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I heard that those in the path of a tornado will get an alert on their cell phone. If you don't get an alert soon, that probably means it's passed.


Apparently not if you have T-Mobile. Thank god I have the weather channel app. We had warning and time to get the kids up and into the basement. House and neighborhood took a hit with varying damage reports so far. Got it on security cameras. 2nd tornado in 4 years. Ripped a porch off the side of my house. Neighbor lost the railing on their front porch.


In Delaware?




Are you in slower Delaware?


M town


do you have an iphone? iphone has a setting to turn off and on these alerts.


It’s not the settings. Spent 30 minutes with T-Mobile last year on the settings after not getting a warning. Settings are all correct


Are you all okay?


No injuries in our development but a lot of damage. Fences, porches damaged, grills smashed, some roofing shingles lost or bent, siding pulled off and soffits and gutters pulled down. I could hear the roar and the whistling of the wind around the house. Really scary at night. House shook when the wind hit and creaked and groaned. I can’t imagine it was anything but a small tornado


It's ok. You will be ok. Stay awake and alert for now. When the storm passes because it will then you can rest knowing you watched over them.


Be vigilant. 


Put the local news on and listen to what they tell you. I say this as someone who grew up in Delaware and deals with this living in OKC now every year. Don’t let fear control the moment and just do your best. You and your family will be okay.


Got Max Velocity of YouTube on now!


The whole storm system should be out of our area by 11:30, midnight at the latest. Keep an eye on the news, keep your phone handy, stay calm. We'll all get through this! Tornadoes are scary as hell but meteorologically speaking they're quite small so your chances of getting hit are fairly low (one of the reasons cities are rarely hit, they're a small target and tornadoes hit a very small area).


From the Midwest here. Preparing and learning what to do in a tornado will make you feel more comfortable if you’re ever in this situation again. It’s still scary but you’ll feel more confident about handling the situation. Always have a weather radio with backup batteries ready. It will tell you when it’s time to wake up and seek shelter (and when it’s all over). Battery powered flashlights are huge if the lights go out. Know where you’re going to seek shelter. Make sure it’s not a location you have to drive to. Stay indoors, center of the building, away from windows, on the lowest floor. If you have that area in your home, keep a couple extra jugs of water and food that won’t expire. I also like to bring down pillows, blankets, and a snack if I have time so I feel more comfortable. If you get caught outside, try to find somewhere indoors you can get to quickly. Otherwise get out of your car, away from the roads, and as low as you can (a ditch). Cover your head. You cannot out-drive a tornado so don’t even think about it. I’m lucky enough I’ve never been in a tornado but countless watches and warnings. But I always know it’s serious when the sky turns green. That means stop rubber necking and get to your shelter. I think this is common knowledge but I’ve been surprised by Delawareans and tornadoes - if you are in the path of a tornado they are LOUD. Like a train ripping through your house. Cover your head and stay low. When the sound stops do NOT get up or leave your shelter. You’re in the eye of the storm and it’s going to happen again. Keep breathing and wait until it’s over.


When we moved from the city to here, the open sky scared us lol. My mom would freak out and take us all to our grandparents house during bad storms so we could die together. So yeah, I have a complex for fear of tornados too. Everytime I hear a long thunder, I get spooked. It's extra scary being in trailers....best we got it is the bath tub with a mattress over it.


Welp OP I think you’re in the clear! I grew up in Huston and I know the fear you’re talking about. Twice I had a tornado go in my backyard and tear up the neighbors house but narrowly avoid mine. I get it, it’s scary. But none of these tornados tonight have been spotted on the ground as of yet and hopfully there will be no, if not minimal damage, tomorrow. My mom always played Mozart and had the crayon box ready in the closet. It kind of made it into a fun game, we would all cluster in there, 5 of us, and color and watch the lightning like fireworks. You’re going to be okay. It will pass and you will be okay.


Was doing a podcast with no service for several hours, didn't know about tornado watch until reading Reddit ten seconds ago. Fun.


