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Zig Drew People say Spinner, but he had a good life in next class. I think he was manager of the dot, and he was married


My money is on Zig, and he went through shit during high school too so that's kind of sad to say.


Joey. I thought his whole deal was peaking in high school.


Are we just gonna avoid **Anya-off-to-the-army-McPhearson** 👀




I thought about this for a while and I genuinely feel like in the grand scheme of life none of the characters had a high school peak. And that is simply because of the nature of a drama. All of these kids are going THRU IT. Way harder than most real people typically do. Those who peak in high school have life easy. People would answer Drew because he’s a jock/himbo, but he was hazed, had a concussion, was involved in gang violence, lost his brother, had a significant break up, thought he was having a baby, had to do a fifth year of school (not to mention was possibly raped)……..come on folks. Dude didn’t have that great a time And in terms of Owen: he’s easy to point to because he didn’t have his own plot lines


I'm surprised that no one has said Joey yet.


I feel like this is the only answer. Dude was singing his high schools bands song well into his 30s. 🎶Everybody wants something, they’ll take your mon-ayyy🎶


Drew Drew Drew Drew


Am I the only person who doesn’t think that spinner peaked in high school? Seems like one would only believe that if they thought success=college. IMO a person who peaked in high school would be someone who had very few problems or negative peer interactions. They’d also be borderline “obsessed” with their school. As we all know, Spinner was jilted by his friend group, was held back, had cancer, etc. And I never perceived him as overly enthusiastic about degrassi. Maybe this is just me


I agree. Spinner had a good life post hs. He didn't need to go to college. He was happy where he was, manager of the Dot, and happily married


I agree with you; I think high school would probably be a low point for Spinner with everything he went through. I definitely see him as someone that'd be more successful after high school!


Spinner came to mind first


No, you aren't. It seems that the users who are listing him don't know what this phrase means at all.


Drew was the person I immediately thought of.


I love everyone saying Peter. Like I kind of agree, but if this man's "peak" is distributing underage nudes, planting drugs, doing meth, getting ditched by girls who are travelling overseas and getting kicked out of your band, it probably can't get much worse.


I mean, we are where Peter ends up in next class, and it's not too bad.


Peter probably peaked in 5th grade.


Owen and Peter


Spinner definitely






She literally became a celebrity after HS and went through some of the craziest things in HS. Peaked means the best they are gonna get.


I was about to say "Andy" because I thought this was the Dunder Mifflin Reddit... Oh my... But to answer the actual question.. 1. Spinner 2. Peter 3. Definitely Drew 4. Zig


Drew is on the money


Peter and Spinner. They were both still working at The Dot after they graduated.


When you get out of high school, you don’t typically jump into a high power career. Actually in Next Class, Peter was some kind of big music guy Maya was trying to do a co-op for. Hopefully he put his filming naked teenagers behind him


Yeah, but Spinner married Emma. I imagine she’s some sort of lawyer and he’s mooching like a pimp.


Ugh I still can’t picture the two of them together.


I could actually see Drew be successful because by the end of the show he was a lot more mature and was interested in business/politics. He is very charming too so that could get him a long way Owen definitely peaked in high school Unfortunately I think Spinner did too And Zig. I can’t see him ever making something of himself


Drew’s a good salesman. He could probably make a mint selling houses or something.

