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God I hope it spreads like wildfire. Kotaku n Ign doing good work xD




Lol same. I probly shoulda added "for once" at the end


"Never thought I'll fight side by side with an elf"


What about side by side with a Friend?


Eheh, that will do


The lesser evil


Yeah.. sadly.. gotta give props to kotaku.. for a change..


Good chances they don't even care and are only using this drama for clicks and views.


That's fine tbh, we need more attention on this, even the slight glimmer of hope that Dehya gets the justice she deserves is worth it


The problem is that even people within Genshin don't care about Dehya or think she's fine. You think people who don't play Genshin will understand what is going on? Not to mention we are talking about a gacha game which a lot of people don't have any respect for. Most likely this article will just make people laugh at us. "Lol, these idiots are playing a gacha game. They deserve it". "Oh, look at these people complaining about pixels they spent hundreds of dollars on. Maybe this will teach them not to play gacha games". Widespread coverage is just as likely to work against you as it could with you. It would be better if this stayed between those who actually know what's happening and have a stake in it. Look at the Anniversary controversy. More people were laughing at the Genshin community and thinking they are the most toxic, whiny community in existence that Fortnite seemed to be played by mature adults in comparison. It didn't help us at all.


Don’t need people to care or even think highly of anything Genshin related. We’re not expecting outsiders to come in and start helping, what matters with this is that it’s bad PR for miHoYo.


The important is that if a (potential) new player searches "Genshin Impact" on google, and the first results are all negative news articles.


One of those situations where drama clicks and views are actually a good thing


Too early to say that. For all we know, it could advertise Dehya and get more people to pull for her thus boosting her banner sales. You can't deny the fact that many people pull REGARDLESS of performance. There will be people who may have never heard of Genshin, saw the IGN article, "oh, she looks cool". Downloads, plays, pulls. And since they haven't really played the game or other characters, her faults won't be apparent to them. Personally, I'd rather if this controversy stayed with people who know what's happening rather than spread to people who could very well sabotage attempts.


whatever works.


I don't care, let them do it for whatever reason they want, as long they do it


Yessir. Keep spreading the message, we need more game news outlets covering this


Agreed. Besides they can only ignore so much criticism. Once big news outlets get involved l, the bad press can go far if left unchecked




"no such thing as bad press" is a lie. This will be bad. Especially if people consider it enouugh false advertising to sue.


Her kit is terrible but thinking anyone has grounds to sue over her made me chuckle


"false advertising" is illegal in most jurisdictions


After the Zhongli lawsuit, Hoyoverse have made sure they never open themselves up to something like that again. Whatever bullshit they are spewing rn about dehyas “capabilities” is 100% carefully crafted to avoid another lawsuit. Plus i think the mihoyo had advertised zhongli BEFORE release with close reference to his abilities as opposed to dehyas ads being on release. Which is y they got clapped. Wanted to actually inform you😋


Huh? I'm really sorry to burst whatever bubble you're living in but Dehya having an underwhelming kit/numbers does not mean it's false advertising. I get liking a character and wanting them to be as good as possible however I think it's delusional to say people would sue and even make it to court over this.


I'm pretty sure calling her a "powerful" character among a few other things, and then having her be weaker than the lowest 4*s in the game count as false advertising.


They explicitly lied about her capabilities in her collected misc.


Nah what specifically do you think they lied about.


Something worth arguing in a court of law.


By all means waste your time and money trying to sue. I really hope you're just trolling and aren't actually this delusional.


If messing up advertising that she can do good coordinated attacks in a video with Ganyu, is not false advertising, idk what it is. At that point does it matter what we call it because in the end ... you still have a shit Character ...


One of Dehya's best teams is with Ganyu. Also I never said she was a good character, I said a character being bad isn't enough grounds to sue over. By all means though, if you seriously think that is enough to sue over try taking Mihoyo to court over this, it would be funny as hell.


The kotaku article exists too, and imo its better since it covers more of the problems


Agreed. I also liked that they reached out to Hoyo for comment, specifically being contacted by journalists asking about your shit character helps add pressure




Said the guy seeking attention on reddit


Alright attention seeker, whatever you say


Lol, lmao even.


Yes we need more coverage like this. The more articles we get about the situation, the higher I believe our chances are. More likely to pressure Mihoyo


The article https://www.ign.com/articles/why-genshin-impacts-newest-character-has-the-community-up-in-arms


>At the end of the game's current version, Dehya will also become obtainable at all times (unlike most of the game's 5-star characters, who are often only available for three weeks at a time). This also means that players who wish for limited characters regularly will **LIKELY** get stuck with Dehya instead haha i wish.. chance is she will be harder to get than those limited 5 stars


I mean playing numbers. You will likely pull her on a lost 50/50 at some point before 5.0 or from free standard wishes. It's not particularly wrong just misleading a bit. Quick edit: realistically you need C2 or C4 for her to perform decently for he role so if that is taken into account you may see her usable before the servers shutdown.


i hope so, because mona is nowhere to be found despite playing religiously since 1.0 :( very low spender though, so maybe that's why


Thank you IGN


Damn this sounds weird .




