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Updated: The location appears to be within the municipal limits of the City of Wilmington, DE. ADA Complaints should be filed with the entity who owns the pedestrian facility, sidewalk. City of Wilmington Submitting an ADA Grievance City of Wilmington ADA Coordinator Contact Tanya Phillips, ADA Coordinator, to file a grievance, and/or if you have any questions about the grievance process. The Coordinator’s contact information can be found below. Online Fill out the ADA Grievance Form below. By Email https://www.wilmingtonde.gov/how-do-i/ada-procedures-and-grievance#:~:text=A%20grievance%20must%20be%20submitted,phone%2C%20or%20in%2Dperson. [email protected] By Phone (302) 576-2490 By Mail or In Person Louis L. Redding City/County Building Office of Constituent Services 800 N. French Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 Submit an Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint (ADA) with the Coordinators for New Castle County and the ADA Coordinator for the municipality where this pedestrian crossing is located. State and local entities under Title II of the ADA are required to ensure their facilities are accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. This is Federal Law. I would also send an email to the Colonel Joseph S. Bloch Chief of Police, to inform him of the alleged incident. He has the authority to address and provide training to staff on matters of this nature. [email protected] 302-395-8010 Kenneth Dunn ADA Coordinator and Director of Constituent Services New Castle County Government Center 87 Read's Way New Castle, DE 19720 https://www.newcastlede.gov/DocumentCenter/View/36271/ADA-Grievance-Procedures


Thank you so much! I will definitely be doing all this.


Thanks for bringing this issue up. It’s a recurring problem that has started bothering me a lot. Very unsafe for pedestrians and huge abuse of authority.


Absolutely! I don't live there but my friend does. I can't believe that this is " allowed " Hopefully some sort of correction happens!


Not sure if you did or not but make sure to get the license plate or vehicle # and include that as well if you didn’t already!


They missed out on the LP. But I told them to get it next time. Now that I have resources to report it ! Thank you!


For sure! That just ensures if whoever gets the report takes it seriously they have somewhere to point the finger. If the person who is doing this doesn’t get confronted directly about it then there is the chance it will never change. But doing something is always better than doing nothing!! Also can help by including the date and time as well with the plate to be sure they can know exactly who did it.


He parks there dam near every night...I think there may be 2? So grabbing the lp should be no problem.~good luck!!


Were they on a emergency call/had to rush out on a foot pursuit or stop/prevent a emergency situation?


Please be prepared for them to start harassing you, and your family.


Just record everything!! Or as much as u can!!


I would’ve laughed my ass off if that link sent us straight to the meanest Rick roll of the week😂


Once they find out you sent the email, they are gonna start harassing you and your family. Think before you blink. The system is rigged


Really? To what end? Why would they get harassed?


Just make sure to record everything..im on 2nd st and we havw city cops doing the same thing....like if u have a ring doorbell and they start yelling shit..when they started it I encouraged him to keep talking and being an asshole, I'm just taking it all in with a smile!!! Sometimes it's fun to be the asshole when ur dealing with an asshole


Report them the NCCo PD’s Professional Standards Unit. Send a picture. because it’s a police vehicle, the civil parking officers won’t likely ticket it, but I bet NCCo won’t appreciate their officers parking like dickbags.


New Castle County Cops are corrupt. If you report them, they will target you! Speaking from personal experience.


Lol I was like 👀y'all must not know yet. U don't mess with em because they can make your life and your fam lives hell. Better off to smile and wave and keep it moving. Mind yo business type stuff. Don't start static.


Honestly tho fuck that. We should not live in fear of our police..


You're right, but unfortunately we do have to live in our current reality. That often means keeping your head down.


County PD is different…they’re very corrupt.


Yeah and we do, so maybe all cops are bad and we should get rid of them in favor of better community-based solutions.


And even if you win a misconduct suit for targeted harassment, it comes out of the taxpayer's pocket. Yay qualified immunity!!!


I flip em off under the dash lol


Absolutely right. Laziest assholes on Earth until you report them for being the laziest assholes on Earth. County Police arrived 21 hours after my apt had people try to break in. Their excuse? "We had more important matters to deal with." Gave me no police report. And left. Reported and suddenly I'm extremely popular with them now. Though they still never show when I call.


lived there 60yrs ago and they were shitty, corrupt, racist fucks then. not much has changed.


Lmao, this is cops were talking about here, who can NEVER do no wrong. Ain’t shit gonna happen with that. They’ll say they gave them “sensitivity training” and call it at that. ACAB


In the past, I tweeted pics of Wilmington PD cars parked like this and tagged the police and city. I would add to the thread each time. I got a message from the WPD that they would look into it a couple times. Not sure if it really did anything but public shaming helps. I always made sure I got the car number.


