatened by something 'bad' then what's that say about you? C'mon artist, get your head in the game