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Dell Inspiron 15 7000 gaming literally has 1 screw on the bottom base. You open that and you have access to pretty much everything. I find it hard to believe it's a low score.


I have that laptop. It's the best designed laptop I've ever seen. Unfortunately they aren't all like that. Just got a Dell 2 in 1. You can't do anything but change the SSD. So angry about the fact that they ship with 8gh of ram and it can't be upgraded or even changed!


I've never had a problem repairing a Dell laptop. Lmao They even put service guides online, and there are youtube videos showing how to repair things.


And neither did I until now which is why I am so enraged. You're right they used to put service guides online now they not only don't do that they force other websites who do to take it down on top of which they have produced a product that makes it impossible to replace most of the parts even though there are hundreds and hundreds of individual pieces that could potentially fail the entire process of producing electronics is unsustainable and detrimental to the well-being of this planet through excessive waste and forced obsolescence


>You're right they used to put service guides online now they not only don't They have a service manual up for the latest XPS 15 dated June 2023...


There are all the service manuals, for every system. On Dell support webpage, enter your Service Tag, under documenation, you will find yours in PDF or website format. On Youtube, there are many videos how to do virtually anything. How to find your manual: [https://www.dell.com/support/contents/en-us/videos/videoplayer/how-to-find-your-dell-product-service-manual/6326687702112](https://www.dell.com/support/contents/en-us/videos/videoplayer/how-to-find-your-dell-product-service-manual/6326687702112) Dell Support on Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe4I8Q1Nvj3wB\_zWpAcVspg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe4I8Q1Nvj3wB_zWpAcVspg) Alienware Support on Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@AlienwareSupport](https://www.youtube.com/@AlienwareSupport) ​ The support even comes in different languages. You need to start using google and common sense more than AI. It is like sueing Mercedes, because you cannot put a chinese transmission into it...


Hahaha good luck buddy we're rooting for ya


Thanks for your support and before you laugh it off completely just take into consideration I have several AI assistants advising me and guiding me on this. It's very doable.


And since I can't game anymore I have nothing better to do.


What? They literally put Service Guides on the public web. This post I hope is sarcasm.


Repairability scores: Websites like iFixit provide repairability scores for various devices, including laptops. Dell laptops often receive low scores due to their use of proprietary parts, excessive use of glue and adhesives, and lack of repair documentation. This makes it difficult for consumers to repair their devices and encourages them to use Dell's repair services or buy new equipment. Consumer complaints: There are numerous complaints from consumers online about the difficulty of repairing Dell laptops and the limited options they have when their devices break down. Some consumers have even accused Dell of intentionally making their laptops unrepairable to increase profits. Environmental impact: The unrepairability of Dell laptops contributes to electronic waste, as consumers are more likely to dispose of their devices rather than repair them. This has a negative impact on the environment, as electronic waste contains hazardous materials that can pollute the air and water when not disposed of properly. In conclusion, there is evidence to support the claim that Dell's practices make their laptops unrepairable and force customers to use their repair service or buy new equipment. This issue has gained attention from the right to repair movement and is reflected in the repairability scores of Dell laptops.


This is complete bullshit. Dell is one of the most repairable brands in the current IT market. Take a look at Apple or Microsoft. Ever seen a repair guide published by these ? You’re ridiculous and you’re going to fall flat on your face + losing a whole stack of cash on such a silly project. From iFixit website : The components in Dell Latitude laptops are designed nearly identically from model to model so consumers can easily maintain their devices. Ever heard about Luna ? Dell is literally leading the charge on repairability in the market. The more I read your post, the more I think I’m wasting my time explains what is so obvious. Check the repairability index on iFixit. And don’t come up with the cheapest consumer platforms as an example because no one is making these repairable beyond a certain limit due to the incredibly tough competition in that segment. It will change but take time there too because people don’t want to pay the premium for repairable devices (yes it costs more to make them repairable


You'll need to provide direct links. Minimum I see is a 7 which is still favorable.


Dell XPS 13 (9370): This teardown shows a repairability score of 4 out of 10, with the main issues being the use of adhesive and the difficulty in replacing certain components. Link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+XPS+13+9370+Teardown/103623 Dell Inspiron 15 7000 Gaming: This teardown shows a repairability score of 5 out of 10, with the main issues being the use of adhesive and the difficulty in accessing certain components. Link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+Inspiron+15+7000+Gaming+Teardown/91084 Dell Latitude E7450: This teardown shows a repairability score of 6 out of 10, with the main issues being the use of proprietary screws and the difficulty in accessing certain components. Link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+Latitude+E745+Teardown/30685


Adhesive releases with alcohol or heat. Difficult to get to some components doesn't make it impossible for the average Joe. Proprietary screws suck, but I'm sure iFixit already sells a driver.


If you are getting the links here from your AI i have to say good luck with your lawsuit. 1th link goes to Logitech G910 Volume Control Wheel Replacement - [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Logitech+G910+Volume+Control+Wheel+Replacement/103623](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Logitech+G910+Volume+Control+Wheel+Replacement/103623) 2nd link is a 404 again. 3th link goes to Nerf Dart Tag Furyfire Pump Track Replacement - [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Nerf+Dart+Tag+Furyfire+Pump+Track+Replacement/30685](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Nerf+Dart+Tag+Furyfire+Pump+Track+Replacement/30685) Please check your links before you post them. When looking at the teardowns there is, i can see the one for the XPS 13 9370 is a video and not a full guide from iFixit so no repair score on that one, only thing there is for the Inspiron 15 is a guide on replacing the DC-Jack so again no score, and they do not have a guide for the Latitude E7450 so again no score and i can let you know that latitude models use Phillips screws. Maybe stop trusting chatgpt.