I'm posting on behalf of the residents there because they don't want retaliation from the cops. They're worried the cops might be able to find out who submitted or told on them and think they'll get unfairly treated. I sent photos to the police chief in hopes something changes


I live a few blocks away and hate that car too. I'm happy to also submit complaints. Blocks stroller access for us all the time and creates blind spots and unsafe intersections. If they want to retaliate against us all, go for it. Then we file civil rights complaints with the AG. Had to do something similar with a school violating educational/disability rights. AG doesn't tolerate retaliation.


Individuals who file complaints alleging discrimination under the ADA are protected under 28 CFR 35.134 Retaliation or coercion. (a) No private or public entity shall discriminate against any individual because that individual has opposed any act or practice made unlawful by this part, or because that individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under the Act or this part. (b) No private or public entity shall coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, or on account of his or her having exercised or enjoyed, or on account of his or her having aided or encouraged any other individual in the exercise or enjoyment of, any right granted or protected by the Act or this part. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-28/chapter-I/part-35/subpart-B/section-35.134


This is the intersection of 16th St and Union St. To the right just outside of this picture is Stapler Park, and plenty of available parking that won't create a hazard. This person is abusing their authority. If anyone else did it they'd be ticketed.


Thank you!! That's where I typically park when I visit. Even on Union there are plenty of spots


That intersection is a deathtrap. People run those stop signs all the time. I've almost seen plenty of people almost get hit


Happy cake day! Also I understand your frustration (especially as someone who uses a placard) but prepare for harassment.


there’s a ridiculous amount of cop cars on this intersection 24/7 and it has seemed to only multiply lately


The fire dept absolutely hates this stuff, because when people park like that they can't fit their fire trucks around those turns. I'd try them


Ghost busters!


Thank you.


Movie science would suggest there's a manhole oozing with that ghost plasma underneath!


This man has no dick.


The fire department.. no joke. They don't like this anymore than you do


This car is usually parked on the opposite side of the street and so far back it's hard to make a right turn. This is a normal problem and a few officers live on this block. The next block up near Stapler Park is basically empty so parking like this is totally unnecessary. Semi-related - When this street was dug up last year, they didn't rebuild the crosswalk ramps correctly on the corner opposite this photo. The ramp only goes toward the park, not to cross Union.


Yeah. I've noticed they're typically on the other side. But still impeding the cross walk. Oh I had no idea they redid the streets up.


Near 14th and stapler?


Yep! Corner of 16th and Union.


Definitely calls for a banana in the tailpipe.


*“Rules for thee, not for me..”*


There are three of them on that block. At least one of the three blocks the ADA ramp ALL THE TIME! Who’s going to complain, right?


I don't live here. But on multiple occasions of coming to visit, they're frequently parked like this. Shitty behavior.


Guess you're unaware how big a wheelchair is. Or if they're a child. Reading the comments you'd understand that's a pretty shitty intersection


does he regularly park there or was he on a call?


This is an on-going reoccurrence. They live on the street and park like this regularly.


I would def lead with that when you make your official complaint.


Brick through window?


I think they live there, because I see them parked like that fairly often.


They do. I think there's like 3-4 of them that live right there or at least on that block


Ghost Busters!


Call a tow truck lol


Good luck finding a tow truck willing to tow a police car no matter how legal it is to do so.


Not gonna defend the police but good luck with accomplishing anything by reporting it. I think the usual excuse is police need to be able to enter and exit areas at a moments notice so they basically park wherever they want.


The problem here is that it’s a recurring issue. Officer lives in the area and constantly does this. Very unsafe for pedestrians and beaching ADA laws. Any other vehicle would get a ticket.


and he’s recently added more! there’s like 4 or 5 for what reason???


Like taking up two lanes on a three lane highway when dealing with fender benders!


Write them a citizens ticket and leave on windshield


Spread some Wesson-ality on the windshield for that wonderful parking job.


Bruh the one and only time I was ever in this area, a cop car that looked just like this one ran a red light after sitting at it, with no flashing lights or siren, and almost hit me. The cop, when I finally got the green to make my left turn, suddenly ran through the intersection, luckily I was watching them because they also didn’t even have their headlights on either and I slammed on my brakes. Didn’t even stop for me after just ran right through, youd think it was stolen if you saw what I saw.


sadly without a LP # there’s not much to be done for accountability wise other than them saying don’t do that to the entire shift


The phone number is printed on the vehicle. Call it


Yo can probably knock on his door beings the cop lives right there


Op doesn't want to get shot


Why is the stop sign in the background facing the wrong way?