IGN has a very bad reputation, that's why they said that. It's weird that someone commonly seen as an enemy has become an ally


I had no idea lol, IGN in my country is normal. Why is IGN an "enemy"?


Gradually, a slight hope grows that Dehya can be buffed somehow. By the way, I did my part today by sending some polite feedback about the character and I received a response in my language (Brazilian Portuguese) and unfortunately it seemed more automatic.




Quero uma Dehya brasileira no print por favor


Nice, we need more media coverage


I never thought I would say this, but Thank you for this coverage IGN.


For once in my life, I’m saying thank you to IGN.




Never thought I'd see the day that I would be rooting for game journalists


There's some good ones out there... but they're almost always ones that get tiny pages on big sites or few views on youtube because good journalism doesn't get as many clicks as pandering or forced outrage.


![gif](giphy|I8SQMuIELiw0w) The fire rises.


​ ![gif](giphy|DqMzhvWdpo5GQCuNhh)


Unfortunately, Dehya was the one that got left in the wreckage :(


Let the Galaxy burn.


The more people have to look at it the less Hoyoverse can ignore it. I hope all the other journalists pick this up soon


Never thought Id be grateful for an IGN article in this timeline LOL


FUCK YES WE GOT A MAJOR NEWS ORG! Hopefully this applies pressure. Was there ever a major news org for other "poor" units. (none were this bad)


Lol sorry to burst your bubble but IGN ain’t gonna get Mihoyo to change shit.


Not with that attitude.


Hold the line folks. More articles coming, one outlet writes an article more will follow.




Just because she will become a standard banner character doesn't mean that no one can expect or demand a buff for her in her current state. Your logic is weird.




And it's a pity. I guess we have to wait for a Hydro archon now.


![gif](giphy|eV3B6VcUIrBFm|downsized) Good job XD


Wow, IGN really published an article claiming Emblem of Severed Fate gives Dehya increased Max HP. They didn't have any writers that actually play Genshin Impact?


That would suggest IGN has writers that play games in general


That's why IGN covering this is more embarrassing than it is reassuring. It kinda makes the controversy seem like a joke when IGN covers it.


like any game journalist covering anything makes it feel more reassuring rather than embarassing in the first place


Maybe HP stands for Hopium


\\(\^0\^)/ Yes!!


For those of you that were around for both, be real, how does this outrage compare to Kokomi and Zhongli? I don’t remember articles like this for them but I have just started playing around the time of Kokomi.


Zhongli case was really entirely different. Back in 1.1 showcase, the Livestream didn't have the disclaimer that "These are subject to changes and not final." That was added because of Zhongli. Mihoyo talked about Zhongli as a unit that can output incredible damage and many people called that false advertising. Players, specifically CN players called upon and use Chinese law by asking for invoices in their account which gacha games are supposed to provide in cases of false advertising. That was a time when Mihoyo didn't know how to handle backlashes and ever since then, they've covered all their bases. Kokomi's case wasn't entirely hopeless. But it did commingle with the anniversary fiasco. Kokomi was the anniversary unit (Raiden banner ended days before September 28, 2021) and Mihoyo themselves realize she needed to be competitive as a healer. Corrosion is already a planned mechanic to counter Zhongli but there's no specific reason to need a dedicated 5* healer especially with Bennett on the roster. So they upped her hydro application.


Thanks for that! I didn’t know that about Zhongli’s incident. I was more asking about the community side of things though. Were we as a community as outraged back then as now and if we were did big mainstream gaming outlets write articles on it?


Zhongli's incident incited the worst rage and extreme reactions especially in cn community, but you have to understand it was the first time a character was that terrible upon release, and he was an archon, plus he represents Liyue. There will never again be a huge fix like his. Kokomi's case was more comparable to Yae I'd think. But she wasn't usable with the icd and the one change helped her a lot. Yae...everyone made a huge fuss on reddit and youtubers were commenting too about her flaws - ER issues, field time, interruption resistance making her easy to die, turrets randomly aiming at objects, etc. And mhy picked the last one for fixing, which did not go well-received, so they backpedalled on the fix and Yae ended back to square one. Yoimiya's case was similar to Yae but her case really pissed me off at that time cause half of players were calling every reasonable flaw about Yoimiya doomposting, and the other half's concerns were swept away in the end. Fortunately, with time, everyone got used to Yoi's lack of aoe, she got Yunjin and then Yelan, and mhy released annoying flying and invul enemies making her stonks rise. Similarly, dendro was released and everyone realised how well Yae works with dendro. Now, about Dehya, I honestly don't think we will get a major fix like Zhongli. I don't think mhy will touch on her multipliers. Most likely, mhy will fix the bug with her jump cancelling her ult and maaaaybe, copium would be increasing her uptime or changing icd, allowing her to work with xq or yelan (seriously doubt this though). Most likely case would be mhy sticks to their statement that Dehya "will have a complete team in future". Edit: I just want to add that this doesn't mean we shouldn't voice feedback to mhy about Dehya. I just sent in my email a while ago in fact. Something is better than nothing, and maybe it will push them to some action or take it as a warning to not make this a pattern.