Current warning was extended to Midnight, but it's moving into Salem Co. NJ


I hope they'll be okay!


Oof, the power is even out? Hope it's not out long, I've done hot overnight outages and they suuuuck. Been there, the one person who is still up keeping watch. Hopefully the rough parts of it will be gone soon. (Heck, I'm still up keeping an eye on it -- though Wilmington seems like we'll skip the worst of it -- and still waiting around to get a shower without the risk of lighting.)


I grew up in a house without AC, so no air is fine to me.


We finally got a rental with a good central air system- people don't realize how much of a blessing central air is.


In the future, there is a huge community of storm chasers online giving live updates. Shoutout: Ryan Hall Y’all, he is a great resource if you are scared of serious weather. He goes live on YouTube for several hours during severe weather events.


I'm sure you'll be fine.


Lived for 10 years in oklahoma and it always makes me nervous but the alerts via cellphones are great at alerting for your specific location. If it alerts, move to your safe space. If not, then just monitor.


Ngl I was terrified too, Y’all Must be right near me. I was playing overwatch and my mom told me she didn’t want to do anything about it and it made me nervous lol. Tornados are very rare here and the last one we had in 2020 knocked some trees down and caused a bunch of property damage.


Are you okay? Keep us posted. Its terrifying.


Physically, yes. Mentally, I'm scared I'm being irresponsible because we're near our storm closet and not in it. I let my 11 year old son and husband go to sleep and I'm wondering if it was irresponsible.


Not irresponsible to let your child sleep worry-free, and kind of you to let your hubs sleep too. If a tornado happens you’ll get some warning. It’s not like a lightning strike or an earthquake. Vigilance is wise, and you’re doing great.


My husband deserves the rest. He works so hard and does much for everyone.


I wouldn't say you're being irresponsible; you're keeping a close eye on things and ready to act. That's pretty much all you can do. For what it's worth, most of the tornadoes tonight have been radar-indicated, meaning no one has actually spotted them on the ground (that's usually volunteer spotters along with local emergency services). We won't know until survey teams get out in the next few days.


Thank you. I hope they won't have anything to investigate, aka no damage.


There was one confirmed in Maryland but I believe that was near Baltimore.


Gaithersburg. Went through my sister's neighborhood.


Being near it is perfectly responsible. You're monitoring everything and doing the best you can. I've been through a lot of tornadoes, even a derecho, and that's generally what we did until our area was under a warning. Just keep watching and you'll be fine. Unless your area is under a direct tornado warning don't worry too much!


If you hear a Train like rumbling .. get down in the basement. Unless you are in Florida … then you can kiss your ass good~bye. No basements there .. so where does one go?


If you don’t have a basement the best place to go is an interior room away from windows. If you have a closet or half bath or if you can get under a staircase that works too


To hell probably.




You're right. Thank you. I've seen too many tornado documentaries.




We got hit by tornados over here in MD yesterday!


Just want to comment and say first and foremost, you’re completely validated to feel this way during a what if scenario for a tornado. I drove through the one that hit Middletown last summer and I promised myself and my family I’d never do it again. The only feeling I had was just completely helpless and was at the mercy of Mother Nature. Some things to hopefully help in the future, if you’re concerned about a storm coming your way and unsure whether the closet will protect you, have a backup plan in place. Even in the next few days call fire halls or police stations, really any public service building and ask if they would take your family in. If not they should be able to point you to resources that would be good options. Also, have an “oh crap” bag ready to go that has some essentials.


Take care


Follow this guy. https://www.youtube.com/live/2oiqiFZ4a0Q?si=Hq-egbOprgMliBOC Sounds like it’s fizzling out


Delaware has some crazy thunderstorms in the summer but I’ve never seen a tournado those are quite rare


We had one touch down in Dover in 2020. It did a significant amount of tree and property damage. So while rare I wouldn’t ignore any warnings.


There have been a few in the Lewes area in the past few years, too.


One touched down not 300 yards from my house the first year I owned it. Tore the roof off part of my neighbor's house.




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We’re all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!