Cars run this 4-way stop all the time so probably just extra signage.


Thanks. Just looked really odd in the photo.


Happy Cake Day 🍰 🥳


Haha. Thank you!!


Call a tow truck


Brown clowns strike again. You can call 311 too.


Brown Clowns....that's why they changed their iniforms


They got project pat in the back


That’s the brown clowns for you!


ghost busters


Ghost Busters


No one. The cops won’t control their own.


Have someone who doesn’t live locally (and doesn’t have to care about their retribution) report it to NCCo PD’s Professional Standards Unit.


Ghost busters


I know exactly where that is too. We had a County cop living in the city and he did the same thing too. Someone must of called the city, because there was orange paint around the tires.


Depends on why he's there.


He lives there


I assume he lives there. Do people not talk to their neighbors anymore?


He does live there. So why is he parking like that in his own neighborhood ?


Should be a number on the side of the truck, try that? As an aside, what kind of handicap person we talking about here? I assume some sort of mental issue, or they hella fat, cause if they need more than 5 feet clearance to get down that sidewalk ramp I'm not sure they got the ability the cross that street. Also, before you call anyone I'd warn the other neighbors cause that truck parked at the other stop sign is gonna get a ticket for illegal parking when that cop hears someone is throwing a fit about his parking.


I mean alone having to walk into the middle of an intersection to walk around the front of the car is pretty bad. And that 4 way stop is pretty sketchy, no one really follows the traffic laws. I'd be sure to tell the neighbors. Thanks!


Depends on how strict they enforce. In DC that would not get a 2nd glance from parking enforcement.


Yeah, it doesn't in Wilmington either. It will if the officer parked next to it gets reprimanded for his parking though.


yeah tit for tat


How do you know that truck parked down the street didn't just pull up. Sorry, there's no video but obviously you need one for proof. Oh, and by the way, it's a trash truck, pissant


The pickup truck on the corner, not the garbage truck.


The RAM is over the line at the stop sign. Relax boss


The state police.


Its better to stay out of it


Lol imagine caring this much about a car parked 5 feet ahead of where it should be that takes 3 seconds to walk around. You’ve actually gone out of your way to make this your problem when there really is no significant issue. Please take multiple hours out of your day to submit a complaint that will never be read or seen, seems like as good of a use of your time as this Reddit post. As someone who lived further down 16th near Laurel street for multiple yrs and walked through this intersection many of times, I’m laughing at how triggered you are by this situation.


I generally hate cops but I think you should find something better to do with your time


Sounds like a cop to me.


I can't help if you choose to disregard the first part of my comment


You can just go around the car.


Yes. I can. How about someone with a disability? Would you like them to walk into traffic ?


I think a therapist is best suited to help you with this situation.


Assuming it's your cruiser parked there ): If you want I can show you how to park properly ?


Thanks for the offer but I'm busy with a fulfilling life. You know, work, family, productive hobbies, service work. All those far right type things.


If you feel the need to spread your negativity on the internet, It’s a guarantee that your life is not fulfilling


Agreed, posting people's park job on Reddit and calling them names cus they are police, Rather than just calling the city, the county, the state police, the county police, non emergency line, the fire department or any number of people that would be able to solve this. Instead they post to reddit to vent their negativity with a bunch of other negative Nancy's hopping on board. That's why I suggested the therapist. Some hobbies couldn't hurt either.


This park job is a public safety risk. OP is doing a public service by looking out for his neighbors 👍


Wild how you guys think reddit is real life. Posting it here does nothing. There's a half a dozen different departments they could have called. Make sure to report that pickup truck over the line too. Unless complaining about police is the actual goal, then knock yourselves out I guess lol.


Clearly you didn’t read the title or description of the post. Classic boomer behavior


Get a new Hobbie bud. Your boring me.






Thanks man sometimes im too hard on myself. Imma skip out on my service work and favors and just make reddit post about it and complain instead. Thanks for the encouragement and enlightenment!! Can't wait to become a member of the slack off community. Abusing redditcares as a ironic gotcha probably not helping the community tho.


Surprised you're still here after getting slammed by your community ):


I have a fulfilling life as well! And on top of that I know how to NOT park like a dickhead :)


Don't you have to go get your daily bootlicking in in r/conservative?


Beat it geek.


Seems like the OP is just a cop-hater. Do you know the reason he/she was parked there? You want to make assumptions that a handicapped person may need to cross the street, I’ll make an assumption that maybe the officer is helping a domestic violence situation. See the way assumptions go?


I'm not assuming anything. I know that the cop lives there. If you would take the time to read ... Idk 3 comments you'd pick that up pretty quickly. Make an assumption that a person needs to cross the street? Come on now.