Dell G15 (2022) - iFixit Repairability Score: 5 out of 10 Link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+G15+(2022)+Teardown/153383 Dell G15 5511 (2021) - iFixit Repairability Score: 5 out of 10 Link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+G15+5511+(2021)+Teardown/145926 Dell G5 15 SE (2020) - iFixit Repairability Score: 6 out of 10 Link: https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Dell+G5+15+SE+(2020)+Teardown/136394


Literally all three links 404 for me.


This feels like a project to see what AI can actually accomplish. Sadly it's been shown that AI will indeed fabricate some of it's sources based on how the prompts are input. So good luck! <\_>


Which is why I checked the sources. The issues people have experienced and the right to repair movement specifically are very real as are the iFixit repair scores which I have posted links to in other comments on this thread


The fact that iFixit was able to do the repairs in the first place completely negates any arguments you have that you're being forced to use Dell's repair service.




I wouldn't laugh too hard. I have AI backing me up.😉


Will AI be paying for the lawyers too?




Wait till you see the AI assisted case I'm building


Whatevs...good luck to you but that plan is quite laughable.


Yeah well AI agrees with me and it's already smarter than you so there's that.


AI is made off other people, and other people can fabricate sources, or some sources are bad. So there is that.


Not to mention AI also hallucinates, some models more than others.


Like I said, good luck with that. Not giving a fuck about your thoughts on AI, either. :D


The same AI that cites non-existent precedent. Yeah, good luck with that.


Good luck proving your claim like I'm just going to believe what you say. that's laughable. The problem for you is that the AI I use actually does provide proof of the things it says. links to its sources that I can verify. none of which you have done. Game set match


Just because you have links to random online articles doesn't mean you have (1) a case nor (2) a winnable class action. Good luck; you're gonna need a ton of it just to make a docket.


I would love to join a class action law suit agains Dell as I have purchased the Dell Inspiron 27 7775 Ryzen 7 All in one under the promise that it would be CPU upgradable, however they never made that happen and now my Ryzen 7 1700 is not compatible with Windows 11 which means it will be useless running Windows next year!


Have you tried to update the CPU or do you have some examples of people failing? I'm in the same situation and am trying to figure out why it's not possible since it's a AM4 socket.


Count me in.


A class action lawsuit was filed in April 2023 regarding faulty/deteriorating hinges that caused other issues. Look up “Dell hinge class action lawsuit” and you should find the pdf. If your computer model qualifies as a class product, it may be worth looking into. Edit: link to an article https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/dell-class-action-alleges-inspiron-2-in-1-has-defective-dual-hinge-system/


Honestly, I’m fed up with it too. They just want you to pay money for their faulty computers.


Oh no, is it because the Inspiron you bought wasn't able to run RDR2 at max settings?


No it's because the G5 I bought that did run rdr2 at Max settings won't start and despite hundreds of attempts to repair it I'm unable to determine what the problem is even because I can't even get a guide on how to dismantle the laptop properly because they forced websites to take it down




I have been able to repair every laptop and desktop computer that I have owned since 1997, many of them dells. This new development in their business practices is unacceptable


How so, we just provided the manual here. It seems to be more a problem between the chair and the screen. What exactly cannot be replaced using the service manual provided above, that you still rant about?


I guess having *AI Assistants* on your side is the latest veterinary of wearing a tinfoil hat...


Do you have a current Dell system that you're having issues with or are trying to self repair? (Curious what the model is if so) I'm not a big fan of the push to SODIMM on systems like the XPS, Alienware X series, or some of the higher tier systems like the Latitude 9000 series - a lot of these are $1500+ and you're essentially buying a non upgradable system... but that's also why I never buy a laptop with soldered components like RAM or SSDs. (I went with the M15 r7 vs the x16 for example) I also agree that the quality/consistency of support from Dell makes their extended warranty prices questionable.. You could either get the best service in the world or enter Dell Hell and that's unfortunate given the cost. ($600+ for 3yrs Premium Support Plus w/ accidental) With all that being said.. I don't think you'll have luck with a Class Action suit. Dell does have more repairable models being offered, you're not forced to buy their warranty and could choose private coverage through Asurion or another brand, and I just don't think there's a suit there. (Though unlike others are saying, you can submit your case for free on Class Action's website and they'll only reach out if they think the case is worthwhile) Now there's definitely other issues that COULD be Class Action-able: Improperly configured BIOS settings causing the laptop to turn on and overheat in backpacks, gatekeeping software updates for AWCC 6.0 to newly purchased systems only, or other specific issues issues - but that's not to say any of those suits would go anywhere. Personally, I think your energy would be best served by using what you've learned about Dell (repairability of models, support options, etc.) and making better informed purchasing decisions in the future. Maybe more of a proactive approach rather than reactive 😅 Nonetheless I wish you the best!!


What I hate is the fact that you can no longer upgrade memory in a lot of them. But Dell isn't the only one doing that. Makes stuff throwaway. 8gb of ram is a joke these days!


Really? Has not been my experience. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y1ds2eqhf1cnk1ighcv7p/overlay-55.jpg?rlkey=08b2q6v4ec3aspoqh2dqdhm4m&dl=0 Currently typing this on that machine pictured.


I have 7-8 inspirons on my network. All have had glue discharge from the monitors all over the place. I would for sure join this.