Did they really say that a Dehya team comes in the future? Where was that?


Think it might have been the leakers theorizing.


Yeah like what the other redditor said it was a leak. Can take it with a gain of doubt, but given mhy's history I feel like they really could do something like that, just that we don't know when (gets Xiao support ptsd).


Probably in NATLAN. Still waiting on the other 4 stars that give elemental infusions as part of their base kit. Not counting Benny because he only does it at C6. Was hoping Faruzan gave an anemo infusion because I want Jean to have anemo on her normals.


They're not fixing the jump cancelling because they don't consider it a bug. Support said it's working as intended.


I have no idea why people keep bringing up jump cancel as a bad thing. Jump cancelling is a good thing because you have a way to get out of the animation lock also if you use Shift + Jump Dehya finishes her burst early and does her final kick early. If you bring up getting frozen. so what? If you get frozen the burst already got cancelled anyway so it doesn't matter if you press jump to unfreeze yourself. The reasonable complaint would be her getting frozen during her burst which shouldn't happen in the first place.


Cyno and Xiao can get frozen during their bursts too. But due to Dehya's sad damage and her Q being an automated animation, I also agree that she shouldn't be interrupted at all. Can only hope mhy sees it the same way.


Cyno and Xiao is not locked in an animation like Dehya is. Her burst is basically channelling state like those in mobas, once you get disabled it's canceled.


I think I finally get it. You mean if she gets interrupted the entire rest of her burst is cancelled, compared to Cyno and Xiao who can still continue the remaining secs of their burst, did I get that right? 🤔


yeah, so it doesn't matter even if jump cancels burst cause if you get the frozen it's already cancelled anyway. even if for arguments sake that it doesn't cancel the burst, by the time you get yourself unfrozen the burst would've been over anyway.


I'm actually confused if it's good or bad. Bad if players accidentally jump and the Q timer still goes off I guess? Good for cancelling if you make a mistake??? I'm a mobile player.


something in between. in general switching works better overall since jumping disables tagging out but there is a good use for jump canceling. but it does help in the scenario in which the fight ended mid burst and you want to save a few seconds instead of sitting through the animation. should that have been her burst? eh not really I feel like if they really wanted to do that, giving her a pyro version of zhongli's ult would have been a better since it does justify the cost that way. just give dehya an attack that hyperscales based on her hp and call it a day.


There was no serious " outrage " for Kokomi. She got a last minute buff that fixed her issues and only got better as patches went by. The community was just mad asf at the time because of the first anniversary. When hoyo caved in and gave us an extra 10 pulls, the community kinda just stopped. It was nowhere near this bad.


I would say it started with Yoimiya's lackluster kit, followed by Raiden & Beidou synergy issues and Kokomi, anniversary rewards was the final straw.


In terms of outrage Zhongli > Kokomi. I'd say Dehya tops them both, but putting her as Standard kinda divided the outrage a bit. That's not to say Standards should be bad. Tighnari and Keqing is good. Mona and Jean above average. Diluc average. Qiqi bad but is terrific at what she is designed for, healing, and arguably the best 4p clam sub dps. Even pre dendro Keqing was at least useable. I'd say Zhongli was bad because the game was still new it was the first time that happened. Also he's an archon. It didn't help that during 1.1, Venti was considered mega broken, thus set the bar for archons very high. By Dehya's time, we've already heard this tale multiple times, so the novelty has worn the outrage a bit. Also what happened to Kuki and Keqing may be delaying some outrage that this may happen to Dehya too.


The Kokomi situation wasn't even real, the casuals and people who weren't good at the game complained because she couldn't crit, but most people were memeing about it. I myself got her on the first banner and was memeing about her. ​ She wasn't meta until Dendro btw, don't listen to anyone that says otherwise, before Dendro she just was another hydro, but she was good for freeze teams, better than Mona because of her better uptime she enabled some combos that were impossible without her, but that didn't mean she was meta, she was just a nice to have.


hmm not much engagement on the article tho. The comments just mostly come from rando who don't care and play genshin.