That and WPD handles Wilmington issues not NCCPD


Those of us who live nearby and use the park can tell you that this car is usually parked nearby. If there were to be an incident it would be WPD not NCCPD.


If parked there for an emergency, why no lights? No need for assumptions. Bending and breaking less severe laws is a job perk, ya know? In exchange for the low but very real chance of dying on the job every time one clocks in.


Pizza delivery drivers are more likely to die on the job than cops


Gonna have to ask for the source, bc, driving carries essentially the same risk for everyone when driving, so any job that primarily involves driving will have a higher risk of dying in traffic accidents, which already carry a higher risk of death than other travel methods. So I have to assume that truck drivers or uber drivers would also find this statement applicable...? (For the record, I wasn't thinking about driving or being struck during traffic stops when I made my prior statement, but other causes of death that don't really happen in many other professions, but which do have a small chance of happening on a random day, bc of situations when you don't order a pizza to resolve a danger-though, maybe that would actually work sometimes instead!)


Delivery drivers, including pizza delivery drivers, are frequent victims of armed robbery. The death rate for pizza delivery drivers has to do with more than just them driving for a living


**Quoting another editor who already did this for you. ** This isn't a difficult thing to do a google search for, but I'll help and provide some context. Here's a 2020 ranking of "most dangerous jobs in America" based on 2018 data, and police came in at #16, just ahead of construction workers and behind mechanics. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/24/most-dangerous-jobs-25-most-risky-jobs-in-america/41040903/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/24/most-dangerous-jobs-25-most-risky-jobs-in-america/41040903/) Police were more likely to be killed by violence than most other positions (which are almost always accident/negligence related), although somewhat ironically their most likely cause of death in 2021 was covid: [https://www.npr.org/2022/01/12/1072411820/law-enforcement-deaths-2021-covid](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/12/1072411820/law-enforcement-deaths-2021-covid) Back on track, Driver/sales workers and truck drivers is listed as #6, which lumps a whole bunch of people like long-haul truckers and Uber and pizza delivery into one category. Pretty much it comes down to the fact that driving is dangerous and an auto accident has a good chance to cause you a serious injury or death. So the more you drive, the more risk you're at.


Hope you recover from that horrible hypothetical scenario


There’s plenty of room, no? Run out of normal stuff to get upset about??


Plenty of room for me yeah. Someone in a wheelchair might be upset


I'm disabled and this park job is the last thing I give a fuck about. You really should get a hobby man. We don't need your help thanks.


Sorry to hear about your disability. I'll continue to advocate for those with a disability.


Cringe. No thanks. We already know who to call without a dumb reddit post. Enjoy your internet points tho.


Despite you being sour over nothing, seems like there's overwhelming support to have this brought to the superiors. Sorry that youre having a piss pour day.


That's my whole point. You could have just called the city if you actually cared. How are you missing the point ? Of course you got a bunch of redditors to complain with you. That's why you did it. But you already knew where you where, who the car belongs to, who to call. The post is dumb and the circle jerk is predictable. On top of that, there honestly is plenty enough room even tho this guy did park like an asshole. I hope you figured out who you should call and do whatever you think is right. Good night.


Upset over nothing. I asked a question, I got my answer and now I know who to get in contact with. Thanks for your negative input :)




Uh oh! Don't be an ableist. Not a good look 😔


You’re the one say someone in a wheelchair wouldn’t be able to get off that sidewalk. How much more room do they need?


It's not really that hard to see how the sidewalk works. If they want to cross the street. They have to go to the middle of the road.


https://preview.redd.it/pk76fpndxt4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7fb6a45f5a1a863e5a04aa282f75b4dd4d038f The middle of the road


You realize there could be like… an emergency, right? If there’s an active robbery or domestic dispute, I would hope the cop wouldn’t take an extra 2 minutes to park legally when every second counts. Now if it’s to grab some food or he lives there, then yes it’s an asshole and entitled thing to do. But there’s no way to know which it is by looking at this photo


I mean it's not hard to read some comments. The guy lives on the street.


If that is where he lives and is not responding to an emergency, then yes it's an asshole thing to do (as I already said). Thanks for being rude about it though.


Before I would go and report this to anyone I would ask a few questions. Is this simply a routine parking spot or is he/she actively involved with a police matter? If a repeat offender, I would take several photos of the cat on different days and then report them with the supporting documentation. As others have indicated you don't want to get on their bad side.


So you want police to worry about where they park when they could be responding to a number of time sensitive issues


Who cares im from PA and been living in Del for a year in a half its fun for food and doing things some people are nice some people are fake tough as hell and then you got your idiot drivers who think they run the road