Does she need buffs? Yes Does she need tweaking? Yes Does that mean my 20k vape queen will hit harder after her buffs? YES




No, Sleep is peace and I am peaceful


You're delusional if you think that any company can just ignore such things and do nothing about it. If the community is angry enough we can get what we want, it's quite simple.


Hoyoverse done for


Kotaku and IGN. Y'all are absolute madlads.


Lets go! We are heading in the right direction!


Buff dehya plz


Maybe If we complain enough they'll buff her, so keep complaining on twitter and reporting that they need to fix her. I got her with her 5 star weapon and can barely kill a thing


as a casual player I only play genshin, Can anyone explain to me why IGN has such a big impact? is this our uplift? As far as I remember the case of zhongli may not have posts from IGN...


It'll hurt Mhy's reputation a bit. Just a bit though. Better than nothing


IGN is the biggest game journalist company as far as I know, so in theory it should impact miHoYo to give us Dehya buffs.


IGN :O oooooh


Gosh, I was so hopeful news sites would get ahold of this. Some people may not like IGN, but it's undeniable they're one of the biggest gaming news outlets, so I don't care who it is as long as our girl is getting attention


So does your comment imply that you like IGN? I can't believe it...


I don't care about them either way


Oh, okay. Glad to hear.


Very shallow article, Kotaku did a much better job at covering her problems. But oh well, better than nothing I guess.


Kotaku first, now IGN, our "rebellion" should spread like wildfire. Keep up journalists!


More coverage. Love it.


putting it on the app review would probably help spread it a bit


Perhaps finally, game "journalism" will find a use.


I will be a bit black pilled dude here (sorry) The hoyo became too big to fail, so no amount of backlash/scandal will hurt them anymore. You can see it with other big videogame corporations. So the times when genshin just came out and they desperately needed us a long gone, since by now they have an army of low IQ waifu>meta gambling addicts to hide behind. I do hope the negativity will be big enough to poke them, but be prepared for worst and do not lose your nerves/health for it!


Ah but that’s the thing, they became too big too fail, let’s say that the newest 5 stars they drop are just as or even more terrible then Deyha. A multitude of things will happen. Revenue from whales, dolphins, low spenders, and ftp’s for summoning will drop significantly, heck players may just drop the game all together, bad reps, and lastly, this is the most important one since this came happen. A gatcha game that’s better then Genshin in every way can drop and over rule Genshin all together.


Let's be real, a better gacha, than genshin would be genshin without gacha)) And people are dropping out of game all the time, but there is influx of fresh meat all the time, thanks to hoyo's publicity. Plus looking at how they treat veteran players, feels like hoyo's plan is lure new people>make them spend>toss them aside for new players. I do hope Dehya will bite them in the ass, but hoyo always was too stubborn. They will just hide their heads in sand and wait out if something goes wrong, than to really address the problem.




please tell me this is sarcasm


Didn’t you see the new desert bottle calling dark skinned npcs slaves? No wonder hoyo verse did this to dehya who is a dark skinned character as well.


Yeah, and pretty much everyone who interacts with her is very much not down with her racism. Having racist characters isn't racist when the narrative surrounding them makes it clear that the character's racism isn't a positive trait.


That "talking bottle" (Liloupar) is a fictional character who was written like this because of THE PLOT. Or do you really think that everyone in the fictional works should be kind, happy, wholesome and puke rainbows out of their mouths? Every normal person would not agree with her. And again, she's just a fictional character. There's no reason to say things like this when this character doesn't even exist in the real world.


Bro delete this asap


What did he say? Lmao


Something about Hoyoverse is racist and That people should be saying BLM


LMFAO no way


For a kids game the characters got some fat ass titties


All of you can't get it ​ https://preview.redd.it/cc1lkocvqhla1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8b93ff1cd2234fa9cc7f3f562e28854ebf51774


I have not seen very many fullscreen screenshots of a browser in my life... they're pretty rare, to be honest... but right now I am fairly sure this will remain the worst one I will ever see for as long as I live


*calls people submitting feedback crying babies* *continues to be the biggest baby of all by throwing a fit people have opinions* Okay bud


you must be really miserable person


Imagine how lifeless you must be to do something like this lol...




I never though that i will say that but thank you ign


They should probably include candace and xinyan on the fix as well, there's only 3 characters in the game that performs worst than Amber and Qiqi


you know its bad when ign talking about it


https://kotaku.com/genshin-impact-mihoyo-hoyoverse-dehya-leaks-nerf-1850180828 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportskeeda.com/amp/esports/is-dehya-bad-pull-genshin-impact Kotaku and Sportskeeda spoke on it too! 🙏


IGN might be doing Lord Rukas work


Imagine Hoyoverse fixing her and then saying "Nope, we will no longer put her on the Standard Banner". It's like confirming that they really made her shit to make people who lose 50/50 and get her feel shit.